{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} module Database.Relational.Schema.Oracle ( normalizeColumn, notNull, getType , columnsQuerySQL, primaryKeyQuerySQL ) where import Control.Applicative ((<|>)) import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import Data.Char (toLower) import Data.Map (Map) import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Time (LocalTime) import Language.Haskell.TH (TypeQ) import Database.Relational.Query import Database.Relational.Schema.OracleDataDictionary.ConsColumns (dbaConsColumns) import qualified Database.Relational.Schema.OracleDataDictionary.ConsColumns as ConsCols import Database.Relational.Schema.OracleDataDictionary.Constraints (dbaConstraints) import qualified Database.Relational.Schema.OracleDataDictionary.Constraints as Cons import Database.Relational.Schema.OracleDataDictionary.TabColumns (DbaTabColumns, dbaTabColumns) import qualified Database.Relational.Schema.OracleDataDictionary.TabColumns as Cols -- NOT COMPLETED -- (ref: http://docs.oracle.com/cd/B28359_01/server.111/b28318/datatype.htm) -- | Mapping between type in Oracle DB and Haskell type. mapFromSqlDefault :: Map String TypeQ mapFromSqlDefault = Map.fromList [ ("CHAR", [t|String|]) , ("VARCHAR", [t|String|]) -- deprecated , ("VARCHAR2", [t|String|]) , ("NCHAR", [t|String|]) , ("NVARCHAR2", [t|String|]) -- , ("NUMBER", [t|Integer or Double|]) see 'getType' , ("BINARY_FLOAT", [t|Double|]) -- Float don't work , ("BINARY_DOUBLE", [t|Double|]) , ("DATE", [t|LocalTime|]) , ("BLOB", [t|ByteString|]) , ("CLOB", [t|String|]) , ("NCLOB", [t|String|]) , ("LONG RAW", [t|ByteString|]) -- deprecated , ("RAW", [t|ByteString|]) , ("ROWID", [t|String|]) , ("UROWID", [t|String|]) ] -- | Normalize column name string to query Oracle DB data dictionary. normalizeColumn :: String -> String normalizeColumn = map toLower -- | Not-null attribute information of column. notNull :: DbaTabColumns -> Bool notNull = (== Just "N") . Cols.nullable -- | Get column normalized name and column Haskell type. getType :: Map String TypeQ -- ^ Type mapping specified by user -> DbaTabColumns -- ^ Column info in data dictionary -> Maybe (String, TypeQ) -- ^ Result normalized name and mapped Haskell type getType mapFromSql cols = do ky <- Cols.dataType cols typ <- if ky == "NUMBER" then return $ numberType $ Cols.dataScale cols else Map.lookup ky mapFromSql <|> Map.lookup ky mapFromSqlDefault return (normalizeColumn $ Cols.columnName cols, mayNull typ) where mayNull typ | notNull cols = typ | otherwise = [t|Maybe $(typ)|] numberType Nothing = [t|Integer|] numberType (Just n) | n <= 0 = [t|Integer|] | otherwise = [t|Double|] -- | 'Relation' to query 'DbaTabColumns' from owner name and table name. columnsRelationFromTable :: Relation (String, String) DbaTabColumns columnsRelationFromTable = relation' $ do cols <- query dbaTabColumns (owner, ()) <- placeholder $ \owner -> wheres $ cols ! Cols.owner' .=. owner (name, ()) <- placeholder $ \name -> wheres $ cols ! Cols.tableName' .=. name asc $ cols ! Cols.columnId' return (owner >< name, cols) -- | Phantom typed 'Query' to get 'DbaTabColumns' from owner name and table name. columnsQuerySQL :: Query (String, String) DbaTabColumns columnsQuerySQL = relationalQuery columnsRelationFromTable -- | 'Relation' to query primary key name from owner name and table name. primaryKeyRelation :: Relation (String, String) (Maybe String) primaryKeyRelation = relation' $ do cons <- query dbaConstraints cols <- query dbaTabColumns consCols <- query dbaConsColumns wheres $ cons ! Cons.owner' .=. just (cols ! Cols.owner') wheres $ cons ! Cons.tableName' .=. cols ! Cols.tableName' wheres $ consCols ! ConsCols.columnName' .=. just (cols ! Cols.columnName') wheres $ cons ! Cons.constraintName' .=. consCols ! ConsCols.constraintName' wheres $ cols ! Cols.nullable' .=. just (value "N") wheres $ cons ! Cons.constraintType' .=. just (value "P") (owner, ()) <- placeholder $ \owner -> wheres $ cons ! Cons.owner' .=. just owner (name, ()) <- placeholder $ \name -> wheres $ cons ! Cons.tableName' .=. name asc $ consCols ! ConsCols.position' return (owner >< name, consCols ! ConsCols.columnName') -- | Phantom typed 'Query' to get primary key name from owner name and table name. primaryKeyQuerySQL :: Query (String, String) (Maybe String) primaryKeyQuerySQL = relationalQuery primaryKeyRelation