-- ------------------------------------------------------------

{- |
   Module     : Text.Regex.XMLSchema.String.Regex
   Copyright  : Copyright (C) 2009 Uwe Schmidt
   License    : MIT

   Maintainer : Uwe Schmidt (uwe@fh-wedel.de)
   Stability  : experimental
   Portability: portable

   W3C XML Schema Regular Expression Matcher

   Grammar can be found under <http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema11-2/#regexs>


-- ------------------------------------------------------------

module Text.Regex.XMLSchema.String.Regex
    ( Regex
    , GenRegex

    , mkZero
    , mkUnit
    , mkSym
    , mkSym1
    , mkSymRng
    , mkWord
    , mkDot
    , mkStar
    , mkAll
    , mkAlt
    , mkElse
    , mkSeq
    , mkSeqs
    , mkRep
    , mkRng
    , mkOpt
    , mkDiff
    , mkIsect
    , mkExor
    , mkCompl
    , mkBr

    , isZero
    , errRegex

    , nullable
    , nullable'

    , delta1
    , delta

    , firstChars

    , matchWithRegex
    , matchWithRegex'
    , splitWithRegex
    , splitWithRegex'
    , splitWithRegexCS
    , splitWithRegexCS'

import Data.Maybe
import Data.List	( intercalate )

import Text.Regex.XMLSchema.String.CharSet

-- ------------------------------------------------------------

data GenRegex l	= Zero String
		| Unit
		| Sym  CharSet
		| Dot
		| Star (GenRegex l)
		| Alt  (GenRegex l)   (GenRegex l)
		| Else (GenRegex l)   (GenRegex l)
		| Seq  (GenRegex l)   (GenRegex l)
		| Rep  Int            (GenRegex l)		-- 1 or more repetitions
		| Rng  Int Int        (GenRegex l)		-- n..m repetitions
		| Diff (GenRegex l)   (GenRegex l)		-- r1 - r2
		| Isec (GenRegex l)   (GenRegex l)    		-- r1 n r2
		| Exor (GenRegex l)   (GenRegex l)    		-- r1 xor r2
		| Br   (Label    l)   (GenRegex l) String	-- currently parsed (...)
		| Cbr  (GenRegex l)   [(Label l, String)]	--already completely parsed (...)
		  deriving (Eq, Ord {-, Show -})

type Regex	= GenRegex String
type Label l	= Maybe l					-- we need one special label for the whole expression
								-- see splitWithRegex
type Nullable l = (Bool, [(Label l, String)])

-- ------------------------------------------------------------

{- just for documentation

class Inv a where
    inv		:: a -> Bool

instance Inv (GenRegex l) where
    inv (Zero _)	= True
    inv Unit		= True
    inv (Sym p)		= not (nulCS p) && not (fullCS p)
    inv Dot		= True
    inv (Star e)	= inv e
    inv (Alt e1 e2)	= inv e1 &&
			  inv e2
    inv (Seq e1 e2)	= inv e1 &&
			  inv e2
    inv (Rep i e)	= i > 0 && inv e
    inv (Rng i j e)	= (i < j || (i == j && i > 1)) &&
			  inv e
    inv (Diff e1 e2)	= inv e1 &&
			  inv e2
    inv (Isec e1 e2)	= inv e1 &&
			  inv e2
    inv (Exor e1 e2)	= inv e1 &&
			  inv e2

-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- smart constructors

-- | construct the r.e. for the empty set.
-- An (error-) message may be attached

mkZero					:: String -> GenRegex l
mkZero					= Zero
{-# INLINE mkZero #-}

-- | construct the r.e. for the set containing the empty word

mkUnit					:: GenRegex l
mkUnit					= Unit
{-# INLINE mkUnit #-}

-- | construct the r.e. for a set of chars

mkSym					:: CharSet -> GenRegex l
mkSym s
    | nullCS s				= mkZero $ "empty char range"
    | fullCS s                  	= mkDot
    | otherwise                 	= Sym s
{-# INLINE mkSym #-}

-- | construct an r.e. for a single char set
mkSym1					:: Char	-> GenRegex l
mkSym1					= mkSym . singleCS
{-# INLINE mkSym1 #-}

-- | construct an r.e. for an intervall of chars
mkSymRng				:: Char -> Char -> GenRegex l
mkSymRng c1 c2				= mkSym $ rangeCS c1 c2
{-# INLINE mkSymRng #-}

-- | mkSym generaized for strings
mkWord					:: [Char] -> GenRegex l
mkWord					= mkSeqs . map mkSym1

