{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances, OverlappingInstances #-}
module Data.Repa.Nice.Present
        ( Presentable   (..)
        , Present       (..)
        , Str           (..)
        , Tok           (..)
        , depth
        , strip1
        , strip2
        , flatten)
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Word
import Data.Text                (Text)
import qualified Data.Text      as T
import Data.Repa.Nice           (Str(..), Tok(..))

-- | A value, wrapped up nicely.
data Present
        -- | An atomic thing.
        = Atom  Text

        -- | Many of the same thing, to display with list brackets @[.. , ..]@
        | Many  [Present]

        -- | Some different things,  to display with tuple brackets @(.. , ..)@
        | Some  [Present]
        deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | Yield the nesting depth of a `Present`
depth :: Present -> Int
depth pp
 = case pp of
        Atom{}   -> 0
        Many ps  -> 1 + (case ps of
                                []      -> 0
                                _       -> maximum $ map depth ps)
        Some _   -> 0

-- | Strip the top two layers of nesting into lists.
strip2 :: Present -> Maybe [[Present]]
strip2 (Many xs) = mapM strip1 xs
strip2 _         = Nothing

-- | Strip the top layer of nesting into a list.
strip1 :: Present -> Maybe [Present]
strip1 (Many xs) = Just xs
strip1 _         = Nothing

-- | Flatten a present into text
flatten :: Present -> Text 
flatten (Atom str) = str
flatten (Many ps)  
 = T.pack "[" <> (T.intercalate (T.pack ",") $ map flatten ps) <> T.pack "]"

flatten (Some ps)  
 = T.pack "(" <> (T.intercalate (T.pack ",") $ map flatten ps) <> T.pack ")"

-- | Convert some value to a form presentable to the user.
--   Like `show` but we allow the nesting structure to be preserved
--   so it can be displayed in tabular format.
class Presentable a where
 present :: a -> Present 

instance Presentable Char where
 present = Atom . T.pack . show

instance Presentable Int where
 present = Atom . T.pack . show

instance Presentable Float where
 present = Atom . T.pack . show

instance Presentable Double where
 present = Atom . T.pack . show

instance Presentable Word8 where
 present = Atom . T.pack . show

instance Presentable Word16 where
 present = Atom . T.pack . show

instance Presentable Word32 where
 present = Atom . T.pack . show

instance Presentable Word64 where
 present = Atom . T.pack . show

instance Presentable Str where
 present (Str xs) = Atom $ T.pack (show xs)

instance Presentable Tok where
 present (Tok xs) = Atom $ T.pack xs

instance Presentable a 
      => Presentable [a] where
 present xs = Many $ map present xs

instance (Presentable a, Presentable b)
       => Presentable (a, b) where
 present (a, b) 
        = Some [present a, present b]

instance (Presentable a, Presentable b, Presentable c)
       => Presentable (a, b, c) where
 present (a, b, c) 
        = Some [present a, present b, present c]

instance (Presentable a, Presentable b, Presentable c, Presentable d)
       => Presentable (a, b, c, d) where
 present (a, b, c, d)
        = Some [present a, present b, present c, present d]

instance (Presentable a, Presentable b, Presentable c, Presentable d, Presentable e)
       => Presentable (a, b, c, d, e) where
 present (a, b, c, d, e) 
        = Some [present a, present b, present c, present d, present e]