{-# OPTIONS -fno-warn-unused-imports #-}
module Data.Repa.Flow.Generic.Array.Shuffle
        ( shuffle_o
        , dshuffle_o
        , dshuffleBy_o)
import Data.Repa.Flow.Generic.Base              as F
import Data.Repa.Flow.Generic.Map               as F
import Data.Repa.Flow.Generic.Operator          as F
import Data.Repa.Array                          as A
import Data.Repa.Eval.Elt
import Control.Monad
#include "repa-flow.h"

-- | Given a bundle of argument sinks, produce a result sink.
--   Arrays of indices and elements are pushed to the result sink. 
--   On doing so, the elements are pushed into the corresponding streams
--   of the argument sinks. 
--   If the index associated with an element does not have a corresponding
--   stream in the argument sinks, then pass it to the provided spill
--   function.
-- @
--  |                      ..                         |
--  | [(0, v0), (1, v1), (0, v2), (0, v3), (2, v4)]   |  :: Sources Int IO (Array l (Int, a))
--  |                      ..                         |
--          \\       \\                          |
--           \\       .------------.            |
--            v                   v            .---------> spilled
--       |       ..       |       ..       |
--       |  [v0, v2, v3]  |      [v1]      |             :: Sinks Int IO (Array l a)
--       |       ..       |       ..       | 
-- @
--   The following example uses `capture_o` to demonstrate how the
--   `shuffle_o` operator can be used as one step of a bucket-sort. We start
--   with  two arrays of key-value pairs. In the result, the values from each
--   block that had the same key are packed into the same tuple (bucket).
-- @
-- > import Data.Repa.Flow.Generic    as G
-- > import Data.Repa.Array           as A
-- > import Data.Repa.Array.Material  as A
-- > import Data.Repa.Nice
-- > let arr1 = A.fromList B [(0, \'a\'), (1, \'b\'), (2, \'c\'), (0, \'d\'), (0, \'c\')]
-- > let arr2 = A.fromList B [(0, \'A\'), (3, \'B\'), (3, \'C\')]
-- > result :: Array B (Int, Array U Char) 
-- >        \<- capture_o B 4 (\\k ->  shuffle_o B (error \"spilled\") k  
-- >                             >>= pushList1 () [arr1, arr2]) 
-- > nice result
-- [(0,\"adc\"),(1,\"b\"),(2,\"c\"),(0,\"A\"),(3,\"BC\")]
-- @
        :: ( BulkI lDst a, BulkI lSrc (Int, a)
           , Windowable lDst a
           , Target lDst a
           , Elt a)
        => Name lSrc                            -- ^ Name of source layout.
        -> (Int -> Array lDst a -> IO ())       -- ^ Handle spilled elements.
        -> Sinks Int IO (Array lDst a)          -- ^ Sinks to push results to.
        -> IO (Sinks () IO  (Array lSrc (Int, a)))

shuffle_o _ aSpill (Sinks nSinks opush oeject)
 = return $ Sinks () shuffle_push shuffle_eject
        shuffle_push _ !arr
         = do   -- Partition the elements by segment number.
                let !parts   = A.partition name nSinks arr

                -- Push the individual segments into the argument sinks.
                let loop_shuffle_push !i
                     | i >= A.length parts  
                     = return ()

                     | i >= nSinks         
                     = do let !part = parts `index` i
                          when (A.length part > 0)
                           $ aSpill i part

                          loop_shuffle_push (i + 1)

                     | otherwise
                     = do let !part = parts `index` i
                          when (A.length part > 0)
                           $ opush i part

                          loop_shuffle_push (i + 1)

                loop_shuffle_push 0
        {-# INLINE shuffle_push #-}

        shuffle_eject _
         = do   
                let loop_shuffle_eject !i
                     | i >= nSinks
                     = return ()

                     | otherwise
                     = do oeject i
                          loop_shuffle_eject (i + 1)

                loop_shuffle_eject 0
        {-# INLINE shuffle_eject #-}

{-# INLINE_FLOW shuffle_o #-}

-- | Like `shuffle_o`, but drop spilled elements on the floor.
        :: ( BulkI lDst a, BulkI lSrc (Int, a)
           , Windowable lDst a
           , Target lDst a
           , Elt a)
        => Name lSrc                    -- ^ Name of source layout.
        -> Sinks Int IO (Array lDst a)  -- ^ Sinks to push results to.
        -> IO (Sinks () IO  (Array lSrc (Int, a)))

dshuffle_o nSrc sinks
        = shuffle_o nSrc (\_ _ -> return ()) sinks 
{-# INLINE dshuffle_o #-}

-- | Like `dshuffle_o`, but use the given function to decide which stream of
--   the argument bundle each element should be pushed into.
-- @
-- > import Data.Repa.Flow.Generic   as G
-- > import Data.Repa.Array          as A
-- > import Data.Repa.Array.Material as A
-- > import Data.Repa.Nice
-- > import Data.Char
-- > let arr1 = A.fromList B \"FooBAr\"
-- > let arr2 = A.fromList B \"BazLIKE\"
-- > result :: Array B (Int, Array U Char) 
--          \<- capture_o B 2 (\\k ->  dshuffleBy_o B (\\x -> if isUpper x then 0 else 1) k 
--                               >>= pushList1 () [arr1, arr2])
-- > nice result
-- [(0,\"FBA\"),(1,\"oor\"),(0,\"BLIKE\"),(1,\"az\")]
-- @
        :: ( BulkI lDst a, BulkI lSrc a
           , Windowable lDst a
           , Target lDst a
           , Elt a)
        => Name lSrc                    -- ^ Name of source layout.
        -> (a -> Int)                   -- ^ Get the stream number for an element.
        -> Sinks Int IO (Array lDst a)  -- ^ Sinks to push results to.
        -> IO (Sinks () IO  (Array lSrc a))

dshuffleBy_o _ fBucket sinks
 = do   kShuf  <- dshuffle_o name sinks

        let chunk _ arr = A.tup2 (A.map fBucket arr) arr
            {-# INLINE chunk #-}

        smap_o chunk kShuf
{-# INLINE dshuffleBy_o #-}