{-# LANGUAGE ExplicitForAll, TypeOperators, FlexibleInstances, UndecidableInstances, BangPatterns,
             ExistentialQuantification #-}
module Data.Array.Repa.Internals.Base
	( Array (..)
	, Region(..)
	, Range (..)
	, Rect  (..)
	, Generator(..)
	, deepSeqArray, deepSeqArrays

	, singleton, toScalar
	, extent,    delay
	-- * Predicates
	, inRange

	-- * Indexing
	, (!),  index
	, (!?), safeIndex
	, unsafeIndex

	-- * Construction
	, fromFunction	
	, fromVector
	, fromList)
import Data.Array.Repa.Index
import Data.Array.Repa.Internals.Elt
import Data.Array.Repa.Shape			as S
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed		as V
import Data.Vector.Unboxed			(Vector)

stage	= "Data.Array.Repa.Array"

-- Array ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Repa arrays. 
data Array sh a
	= Array 
	{ -- | The entire extent of the array.
	  arrayExtent		:: sh

	  -- | Arrays can be partitioned into several regions.
	, arrayRegions		:: [Region sh a] }

-- | Defines the values in a region of the array.
data Region sh a
	= Region 
	{ -- | The range of elements this region applies to.
	  regionRange		:: Range sh

	  -- | How to compute the array elements in this region.
	, regionGenerator	:: Generator sh a }

-- | Represents a range of elements in the array.
data Range sh 
	  -- | Covers the entire array.
	= RangeAll

	  -- | The union of a possibly disjoint set of rectangles.
	| RangeRects
	{ rangeMatch	:: sh -> Bool
	, rangeRects	:: [Rect sh] }

-- | A rectangle\/cube of arbitrary dimension.
--   The indices are of the minimum and maximim elements to fill.
data Rect sh
	= Rect sh sh

-- | Generates array elements for a particular region in the array.
data Generator sh a
	-- | Elements are already computed and sitting in this vector. 
	= GenManifest (Vector a)
	--   NOTE: Don't make the vector field strict. If you do then deepSeqing arrays
	--         outside of loops won't cause the unboxings to be floated out.
	-- | Elements can be computed using these cursor functions.
	| forall cursor
	. GenCursor
	{ -- | Make a cursor to a particular element.
	  genMakeCursor		:: sh -> cursor
	  -- | Shift the cursor by an offset, to get to another element.
	, genShiftCursor	:: sh -> cursor -> cursor

	  -- | Load\/compute the element at the given cursor.
	, genLoadElem		:: cursor -> a }

-- DeepSeqs -------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Ensure the structure for an array is fully evaluated.
--   As we are in a lazy language, applying the @force@ function to a delayed array doesn't
--   actually compute it at that point. Rather, Haskell builds a suspension representing the
--   appliction of the @force@ function to that array. Use @deepSeqArray@ to ensure the array
--   is actually computed at a particular point in the program.
infixr 0 `deepSeqArray`
deepSeqArray :: Shape sh => Array sh a -> b -> b
{-# INLINE deepSeqArray #-}
deepSeqArray (Array ex rgns) x
	= ex `S.deepSeq` rgns `deepSeqRegions` x

-- | Like `deepSeqArray` but seqs all the arrays in a list.
--   This is specialised up to lists of 4 arrays. Using more in the list will break fusion.
infixr 0 `deepSeqArrays`
deepSeqArrays :: Shape sh => [Array sh a] -> b -> b
{-# INLINE deepSeqArrays #-}
deepSeqArrays as y
 = case as of
	[]		-> y
	[a]		-> a  `deepSeqArray` y
	[a1, a2]	-> a1 `deepSeqArray` a2 `deepSeqArray` y
	[a1, a2, a3]	-> a1 `deepSeqArray` a2 `deepSeqArray` a3 `deepSeqArray` y
	[a1, a2, a3, a4]-> a1 `deepSeqArray` a2 `deepSeqArray` a3 `deepSeqArray` a4 `deepSeqArray` y
	_		-> deepSeqArrays' as y

deepSeqArrays' as' y
 = case as' of
	[]	-> y
	x : xs	-> x `deepSeqArray` xs `deepSeqArrays` y

