module Ribosome.Test.Embed( defaultTestConfig, defaultTestConfigWith, TestConfig (..), Vars(..), unsafeEmbeddedSpec, setVars, setupPluginEnv, quitNvim, ) where import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO) import Control.Monad.Reader (runReaderT) import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource (runResourceT) import Data.Default (Default(def)) import Data.Foldable (traverse_) import Data.Functor (void) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import GHC.IO.Handle (Handle) import Neovim (Neovim, Object, vim_set_var', vim_command) import qualified Neovim.Context.Internal as Internal( Neovim(Neovim), Config, newConfig, retypeConfig, mkFunctionMap, pluginSettings, globalFunctionMap, ) import Neovim.RPC.Common (RPCConfig, newRPCConfig) import Neovim.RPC.EventHandler (runEventHandler) import Neovim.RPC.SocketReader (runSocketReader) import System.Directory (makeAbsolute) import System.Exit (ExitCode) import qualified System.Posix.Signals as Signal (signalProcess, killProcess) import System.Process (getPid) import System.Process.Typed ( ProcessConfig, Process, withProcess, proc, setStdin, setStdout, getStdin, getStdout, unsafeProcessHandle, createPipe, getExitCode, ) import UnliftIO.Async (async, cancel, race) import UnliftIO.Exception (tryAny, bracket) import UnliftIO.STM (atomically, putTMVar) import Ribosome.Api.Option (rtpCat) import Ribosome.Control.Ribo (Ribo) import Ribosome.Control.Ribosome (Ribosome(Ribosome), newInternalTVar) import Ribosome.Data.Time (sleep, sleepW) type Runner env = TestConfig -> Neovim env () -> Neovim env () newtype Vars = Vars [(String, Object)] data TestConfig = TestConfig { tcPluginName :: String, tcExtraRtp :: String, tcLogPath :: FilePath, tcTimeout :: Word, tcCmdline :: Maybe [String], tcCmdArgs :: [String], tcVariables :: Vars } instance Default TestConfig where def = TestConfig "ribosome" "test/f/fixtures/rtp" "test/f/temp/log" 5 def def (Vars []) defaultTestConfigWith :: String -> Vars -> TestConfig defaultTestConfigWith name = TestConfig name "test/f/fixtures/rtp" "test/f/temp/log" 5 def def defaultTestConfig :: String -> TestConfig defaultTestConfig name = defaultTestConfigWith name (Vars []) setVars :: Vars -> Neovim e () setVars (Vars vars) = traverse_ (uncurry vim_set_var') vars setupPluginEnv :: TestConfig -> Neovim e () setupPluginEnv (TestConfig _ rtp _ _ _ _ vars) = do absRtp <- liftIO $ makeAbsolute rtp rtpCat absRtp setVars vars killPid :: Integral a => a -> IO () killPid = void . tryAny . Signal.signalProcess Signal.killProcess . fromIntegral killProcess :: Process i o e -> IO () killProcess prc = do let handle = unsafeProcessHandle prc mayPid <- getPid handle traverse_ killPid mayPid testNvimProcessConfig :: TestConfig -> ProcessConfig Handle Handle () testNvimProcessConfig TestConfig {..} = setStdin createPipe $ setStdout createPipe $ proc "nvim" $ args ++ tcCmdArgs where args = fromMaybe defaultArgs tcCmdline defaultArgs = ["--embed", "-n", "-u", "NONE", "-i", "NONE"] startHandlers :: NvimProc -> TestConfig -> Internal.Config RPCConfig -> IO (IO ()) startHandlers prc TestConfig{..} nvimConf = do socketReader <- run runSocketReader getStdout eventHandler <- run runEventHandler getStdin atomically $ putTMVar (Internal.globalFunctionMap nvimConf) (Internal.mkFunctionMap []) let stopEventHandlers = traverse_ cancel [socketReader, eventHandler] return stopEventHandlers where run runner stream = async . void $ runner (stream prc) emptyConf emptyConf = nvimConf { Internal.pluginSettings = Nothing } runNeovimThunk :: Internal.Config e -> Neovim e a -> IO () runNeovimThunk cfg (Internal.Neovim thunk) = void $ runReaderT (runResourceT thunk) cfg type NvimProc = Process Handle Handle () waitQuit :: NvimProc -> IO (Maybe ExitCode) waitQuit prc = wait 30 where wait :: Int -> IO (Maybe ExitCode) wait 0 = return Nothing wait count = do code <- getExitCode prc case code of Just a -> return $ Just a Nothing -> do sleep 0.1 wait $ count - 1 quitNvim :: Internal.Config e -> NvimProc -> IO () quitNvim testCfg prc = do quitThread <- async $ runNeovimThunk testCfg quit result <- waitQuit prc case result of Just _ -> return () Nothing -> killProcess prc cancel quitThread where quit = vim_command "qall!" shutdownNvim :: Internal.Config e -> NvimProc -> IO () -> IO () shutdownNvim _ prc stopEventHandlers = do stopEventHandlers killProcess prc -- quitNvim testCfg prc runTest :: TestConfig -> Internal.Config (Ribosome e) -> Ribo e () -> IO () -> IO () runTest TestConfig{..} testCfg thunk _ = do result <- race (sleepW tcTimeout) (runNeovimThunk testCfg thunk) case result of Right _ -> return () Left _ -> fail $ "test exceeded timeout of " <> show tcTimeout <> " seconds" runEmbeddedNvim :: TestConfig -> Ribosome e -> Ribo e () -> NvimProc -> IO () runEmbeddedNvim conf ribo thunk prc = do nvimConf <- Internal.newConfig (pure Nothing) newRPCConfig let testCfg = Internal.retypeConfig ribo nvimConf bracket (startHandlers prc conf nvimConf) (shutdownNvim testCfg prc) (runTest conf testCfg thunk) runEmbedded :: TestConfig -> Ribosome e -> Ribo e () -> IO () runEmbedded conf ribo thunk = do let pc = testNvimProcessConfig conf withProcess pc $ runEmbeddedNvim conf ribo thunk unsafeEmbeddedSpec :: Runner (Ribosome e) -> TestConfig -> e -> Ribo e () -> IO () unsafeEmbeddedSpec runner conf env spec = do internal <- newInternalTVar let ribo = Ribosome (tcPluginName conf) internal env runEmbedded conf ribo $ runner conf spec