-- | see "Text.Regex.Do.Pcre.Ascii.MatchHint" about MatchHint vs Match

module Text.Regex.Do.Pcre.Utf8.MatchHint
    (=~)) where

import Text.Regex.Do.Type.Do hiding (Once,All)
import Text.Regex.PCRE.Wrap()
import qualified Text.Regex.Do.Pcre.Utf8.Match as M
import Text.Regex.Do.Type.MatchHint
import Data.ByteString

{- | * hint: 'Once', 'All', 'Test', 'PosLen'', 'PosLen_'
    * a: 'String', 'ByteString'
    * enc: 'Utf8_'

class (Hint hint, M.Match enc a a (F hint a)) =>
    MatchHint hint enc a where
    type F hint a
    match::hint (Pattern (enc a)) -> Body (enc a) -> F hint a
    match h0 = M.match $ unhint h0

(=~)::MatchHint hint Utf8_ a =>
    hint a              -- ^ hint pattern
        -> a            -- ^ body
        -> F hint a     -- ^ type defined by the instance, determined by the hint
(=~) h0 = (M.=~) $ unhint h0

instance MatchHint Test Utf8_ String where
    type F Test String = Bool

instance MatchHint PosLen' Utf8_ String where
    type F PosLen' String = [PosLen]

{- ^ >>> PosLen' ("и"::String) =~ "бывает и хуже"

    \[(13,2)\]      -}

instance MatchHint PosLen_ Utf8_ String where
    type F PosLen_ String = [[PosLen]]

instance MatchHint Once Utf8_ String where
    type F Once String = [String]

{- ^ >>> Once ("^all"::String) =~ "all the time"

    \["all"\]       -}

instance MatchHint All Utf8_ String where
    type F All String = [[String]]

instance MatchHint Test Utf8_ ByteString where
    type F Test ByteString = Bool

{- ^ >>> Test (toByteString "в") =~ toByteString "тихо в лесу"

    True    -}

instance MatchHint PosLen' Utf8_ ByteString where
    type F PosLen' ByteString = [PosLen]

instance MatchHint PosLen_ Utf8_ ByteString where
    type F PosLen_ ByteString = [[PosLen]]

instance MatchHint Once Utf8_ ByteString where
    type F Once ByteString = [ByteString]

instance MatchHint All Utf8_ ByteString where
    type F All ByteString = [[ByteString]]