{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification, FlexibleInstances, OverloadedStrings #-} module Main (main) where import System.Process import System.Exit import System.Console.GetOpt import Control.Concurrent import System.FilePath import System.IO import Control.Monad import Paths_roguestar import System.Environment import System.Time import qualified Data.ByteString as B import Data.ByteString.Char8 () import GHC.Exts (IsString(..)) import System.Directory data Args = Args { arg_echo_protocol :: Bool, arg_single_threaded :: Bool, arg_verbose :: Bool, arg_help :: Bool, arg_prefix :: String, arg_engine :: [String], arg_client :: [String] } roguestar_options :: [OptDescr (Args -> Args)] roguestar_options = [Option "s1" ["single-threaded"] (NoArg $ \a -> a { arg_single_threaded = True }) "Run the engine and client single-threaded.", Option "e" ["echo-protocol"] (NoArg $ \a -> a { arg_echo_protocol = True }) "Echo the client-server protocol (for debugging).", Option "h?" ["help"] (NoArg $ \a -> a { arg_help = True }) "Print this help message.", Option "v" ["verbose"] (NoArg $ \a -> a { arg_verbose = True }) "Print extra information.", Option "" ["debug-engine"] (NoArg $ \a -> a { arg_verbose = True, arg_engine = "debug" : arg_engine a }) "Spew debugging information from the engine. (implies --verbose).", Option "p" ["prefix","path"] (ReqArg (\s a -> a { arg_prefix = s }) "PREFIX") ("Path to the directory where the roguestar-engine and " ++ "roguestar-gl binaries are kept. You might need this " ++ "to play roguestar off a remotely mounted file server " ++ "or if something is broken and you know what you're doing.")] help_text :: String help_text = usageInfo ("Roguestar: A science-fiction role playing game.\n\n" ++ "Roguestar has a client-server architecture (roguestar-gl, " ++ "and roguestar-engine). This program instantiates both " ++ "on the local host and manages all communication between " ++ "them.\n\n" ++ "Usage: roguestar [OPTIONS]") roguestar_options main :: IO () main = do bin_dir <- getBinDir let default_args = Args { arg_echo_protocol = False, arg_single_threaded = False, arg_help = False, arg_prefix = bin_dir, arg_verbose = False, arg_engine = [], arg_client = [] } raw_args <- getArgs let (opts_list,_,errs) = getOpt (ReturnInOrder $ \s args -> args { arg_engine = arg_engine args ++ [s], arg_client = arg_client args ++ [s] }) roguestar_options raw_args let args = foldr ($) default_args opts_list when (arg_help args) $ do putStrLn help_text exitWith ExitSuccess when (not $ null errs) $ do mapM_ putStrLn errs exitWith ExitSuccess let n_rts_string = if arg_single_threaded args then [] else ["-N", "-A100m"] let gl_args = ["+RTS"] ++ n_rts_string ++ ["-RTS"] ++ arg_client args let engine_args = ["+RTS"] ++ n_rts_string ++ ["-RTS"] ++ arg_engine args ++ ["version","over","begin"] let roguestar_engine_bin = arg_prefix args `combine` "roguestar-engine" roguestar_gl_bin <- findRoguestarGL args when (arg_verbose args) $ putStrLn $ "starting process: " ++ roguestar_engine_bin ++ " " ++ unwords engine_args (e_in,e_out,e_err,roguestar_engine) <- runInteractiveProcess roguestar_engine_bin engine_args Nothing Nothing when (arg_verbose args) $ putStrLn $ "starting process: " ++ roguestar_gl_bin ++ " " ++ unwords gl_args (gl_in,gl_out,gl_err,roguestar_gl) <- runInteractiveProcess roguestar_gl_bin gl_args Nothing Nothing stdout_chan <- newChan _ <- forkIO $ pump e_out $ [("",DHandle gl_in)] ++ (if arg_echo_protocol args then [("engine >>> gl *** ",DChanTime stdout_chan)] else []) _ <- forkIO $ pump gl_out $ [("",DHandle e_in)] ++ (if arg_echo_protocol args then [("engine <<< gl *** ",DChanTime stdout_chan)] else []) _ <- forkIO $ pump e_err $ if arg_verbose args then [("roguestar-engine *** ",DChan stdout_chan)] else [] _ <- forkIO $ pump gl_err $ if arg_verbose args then [("roguestar-gl *** ",DChan stdout_chan)] else [] _ <- forkIO $ printChan stdout stdout_chan _ <- forkIO $ do roguestar_engine_exit <- waitForProcess roguestar_engine case roguestar_engine_exit of ExitFailure x -> putStrLn $ "roguestar-engine terminated unexpectedly (" ++ show x ++ ")" _ -> return () return () roguestar_gl_exit <- waitForProcess roguestar_gl case roguestar_gl_exit of ExitFailure x -> putStrLn $ "roguestar-gl terminated unexpectedly (" ++ show x ++ ")" _ -> return () findRoguestarGL :: Args -> IO FilePath findRoguestarGL args = do let roguestar_glut = arg_prefix args `combine` "roguestar-glut" let roguestar_gtk = arg_prefix args `combine` "roguestar-gtk" does_roguestar_glut_exist <- doesFileExist roguestar_glut does_roguestar_gtk_exist <- doesFileExist roguestar_gtk return $ case () of () | does_roguestar_gtk_exist -> roguestar_gtk () | does_roguestar_glut_exist -> roguestar_glut data Destination = DHandle Handle | DChan (Chan B.ByteString) | DChanTime (Chan B.ByteString) send :: Destination -> B.ByteString -> IO () send (DHandle h) str = B.hPutStrLn h str >> hFlush h send (DChan c) str = writeChan c str send (DChanTime c) str = do t <- getClockTime writeChan c $ fromString (show t) `B.append` ": " `B.append` str setup :: Destination -> IO () setup (DHandle h) = hSetBuffering h NoBuffering setup _ = return () pump :: Handle -> [(B.ByteString,Destination)] -> IO () pump from tos = do mapM_ (setup . snd) tos forever $ do l <- B.hGetLine from flip mapM_ tos $ \(name,to) -> send to $ name `B.append` l printChan :: Handle -> Chan B.ByteString -> IO () printChan h c = forever $ do s <- readChan c B.hPutStrLn h s hFlush h