-- | Ensure the structure for a region is fully evaluated.
infixr 0 `deepSeqRegion` 
deepSeqRegion :: Shape sh => Region sh a -> b -> b
{-# INLINE deepSeqRegion #-}
deepSeqRegion (Region range gen) x
	= range `deepSeqRange` gen `deepSeqGen` x

-- | Ensure the structure for some regions are fully evaluated.
infixr 0 `deepSeqRegions`
deepSeqRegions :: Shape sh => [Region sh a] -> b -> b
{-# INLINE deepSeqRegions #-}
deepSeqRegions rs y
 = case rs of
	[]		-> y
	[r]	 	-> r  `deepSeqRegion`  y
	[r1, r2]	-> r1 `deepSeqRegion` r2 `deepSeqRegion` y
	rs'		-> deepSeqRegions' rs' y

deepSeqRegions' rs' y
 = case rs' of
	[]	-> y
	x : xs	-> x `deepSeqRegion` xs `deepSeqRegions'` y

-- | Ensure a range is fully evaluated.
infixr 0 `deepSeqRange`
deepSeqRange :: Shape sh => Range sh -> b -> b
{-# INLINE deepSeqRange #-}
deepSeqRange range x
 = case range of
	RangeAll		-> x
	RangeRects f rects 	-> f `seq` rects `seq` x

-- | Ensure a Generator's structure is fully evaluated.
infixr 0 `deepSeqGen`
deepSeqGen :: Shape sh => Generator sh a -> b -> b
{-# INLINE deepSeqGen #-}
deepSeqGen gen x
 = case gen of
	GenManifest vec		-> vec `seq` x
	GenCursor{}		-> x

-- Predicates -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
inRange :: Shape sh => Range sh -> sh -> Bool
{-# INLINE inRange #-}
inRange RangeAll _		= True
inRange (RangeRects fn _) ix	= fn ix

-- Singletons -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Wrap a scalar into a singleton array.
singleton :: Elt a => a -> Array Z a
{-# INLINE singleton #-}
singleton 	= fromFunction Z . const

-- | Take the scalar value from a singleton array.
toScalar :: Elt a => Array Z a -> a
{-# INLINE toScalar #-}
toScalar arr	= arr ! Z

-- Projections ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Take the extent of an array.
extent	:: Array sh a -> sh
{-# INLINE extent #-}
extent arr	= arrayExtent arr

-- | Unpack an array into delayed form.
delay 	:: (Shape sh, Elt a) 
	=> Array sh a 
	-> (sh, sh -> a)

{-# INLINE delay #-}	
delay arr@(Array sh _)
	= (sh, (arr !))

-- Indexing ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Get an indexed element from an array.
--   This uses the same level of bounds checking as your Data.Vector installation.
(!), index
	:: forall sh a
	.  (Shape sh, Elt a)
	=> Array sh a
	-> sh 
	-> a

{-# INLINE (!) #-}
(!) arr ix = index arr ix

{-# INLINE index #-}
index arr ix
 = case arr of
	Array _ []
	 -> zero
	Array sh [Region _ gen1]
	 -> indexGen sh gen1 ix
	Array sh [Region r1 gen1, Region _ gen2]
	 | inRange r1 ix	-> indexGen sh gen1 ix
	 | otherwise		-> indexGen sh gen2 ix
	_ -> index' arr ix

 where	{-# INLINE indexGen #-}
	indexGen sh gen ix'
	 = case gen of
		GenManifest vec
		 -> vec V.! (S.toIndex sh ix')
		GenCursor makeCursor _ loadElem
		 -> loadElem $ makeCursor ix'

	index' (Array sh (Region range gen : rs)) ix'
	 | inRange range ix	= indexGen sh gen ix'
	 | otherwise		= index' (Array sh rs) ix'

        index' (Array _ []) _
  	 = zero

-- | Get an indexed element from an array.
--   If the element is out of range then `Nothing`.
(!?), safeIndex
	:: forall sh a
	.  (Shape sh, Elt a)
	=> Array sh a
	-> sh 
	-> Maybe a

