rivers-0.1.0: Rivers are like Streams, but different.

Portabilityprobably portable




This module is an attempt to construct many and varied examples of Rivers and Streams. At the moment, the concept of what Rivers are (or are not) is not entirely clear in the mind of any particular person on Earth, myself foremost amoung the befuddled.

Primarily because I lay claim to inventing the idea, this is a worrisome situation. Nevertheless, whatever these things are, regular old Data.Stream streams (and kin) are subsets (or sub-classes, or.. sub-something) of these things, and hence they must qualify to be mapped in this ecosystem (by definition).

As of now, these example originate primarily from three excellent papers on Streams and their properties. More precisey, they originate from my haphazard and occasionally mindless transcription of what I saw from these documents. Therefore, the authors of the following papers deserve much of the credit, but bear none of the responsibility of the contents of this module.


This module should clearly document the behavior of all functions. In fact, the code in this module is generally not intended to be imported and used directly. Instead the purpose of this module is to:

  1. show *many* examples of Streams, especially non-trivial ones (ie, more complicated than fibionacci)
  2. provide visual (and eventually, pictoral) *proof* of equality (insofar that this is possible)
  3. ... more things
  4. ... should go here
  5. ... becuase there's a point to all of this, right?

Note: To accomidate the documentation, the text-width of this document is 129 characters.

As a witness to the correctness of the examples, I include the result of running doctest:

 $ doctest Data/Rivers/Ecology.hs
 Cases: 74  Tried: 74  Errors: 0  Failures: 0


Silly Streams

Constant Zeroes

sZero :: S IntegerSource

>>> stake 30 $ sZero

gZero :: G Integer IntegerSource

>>> stake 30 $ fwdFix gZero

rZero :: G Integer IntegerSource

>>> stake 30 $ revFix rZero

cZero :: S IntegerSource

>>> stake 30 $ cZero

cZeroH :: Num a => ([a], Int) -> aSource

cZeroT :: Num t => ([a], t) -> a -> ([a], t)Source

Constant Ones

sOne :: S IntegerSource

Believe it or not, this is in OEIS:

>>> take 30 $ fromOEIS "A000012"
>>> stake 30 $ sOne

sOnes :: S IntegerSource

>>> stake 30 $ sOnes

gOne' :: G Integer IntegerSource

>>> stake 30 $ fwdFix gOne

rOne :: G Integer IntegerSource

>>> stake 30 $ revFix rOne

cOne :: S IntegerSource

>>> stake 30 $ cOne

cOneH :: t -> tSource

cOneT :: t -> t -> tSource

The Natural Numbers

sNat :: S IntegerSource

>>> take 30 $ fromOEIS "A000027"
>>> stake 30 $ sNat

sNatIt :: S IntegerSource

>>> stake 30 $ siterate (+1) 0

natnat :: S IntegerSource

>>> stake 30 $ natnat

gNat' :: [a] -> IntSource

>>> stake 30 $ fwdFix gNat

rNat :: G Integer IntegerSource

>>> stake 30 $ revFix rNat

cNat :: S IntegerSource

>>> stake 30 $ cNat

cNatH :: t -> tSource

cNatT :: Num a => a -> t -> aSource

Natural Numbers from Binary

bin :: S IntegerSource

>>> stake 30 $ bin

Simple Streams

Power Streams

Powers of (-2)

revPowersOfN2 :: S IntegerSource

>>> take 15 $ fromOEIS "A122803"
>>> stake 15 $ revPowersOfN2

Powers of (2) - Bool

pot :: S BoolSource

>>> stake 15 $ pot

Powers of (3)

revPowersOf3 :: S IntegerSource

>>> take 15 $ fromOEIS "A000244"
>>> stake 15 $ revPowersOf3


a000290 :: S IntegerSource

>>> take 30 $ fromOEIS "A000290"
>>> stake 30 $ bsum $ 2 * sNat + 1

Factorial Numbers

sFac :: S IntegerSource

>>> take 10 $ fromOEIS "A000142"
>>> stake 10 $ sFac

The Family of Fibionacci (and Lucas!)