-- | construct an r.e. for the set of all Unicode chars
mkDot					:: GenRegex l
mkDot					= Dot
{-# INLINE mkDot #-}

-- | construct an r.e. for the set of all Unicode words

mkAll					:: Eq l => GenRegex l
mkAll					= mkStar mkDot
{-# INLINE mkAll #-}

-- | construct r.e. for r*
mkStar					:: Eq l => GenRegex l -> GenRegex l
mkStar (Zero _)				= mkUnit		-- {}* == ()
mkStar e@Unit				= e			-- ()* == ()
mkStar e@(Star _e1)			= e			-- (r*)* == r*
mkStar (Rep 1 e1)			= mkStar e1		-- (r+)* == r*
mkStar (Rep i e1)
    | i == 1
      nullable e1			= mkStar e1             -- (r{i,})* == r*    when i == 1 or nullable r
mkStar e@(Rng _ _ e1)
    | nullable e			= mkStar e1             -- (r{i,j})* == r*   when i == 0 or nullable r
mkStar e@(Alt _ _)			= Star (rmStar e)	-- (a*|b)* == (a|b)*
{- this is wrong, not generally applicable
mkStar (Br l r s)			= mkBr0 l (mkStar r) s  -- ({l}r)* == ({l}r*) because we want the longest match as result for the subexpression
mkStar e				= Star e

rmStar					:: Eq l => GenRegex l -> GenRegex l
rmStar (Alt e1 e2)			= mkAlt (rmStar e1) (rmStar e2)
rmStar (Star e1)			= rmStar e1
rmStar (Rep 1 e1)			= rmStar e1
rmStar e1				= e1

-- | construct the r.e for r1|r2

mkAlt					:: Eq l => GenRegex l -> GenRegex l -> GenRegex l
mkAlt e1            (Zero _)		= e1				-- e1 u {} = e1
mkAlt (Zero _)      e2			= e2				-- {} u e2 = e2
mkAlt (Sym p1)      (Sym p2)		= mkSym $ p1 `unionCS` p2	-- melting of predicates
mkAlt e1            e2@(Sym _)		= mkAlt e2 e1			-- symmetry: predicates always first
mkAlt e1@(Sym _)    (Alt e2@(Sym _) e3)	= mkAlt (mkAlt e1 e2) e3	-- prepare melting of predicates
mkAlt (Sym _)       e2@Dot              = e2                            -- c|.     = .    for a c's
mkAlt e1@(Star Dot) _e2			= e1				-- A* u e1 = A*
mkAlt _e1           e2@(Star Dot)	= e2				-- e1 u A* = A*
mkAlt (Alt e1 e2)   e3			= mkAlt e1 (mkAlt e2 e3)	-- associativity
mkAlt e1 e2
    | e1 == e2				= e1
    | otherwise				= Alt e1 e2

-- | construct the r.e. for r1{|}r2 (r1 orElse r2).
-- This represents the same r.e. as r1|r2, but when
-- collecting the results of subexpressions in (...) and r1 succeeds, the
-- subexpressions of r2 are discarded, so r1 matches are prioritized
-- example
-- > splitSubex "({1}x)|({2}.)"   "x" = ([("1","x"),("2","x")], "")
-- >
-- > splitSubex "({1}x){|}({2}.)" "x" = ([("1","x")], "")

mkElse					:: Eq l => GenRegex l -> GenRegex l -> GenRegex l
mkElse e1            (Zero _)		= e1				-- e1 u {} = e1
mkElse (Zero _)      e2			= e2				-- {} u e2 = e2
mkElse (Sym p1)      (Sym p2)		= mkSym $ p1 `unionCS` p2	-- melting of predicates
                                                                        -- no symmetry allowed
mkElse e1@(Sym _)  (Else e2@(Sym _) e3)	= mkElse (mkElse e1 e2) e3	-- prepare melting of predicates
mkElse (Sym _)      e2@Dot              = e2                            -- c|.     = .    for a c's
mkElse e1@(Star Dot) _e2		= e1				-- A* u e1 = A*
mkElse _e1           e2@(Star Dot)	= e2				-- e1 u A* = A*
mkElse (Else e1 e2)   e3		= mkElse e1 (mkElse e2 e3)	-- associativity
mkElse e1 e2
    | e1 == e2				= e1
    | otherwise				= Else e1 e2

