{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Network.HTTP.Robots where import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 hiding (skipSpace) import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Text as AT (isEndOfLine) import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString) import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS import Data.Char (toUpper) import Data.Either (partitionEithers) import Data.List (find) import Data.Maybe (catMaybes) import Data.Ratio import Data.Time.Clock import Data.Time.LocalTime () type Robot = ([([UserAgent], [Directive])], [Unparsable]) type Unparsable = ByteString data UserAgent = Wildcard | Literal ByteString deriving (Show,Eq) type Path = ByteString -- http://www.conman.org/people/spc/robots2.html -- This was never actually accepted as a standard, -- but some sites do use it. type TimeInterval = (DiffTime, DiffTime) -- Crawldelay may have a decimal point -- http://help.yandex.com/webmaster/controlling-robot/robots-txt.xml -- Added directives NoArchive, NoSnippet, NoTranslate, SiteMap. -- http://bloganddiscussion.com/anythingcomputer/1/robots-txt-noarchive-nocache-nosnippet/ data Directive = Allow Path | Disallow Path | CrawlDelay { crawlDelay :: Rational , timeInterval :: TimeInterval } | NoArchive Path | NoSnippet Path | NoTranslate Path -- not used by Google, Yahoo or Live Search/Bing -- http://searchengineland.com/a-deeper-look-at-robotstxt-17573 | NoIndex Path deriving (Show,Eq) -- For use in the attoparsec monad, allows to reparse a sub expression subParser :: Parser a -> ByteString -> Parser a subParser p = either (const mzero) return . parseOnly p -- Seems the rational parser is unsecure in the presence of an exponent -- but since there is no alternative to parse a rational, we just to refuse -- to parse numbers with 'e' / exponent -- https://hackage.haskell.org/package/attoparsec- safeParseRational :: Parser Rational safeParseRational = do (bs,_) <- match scientific if BS.elem 'e' bs || BS.elem 'E' bs then mzero else subParser rational bs -- Yeah, robots.txt should be ASCII, but some sites -- include the UTF-8 marker at start. -- We just drop it, but handle the file as ASCII. dropUTF8BOM :: ByteString -> ByteString dropUTF8BOM bs = if BS.take 3 bs == ( '\239' `BS.cons` '\187' `BS.cons` '\191' `BS.cons` BS.empty) then BS.drop 3 bs else bs parseHourMinute :: Parser (Integer,Integer) parseHourMinute = parseWithColon <|> parseWithoutColon where parseWithColon = do hours <- skipSpace >> decimal void $ skipSpace >> char ':' mins <- skipSpace >> decimal return (hours,mins) parseWithoutColon = do h <- Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8.take 2 >>= subParser decimal m <- Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8.take 2 >>= subParser decimal return (h,m) parseTimeInterval :: Parser TimeInterval parseTimeInterval = do (hours_start, mins_start) <- parseHourMinute void $ (skipSpace >> char '-' >> skipSpace) <|> skipSpace (hours_end , mins_end ) <- parseHourMinute return ( secondsToDiffTime (hours_start * 60 * 60 + mins_start * 60) , secondsToDiffTime (hours_end * 60 * 60 + mins_end * 60)) allDay :: TimeInterval allDay = ( secondsToDiffTime 0 , secondsToDiffTime (24*60*60) -- because of leap seconds ) parseRequestRate :: Parser Directive parseRequestRate = do void $ stringCI "Request-rate:" docs <- skipSpace >> decimal void $ skipSpace >> char '/' ptim <- skipSpace >> decimal units<- skipSpace >> ( (char 's' >> return ( 1 :: Integer)) <|> (char 'm' >> return ( 60 :: Integer)) <|> (char 'h' >> return (60*60 :: Integer)) <|> return ( 1 :: Integer) ) tint <- skipSpace >> ( parseTimeInterval <|> return allDay) return $ CrawlDelay ((ptim * units) % docs) tint parseVisitTime :: Parser Directive parseVisitTime = do void $ stringCI "Visit-time:" tint <- skipSpace >> parseTimeInterval return $ CrawlDelay ( 0 % 1) tint parseCrawlDelay :: Parser Directive