module Ribosome.App.Templates.Boot where import Exon (exon) import Ribosome.App.Data ( Cachix (Cachix), CachixKey (CachixKey), CachixName (CachixName), Github (Github), GithubOrg (GithubOrg), GithubRepo (GithubRepo), ProjectName (ProjectName), cachixTek, ) cachixOpts :: Cachix -> Text cachixOpts (Cachix (CachixName name) (CachixKey key)) = [exon| \ '--option', 'extra-substituters', 'https://#{name}', \ '--option', 'extra-trusted-public-keys', '#{key}',|] github :: ProjectName -> Github -> Text github (ProjectName name) (Github (GithubOrg org) (GithubRepo repo)) = [exon|let s:gh_exe = s:repo . '/github-exe' let s:fetch_cmd = [ \ 'curl', \ '--no-progress-meter', \ '--location', \ '--create-dirs', \ '--output', \ s:gh_exe, \ '{org}/#{repo}/releases/download/latest/#{name}' \ ] |] build :: ProjectName -> Bool -> Text build (ProjectName name) = \case True -> [exon|if filereadable(s:exe) call s:run(s:exe) elseif filereadable(s:gh_exe) call s:run(s:gh_exe) else if executable('nix') && !get(g:, '#{name}_fetch_bin', 0) echo 'Building #{name}...' call s:nix_build() else echo 'Fetching the #{name} executable from github...' call s:fetch_bin() endif endif |] False -> [exon|if filereadable(s:exe) call s:run(s:exe) else if executable('nix') echo 'Building #{name}...' call s:nix_build() else echo 'Cannot build #{name} without Nix' endif endif |] vimBoot :: ProjectName -> Maybe Github -> Maybe Cachix -> Text vimBoot pn@(ProjectName name) gh cachix = [exon|let s:repo = fnamemodify(expand(''), ':p:h:h') let s:exe = s:repo . '/result/bin/#{name}' let s:build_cmd = [ \ 'nix',#{cachixOpts (fromMaybe cachixTek cachix)} \ 'build', '.##{name}', \ ] let s:errors = [] function! s:run(exe) abort "{{{ call jobstart([a:exe] + get(g:, '#{name}_cli_args', []), { 'rpc': v:true, 'cwd': s:repo, }) endfunction "}}} function! s:error(msg) abort "{{{ call nvim_echo( \ [[a:msg . ":\n", 'Error']] + \ map(s:errors, { i, s -> [s, 'Error'] }), \ v:false, {}) endfunction "}}} function! s:built(code) abort "{{{ if a:code == 0 call s:run(s:exe) else call s:error('Failed to build #{name}') endif endfunction "}}} function! s:nix_build() abort "{{{ call jobstart(s:build_cmd, { \ 'cwd': s:repo, \ 'on_exit': { i, code, n -> s:built(code) }, \ 'on_stderr': { i, data, n -> s:stderr(data) }, \ }) endfunction "}}} function! s:fetched(code) abort "{{{ if a:code == 0 call system(['chmod', '+x', s:gh_exe]) call s:run(s:gh_exe) else call s:error('Failed to fetch the #{name} executable from github') endif endfunction "}}} function! s:stderr(data) abort "{{{ call extend(s:errors, a:data) endfunction "}}} function! s:fetch_bin() abort "{{{ call jobstart(s:fetch_cmd, { \ 'cwd': s:repo, \ 'on_exit': { i, code, n -> s:fetched(code) }, \ 'on_stderr': { i, data, n -> s:stderr(data) }, \ }) endfunction "}}} #{maybe "" (github pn) gh} #{build pn (isJust gh)} |]