{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Crypto.RNCryptor.V3.Decrypt
  ( parseHeader
  , decrypt
  , decryptBlock
  , decryptStream
  ) where

import           Control.Monad.State
import           Control.Exception           (throwIO)
import           Crypto.Cipher.AES           (AES256)
import           Crypto.Cipher.Types         (IV, makeIV, BlockCipher, cbcDecrypt)
import           Crypto.MAC.HMAC             (update, finalize)
import           Crypto.RNCryptor.Types
import           Crypto.RNCryptor.V3.Stream
import           Data.Bits                   (xor, (.|.))
import           Data.ByteArray              (convert)
import           Data.ByteString             (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import           Data.Foldable
import           Data.Maybe                  (fromMaybe)
import           Data.Monoid
import           Data.Word
import qualified System.IO.Streams as S

-- | Parse the input 'ByteString' to extract the 'RNCryptorHeader', as
-- defined in the V3 spec. The incoming 'ByteString' is expected to have
-- at least 34 bytes available. As the HMAC can be found only at the very
-- end of an encrypted file, 'RNCryptorHeader' provides by default a function
-- to parse the HMAC, callable at the right time during streaming/parsing.
parseHeader :: ByteString -> RNCryptorHeader
parseHeader input = flip evalState input $ do
  v <- parseVersion
  o <- parseOptions
  eSalt <- parseEncryptionSalt
  hmacSalt <- parseHMACSalt
  iv <- parseIV
  return RNCryptorHeader {
      rncVersion = v
    , rncOptions = o
    , rncEncryptionSalt = eSalt
    , rncHMACSalt = hmacSalt
    , rncIV = iv

parseSingleWord8 :: String -> State ByteString Word8
parseSingleWord8 err = do
  bs <- get
  let (v,vs) = B.splitAt 1 bs
  put vs
  case B.unpack v of
    [x] -> return x
    _   -> fail err

parseBSOfSize :: Int -> String -> State ByteString ByteString
parseBSOfSize sz err = do
  bs <- get
  let (v,vs) = B.splitAt sz bs
  put vs
  case B.unpack v of
    [] -> fail err
    _ -> return v

parseVersion :: State ByteString Word8
parseVersion = parseSingleWord8 "parseVersion: not enough bytes."

parseOptions :: State ByteString Word8
parseOptions = parseSingleWord8 "parseOptions: not enough bytes."

parseEncryptionSalt :: State ByteString ByteString
parseEncryptionSalt = parseBSOfSize 8 "parseEncryptionSalt: not enough bytes."

parseHMACSalt :: State ByteString ByteString
parseHMACSalt = parseBSOfSize 8 "parseHMACSalt: not enough bytes."

parseIV :: State ByteString ByteString
parseIV = parseBSOfSize 16 "parseIV: not enough bytes."

-- | This was taken directly from the Python implementation, see "post_decrypt_data",
-- even though it doesn't seem to be a usual PKCS#7 removal:
-- data = data[:-bord(data[-1])]
-- https://github.com/RNCryptor/RNCryptor-python/blob/master/RNCryptor.py#L69
removePaddingSymbols :: ByteString -> ByteString
removePaddingSymbols input =
  let lastWord = B.last input
  in B.take (B.length input - fromEnum lastWord) input

decryptBytes :: AES256 -> ByteString -> ByteString -> ByteString
decryptBytes a iv = cbcDecrypt a iv'
    iv' = fromMaybe (error "decryptBytes: makeIV failed.") $ makeIV iv

-- | Decrypt a raw Bytestring block. The function returns the clear text block
-- plus a new 'RNCryptorContext', which is needed because the IV needs to be
-- set to the last 16 bytes of the previous cipher text. (Thanks to Rob Napier
-- for the insight).
decryptBlock :: RNCryptorContext
             -> ByteString
             -> (RNCryptorContext, ByteString)
decryptBlock ctx cipherText =
  let clearText   = decryptBytes (ctxCipher ctx) (rncIV . ctxHeader $ ctx) cipherText
      !newHMACCtx = update (ctxHMACCtx ctx) cipherText
      !sz         = B.length cipherText
      !newHeader  = (ctxHeader ctx) { rncIV = B.drop (sz - 16) cipherText }
      in (ctx { ctxHeader = newHeader, ctxHMACCtx = newHMACCtx }, clearText)

-- "A consistent time function needs to be clear on which parameter is secret and
-- which one is untrusted. Your complexity must always be proportional to the length
-- of the untrusted data, not the secret."
-- Below, untrusted == arrived in the message, secret == computed
consistentTimeEqual :: ByteString -> ByteString -> Bool
consistentTimeEqual untrusted secret =
  let (initialResult :: Word8) = if B.length secret == B.length untrusted then 0 else 1
      secretCycle = cycle (B.unpack secret)
      xorResults = zipWith xor (B.unpack untrusted) secretCycle
  in 0 == foldl' (.|.) initialResult xorResults

-- | Decrypt an encrypted message. Please be aware that this is a user-friendly
-- but dangerous function, in the sense that it will load the *ENTIRE* input in
-- memory. It's mostly suitable for small inputs like passwords. For large
-- inputs, where size exceeds the available memory, please use 'decryptStream'.
-- Returns either the reason for failure, or the successfully decrypted message.
decrypt :: ByteString -> ByteString -> Either RNCryptorException ByteString
decrypt input pwd =
  let (rawHdr, rest) = B.splitAt 34 input
      -- remove the hmac at the end of the file
      (cipherText, msgHMAC) = B.splitAt (B.length rest - 32) rest
      hdr = parseHeader rawHdr
      ctx = newRNCryptorContext pwd hdr
      clearText = decryptBytes (ctxCipher ctx) (rncIV . ctxHeader $ ctx) cipherText
      hmac = makeHMAC (rncHMACSalt . ctxHeader $ ctx) pwd $ rawHdr <> cipherText
  in case consistentTimeEqual msgHMAC hmac of
       True  -> Right (removePaddingSymbols clearText)
       False -> Left (InvalidHMACException msgHMAC hmac)

-- | Efficiently decrypts an incoming stream of bytes.
decryptStream :: ByteString
              -- ^ The user key (e.g. password)
              -> S.InputStream ByteString
              -- ^ The input source (mostly likely stdin)
              -> S.OutputStream ByteString
              -- ^ The output source (mostly likely stdout)
              -> IO ()
decryptStream userKey inS outS = do
  rawHdr <- S.readExactly 34 inS
  let hdr = parseHeader rawHdr
      ctx = newRNCryptorContext userKey hdr
      ctx' = ctx { ctxHMACCtx = update (ctxHMACCtx ctx) rawHdr }
  processStream ctx' inS outS decryptBlock finaliseDecryption
    finaliseDecryption lastBlock ctx = do
      let (cipherText, msgHMAC) = B.splitAt (B.length lastBlock - 32) lastBlock
          (ctx', clearText)     = decryptBlock ctx cipherText
          hmac = convert $ finalize (ctxHMACCtx ctx')
      unless (consistentTimeEqual msgHMAC hmac) (throwIO $ InvalidHMACException msgHMAC hmac)
      S.write (Just $ removePaddingSymbols clearText) outS