> {-# LANGUAGE GADTs, MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies,
>     FlexibleInstances, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleContexts #-} 
> module Text.Regex.Deriv.RE where
> import Data.List (nub)
> import Data.Char (chr)
> import Text.Regex.Deriv.Common (PosEpsilon(..), IsEpsilon(..), IsPhi(..), Simplifiable(..), IsGreedy(..), GFlag(..))
> import Text.Regex.Deriv.Dictionary (Key(..), primeL, primeR)
> -- | data type of the regular expresions
> data RE = Phi 
>  | Empty        -- ^ an empty exp
>  | L Char	  -- ^ a literal / a character
>  | Choice [RE] GFlag -- ^ a choice exp 'r1 + r2'
>  | ChoiceInt [RE] -- ^ internal choice used in the BitCode version
>  | Seq RE RE     -- ^ a pair exp '(r1,r2)'
>  | Star RE GFlag -- ^ a kleene's star exp 'r*'
>  | Any           -- ^ .
>  | Not [Char]    -- ^ excluding characters e.g. [^abc]
>   deriving Show
> -- | the eq instance
> instance Eq RE where
>     (==) Empty Empty = True
>     (==) (L x) (L y) = x == y
>     (==) (Choice rs1 g1) (Choice rs2 g2) = (g1 == g2) && (rs2 == rs1) 
>     (==) (ChoiceInt rs1) (ChoiceInt rs2) = (rs2 == rs1) 
>     (==) (Seq r1 r2) (Seq r3 r4) = (r1 == r3) && (r2 == r4)
>     (==) (Star r1 g1) (Star r2 g2) = g1 == g2 && r1 == r2 
>     (==) Any Any = True
>     (==) (Not cs) (Not cs') = cs == cs' 
>     (==) Phi Phi = True
>     (==) _ _ = False
> instance Ord RE where
>     compare Empty Empty = {-# SCC "compare0" #-} EQ
>     compare (L x) (L y) = {-# SCC "compare1" #-} compare x y
>     compare (Choice rs1 _) (Choice rs2 _) =  
>         let l1 = length rs1   
>             l2 = length rs2
>             -- rs1' = reverse rs1
>             -- rs2' = reverse rs2
>         in if l1 == l2
>            then
>               {-# SCC "compare2" #-} compare rs1 rs2
>            else compare l1 l2 
>     compare (ChoiceInt rs1) (ChoiceInt rs2) =  
>         let l1 = length rs1   
>             l2 = length rs2
>             -- rs1' = reverse rs1
>             -- rs2' = reverse rs2
>         in if l1 == l2
>            then
>               {-# SCC "compare2" #-} compare rs1 rs2
>            else compare l1 l2 
>     compare (Seq r1 r2) (Seq r3 r4) = 
>       let x = {-# SCC "compare3" #-} compare r1 r3
>       in x `seq` case x of 
>       { EQ -> {-# SCC "compare4" #-} compare r2 r4
>       ; _  -> x }
>     compare (Star r1 _) (Star r2 _) = {-# SCC "compare5" #-} compare r1 r2
>     compare Any Any = {-# SCC "compare6" #-} EQ
>     compare (Not cs) (Not cs') = compare cs cs'
>     compare r1 r2 = {-# SCC "compare7" #-} compare (assignInt r1) (assignInt r2)
>      where assignInt Empty = 0
>            assignInt (L _) = 1             
>            assignInt (Choice _ _) = 2
>            assignInt (Seq _ _) = 3
>            assignInt (Star _ _) = 4
>            assignInt Any = 5
>            assignInt (Not _) = 6
>            assignInt (ChoiceInt _) = 7
>            assignInt Phi = 8                                                                              
> {-
> -- | A pretty printing function for regular expression
> instance Show RE where
>     show Phi = "{}"
>     show Empty = "<>"
>     show (L c) = show c
>     show (Choice rs g) = "(" ++ show rs ++ ")" ++ show g
>     show (ChoiceInt rs) = "(i:" ++ show rs ++ ":i)"
>     show (Seq r1 r2) = "<" ++ show r1 ++ "," ++ show r2 ++ ">"
>     show (Star r g) = show r ++ "*" ++ show g
>     show Any = "."
>     show (Not cs) = "[^" ++ cs ++ "]"
> -}
> instance IsGreedy RE where
>     isGreedy Phi = True
>     isGreedy Empty = False
>     isGreedy (Choice _ Greedy) = True
>     isGreedy (Choice _ NotGreedy) = False -- (isGreedy r1) || (isGreedy r2)
>     isGreedy (Seq r1 r2) = (isGreedy r1) || (isGreedy r2)
>     isGreedy (Star r Greedy) = True
>     isGreedy (Star r NotGreedy) = False
>     isGreedy (L _) = True
>     isGreedy Any = True
>     isGreedy (Not _) = True
> instance Key RE where
>     hash Phi = [0]
>     hash Empty = [1]
>     hash (Choice _ Greedy) = {- let x1 = head (hash r1)
>                                      x2 = head (hash r2)
>                                  in [ 3 +  x1 * primeL + x2 * primeR ] -} [3]
>     hash (Choice _ NotGreedy) = {- let x1 = head (hash r1)
>                                         x2 = head (hash r2)
>                                     in [ 4 + x1 * primeL + x2 * primeR ] -} [4]
>     hash (Seq r1 r2) = let x1 = head (hash r1)
>                            x2 = head (hash r2)
>                        in [ 5 + x1 * primeL + x2 * primeR ] --  [5]
>     hash (Star r Greedy) = {- let x = head (hash r)
>                            in [ 6 + x * primeL ] -} [6]
>     hash (Star r NotGreedy) = {- let x = head (hash r)
>                             in [ 7 + x * primeL ] -} [7]
>     hash (L c) = {- let x = head (hash c)
>                  in [ 8 + x * primeL ] -} [8]
>     hash Any = [2]
>     hash (Not _) = [9]
> -- | function 'resToRE' sums up a list of regular expressions with the choice operation.
