{- | Nested datatype to track the resolution algorithm From this data type we can draw a graph of the full instantation of a value -} module Data.Registry.Internal.Dot where import Data.Hashable import Data.List (elemIndex) import Data.Map.Strict hiding (adjust) import Data.Registry.Internal.Statistics import Data.Registry.Internal.Types import Data.Text as T import Protolude as P import Type.Reflection -- | Make a list of graph edges from the list of function applications makeEdges :: Operations -> [(Value, Value)] makeEdges [] = [] makeEdges (AppliedFunction out ins : rest) = ((out,) <$> ins) <> makeEdges rest -- * DOT GRAPH -- | A DOT graph newtype Dot = Dot { unDot :: Text } deriving (Eq, Show) -- Use a State type to get the current index of a value -- when there are values of the same type and different -- hash values type DotState = State ValuesByType type ValuesByType = Map SomeTypeRep ValueHashes type Hash = Int type ValueId = Int type ValueHashes = [Hash] type Edge = (Value, Value) type Edges = [Edge] type ValueCounter = Maybe Int -- | Make a DOT graph out of all the function applications toDot :: Operations -> Dot toDot op = let edges = makeEdges op allValues = join $ (\(v1, v2) -> [v1, v2]) <$> edges valueTypes = execState (traverse countValueTypes allValues) mempty in Dot $ T.unlines $ [ "strict digraph {" , " node [shape=record]" ] <> (toDotEdge valueTypes <$> edges) <> ["}"] -- | Update a map classifying values by type countValueTypes :: Value -> DotState () countValueTypes value = do maps <- get let key = valueDynTypeRep value let valueHash = hashOf value case lookup key maps of -- there were no values for that type, create a list with the value hash Nothing -> put $ insert key [valueHash] maps -- there is a list of hashes for that type Just hashes -> case elemIndex valueHash hashes of -- that value hasn't been seen before Nothing -> do let newHashes = hashes <> [valueHash] put $ insert key newHashes maps -- the value has been seen before Just _ -> pure () -- | A DOT edge representing the dependency between 2 values toDotEdge :: ValuesByType -> (Value, Value) -> Text toDotEdge valuesByType (value1, value2) = let v1 = toDotVertex valuesByType value1 v2 = toDotVertex valuesByType value2 in v1 <> " -> " <> v2 <> ";" -- | Represent a value as a vertex in a dot graph -- we use some state to keep track of values of the -- same type -- The values are numbered starting from 1 when there are -- several of them for the same type toDotVertex :: ValuesByType -> Value -> Text toDotVertex valuesByType value = let key = valueDynTypeRep value valueHash = hashOf value valueCounter = case lookup key valuesByType of Nothing -> Nothing -- this case should not happen given how the map is built Just hashes -> if P.length hashes == 1 then Nothing else (+1) <$> elemIndex valueHash hashes in adjust (nodeDescription (valDescription value) valueCounter) -- | Return the hash of a value based on its dependencies hashOf :: Value -> Int hashOf value = hash (unDependencies . valDependencies $ value, valDescription value) -- | Description of a Value in the DOT graph nodeDescription :: ValueDescription -> ValueCounter -> Text nodeDescription (ValueDescription t Nothing) n = t <> showValueCounter n nodeDescription (ValueDescription t (Just v)) n = nodeDescription (ValueDescription t Nothing) n <> "\n" <> v -- | Don't show the counter if there showValueCounter :: ValueCounter -> Text showValueCounter Nothing = "" showValueCounter (Just n) = "-" <> show n -- | We need to process the node descriptions -- - we add quotes arountd the text -- - we remove quotes (") inside the text -- - we escape newlines adjust :: Text -> Text adjust node = "\"" <> (escapeNewlines . removeQuotes) node <> "\"" -- | Remove quotes from a textual description to avoid breaking the DOT format removeQuotes :: Text -> Text removeQuotes = T.replace "\"" "" -- | Replace \n with \\n so that newlines are kept in -- node descriptions escapeNewlines :: Text -> Text escapeNewlines = T.replace "\n" "\\n"