Description: path matching utility

This module provides the tools you need to match the path of a request, extract data
from it, and connect matches to Respond actions.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
module Web.Respond.Path where

import Control.Applicative
import Network.Wai
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Sequence as S
import Safe (headMay)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import qualified Control.Monad.State.Class as MState
import qualified Control.Monad.State as StateT
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe as MaybeT
import Data.HList
import Web.PathPieces
import Network.HTTP.Types.Method

import Web.Respond.Types
import Web.Respond.Monad
import Web.Respond.Response
import Web.Respond.Method
import Web.Respond.HListUtils

-- * matching paths to actions

-- | the PathMatcher makes it easy to provide actions for different paths.
-- you use 'matchPath' to run it.
-- you can use this as a monad, but tbh you probably just want to use the
-- 'Applicative' and especially 'Alternative' instances.
newtype PathMatcher a = PathMatcher {
    runPathMatcher :: PathConsumer -> Maybe a

instance Functor PathMatcher where
    fmap f pm = PathMatcher $ fmap f . runPathMatcher pm

instance Applicative PathMatcher where
    pure v = PathMatcher $ pure $ pure v
    f <*> r = PathMatcher $ (<*>) <$> runPathMatcher f <*> runPathMatcher r

instance Alternative PathMatcher where
    empty = PathMatcher $ const Nothing
    l <|> r = PathMatcher $ (<|>) <$> runPathMatcher l <*> runPathMatcher r

instance Monad PathMatcher where
    return = pure
    a >>= f = PathMatcher $ (>>=) <$> runPathMatcher a  <*> flip (runPathMatcher . f)

-- | run a path matcher containing a respond action against the current
-- path. uses the currently installed unmatched path handler if the match
-- fails.
-- see 'handleUnmatchedPath'
matchPath :: MonadRespond m => PathMatcher (m ResponseReceived) -> m ResponseReceived
matchPath pm = getPath >>= (fromMaybe handleUnmatchedPath . runPathMatcher pm)

-- ** transforming path matchers

-- | wrap the action within a path matcher with 'matchOnlyMethod'; this way
-- all paths below this can be restricted to a single method properly. 
matchPathWithMethod :: MonadRespond m => StdMethod -> PathMatcher (m ResponseReceived) -> PathMatcher (m ResponseReceived)
matchPathWithMethod = fmap . matchOnlyMethod

-- | 'pathWithMethod' GET
matchPathWithGET :: MonadRespond m => PathMatcher (m ResponseReceived) -> PathMatcher (m ResponseReceived)
matchPathWithGET = matchPathWithMethod GET

-- * extracting path elements

-- | the path extractor matches the path and extracts values; it is useful
-- for building PathMatchers. it is built on both MState and Maybe - if it
-- succeeds, it can modify the state to represent the path it has consumed.
newtype PathExtractor l = PathExtractor {
    runPathExtractor :: MaybeT.MaybeT (StateT.State PathConsumer) l
} deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, Alternative, MState.MonadState PathConsumer, MonadPlus)

-- | takes a Maybe and makes it into a path extractor
asPathExtractor :: Maybe a -> PathExtractor a
asPathExtractor = maybe empty return

-- | a path extractor that extracts nothing, just matches
type PathExtractor0 = PathExtractor HList0

-- | a path extractor that extracts a single value from the path
type PathExtractor1 a = PathExtractor (HList1 a)

-- ** using path extractors

-- | runs a 'PathExtractor' against a 'PathConsumer'.
pathExtract :: PathExtractor a -> PathConsumer -> (Maybe a, PathConsumer)
pathExtract = StateT.runState . MaybeT.runMaybeT . runPathExtractor

-- | create a 'PathMatcher' by providing a path extractor and an action that
-- consumes the extracted elements.
-- note that 'HListElim' is just a function from the types extracted to
-- something else
-- > path ((value :: PathExtractor1 String) </> seg "whatever" </> (value :: PathExtractor1 Integer)) $ \string integer -> -- some action
path :: MonadRespond m => PathExtractor (HList l) -> HListElim l (m a) -> PathMatcher (m a)
path extractor f = PathMatcher $ uncurry (useNextPathState f) . pathExtract extractor

-- | an action that runs the action (HListElim l (m a)) with the new path
-- consumer state if an extracted value is provided. 
-- this mainly exists for the use of 'path'.
useNextPathState :: MonadRespond m => HListElim l (m a) -> Maybe (HList l) -> PathConsumer -> Maybe (m a)
useNextPathState elim maybeExtraction nextPath = (usePath nextPath . hListUncurry elim) <$> maybeExtraction

-- | a simple matcher for being at the end of the path.
-- > pathEndOrSlash = path endOrSlash
pathEndOrSlash :: MonadRespond m => m a -> PathMatcher (m a)
pathEndOrSlash = path endOrSlash

