{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} -- | -- Module : Database.Relational.Query.Pi.Unsafe -- Copyright : 2013 Kei Hibino -- License : BSD3 -- -- Maintainer : ex8k.hibino@gmail.com -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : unknown -- -- This module defines typed projection path objects. -- Contains internal structure and unsafe interfaces. module Database.Relational.Query.Pi.Unsafe ( -- * Projection path Pi, pfmap, pap, width, (<.>), (), (), pi, definePi, defineDirectPi', defineDirectPi, unsafeExpandIndexes ) where import Prelude hiding (pi) import Data.Array (listArray, (!)) import Database.Record.Persistable (PersistableRecordWidth, runPersistableRecordWidth, unsafePersistableRecordWidth, (<&>), PersistableWidth (persistableWidth), maybeWidth) import Database.Relational.Query.Pure (ProductConstructor (..)) -- | Projection path primary structure type. data Pi' r0 r1 = Leftest Int | Map [Int] unsafePiAppend' :: Pi' a b' -> Pi' b c' -> Pi' a c unsafePiAppend' = d where d (Leftest i) (Leftest j) = Leftest $ i + j d (Leftest i) (Map js) = Map $ map (i +) js d (Map is) (Leftest j) = Map $ drop j is d (Map is) (Map js) = Map [ is' ! j | j <- js ] where is' = listArray (0, length is) is -- | Projection path from type 'r0' into type 'r1'. -- This type also indicate key object which type is 'r1' for record type 'r0'. data Pi r0 r1 = Pi (Pi' r0 r1) (PersistableRecordWidth r1) unsafePiAppend :: (PersistableRecordWidth c' -> PersistableRecordWidth c) -> Pi a b' -> Pi b c' -> Pi a c unsafePiAppend f (Pi p0 _) (Pi p1 w) = Pi (p0 `unsafePiAppend'` p1) (f w) -- | Unsafely untype key to expand indexes. unsafeExpandIndexes :: Pi a b -> [Int] unsafeExpandIndexes = d where d (Pi (Map is) _) = is d (Pi (Leftest i) w) = [ i .. i + w' - 1 ] where w' = runPersistableRecordWidth w -- | Unsafely cast width proof object of record. Result record must be same width. unsafeCastRecordWidth :: PersistableRecordWidth a -> PersistableRecordWidth a' unsafeCastRecordWidth = unsafePersistableRecordWidth . runPersistableRecordWidth unsafeCast :: Pi a b' -> Pi a b unsafeCast = c where d (Leftest i) = Leftest i d (Map m) = Map m c (Pi p w) = Pi (d p) (unsafeCastRecordWidth w) -- | Projectable fmap of 'Pi' type. pfmap :: ProductConstructor (a -> b) => (a -> b) -> Pi r a -> Pi r b _ `pfmap` p = unsafeCast p -- | Projectable ap of 'Pi' type. pap :: Pi r (a -> b) -> Pi r a -> Pi r b pap b@(Pi _ wb) c@(Pi _ wc) = Pi (Map $ unsafeExpandIndexes b ++ unsafeExpandIndexes c) (unsafeCastRecordWidth $ wb <&> wc) -- | Get record width proof object. width' :: Pi r ct -> PersistableRecordWidth ct width' (Pi _ w) = w -- | Get record width. width :: Pi r a -> Int width = runPersistableRecordWidth . width' -- | Compose projection path. (<.>) :: Pi a b -> Pi b c -> Pi a c (<.>) = unsafePiAppend id -- | Compose projection path. () :: Pi a (Maybe b) -> Pi b c -> Pi a (Maybe c) () = unsafePiAppend maybeWidth -- | Compose projection path. () :: Pi a (Maybe b) -> Pi b (Maybe c) -> Pi a (Maybe c) () = unsafePiAppend id infixl 8 <.>, , -- | Unsafely project untyped value list. pi :: [a] -> Pi r0 r1 -> [a] pi cs (Pi p' w) = d p' where d (Leftest i) = take (runPersistableRecordWidth w) . drop i $ cs d (Map is) = [cs' ! i | i <- is] cs' = listArray (0, length cs) cs -- | Unsafely define projection path from type 'r0' into type 'r1'. definePi' :: PersistableRecordWidth r1 -> Int -- ^ Index of flat SQL value list -> Pi r0 r1 -- ^ Result projection path definePi' pw i = Pi (Leftest i) pw -- | Unsafely define projection path from type 'r0' into type 'r1'. -- Use infered 'PersistableRecordWidth'. definePi :: PersistableWidth r1 => Int -- ^ Index of flat SQL value list -> Pi r0 r1 -- ^ Result projection path definePi = definePi' persistableWidth -- | Unsafely define projection path from type 'r0' into type 'r1'. defineDirectPi' :: PersistableRecordWidth r1 -> [Int] -- ^ Indexes of flat SQL value list -> Pi r0 r1 -- ^ Result projection path defineDirectPi' pw is = Pi (Map is) pw -- | Unsafely define projection path from type 'r0' into type 'r1'. -- Use infered 'PersistableRecordWidth'. defineDirectPi :: PersistableWidth r1 => [Int] -- ^ Indexes of flat SQL value list -> Pi r0 r1 -- ^ Result projection path defineDirectPi = defineDirectPi' persistableWidth