-- |
-- Module      :  Generics.Regular.Rewriting
-- Copyright   :  (c) 2008 Universiteit Utrecht
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  generics@haskell.org
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  non-portable
-- By importing this module, the user is able to use all the rewriting
-- machinery. The user is only required to provide an instance of 
-- @Regular@ and @Rewrite@ for the datatype.
-- Consider a datatype representing logical propositions:
-- > data Expr = Const Int | Expr :++: Expr | Expr :**: Expr deriving Show
-- >
-- > infixr 5 :++:
-- > infixr 6 :**:
-- An instance of @Regular@ would look like:
-- > data Const
-- > data Plus
-- > data Times
-- >
-- > instance Constructor Const where conName _ = "Const"
-- > instance Constructor Plus where 
-- >   conName _   = "(:++:)"
-- >   conFixity _ = Infix RightAssociative 5
-- > instance Constructor Times where 
-- >   conName _   = "(:**:)"
-- >   conFixity _ = Infix RightAssociative 6
-- >
-- > type instance PF Expr =  C Const (K Int) 
-- >                      :+: C Plus  (I :*: I) 
-- >                      :+: C Times (I :*: I)
-- >
-- > instance Regular Expr where
-- >   from (Const n)    = L (C (K n))
-- >   from (e1 :++: e2) = R (L (C $ (I e1) :*: (I e2)))
-- >   from (e1 :**: e2) = R (R (C $ (I e1) :*: (I e2)))
-- >   to (L (C (K n)))                   = Const n
-- >   to (R (L (C ((I r1) :*: (I r2))))) = r1 :++: r2
-- >   to (R (R (C ((I r1) :*: (I r2))))) = r1 :**: r2
-- Alternatively, the above code could be derived using Template Haskell:
-- > $(deriveConstructors ''Expr)
-- > $(deriveRegular ''Expr "PFExpr")
-- > type instance PF Expr = PFExpr
-- Additionally, the instance @Rewrite@ would look like:
-- > instance Rewrite Expr
-- Rules are built like this:
-- > rule1 :: Rule Expr
-- > rule1 = 
-- >   rule $ \x -> x :++: Const 0 :~>
-- >               x
-- > rule5 :: Rule Expr
-- > rule5 = 
-- >   rule $ \x y z -> x :**: (y :++: z) :~>
-- >                   (x :**: y) :++: (x :**: z)
-- And applied as follows:
-- > test1 :: Maybe Expr
-- > test1 = rewriteM rule1 (Const 2 :++: Const 0)
-- > test10 :: Maybe Expr
-- > test10 = rewriteM rule5 ((Const 1) :**: ((Const 2) :++: (Const 3)))


module Generics.Regular.Rewriting (

  module Generics.Regular.Base,
  module Generics.Regular.Functions,

  module Generics.Regular.Rewriting.Machinery,

  module Generics.Regular.Rewriting.Rules,

  module Generics.Regular.Rewriting.Strategies

) where

import Generics.Regular.Base
import Generics.Regular.Functions
import Generics.Regular.Rewriting.Machinery
import Generics.Regular.Rewriting.Rules
import Generics.Regular.Rewriting.Strategies