{- | see "Data.ByteString.Search" package

    break, split ops on 'ByteString'

    regex is treated as ordinary String
    break & split are now '/', '-/', '/-' 
    replace moved to "Text.Regex.Do.Replace.Fast"
module Text.Regex.Do.Split
    ) where

import qualified Data.ByteString.Search as S
import Data.ByteString as B hiding (break, breakEnd, split)
import Prelude hiding (break,(/))
import Text.Regex.Do.Match.Matchf

-- | Break result: tuple
type T = (B.ByteString,B.ByteString)

-- | Split result: list
type L = [B.ByteString] 

{- | slices 'ByteString'. drops needle
    to avoid clash with 'Prelude':
    @import Prelude hiding((/))@       

    or qualify '/' with alias e.g. (assuming this module is imported with S alias):
    body -> pattern -> result
class Split out where
    (/)::ByteString -> ByteString -> out

instance Split (ByteString,ByteString) where
    (/) body0 pat0 =  (h1,t2)
      where (h1,t1) = S.breakOn pat1 body0
            len1 = B.length pat1
            t2 = B.drop len1 t1
            !pat1 = checkPattern pat0
{- ^  >>> "a\nbc\nde" / "\n"

        ("a", "bc\\nde")    -}

-- | keep needle \@ front
class SplitFront out where
            -> ByteString   
            -> out

instance SplitFront (ByteString,ByteString) where
    (-/) body0 pat0 = S.breakOn pat1 body0
         where !pat1 = checkPattern pat0
{- ^ >>> "a\nbc\nde" -/ "\n" 

        ("a", "\\nbc\\nde")     -}

-- | keep needle \@ end
class SplitEnd out where
            -> ByteString   
            -> out

instance SplitEnd (ByteString,ByteString) where
    (/-) body0 pat0 = S.breakAfter pat1 body0
         where !pat1 = checkPattern pat0
{- ^ >>> "a\nbc\nde" /- "\n"  

    ("a\\n", "bc\\nde")         -}

instance Split [ByteString] where
    (/) body0 pat0 = S.split pat1 body0
         where !pat1 = checkPattern pat0
{- ^ >>> "a bc de" / " "      -- space may be used

    \["a", "bc", "de"]      -}

instance SplitFront [ByteString] where
    (-/) body0 pat0 = S.splitKeepFront pat1 body0
         where !pat1 = checkPattern pat0
{- ^ >>> "a\nbc\nde" -/ "\n"

    \["a", "\\nbc", "\\nde"]        -}

instance SplitEnd [ByteString] where
    (/-) body0 pat0 = S.splitKeepEnd pat1 body0
         where !pat1 = checkPattern pat0
{- ^ >>> "a\nbc\nde" /- "\n"

    \["a\\n", "bc\\n", "de"]     -}