# 2010-11-18 Dr. Alistair Ward ## * First version of the package. ## * Reacted to major-number changes in the packages "**ToolShed-**" & "**RegExDot-**". * Created **src/RegExChar/** (& then modified module-names accordingly), & sub-directory "**data/**". * Pacified **hlint**. * Qualified identifiers used in error-messages. ## * Ported to ghc-7.0.1: + Replaced the deprecated module "**Test.QuickCheck.Batch**", & labelled properties. * Added the cabal-flag "**threaded**", to account for the requirement to link with the threaded runtime when using a threaded version of the library package "**RegExDot**". ## * Parallelised processing where executable "**grecce**" is requested to read multiple input-data files. * Extracted matching-operation from the module "**Main**", into new module "**Grecce.Grep**". * Migrated modules required only by the executable "**grecce**", from the directory "**RegExChar**" into the new directory "**Grecce**". * Replaced use of @threaded@-flag in source-code, with Cabal CPP-macro. * Added *.spec*-file. ## * Added default values of command-line flags, to usage-message. * Reacted to migration of **RegExDot.Options** to **ToolShed.Options**. * Used new module "**ToolShed.Package**". ## * Fixed negated reference to unparenthesised CPP-macro "**MIN_VERSION**". * Protected reference in module "**Grecce/QC/QuickChecks**", to `Test.QuickCheck.verboseCheck`, using CPP-statement. ## * Amended RPM *.spec*-file, to install under directory "**/usr**", rather than "**/usr/local**". * Renamed package from "**RegExChar**" to "**regexchar**", for compatibility with Debian's *.deb*-format. * Added directory-structure required to build *.deb*-package. ## * Redefined man-page to be an "**extra-source-file**" in the *.cabal*-file & the *.spec*-file. * Added manually controlled flag "**llvm**" to the *.cabal*-file. * Replaced references to the module "**ToolShed.Package**" with "**Distribution.Package**". * Changed identifier for type-parameters, to better reflect its role. * Removed dependency on archaic module "**ToolShed.Arithmetic**". * Reacted to the creation of module "**ToolShed.Defaultable**". * Uploaded to [Hackage](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/regexchar). ## * Amended the *.cabal*-file to more correctly specify dependency on package "**toolshed**". * Used new module "**ToolShed.Pair**" from package toolshed- * Relocated modules "**Grecce.Assert**", "**Grecce.Performance**" and "**Grecce.QC**", into new layer "**Test**", in module-hierarchy. * Guarded flag "**eager-blackholing**" in the *cabal*-file. ## * Recoded module "**RegExChar.RegExOptsChar**" to the interface `Data.Array.IArray.IArray`, rather than the data-type `Data.Array.Array`. * Replaced `(+ 1)` and `(- 1)` with the faster calls `succ` and `pred`, in modules "**RegExChar.RegExOptsChar**", "**Grecce.Test.Performance.ExtendedRegExTestsPositive**" and "**Grecce.Grep**". * Used `Paths_regexchar.version` in **Main**, rather than hard-coding it. * Reacted to new module-hierarchy and addition of method `ToolShed.SelfValidate.getErrors`, in package "**toolshed-**", and used it to improved error-reporting in @instance Read RegExChar.ExtendedRegExChar.ExtendedRegExChar@. * Replaced use of `Control.Monad` in **RegExChar.MetaChar** and **RegExChar.ExtendedRegExChar**, with `Control.Applicative`. * Replaced `System` with `System.Environment` and `System.Exit`. * Removed dependency on **haskell98**. ## * Fully qualified symbols imported from package "**regexdot**". * Used new constant `RegExDot.Anchor.unanchored`. * Added details to any failure to parse the command-line arguments. * Used new test-modules from package "**toolshed-**". ## * Refactored module "**Grecce.Test.QC.QuickChecks**". * Replaced calls to `error` from inside the IO-monad, with `Control.Monad.fail`. * Trapped command-line arguments to which garbage has been appended. * Added files to build *.deb* to the *.cabal*-file. * Tested with **haskell-platform-2013.2.0.0**. * Replaced preprocessor-directives with **build-depends** constraints in the *.cabal*-file. ## * Either replaced instances of `(<$>)` with `fmap` to avoid ambiguity between modules "**Control.Applicative**" & "**Prelude**" which (from package "**base-4.8**") also exports this symbol, or hid the symbol when importing the module "**Prelude**". ## * Added the compiler to the output returned for the command-line option "**version**". * Changed flag "**threaded**" in the *.cabal*-file to **manual**. * Added "**Default-language**"-specification to the *.cabal*-file. * Added file "**README.markdown**". * Converted this file to markdown-format. * Replaced `System.Exit.exitWith System.Exit.ExitSuccess` with `System.Exit.exitSuccess`. * Moved the entry-point to the test-suite from module "**Main.hs**" to "**Test.hs**", both to integrate with **cabal** & to minimise the dependencies of the executable. * Partitioned the source-files into directories "**src-lib**", "**src-exe**", & "**src-test**", & referenced them individually from the *.cabal*-file to avoid repeated compilation. * Used **CPP** to control the import of symbols from **Control.Applicative**. ## * Corrected the markdown-syntax in this file. * Reverted to calling "**error**" rather than "**Control.Monad.fail**", since the **String**-argument for the latter is discarded in **Monad**-implementations other than **IO**. * Uploaded to [GitHub](https://github.com/functionalley/RegExChar.git). * Simplified file **src-test/Main.hs**. * Added **prop_read** to modules; **Grecce.Test.QC.{RepeatableMetaChar,ExtendedRegExChar}**. * Replaced calls to **error** with **[]**, in implementation of **Read**, in module **RegExChar.ExtendedRegExChar**. * Added file **.travis.yml** to control testing by . * Added file **.ghci**. * Replaced use of module **ToolShed.Defaultable** with **Data.Default**. * Reimplemented **RegExChar.MetaChar.deconstruct**, **QuickCheck.ExtendedRegExChar.deconstruct**, **QuickCheck.RepeatableMetaChar.deconstruct** using record-syntax. * Tested with **ghc-8.0.1**. ## * Added default RTS-options to **regexchar.cabal**. * Removed dependency on **Distribution.Package.PackageName** ## ## Changed references to author's domain-name.