-- | Construct the sequence r.e. r1.r2

mkSeq					:: GenRegex l -> GenRegex l -> GenRegex l
mkSeq e1@(Zero _) _e2			= e1
mkSeq _e1         e2@(Zero _)		= e2
mkSeq Unit        e2			= e2
mkSeq (Cbr e1 ss1) e2			= mkCbr (mkSeq e1 e2) ss1		-- move finished submatches upwards
mkSeq e1          Unit			= e1
mkSeq (Seq e1 e2) e3			= mkSeq e1 (mkSeq e2 e3)
mkSeq e1 e2				= Seq e1 e2

-- | mkSeq extened to lists
mkSeqs					:: [GenRegex l] -> GenRegex l
mkSeqs					= foldr mkSeq mkUnit

-- | Construct repetition r{i,}
mkRep					:: Eq l => Int -> GenRegex l -> GenRegex l
mkRep 0 e				= mkStar e
mkRep _ e@(Zero _)			= e
mkRep _ e
    | nullable e			= mkStar e
mkRep i (Rep j e)			= mkRep (i * j) e
mkRep i e				= Rep i e

-- | Construct range r{i,j}
mkRng					:: Int -> Int -> GenRegex l -> GenRegex l
mkRng 0  0  _e				= mkUnit
mkRng 1  1  e				= e
mkRng lb ub _e
    | lb > ub				= Zero $
					  "illegal range " ++
					  show lb ++ ".." ++ show ub
mkRng _l _u e@(Zero _)			= e
mkRng _l _u e@Unit			= e
mkRng lb ub e				= Rng lb ub e

-- | Construct option r?
mkOpt					:: GenRegex l -> GenRegex l
mkOpt					= mkRng 0 1
{-# INLINE mkOpt #-}

-- | Construct difference r.e.: r1 {\\} r2
-- example
-- > match "[a-z]+{\\}bush" "obama"	= True
-- > match "[a-z]+{\\}bush" "clinton"	= True
-- > match "[a-z]+{\\}bush" "bush"	= False	    -- not important any more

mkDiff					:: Eq l => GenRegex l -> GenRegex l -> GenRegex l
mkDiff e1@(Zero _) _e2			= e1					-- {} - r2 = {}
mkDiff e1          (Zero _)		= e1					-- r1 - {} = r1
mkDiff _e1         (Star Dot)		= mkZero "empty set in difference expr"	-- r1 - .* = {}
mkDiff Dot         (Sym p)		= mkSym $ compCS p			-- . - s  = ~s
mkDiff (Sym _)     Dot			= mkZero "empty set in difference expr"	-- x - .  = {}
mkDiff (Sym p1)    (Sym p2)		= mkSym $ p1 `diffCS` p2		-- set diff
mkDiff e1          e2
    | e1 == e2				= mkZero "empty set in difference expr" -- r1 - r1 = {}
    | otherwise				= Diff e1 e2

-- | Construct the Complement of an r.e.: whole set of words - r

mkCompl					:: Eq l => GenRegex l -> GenRegex l
mkCompl (Zero _)			= mkAll
mkCompl (Star Dot)			= mkZero "empty set in compl expr"
mkCompl	e				= mkDiff (mkStar mkDot) e

-- | Construct r.e. for intersection: r1 {&} r2
-- example
-- > match ".*a.*{&}.*b.*" "-a-b-"  = True
-- > match ".*a.*{&}.*b.*" "-b-a-"  = True
-- > match ".*a.*{&}.*b.*" "-a-a-"  = False
-- > match ".*a.*{&}.*b.*" "---b-"  = False

mkIsect					:: Eq l => GenRegex l -> GenRegex l -> GenRegex l
mkIsect e1@(Zero _) _e2			= e1					-- {} n r2 = {}
mkIsect _e1         e2@(Zero _)		= e2					-- r1 n {} = {}
mkIsect e1@(Unit)   e2							-- () n r2 = () if nullable r2
    | nullable e2			= e1					-- () n r2 = {} if not nullable r2
    | otherwise                 	= mkZero "intersection empty"
mkIsect e1          e2@(Unit)   	= mkIsect e2 e1				-- symmetric version of las 2 laws

mkIsect (Sym p1)    (Sym p2)		= mkSym $ p1 `intersectCS` p2		-- intersect sets
mkIsect e1@(Sym _)  Dot         	= e1					-- x n . = x
mkIsect Dot         e2@(Sym _)  	= e2					-- . n x = x

mkIsect (Star Dot)  e2          	= e2					-- .* n r2 = r2
mkIsect e1          (Star Dot)  	= e1					-- r1 n .* = r1
mkIsect e1          e2
    | e1 == e2		        	= e1                                    -- r1 n r1 = r1
    | otherwise                 	= Isec e1 e2

