[![Build status](https://travis-ci.org/PolymerElements/paper-radio-group.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/PolymerElements/paper-radio-group) _[Demo and API docs](https://elements.polymer-project.org/elements/paper-radio-group)_ ##<paper-radio-group> Material design: [Radio button](https://www.google.com/design/spec/components/selection-controls.html#selection-controls-radio-button) `paper-radio-group` allows user to select at most one radio button from a set. Checking one radio button that belongs to a radio group unchecks any previously checked radio button within the same group. Use `selected` to get or set the selected radio button. The inside the group must have the `name` attribute set. Example: ```html Small Medium Large ``` Radio-button-groups can be made optional, and allow zero buttons to be selected: ```html Small Medium Large ``` See paper-radio-button for more information about `paper-radio-button`. | Custom property | Description | Default | | --- | --- | --- | | `--paper-radio-group-item-padding` | The padding of the item | `12px` |