## Req 0.3.1 * Added `basicAuthUnsafe`. ## Req 0.3.0 * Made URL parsing functions `parseUrlHttp` and `parseUrlHttps` recognize port numbers. * Added `req'` function that allows to perform requests via a callback that receives pre-constructed request and manager. * Removed the `ReturnRequest` HTTP response implementation as it was not quite safe and was not going to work with retrying. Use `req'` instead for “pure” testing. * Changed the type of `httpConfigCheckResponse`, so the second argument can be any instance of `HttpResponse`. * Added built-in automatic retrying. See `httpConfigRetryPolicy` and `httpConfigRetryJudge` in `HttpConfig`. The default configuration retries 5 times on request timeouts. * Added the `makeResponseBodyPreview` method to the `HttpResponse` type class that allows to specify how to build a “preview” of response body for inclusion into exceptions. * Improved wording in the documentation and `README.md`. ## Req 0.2.0 * Added support for multipart form data in form of `ReqBodyMultipart` body option and `reqBodyMultipart` helper function. This also required a change in type signature of `getRequestContentType`, which now takes `body`, not `Proxy body` because we need to extract boundary from `body` and put it into `Content-Type` header. This change, however, shouldn't be too dangerous for end-users. * Added support for OAuth 1.0 authentication via `oAuth1` option. ## Req 0.1.0 * Initial release.