-- | Perform the 2D FFT on a BMP image. import Data.Array.Repa.Algorithms.FFT import Data.Array.Repa.Algorithms.DFT.Center import Data.Array.Repa.Algorithms.Complex import Data.Array.Repa.IO.BMP import Data.Array.Repa as A import System.Environment import Control.Monad main :: IO () main = do args <- getArgs case args of [fileIn, clipMag, fileMag, filePhase] -> mainWithArgs fileIn (read clipMag) fileMag filePhase _ -> putStr $ unlines [ "Usage: repa-fft2d " , "" , " The output magnitude has a high dynamic range. We need to clip it otherwise" , " most of the pixels in the output BMP will be black. Start with a value equal" , " to about the width of the image (eg 512)" , "" ] mainWithArgs fileIn clipMag fileMag filePhase = do -- Load in the matrix. arrReal <- liftM (either (\e -> error $ show e) id) $ readMatrixFromGreyscaleBMP fileIn let arrComplex = force $ A.map (\r -> r :*: 0) arrReal -- Apply the centering transform so that the output has the zero -- frequency in the middle of the image. let arrCentered = centerMatrix arrComplex -- Do the 2d transform. let arrFreq = fft2d arrCentered -- Write out the magnitude of the transformed array, -- clipping it at the given value. let clip m = if m >= clipMag then clipMag else m let arrMag = A.map (clip . mag) arrFreq writeMatrixToGreyscaleBMP fileMag arrMag -- Write out the phase of the transofmed array, -- scaling it to make full use of the 8 bit greyscale. let scaledArg x = (arg x + pi) * (255 / (2 * pi)) let arrPhase = A.map scaledArg arrFreq writeMatrixToGreyscaleBMP filePhase arrPhase