{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}

module RFC.Servant
  ( ApiCtx
  , apiCtxToHandler
  , ResourceDefinition(..)
  , ServerAPI
  , ServerImpl
  , module Servant
  , module Servant.Docs
  , module Servant.HTML.Blaze
  , module Text.Blaze.Html
  , module Data.Swagger
  , module RFC.Data.IdAnd
  ) where

import           Data.Aeson                 as JSON
import qualified Data.Aeson.Diff            as JSON
import qualified Data.Map.Strict            as Map
import           Data.Swagger               (Swagger, ToSchema)
import           Database.PostgreSQL.Simple (SqlError (..))
import           Network.Wreq.Session       as Wreq
import           RFC.Data.IdAnd
import           RFC.HTTP.Client
import           RFC.JSON                   ()
import           RFC.Prelude
import qualified RFC.Psql                   as Psql
import qualified RFC.Redis                  as Redis
import           Servant
import           Servant.Docs               hiding (API)
import           Servant.HTML.Blaze         (HTML)
import           Text.Blaze.Html

type ApiCtx =
  ReaderT Wreq.Session
    ( ReaderT Psql.ConnectionPool
      ( ReaderT Redis.ConnectionPool

instance HasAPIClient ApiCtx where
  getAPIClient = ask

instance Psql.HasPsql ApiCtx where
  getPsqlPool = lift ask

instance Redis.HasRedis ApiCtx where
  getRedisPool = lift $ lift ask

type (:~>) a b = forall x. a x -> b x

apiCtxToHandler :: Wreq.Session -> Redis.ConnectionPool -> Psql.ConnectionPool -> ApiCtx :~> Handler
apiCtxToHandler apiClient redisPool psqlPool = toHandler
    toHandler :: ApiCtx :~> Handler
    toHandler = withRedis . withPsql . withAPIClient
        withAPIClient m = runReaderT m apiClient
        withRedis m = runReaderT m redisPool
        withPsql m = runReaderT m psqlPool

type FetchAllImpl a = ApiCtx (Map UUID (IdAnd a))
type FetchAllAPI a = Get '[JSON] (Map UUID (IdAnd a))
type FetchImpl a = UUID -> ApiCtx (IdAnd a)
type FetchAPI a = Capture "id" UUID :> Get '[JSON] (IdAnd a)
type CreateImpl a = a -> ApiCtx (IdAnd a)
type CreateAPI a = ReqBody '[JSON] a :> Post '[JSON] (IdAnd a)
type PatchImpl a = UUID -> JSON.Patch -> ApiCtx (IdAnd a)
-- type PatchAPI a = Capture "id" UUID :> ReqBody '[JSON] JSON.Patch :> Patch '[JSON] (IdAnd a)
type ReplaceImpl a = UUID -> a -> ApiCtx (IdAnd a)
type ReplaceAPI a = Capture "id" UUID :> ReqBody '[JSON] a :> Post '[JSON] (IdAnd a)

type ServerImpl a =
  (FetchAllImpl a)
  :<|> (FetchImpl a)
  :<|> (CreateImpl a)
  -- :<|> (PatchImpl a)
  :<|> (ReplaceImpl a)
type ServerAPI a =
  (FetchAllAPI a)
  :<|> (FetchAPI a)
  :<|> (CreateAPI a)
  -- :<|> (PatchAPI a)
  :<|> (ReplaceAPI a)

class (FromJSON a, ToJSON a, Show a) => ResourceDefinition a where
  restFetchAll :: FetchAllImpl a
  restFetchAll = do
    resources <- fetchAllResources
    return $ Map.fromList $ map idAndToPair resources

  restFetch :: FetchImpl a
  restFetch uuid = do
    maybeResource <- fetchResource uuid
    case maybeResource of
      Nothing -> throwError $ err404
        { errReasonPhrase = "No resource found for id"
        , errBody = cs $ "Could not find a resource with UUID: " ++ show uuid
      Just value -> return $ IdAnd (uuid, value)

  restCreate :: CreateImpl a
  restCreate a = handleDupes $ do
      maybeId <- createResource a
      case maybeId of
        (Just id) -> restFetch id
        Nothing -> throwIO $ err400
          { errReasonPhrase = "Could not create resource"
          , errBody = cs $ show a

  restPatch :: PatchImpl a
  restPatch id patch = handleDupes $ do
    (IdAnd (_,original::a)) <- restFetch id
    case JSON.patch patch $ toJSON original of
      Error str -> throwError $ err400
        { errReasonPhrase = "Error applying patch"
        , errBody = cs str
      Success jsonValue ->
        case JSON.eitherDecode' $ JSON.encode jsonValue of
          Left err -> throwError $ err400
            { errReasonPhrase = "Error rebuilding object after patch"
            , errBody = cs err
          Right value -> restReplace id value

  restReplace :: ReplaceImpl a
  restReplace id value = handleDupes $ do
      replaceResource newValue
      restFetch id
      newValue = IdAnd (id,value)

  restServer :: ServerImpl a
  restServer =
    :<|> restFetch
    :<|> restCreate
    -- :<|> restPatch
    :<|> restReplace

  fetchResource :: UUID -> ApiCtx (Maybe a)
  fetchAllResources :: ApiCtx [IdAnd a]
  createResource :: a -> ApiCtx (Maybe UUID)
  replaceResource :: (IdAnd a) -> ApiCtx ()

handleDupes :: ApiCtx a -> ApiCtx a
handleDupes =
    handleJust isDuplicate throwUp
    throwUp err = throwError $ err409
      { errReasonPhrase = cs $ sqlErrorMsg err
      , errBody = cs $ sqlErrorDetail err
    isDuplicate (sqle::SqlError)
      | sqlState sqle  == "23505" = Just sqle
    isDuplicate _ = Nothing