> resToRE :: [RE] -> RE
> resToRE x@(r:res) = Choice x Greedy
> resToRE [] = Phi
> instance PosEpsilon RE where
>   posEpsilon Phi = False
>   posEpsilon Empty = True
>   posEpsilon (Choice rs g) = any posEpsilon rs
>   posEpsilon (ChoiceInt rs) = any posEpsilon rs
>   posEpsilon (Seq r1 r2) = (posEpsilon r1) && (posEpsilon r2)
>   posEpsilon (Star r g) = True
>   posEpsilon (L _) = False
>   posEpsilon Any = False
>   posEpsilon (Not _) = False
> -- | function 'isEpsilon' checks whether epsilon = r
> instance IsEpsilon RE where
>   isEpsilon Phi = False
>   isEpsilon Empty = True
>   isEpsilon (Choice rs g) = all isEpsilon rs
>   isEpsilon (Seq r1 r2) = (isEpsilon r1) && (isEpsilon r2)
>   isEpsilon (Star Phi g) = True
>   isEpsilon (Star r g) = isEpsilon r
>   isEpsilon (L _) = False
>   isEpsilon Any = False
>   isEpsilon (Not _) = False
> instance IsPhi RE where
>   isPhi Phi = True
>   isPhi Empty = False
>   isPhi (Choice [] _) = True
>   isPhi (Choice rs g) = all isPhi rs
>   isPhi (ChoiceInt []) = True
>   isPhi (ChoiceInt rs) = all isPhi rs
>   isPhi (Seq r1 r2) = (isPhi r1) || (isPhi r2)
>   isPhi (Star r g) = False
>   isPhi (L _) = False
>   isPhi Any = False
>   isPhi (Not _) = False
> -- | function 'partDeriv' implements the partial derivative operations for regular expressions. We don't pay attention to the greediness flag here.
> partDeriv :: RE -> Char -> [RE]
> partDeriv r l = let pds = (partDerivSub r l)
>                 in {-# SCC "nub_pd" #-} nub (map simplify pds)                                                 
> partDerivSub Phi l = []
> partDerivSub Empty l = []
> partDerivSub (L l') l 
>     | l == l'   = [Empty]
>     | otherwise = []
> partDerivSub Any l = [Empty]
> partDerivSub (Not cs) l 
>     | l `elem` cs = []
>     | otherwise = [Empty]
> partDerivSub (Choice rs g) l = concatMap (\ r -> partDerivSub r l) rs
> partDerivSub (Seq r1 r2) l 
>     | posEpsilon r1 = 
>           let 
>               s0 = partDerivSub r1 l
>               s1 = s0 `seq` [ (Seq r1' r2) | r1' <- s0 ]
>               s2 = partDerivSub r2 l
>           in s1 `seq` s2 `seq` (s1 ++ s2)
>     | otherwise = 
>         let 
>             s0 = partDerivSub r1 l 
>         in s0 `seq` [ (Seq r1' r2) | r1' <- s0 ]
> partDerivSub (Star r g) l = 
>     let
>         s0 = partDerivSub r l
>     in s0 `seq` [ (Seq r' (Star r g)) | r' <- s0 ]
> -- | function 'sigmaRE' returns all characters appearing in a reg exp.
> sigmaRE :: RE -> [Char]
> sigmaRE r = let s = (sigmaREsub r)
>             in s `seq` nub s
> sigmaREsub (L l) = [l]
> sigmaREsub Any = map chr [32 .. 127]
> sigmaREsub (Not cs) = filter (\c -> not (c `elem` cs)) (map chr [32 .. 127])
> sigmaREsub (Seq r1 r2) = (sigmaREsub r1) ++ (sigmaREsub r2) 
> sigmaREsub (Choice rs g) = concatMap sigmaREsub rs
> sigmaREsub (Star r g) = sigmaREsub r
> sigmaREsub Phi = []
> sigmaREsub Empty = []
> instance Simplifiable RE where
>     simplify (L l) = L l
>     simplify Any   = Any
>     simplify (Not cs) = Not cs
>     simplify (Seq r1 r2) = 
>         let r1' = simplify r1
>             r2' = simplify r2
>         in if isEpsilon r1'
>            then r2'
>            else if isEpsilon r2'
>                 then r1'
>                 else Seq r1' r2'
>     simplify (Choice rs g) = 
>         let rs' = filter (not . isPhi) $ map simplify rs
>         in if null rs' 
>            then Phi
>            else Choice rs' g
>     simplify (Star r g) = Star (simplify r) g
>     simplify Phi = Phi
>     simplify Empty = Empty