rewriting-0.1: Generic rewriting library for regular datatypes.Source codeContentsIndex

By importing this module, the user is able to use all the rewriting machinery. The user is only required to provide an instance of Regular and Rewrite for his datatype.

Consider a datatype representing logical propositions:

   data Expr = Const Int | Expr :++: Expr | Expr :**: Expr deriving Show

An instance of Regular would look like:

   instance Regular Expr where
     type PF Expr = K Int :+: Id :*: Id :+: Id :*: Id
     from (Const n)    = L (K n)
     from (e1 :++: e2) = R (L  $ (Id e1) :*: (Id e2))
     from (e1 :**: e2) = R (R  $ (Id e1) :*: (Id e2))
     to (L (K n))                     = Const n
     to (R (L ((Id r1) :*: (Id r2)))) = r1 :++: r2
     to (R (R ((Id r1) :*: (Id r2)))) = r1 :**: r2

Additionally, the instance Rewrite would look like:

   instance Rewrite Expr

Build rules like this:

   rule1 :: Rule Expr
   rule1 = 
     rule $ x -> x :++: Const 0 :~>
   rule5 :: Rule Expr
   rule5 = 
     rule $ x y z -> x :**: (y :++: z) :~>  
                     (x :**: y) :++: (x :**: z) 

And apply them as follows:

   test1 :: Maybe Expr
   test1 = rewriteM rule1 (Const 2 :++: Const 0)
   test10 :: Maybe Expr
   test10 = rewriteM rule5 ((Const 1) :**: ((Const 2) :++: (Const 3)))

You may also wish to add constructor names in the representation to use generic show. However, constructor names are not yet a stable feature and will probably change in future versions of this library.

   instance Regular Expr where
     type PF Expr = Con (K Int) :+: Con (Id :*: Id) :+: Con (Id :*: Id)
     from (Const n)    = L (Con "Const" (K n))
     from (e1 :++: e2) = R (L (Con "(:++:)" $ (Id e1) :*: (Id e2)))
     from (e1 :**: e2) = R (R (Con "(:**:)" $ (Id e1) :*: (Id e2)))
     to (L (Con _ (K n)))                        = Const n
     to (R (L (Con _ ((Id r1) :*: (Id r2))))) = r1 :++: r2
     to (R (R (Con _ ((Id r1) :*: (Id r2))))) = r1 :**: r2
module Generics.Regular.Rewriting.Base
module Generics.Regular.Rewriting.Machinery
module Generics.Regular.Rewriting.Representations
module Generics.Regular.Rewriting.Rules
module Generics.Regular.Rewriting.Strategies
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