module Rest.Gen
  ( generate
  ) where

import Data.Char
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Label
import Data.Maybe
import System.Directory
import System.Exit
import System.Process
import qualified Language.Haskell.Exts.Syntax as H

import Rest.Api (Api, Some1 (..), withVersion)

import Rest.Gen.Config
import Rest.Gen.Docs (DocsContext (DocsContext), writeDocs)
import Rest.Gen.Haskell (HaskellContext (HaskellContext), mkHsApi)
import Rest.Gen.JavaScript (mkJsApi)
import Rest.Gen.Ruby (mkRbApi)
import Rest.Gen.Types
import Rest.Gen.Utils

generate :: Config -> String -> Api m -> [H.ModuleName] -> [H.ImportDecl] -> [(H.ModuleName, H.ModuleName)] -> IO ()
generate config name api sources imports rewrites =
  withVersion (get apiVersion config) api (putStrLn "Could not find api version" >> exitFailure) $ \ver (Some1 r) ->
     case get action config of
       Just (MakeDocs root) ->
         do loc <- getTargetDir config "./docs"
            setupTargetDir config loc
            let context = DocsContext root ver (fromMaybe "./templates" (getSourceLocation config))
            writeDocs context r loc
       Just MakeJS          -> mkJsApi (overModuleName (++ "Api") moduleName) (get apiPrivate config) ver r >>= toTarget config
       Just MakeRb          -> mkRbApi (overModuleName (++ "Api") moduleName) (get apiPrivate config) ver r >>= toTarget config
       Just MakeHS          ->
         do loc <- getTargetDir config "./client"
            setupTargetDir config loc
            let context = HaskellContext ver loc (packageName ++ "-client") (get apiPrivate config) sources imports rewrites [unModuleName moduleName, "Client"]
            mkHsApi context r
       Nothing              -> return ()
    packageName = map toLower name
    moduleName  = H.ModuleName $ upFirst packageName

getTargetDir :: Config -> String -> IO String
getTargetDir config str =
  case get target config of
    Stream     -> putStrLn ("Cannot generate documentation to stdOut, generating to " ++ str) >> return str
    Default    -> putStrLn ("Generating to " ++ str) >> return str
    Location d -> putStrLn ("Generating to " ++ d) >> return d

setupTargetDir :: Config -> String -> IO ()
setupTargetDir config t =
  do createDirectoryIfMissing True t
     forM_ (getSourceLocation config) $ \s -> system $ "cp -rf " ++ s ++ " " ++ t

toTarget :: Config -> String -> IO ()
toTarget config code =
  do let outf =
           case get target config of
             Stream     -> putStrLn
             Default    -> putStrLn
             Location l -> writeFile l
     outf code

getSourceLocation :: Config -> Maybe String
getSourceLocation config =
  case get source config of
    Location s -> Just s
    _          -> Nothing