Forever Fibionacci

sFib :: S IntegerSource

>>> take 29 $ fromOEIS "A000045"
>>> stake 29 $ sFib

sFib2 :: S IntegerSource

>>> stake 29 $ sFib2

revGfibs :: G Integer IntegerSource

>>> stake 29 $ revFix revGfibs

cFibH :: (a, b) -> aSource

cFibT :: Num a => (a, a) -> a -> (a, a)Source

>>> stake 29 $ cFib

gFibs :: G Integer IntegerSource

>>> stake 29 $ fwdFix gFibs

Lonely Lucas

sLucas :: S IntegerSource

>>> take 28 $ fromOEIS "A000032"
>>> stake 28 $ sLucas

rLucas :: G Integer IntegerSource

>>> stake 28 $ revFix rLucas

under (4*n + 1)

fib4np1 :: S IntegerSource

The Fibionacci (4n + 1) and Lucas (4n + 1) numbers

drop0L is evidently a bisect twice function

>>> stake 10 $ drop0L sFib
>>> take 10 $ fromOEIS "A033889"

luc4np1 :: S IntegerSource

>>> stake 10 $ drop0L sLucas
>>> take 10 $ fromOEIS "A056914"

under (2*n)

fib2n :: S IntegerSource

The Fib (2*n) and Lucas (2*n) numbers

dromIp1L is evidently a bisect function

>>> stake 20 $ dropIp1L sFib
>>> take 20 $ fromOEIS "A001906"

luc2n :: S IntegerSource

>>> stake 20 $ dropIp1L sLucas
>>> take 20 $ fromOEIS "A005248"

under (sum)

fibpfib :: S IntegerSource

>>> stake 21 $ [1] <<| plus sFib sFib
>>> take 21 $ fromOEIS "A006355"

under (diff)

dxFib :: S IntegerSource

>>> take 20 $ fromOEIS "A039834"
>>> stake 20 $ [1] <<| diff sFib

dxLucas :: S IntegerSource

>>> take 20 $ fromOEIS "A061084"
>>> stake 20 $ diff sLucas

Padovans and Perrins, and Pells


padovanPP11010 :: S IntegerSource

>>> take 30 $ fromOEIS "A000931"
>>> stake 30 $ padovanPP11010

padovan :: S IntegerSource

>>> take 30 $ fromOEIS "A134816"
>>> stake 30 $ padovan

rpadovan :: G Integer IntegerSource

>>> stake 30 $ revFix rpadovan

d2xpadovan :: S IntegerSource

>>> take 31 $ fromOEIS "A133034"
>>> stake 30 $ diff $ diff $ revFix rpadovan


perrin :: S IntegerSource

>>> take 30 $ fromOEIS "A001608"
>>> stake 30 $ perrin

rperrin :: G Integer IntegerSource

>>> stake 30 $ revFix rperrin


cPell :: S IntegerSource

Generating Function:

z -------------------- z^2 + 2z - 1

>>> take 20 $ fromOEIS "A000129"

cPellH :: (a, a) -> aSource

cPellT :: Num a => (a, a) -> a -> (a, a)Source

>>> stake 20 $ cPell

rpell :: G Integer IntegerSource

>>> stake 20 $ revFix rpell

Who invited the J's?

Jacobsthal Sequence

jacob :: S IntegerSource

>>> take 20 $ fromOEIS "A001045"
>>> stake 20 $ jacob

rjacob :: G Integer IntegerSource

>>> stake 20 $ revFix rjacob

Jacobsthal-Lucas Sequence

jacobl :: S IntegerSource

>>> take 20 $ fromOEIS "A014551"
>>> stake 20 $ jacobl

rjacobl :: G Integer IntegerSource

>>> stake 20 $ revFix rjacobl

Josephus Numbers

jos :: S IntegerSource

>>> take 30 $ drop 1 $ fromOEIS "A006257"
>>> stake 30 $ jos

josAlt :: S IntegerSource

>>> stake 30 $ josAlt

Basically Binary (Base 2)