-- | Construct r.e. for exclusive or: r1 {^} r2
-- example
-- > match "[a-c]+{^}[c-d]+" "abc"  = True
-- > match "[a-c]+{^}[c-d]+" "acdc" = False
-- > match "[a-c]+{^}[c-d]+" "ccc"  = False
-- > match "[a-c]+{^}[c-d]+" "cdc"  = True

mkExor					:: Eq l => GenRegex l -> GenRegex l -> GenRegex l
mkExor (Zero _)     e2          	= e2
mkExor e1           (Zero _)    	= e1
mkExor (Star Dot)   _e2         	= mkZero "empty set in exor expr"
mkExor _e1          (Star Dot)  	= mkZero "empty set in exor expr"
mkExor (Sym p1)     (Sym p2)    	= mkSym $ p1 `exorCS` p2
mkExor (Sym p1)     Dot         	= mkSym $ compCS p1
mkExor Dot          (Sym p2)    	= mkSym $ compCS p2
mkExor e1           e2
    | e1 == e2				= mkZero "empty set in exor expr"       -- r1 xor r1 = {}
    | otherwise				= Exor e1 e2

mkBr0                           	:: Label l -> GenRegex l -> String -> GenRegex l
mkBr0 _ e@(Zero _) _            	= e
mkBr0 l Unit       s            	= mkCbr mkUnit [(l,reverse s)]
mkBr0 l e          s            	= Br l e s

-- | Construct a labeled subexpression: ({label}r)

mkBr                            	:: l -> GenRegex l -> GenRegex l
mkBr  l e                       	= mkBr0 (Just l) e ""

mkBr'					:: GenRegex l -> GenRegex l
mkBr' e                                 = mkBr0 Nothing e ""

mkCbr                           	:: GenRegex l -> [(Label l, String)] -> GenRegex l
mkCbr  e@(Zero _) _			= e				-- dead end, throw away subexpr matches
mkCbr (Cbr e ss1) ss            	= mkCbr e (ss ++ ss1)		-- join inner and this subexpr match
mkCbr  e          ss            	= Cbr e ss

-- ------------------------------------------------------------

instance Show l => Show (GenRegex l) where
    show (Zero e)		= "{" ++ e ++ "}"
    show Unit			= "()"
    show (Sym p)
	| p == compCS (stringCS "\n\r")
				= "."
	| null (tail cs) &&
	  rng1 (head cs)
				= escRng . head $ cs
	| otherwise		= "[" ++ concat cs' ++ "]"
				  rng1 (x,y)	= x == y
				  cs		= p -- charRngs . chars $ p
				  cs' 		= map escRng p
				  escRng (x, y)
				      | x == y	= esc x
				      | succ x == y
					        = esc x        ++ esc y
				      | otherwise
						= esc x ++ "-" ++ esc y
				  esc x
				      | x `elem` "\\-[]{}()*+?.^"
					  	= '\\':x:""
				      | x >= ' ' && x <= '~'
					  	= x:""
				      | otherwise
					  	= "&#" ++ show (fromEnum x) ++ ";"
    show Dot			= "\\a"
    show (Star Dot)		= "\\A"
    show (Star e)		= "(" ++ show e ++ "*)"
    show (Alt e1 e2)		= "(" ++ show e1 ++ "|" ++ show e2 ++ ")"
    show (Else e1 e2)		= "(" ++ show e1 ++ "{|}" ++ show e2 ++ ")"
    show (Seq e1 e2)		= "(" ++ show e1 ++ show e2 ++ ")"
    show (Rep 1 e)		= "(" ++ show e ++ "+)"
    show (Rep i e)		= "(" ++ show e ++ "{" ++ show i ++ ",})"
    show (Rng 0 1 e)		= "(" ++ show e ++ "?)"
    show (Rng i j e)		= "(" ++ show e ++ "{" ++ show i ++ "," ++ show j ++ "})"
    show (Diff e1 e2)		= "(" ++ show e1 ++ "{\\}" ++ show e2 ++ ")"
    show (Isec e1 e2)   	= "(" ++ show e1 ++ "{&}" ++ show e2 ++ ")"
    show (Exor e1 e2)   	= "(" ++ show e1 ++ "{^}" ++ show e2 ++ ")"
    show (Br l e  s)		= "({" ++ showL l ++ (if null s
						      then ""
						      else "=" ++ reverse s
						     ) ++ "}" ++ show e ++ ")"
    show (Cbr  e ss)		= "([" ++ intercalate "," (map (\(l,s) -> showL l ++ "=" ++ s) ss) ++ "]"
				  ++ show e ++

showL				:: Show l => Label l -> String
showL				= rmq . maybe "" show
				  rmq ('\"':xs)	= init xs
				  rmq xs          = xs