-- | a simple matcher for the last segment of a path
-- > pathLastSeg s = path (seg s </> endOrSlash)
pathLastSeg :: MonadRespond m => T.Text -> m a -> PathMatcher (m a)
pathLastSeg s = path (seg s </> endOrSlash)

-- | combine two path extractors in sequence.
(</>) :: PathExtractor (HList l) -> PathExtractor (HList r) -> PathExtractor (HList (HAppendList l r))
(</>) = liftA2 hAppendList

-- ** useful path extractors

-- | match only when the PathConsumer in the path state has no unconsumed
-- elements.
pathEnd :: PathExtractor0
pathEnd = MState.get >>= maybe (return HNil) (const empty) . pcGetNext

-- | build a path matcher that runs an extractor function on a single
-- element and then advances the path state if it matched. 
singleSegExtractor :: (T.Text -> Maybe (HList a)) -> PathExtractor (HList a)
singleSegExtractor extractor = do
    res <- MState.get >>= asPathExtractor . (pcGetNext >=> extractor)
    MState.modify pcConsumeNext 
    return res

-- | build an extractor from a function that does not produce any real
-- value
unitExtractor :: (T.Text -> Maybe ()) -> PathExtractor0
unitExtractor = singleSegExtractor . (fmap (const HNil) .)

-- | convert a predicate into a 'PathExtractor0'
predicateExtractor :: (T.Text -> Bool) -> PathExtractor0
predicateExtractor = unitExtractor . (mayWhen () .)

-- | WAI represents a trailing slash by having a null text as the last
-- element in the list. this matches it. it's just
-- @
-- slashEnd = 'predicateExtractor' 'Data.Text.null'
-- @
slashEnd :: PathExtractor0
slashEnd = predicateExtractor T.null

-- | best way to match the path end. it's just
-- @ 
-- endOrSlash = 'pathEnd' 'Control.Applicative.<|>' 'slashEnd'
-- @
endOrSlash :: PathExtractor0
endOrSlash = pathEnd <|> slashEnd

-- | require that a segment be a certain string.
seg :: T.Text -> PathExtractor0
seg = predicateExtractor . (==)

-- | an extractor that takes a single path element and produces a single
-- value
singleItemExtractor :: (T.Text -> Maybe a) -> PathExtractor1 a
singleItemExtractor = singleSegExtractor . (fmap (hEnd . hBuild) .)

-- | if you have a 'PathPiece' instance for some type, you can extract it
-- from the path.
value :: PathPiece a => PathExtractor1 a
value = singleItemExtractor fromPathPiece

-- *** extract while matching methods

-- | path extraction matcher transformed with 'matchPath'
pathMethod :: MonadRespond m => StdMethod -> PathExtractor (HList l) -> HListElim l (m ResponseReceived) -> PathMatcher (m ResponseReceived)
pathMethod m extractor = matchPathWithMethod m . path extractor

-- | path extraction matcher with action wrapped so that it only matches
-- GET method
pathGET :: MonadRespond m => PathExtractor (HList l) -> HListElim l (m ResponseReceived) -> PathMatcher (m ResponseReceived)
pathGET = pathMethod GET

-- * utilities

-- | utility method for conditionally providing a value
mayWhen :: a -> Bool -> Maybe a
mayWhen v True = Just v
mayWhen _ False = Nothing

-- | run the inner action with a set path state.
-- > usePath = withPath . const
usePath :: MonadRespond m => PathConsumer -> m a -> m a
usePath = withPath . const

-- | get the part of the path that's been consumed so far.
-- > getConsumedPath = _pcConsumed <$> getPath
getConsumedPath :: MonadRespond m => m (S.Seq T.Text)
getConsumedPath = _pcConsumed <$> getPath

-- | get the part of the path that has yet to be consumed.
-- > getUnconsumedPath = _pcUnconsumed <$> getPath
getUnconsumedPath :: MonadRespond m => m [T.Text]
getUnconsumedPath = _pcUnconsumed <$> getPath

-- | get the next unconsumed path segment if there is one
-- > getNextSegment = headMay <$> getUnconsumedPath
getNextSegment :: MonadRespond m => m (Maybe T.Text)
getNextSegment = headMay <$> getUnconsumedPath

-- | run the inner action with the next path segment consumed.
-- > withNextSegmentConsumed = withPath pcConsumeNext
withNextSegmentConsumed :: MonadRespond m => m a -> m a
withNextSegmentConsumed = withPath pcConsumeNext

-- ** things you can get out of paths

-- | natural numbers starting with 1. you can get this out of a path.
newtype Natural = Natural Integer deriving (Eq, Show)

instance PathPiece Natural where
    toPathPiece (Natural i) = T.pack $ show i 
    fromPathPiece s = fromPathPiece s >>= \i -> mayWhen (Natural i) (i >= 1)