Most Significant Bit

msb :: S IntegerSource

>>> take 30 $ drop 1 $ fromOEIS "A053644"
>>> stake 30 $ msb

Thue-Morse Sequence

athue :: S IntegerSource

>>> take 30 $ fromOEIS "A010060"
>>> stake 30 $ athue

thue' :: S IntegerSource

>>> stake 30 $ thue

Something with twos!

binlike1 :: S IntegerSource

>>> stake 30 $ binlike1

Something with twos! (2)

binlike2 :: S IntegerSource

>>> stake 30 $ binlike2

Who knows what this is?

lsb :: S IntegerSource

>>> take 30 $ fromOEIS "A000035"
>>> stake 30 $ bsum 0 |~| 1

Binary Sum Carry

sumcarry :: S IntegerSource

>>> take 30 $ fromOEIS "A011371"
>>> stake 30 $ sumcarry


Apollonian Fractal

D2: (-1,2,2,3)

apolloD2 :: Floating a => [a] -> aSource

>>> take 20 $ fromOEIS "A060790"
>>> stake 20 $ revFix apolloD2

apolloD2alt :: Floating a => [a] -> aSource

>>> stake 20 $ revFix apolloD2alt

apd2 :: Floating a => [a] -> aSource

D3: (-0,0,1,1)

fr :: Num t => (t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t) -> (t, t, t, t, t, t, t, t)Source

proy :: (a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a) -> Integer -> aSource

streamApD3 :: S IntegerSource

>>> stake 32 $ streamApD3

streamApD3' :: S (Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer)Source

>>> stake 4 $ streamApD3'

Some Fractal Numbers

frac :: S IntegerSource

>>> take 30 $ fromOEIS "A025480"
>>> stake 30 $ frac

Greatest Odd Divisor

god :: S IntegerSource

>>> take 30 $ fromOEIS "A000265"
>>> stake 30 $ god


blah :: S IntegerSource


The Zoo

Moser-de-Bruijn sequence

Fermi Dirac Numbers

5-Smooth (Hamming) (Regular) Numbers

hamming :: S IntegerSource

>>> take 30 $ fromOEIS "A051037"
>>> stake 30 $ hamming

Dunno this one either?

a092323 :: S IntegerSource

>>> take 30 $ fromOEIS "A092323"
>>> stake 30 $ (diff sNat - msb)

Carry Bits

carry :: S IntegerSource

>>> take 30 $ fromOEIS "A007814"
>>> stake 30 $ carry

altCarry :: S IntegerSource

FIXME: Incorrect!

tree :: Integral a => a -> S aSource

>>> stake 30 $ tree 0

Non-Negative Integers. Repeated. Floor (n/2)

a004526 :: S IntegerSource

>>> take 30 $ fromOEIS "A004526"
>>> stake 30 $ a004526

Square Pyramidal Numbers

a000330 :: S IntegerSource

>>> take 16 $ 0 : fromOEIS "A000330"
>>> stake 16 $ a000330

The Perturbation Method

iterate k = 2^n-k

iterk2nk :: S IntegerSource

>>> take 21 $ 1 : fromOEIS "A078008"

iterk2nkH :: (a, b) -> aSource

iterk2nkT :: Num a => (a, a) -> a -> (a, a)Source

>>> stake 21 $ [1,1] <<| iterk2nk

What the heck is this?

a090017 :: G Integer IntegerSource

>>> take 15 $ fromOEIS "A090017"
>>> stake 15 $ revFix a090017

Horadam (0,1,4,2) Numbers

horadam0142 :: G Integer IntegerSource

>>> take 15 $ fromOEIS "A085449"
>>> stake 15 $ revFix horadam0142

Some random thing I found.

a002605 :: G Integer IntegerSource

>>> take 15 $ fromOEIS "A002605"
>>> stake 15 $ revFix a002605