-- ------------------------------------------------------------

isZero				:: GenRegex l -> Bool
isZero (Zero _)			= True
isZero _			= False
{-# INLINE isZero #-}

errRegex			:: GenRegex l -> String
errRegex (Zero e)		= e
errRegex _			= ""

-- ------------------------------------------------------------

nullable                	:: GenRegex l -> Bool
nullable                	= fst . nullable'
{-# INLINE nullable #-}

nullable'                       :: GenRegex l -> Nullable l

nullable' (Zero _)              = (False, [])
nullable' Unit                  = (True,  [])
nullable' Dot                   = (False, [])
nullable' (Sym _x)              = (False, [])

nullable' (Star _e)             = (True,  [])
nullable' (Rep _i e)            = nullable' e
nullable' (Rng i _ e)		= (i == 0, []) `unionN` nullable' e
nullable' (Seq e1 e2)           = nullable' e1 `isectN` nullable' e2

nullable' (Alt   e1 e2)         = nullable' e1 `unionN`  nullable' e2
nullable' (Else  e1 e2)         = nullable' e1 `orElseN` nullable' e2
nullable' (Isec  e1 e2)         = nullable' e1 `isectN`  nullable' e2
nullable' (Exor  e1 e2)		= nullable' e1 `exorN`   nullable' e2
nullable' (Diff  e1 e2)         = nullable' e1 `diffN`   nullable' e2

nullable' (Br  l e s)           = (True, [(l, reverse s)]) `isectN` nullable' e
nullable' (Cbr e  ss)           = (True, ss)               `isectN` nullable' e

isectN                          :: Nullable l -> Nullable l -> Nullable l
isectN (True, ws1) (True, ws2)  = (True, ws1 ++ ws2)
isectN _           _            = (False, [])

unionN                          :: Nullable l -> Nullable l -> Nullable l
unionN (False, _) (False, _)    = (False, [])
unionN (_, ws1)   (_, ws2)      = (True, ws1 ++ ws2)

orElseN                         :: Nullable l -> Nullable l -> Nullable l
orElseN e1@(True, _ws1) _       = e1
orElseN _            e2         = e2

diffN                           :: Nullable l -> Nullable l -> Nullable l
diffN n1          (False, _)    = n1
diffN _           _             = (False, [])

exorN                           :: Nullable l -> Nullable l -> Nullable l
exorN n1@(True, _)  (False, _)  = n1
exorN (False, _)  n2@(True, _)  = n2
exorN _           _             = (False, [])

-- ------------------------------------------------------------

-- | FIRST for regular expressions
-- this is only an approximation, the real set of char may be smaller,
-- when the expression contains intersection, set difference or exor operators

firstChars			:: GenRegex l -> CharSet

firstChars (Zero _)		= emptyCS
firstChars Unit			= emptyCS
firstChars (Sym p)      	= p
firstChars Dot         		= allCS

firstChars (Star e1)		= firstChars e1
firstChars (Alt e1 e2)		= firstChars e1 `unionCS` firstChars e2
firstChars (Else e1 e2)		= firstChars e1 `unionCS` firstChars e2
firstChars (Seq e1 e2)
    | nullable e1		= firstChars e1 `unionCS` firstChars e2
    | otherwise			= firstChars e1
firstChars (Rep _i e)		= firstChars e
firstChars (Rng _i _j e)	= firstChars e
firstChars (Diff e1 _e2)	= firstChars e1					-- this is an approximation
firstChars (Isec e1 e2)		= firstChars e1 `intersectCS` firstChars e2	-- this is an approximation
firstChars (Exor e1 e2)		= firstChars e1 `unionCS`     firstChars e2	-- this is an approximation
firstChars (Br _l e _s)		= firstChars e
firstChars (Cbr e _ss)  	= firstChars e

