{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module Database.RethinkDB.Time where

import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified  Data.Time as Time
import qualified  Data.Time.Clock.POSIX as Time
import Data.Aeson as JSON
import Data.Aeson.Types (Parser)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Applicative

import Database.RethinkDB.ReQL

import Database.RethinkDB.Protobuf.Ql2.Term.TermType

-- | The time and date when the query is executed
now :: ReQL
now = op NOW () ()

-- | Build a time object from the year, month, day, hour, minute, second and timezone fields
time :: ReQL -> ReQL -> ReQL -> ReQL -> ReQL -> ReQL -> ReQL -> ReQL
time y m d hh mm ss tz = op TIME [y, m, d, hh, mm, ss, tz] ()

-- | Build a time object given the number of seconds since the unix epoch
epochTime :: ReQL -> ReQL
epochTime t = op EPOCH_TIME [t] ()

-- | Build a time object given an iso8601 string
iso8601 :: ReQL -> ReQL
iso8601 t = op ISO8601 [t] ()

-- | The same time in a different timezone
inTimezone :: Expr time => ReQL -> time -> ReQL
inTimezone tz t = op IN_TIMEZONE (t, tz) ()

data Bound a =
  Open { boundValue ::  a } |
  Closed { boundValue :: a }

boundString :: Bound a -> Text
boundString Open{} = "open"
boundString Closed{} = "closed"

-- | Test if a time is between two other times
during :: (Expr left, Expr right, Expr time) => Bound left -> Bound right -> time -> ReQL
during l r t = op DURING (t, boundValue l, boundValue r) [
  "left_bound" := boundString l, "right_bound" := boundString r]

-- | Extract part of a time value
timezone, date, timeOfDay, year, month, day, dayOfWeek, dayOfYear, hours, minutes, seconds ::
  Expr time => time -> ReQL
timezone t = op TIMEZONE [t] ()
date  t = op DATE [t] ()
timeOfDay t = op TIME_OF_DAY [t] ()
year t = op YEAR [t] ()
month t = op MONTH [t] ()
day t = op DAY [t] ()
dayOfWeek t = op DAY_OF_WEEK [t] ()
dayOfYear t = op DAY_OF_YEAR [t] ()
hours t = op HOURS [t] ()
minutes t = op MINUTES [t] ()
seconds t = op SECONDS [t] ()

-- | Convert a time to another representation
toIso8601, toEpochTime :: Expr t => t -> ReQL
toIso8601 t = op TO_ISO8601 [t] ()
toEpochTime t = op TO_EPOCH_TIME [t] ()

-- | Time with no time zone
-- The default FromJSON instance for Data.Time.UTCTime is incompatible with ReQL's time type
newtype UTCTime = UTCTime Time.UTCTime

-- | Time with a time zone
-- The default FromJSON instance for Data.Time.ZonedTime is incompatible with ReQL's time type
newtype ZonedTime = ZonedTime Time.ZonedTime

instance FromJSON UTCTime where
  parseJSON (JSON.Object v) = UTCTime . Time.posixSecondsToUTCTime . fromRational <$> v .: "epoch_time"
  parseJSON _ = mzero

instance FromJSON ZonedTime where
  parseJSON (JSON.Object v) = do
                         tz <- v .: "timezone"
                         t <- v.: "epoch_time"
                         tz' <- parseTimeZone tz
                         return . ZonedTime $ Time.utcToZonedTime tz'
                           (Time.posixSecondsToUTCTime (fromRational t))
  parseJSON _ = mzero

parseTimeZone :: String -> Parser Time.TimeZone
parseTimeZone "Z" = return Time.utc
parseTimeZone tz = Time.minutesToTimeZone <$> case tz of 
  ('-':tz') -> negate <$> go tz'
  ('+':tz') -> go tz'
  _ -> go tz
    go tz' = do
        (h, _:m) <- return $ break (==':') tz'
        ([(hh, "")], [(mm, "")]) <- return $ (reads h, reads m)
        return $ hh * 60 + mm

instance Expr UTCTime where
  expr (UTCTime t) = expr t

instance Expr ZonedTime where
  expr (ZonedTime t) = expr t