{-# INLINE (!?) #-}
(!?) arr ix = safeIndex arr ix

{-# INLINE safeIndex #-}
safeIndex arr ix
 = case arr of
	Array _ []
	 -> Nothing
	Array sh [Region _ gen1]
	 -> indexGen sh gen1 ix
	Array sh [Region r1 gen1, Region r2 gen2]
	 | inRange r1 ix	-> indexGen sh gen1 ix
	 | inRange r2 ix	-> indexGen sh gen2 ix
	 | otherwise		-> Nothing
	_ -> index' arr ix

 where	{-# INLINE indexGen #-}
	indexGen sh gen ix'
	 = case gen of
		GenManifest vec
		 -> vec V.!? (S.toIndex sh ix')
		GenCursor makeCursor _ loadElem
		 -> Just (loadElem $ makeCursor ix')

	index' (Array sh (Region range gen : rs)) ix'
	 | inRange range ix	= indexGen sh gen ix'
	 | otherwise		= index' (Array sh rs) ix'

        index' (Array _ []) _
  	 = Nothing

-- | Get an indexed element from an array, without bounds checking.
--   This assumes that the regions in the array give full coverage.
--   An array with no regions gets zero for every element.
	:: forall sh a
	.  (Shape sh, Elt a)
	=> Array sh a
	-> sh 
	-> a

{-# INLINE unsafeIndex #-}
unsafeIndex arr ix
 = case arr of
	Array _ []
	 -> zero
	Array sh [Region _ gen1]
	 -> unsafeIndexGen sh gen1 ix
	Array sh [Region r1 gen1, Region _ gen2]
	 | inRange r1 ix	-> unsafeIndexGen sh gen1 ix
	 | otherwise		-> unsafeIndexGen sh gen2 ix
	_ -> unsafeIndex' arr ix

 where	{-# INLINE unsafeIndexGen #-}
	unsafeIndexGen sh gen ix'
	 = case gen of
		GenManifest vec
		 -> vec `V.unsafeIndex` (S.toIndex sh ix')
		GenCursor makeCursor _ loadElem
		 -> loadElem $ makeCursor ix'

	unsafeIndex' (Array sh (Region range gen : rs)) ix'
	 | inRange range ix	= unsafeIndexGen sh gen ix'
	 | otherwise		= unsafeIndex' (Array sh rs) ix'

        unsafeIndex' (Array _ []) _
  	 = zero

-- Conversions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Create a `Delayed` array from a function.
	:: Shape sh
	=> sh
	-> (sh -> a)
	-> Array sh a
{-# INLINE fromFunction #-}
fromFunction sh fnElems
	= sh `S.deepSeq`
	  Array sh [Region 
			(GenCursor id addDim fnElems)]

-- | Create a `Manifest` array from an unboxed `Vector`. 
--	The elements are in row-major order.
	:: Shape sh
	=> sh
	-> Vector a
	-> Array sh a

{-# INLINE fromVector #-}
fromVector sh vec
	= sh  `S.deepSeq` vec `seq`
	  Array sh [Region RangeAll (GenManifest vec)]

-- Conversion -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Convert a list to an array.
--	The length of the list must be exactly the `size` of the extent given, else `error`.
	:: (Shape sh, Elt a)
	=> sh
	-> [a]
	-> Array sh a
{-# INLINE fromList #-}
fromList sh xx
	| V.length vec /= S.size sh
	= error $ unlines
	 	[ stage ++ ".fromList: size of array shape does not match size of list"
		, "        size of shape = " ++ (show $ S.size sh) 	++ "\n"
		, "        size of list  = " ++ (show $ V.length vec) 	++ "\n" ]
	| otherwise
	= Array sh [Region RangeAll (GenManifest vec)]

	where	vec	= V.fromList xx