-- ------------------------------------------------------------

delta1				:: Eq l => GenRegex l -> Char -> GenRegex l
delta1 e@(Zero _)   _		= e
delta1 Unit         c		= mkZero $
				  "unexpected char " ++ show c
delta1 (Sym p)      c
    | c `elemCS` p		= mkUnit
    | otherwise			= mkZero $
				  "unexpected char " ++ show c

delta1 Dot          _		= mkUnit

delta1 e@(Star Dot) _           = e
delta1 e@(Star e1)  c		= mkSeq   (delta1 e1 c) e

delta1 (Alt e1 e2)  c		= mkAlt   (delta1 e1 c) (delta1 e2 c)

delta1 (Else e1 e2) c		= mkElse  (delta1 e1 c) (delta1 e2 c)

delta1 (Seq e1@(Br l e1' s) e2) c
    | n				= mkAlt   (mkSeq (delta1 e1 c) e2)
                        	          (mkCbr (delta1 e2 c) ((l, reverse s) : ws))
				  (n, ws) = nullable' e1'
delta1 (Seq e1 e2)  c
    | nullable e1		= mkAlt   (mkSeq (delta1 e1 c) e2)
                        	          (delta1 e2 c)
    | otherwise			= mkSeq   (delta1 e1 c) e2

delta1 (Rep i e)    c		= mkSeq   (delta1 e  c) (mkRep (i-1) e)

delta1 (Rng i j e)  c		= mkSeq   (delta1 e  c) (mkRng ((i-1) `max` 0) (j-1) e)

delta1 (Diff e1 e2) c		= mkDiff  (delta1 e1 c) (delta1 e2 c)

delta1 (Isec e1 e2) c		= mkIsect (delta1 e1 c) (delta1 e2 c)

delta1 (Exor e1 e2) c		= mkExor  (delta1 e1 c) (delta1 e2 c)
delta1 (Br l e s)   c		= ( if nullable e
				    then mkCbr d1 [(l,"")]
				    else       d1
				  d1 = mkBr0 l (delta1 e  c) (c:s)
delta1 (Br l e s)   c		= mkBr0 l (delta1 e  c) (c:s)

delta1 (Cbr e ss)   c   	= mkCbr   (delta1 e  c) ss

-- ------------------------------------------------------------

delta				:: Eq l => GenRegex l -> String -> GenRegex l
delta				= foldl delta1

matchWithRegex			:: Eq l => GenRegex l -> String -> Bool
matchWithRegex e		= nullable . delta e

matchWithRegex'			:: Eq l => GenRegex l -> String -> Maybe [(Label l,String)]
matchWithRegex' e		= (\ (r, l) -> if r then Just l else Nothing) . nullable' . delta e

-- ------------------------------------------------------------

-- | This function wraps the whole regex in a subexpression before starting
-- the parse. This is done for getting acces to
-- the whole parsed string. Therfore we need one special label, this label
-- is the Nothing value, all explicit labels are Just labels.

splitWithRegex			:: Eq l => GenRegex l -> String -> Maybe ([(Label l,String)], String)
splitWithRegex re inp		= do
				  (re', rest) <- splitWithRegex' (mkBr' re) inp
				  return ( snd . nullable' $ re', rest)

splitWithRegexCS		:: Eq l => GenRegex l -> CharSet -> String -> Maybe ([(Label l,String)], String)
splitWithRegexCS re cs inp	= do
				  (re', rest) <- splitWithRegexCS' (mkBr' re) cs inp
				  return ( snd . nullable' $ re', rest)

-- | The main scanner function

splitWithRegex'			:: Eq l => GenRegex l -> String -> Maybe (GenRegex l, String)
splitWithRegex' re ""
    | nullable re		= Just (re, "")
    | otherwise			= Nothing

splitWithRegex' re inp@(c : inp')
    | isZero re			= Nothing
    | otherwise			= evalRes . splitWithRegex' (delta1 re c) $ inp'
    evalRes Nothing
	| nullable re		= Just (re, inp)
	| otherwise		= Nothing
    evalRes res			= res

-- | speedup version for splitWithRegex'
-- This function checks whether the input starts with a char from FIRST re.
-- If this is not the case, the split fails. The FIRST set can be computed once
-- for a whole tokenizer and reused by every call of split

splitWithRegexCS'		:: Eq l => GenRegex l -> CharSet -> String -> Maybe (GenRegex l, String)

splitWithRegexCS' re _cs ""
    | nullable re		= Just (re, "")
    | otherwise			= Nothing

splitWithRegexCS' re cs inp@(c : _)
    | c `elemCS` cs		= splitWithRegex' re inp
    | nullable re		= Just (re, inp)
    | otherwise			= Nothing

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