parseCrawlDelay = do delay <- stringCI "Crawl-Delay:" >> skipSpace >> safeParseRational return $ CrawlDelay delay allDay -- ... yeah. strip :: ByteString -> ByteString strip = BS.reverse . BS.dropWhile (==' ') . BS.reverse . BS.dropWhile (==' ') -- | parseRobots is the main entry point for parsing a robots.txt file. parseRobots :: ByteString -> Either String Robot parseRobots input = case parsed of -- special case no parsable lines and rubbish Right ([], out@(_:_)) -> Left ("no parsable lines: " ++ show out) _ -> parsed where parsed = parseOnly robotP . BS.unlines -- Filthy hack to account for the fact we don't grab sitemaps -- properly. people seem to just whack them anywhere, which makes it -- hard to write a nice parser for them. . filter (not . BS.isPrefixOf "SITEMAP:" . BS.map toUpper) . filter (not . BS.isPrefixOf "HOST:" . BS.map toUpper) . filter (\x -> BS.head x /= '#' ) . filter (not . BS.null) . map strip . BS.lines -- worst way of handling windows newlines ever . BS.filter (/= '\r') . dropUTF8BOM $ input robotP :: Parser Robot robotP = do (dirs, unparsable) <- partitionEithers <$> many (eitherP agentDirectiveP unparsableP) "robot" return (dirs, filter (/= "") unparsable) unparsableP :: Parser ByteString unparsableP = takeTill AT.isEndOfLine <* endOfLine -- char '\n' agentDirectiveP :: Parser ([UserAgent],[Directive]) agentDirectiveP = (,) <$> many1 agentP <*> many1 directiveP "agentDirective" skipSpace :: Parser () skipSpace = skipWhile (\x -> x==' ' || x == '\t') directiveP :: Parser Directive directiveP = do skipSpace choice [ stringCI "Disallow:" >> skipSpace >> ((Disallow <$> tokenP) <|> -- This requires some explanation. -- The RFC suggests that an empty Disallow line means -- anything is allowed. Being semantically equivalent to -- 'Allow: "/"', I have chosen to change it here -- rather than carry the bogus distinction around. (endOfLine >> return (Allow "/"))) , stringCI "Allow:" >> skipSpace >> ((Allow <$> tokenP) <|> -- If an empty disallow means 'disallow nothing', -- an empty allow means 'allow nothing'. Right? -- Not sure, actually, but only the americanexpress.com -- has such a case, which in one hand I am tempted -- to consider an error... but for now: (endOfLine >> return (Disallow "/"))) , parseCrawlDelay , parseRequestRate , parseVisitTime , NoArchive <$> (stringCI "Noarchive:" >> skipSpace >> tokenP) , NoSnippet <$> (stringCI "Nosnippet:" >> skipSpace >> tokenP) , NoTranslate <$> (stringCI "Notranslate:">> skipSpace >> tokenP) , NoIndex <$> (stringCI "Noindex:" >> skipSpace >> tokenP) ] <* commentsP "directive" agentP :: Parser UserAgent agentP = do void $ stringCI "user-agent:" skipSpace ((string "*" >> return Wildcard) <|> (Literal <$> tokenWithSpacesP)) <* skipSpace <* endOfLine "agent" commentsP :: Parser () commentsP = skipSpace >> ( (string "#" >> takeTill AT.isEndOfLine >> endOfLine) <|> endOfLine <|> return ()) tokenP :: Parser ByteString tokenP = skipSpace >> takeWhile1 (not . isSpace) <* skipSpace tokenWithSpacesP :: Parser ByteString tokenWithSpacesP = skipSpace >> takeWhile1 (not . (\c -> c == '#' || AT.isEndOfLine c)) <* takeTill AT.isEndOfLine -- I lack the art to make this prettier. -- Currently does not take into account the CrawlDelay / Request Rate directives canAccess :: ByteString -> Robot -> Path -> Bool canAccess _ _ "/robots.txt" = True -- special-cased canAccess agent (robot,_) path = case stanzas of [] -> True ((_,directives):_) -> matchingDirective directives where stanzas = catMaybes [find (any (`isLiteralSubstring` agent) . fst) robot, find ((Wildcard `elem`) . fst) robot] isLiteralSubstring (Literal a) us = a `BS.isInfixOf` us isLiteralSubstring _ _ = False matchingDirective [] = True matchingDirective (x:xs) = case x of Allow robot_path -> robot_path `BS.isPrefixOf` path || matchingDirective xs Disallow robot_path -> not (robot_path `BS.isPrefixOf` path) && matchingDirective xs _ -> matchingDirective xs