module Parser.Impl where
import Ast
import Config
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP
import Text.PrettyPrint.GenericPretty
import Control.Monad ( void )
import Data.Maybe ( listToMaybe )
data ParseErrorImpl a
= NoParse
| AmbiguousGrammar [a]
| NotImplemented
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance (Out a) => Out (ParseErrorImpl a)
type ParseError = ParseErrorImpl [Judgement]
parseIntegral :: ReadP String
parseIntegral = munch1 (`elem` ['0'..'9'])
maybeRead :: Read a => String -> Maybe a
maybeRead = fmap fst . listToMaybe . reads
parsePoints :: ReadP Double
parsePoints = do
is <- parseIntegral
fs <- (string ".5") +++ pure "0"
case (maybeRead (is ++ "." ++ fs)) of
Just x -> pure x
_ -> pfail
parseMaxPoints :: ReadP Double
parseMaxPoints = do
is <- parseIntegral
case (maybeRead is) of
Just x -> pure x
_ -> pfail
lineToken :: ReadP a -> ReadP a
lineToken p = munch (`elem` [' ', '\t', '\r', '\v', '\f']) *> p
lineBreak :: ReadP ()
lineBreak = void $ lineToken $ char '\n'
munchTillExcl :: Char -> ReadP String
munchTillExcl c = munch (/= c) <* char c
parseBonus :: String -> ReadP Judgement
parseBonus title = do
lineToken $ char '+'
points <- parsePoints
void $ lineBreak
comments <- many parseComment'
pure $ Bonus (points, comments)
parsePropertyExp :: ReadP PropertyExp
parsePropertyExp = choice [lookupProp, value]
lookupProp = do
void $ char '['
index <- parseIntegral
void $ char '.'
name <- lineToken $ munchTillExcl ']'
void $ lineBreak
case (maybeRead (index)) of
Just i -> pure $ Lookup (i, name)
_ -> pfail
value = do
v <- satisfy (/='[')
value <- parseLine
pure $ Value (v:value)
parseProperty :: ReadP Property
parseProperty = do
void $ string " :"
name <- lineToken $ munchTillExcl ':'
void $ char ' '
value <- parsePropertyExp
pure $ Property (name, value)
parseRegularJudgement :: Int -> String -> ReadP Judgement
parseRegularJudgement depth title = do
points <- (lineToken $ parsePoints) +++ (return $ 1/0)
void $ lineToken $ char '/'
maxPoints <- lineToken $ parseMaxPoints
void $ lineBreak
let header = Header (title, points, maxPoints)
properties <- many parseProperty
comments <- many parseComment'
subjs <- many $ parseJudgement (depth + 1)
pure $ Judgement (header, properties, comments, subjs)
parseJudgement :: Int -> ReadP Judgement
parseJudgement depth = skipSpaces *> do
let mark = take depth $ repeat '#'
void $ string mark
void $ char ' '
title <- lineToken $ munchTillExcl ':'
case title of
"Bonus" -> parseBonus title
_ -> parseRegularJudgement depth title
parseMood :: ReadP Mood
parseMood = choice
[ char '+' *> pure Positive
, char '-' *> pure Negative
, char '*' *> pure Neutral
, char '?' *> pure Impartial
parseLine :: ReadP String
parseLine = munchTillExcl '\n'
parseLines :: String -> ReadP [String]
parseLines indent = many $ string indent *> parseLine
parseCommentPart :: String -> ReadP CommentPart
parseCommentPart indent = many lineBreak *> do
void $ string indent
(fmap CommentCmt $ parseComment indent) <++
(fmap CommentStr parseLine)
parseComment :: String -> ReadP Comment
parseComment indent = do
mood <- parseMood
void $ char ' '
first <- fmap CommentStr parseLine
rest <- many $ parseCommentPart (indent ++ indentation)
pure $ Comment (mood, (first : rest))
parseComment' :: ReadP Comment
parseComment' = many lineBreak *> do
void $ string indentation
parseComment indentation
parseJudgements :: Int -> ReadP [Judgement]
parseJudgements depth = many $ parseJudgement depth
parse :: ReadP a -> String -> [(a, String)]
parse = readP_to_S
fullParse :: ReadP a -> String -> [a]
fullParse p s = fmap fst $ parse (p <* (skipSpaces >> eof)) s
parseString' :: ReadP a -> String -> Either (ParseErrorImpl a) a
parseString' p s =
case fullParse p s of
[] -> Left NoParse
[a] -> Right a
as -> Left $ AmbiguousGrammar as
parseEntry :: ReadP [Judgement]
parseEntry = parseJudgements 1 <* skipSpaces
parseString :: String -> Either ParseError [Judgement]
parseString = parseString' parseEntry
parseFile' :: ReadP a -> FilePath -> IO (Either (ParseErrorImpl a) a)
parseFile' p path = fmap (parseString' p) $ readFile path
parseFile :: FilePath -> IO (Either ParseError [Judgement])
parseFile = parseFile' parseEntry