{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} module Data.RRBVector.Internal ( Vector(..) , Tree(..) , Shift -- * Internal , blockShift, blockSize, treeSize, computeSizes, up, down -- * Construction , empty, singleton, fromList, replicate -- ** Concatenation , (<|), (|>), (><) -- * Deconstruction , viewl, viewr -- * Indexing , lookup, index , (!?), (!) , update , adjust, adjust' , take, drop, splitAt , insertAt, deleteAt -- * Transformations , map, map', reverse -- * Zipping and unzipping , zip, zipWith, unzip, unzipWith ) where import Control.Applicative (Alternative, liftA2) import qualified Control.Applicative import Control.DeepSeq import Control.Monad (when, MonadPlus) import Control.Monad.ST (runST) import qualified Control.Monad.Fail as Fail import Control.Monad.Fix (MonadFix(..)) import Control.Monad.Zip (MonadZip(..)) import Data.Bits import Data.Foldable (Foldable(..), for_) import Data.Functor.Classes import qualified Data.List as List import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..)) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Data.Semigroup import qualified GHC.Exts as Exts import GHC.Stack (HasCallStack) import Prelude hiding (replicate, lookup, map, take, drop, splitAt, head, last, reverse, zip, zipWith, unzip) import Text.Read import Data.Functor.WithIndex import Data.Foldable.WithIndex import Data.Traversable.WithIndex import Data.Primitive.PrimArray hiding (sizeofPrimArray) -- use @length@ of the @A.Array@ instead import qualified Data.RRBVector.Internal.Array as A import qualified Data.RRBVector.Internal.Buffer as Buffer infixr 5 >< infixr 5 <| infixl 5 |> type Shift = Int -- Invariants: -- Children of a Balanced node are always balanced (a Leaf node is considered balanced). -- Nodes are always non-empty. -- The two arrays in an Unbalanced node always have the same size. data Tree a = Balanced {-# UNPACK #-} !(A.Array (Tree a)) | Unbalanced {-# UNPACK #-} !(A.Array (Tree a)) !(PrimArray Int) | Leaf {-# UNPACK #-} !(A.Array a) -- | A vector. -- -- The instances are based on those of @Seq@s, which are in turn based on those of lists. data Vector a = Empty | Root !Int -- size !Shift -- shift (blockShift * height) !(Tree a) -- The number of bits used per level. blockShift :: Shift blockShift = 4 -- The maximum size of a block. blockSize :: Int blockSize = 1 `unsafeShiftL` blockShift -- The mask used to extract the index into the array. blockMask :: Int blockMask = blockSize - 1 up :: Shift -> Shift up sh = sh + blockShift down :: Shift -> Shift down sh = sh - blockShift radixIndex :: Int -> Shift -> Int radixIndex i sh = i `unsafeShiftR` sh .&. blockMask relaxedRadixIndex :: PrimArray Int -> Int -> Shift -> (Int, Int) relaxedRadixIndex sizes i sh = let guess = radixIndex i sh -- guess <= idx idx = loop guess subIdx = if idx == 0 then i else i - indexPrimArray sizes (idx - 1) in (idx, subIdx) where loop idx = let current = indexPrimArray sizes idx -- idx will always be in range for a well-formed tree in if i < current then idx else loop (idx + 1) treeToArray :: Tree a -> A.Array (Tree a) treeToArray (Balanced arr) = arr treeToArray (Unbalanced arr _) = arr treeToArray (Leaf _) = error "treeToArray: leaf" treeBalanced :: Tree a -> Bool treeBalanced (Balanced _) = True treeBalanced (Unbalanced _ _) = False treeBalanced (Leaf _) = True -- @treeSize sh@ is the size of a tree with shift @sh@. treeSize :: Shift -> Tree a -> Int treeSize = go 0 where go !acc !_ (Leaf arr) = acc + length arr go acc _ (Unbalanced arr sizes) = acc + indexPrimArray sizes (length arr - 1) go acc sh (Balanced arr) = let i = length arr - 1 in go (acc + i * (1 `unsafeShiftL` sh)) (down sh) (A.index arr i) {-# INLINE treeSize #-} -- @computeSizes sh@ turns an array into a tree node by computing the sizes of its subtrees. -- @sh@ is the shift of the resulting tree. computeSizes :: Shift -> A.Array (Tree a) -> Tree a computeSizes !sh arr | isBalanced = Balanced arr | otherwise = runST $ do sizes <- newPrimArray (length arr) let loop acc i | i < len = let size = treeSize (down sh) (A.index arr i) acc' = acc + size in writePrimArray sizes i acc' *> loop acc' (i + 1) | otherwise = do sizes <- unsafeFreezePrimArray sizes -- safe because the mutable @sizes@ isn't used afterwards pure $ Unbalanced arr sizes loop 0 0 where maxSize = 1 `unsafeShiftL` sh -- the maximum size of a subtree len = length arr lenM1 = len - 1 isBalanced = go 0 where go i | i < lenM1 = treeSize (down sh) subtree == maxSize && go (i + 1) | otherwise = treeBalanced subtree where subtree = A.index arr i -- Integer log base 2. log2 :: Int -> Int log2 x = bitSizeMinus1 - countLeadingZeros x where bitSizeMinus1 = finiteBitSize (0 :: Int) - 1 instance Show1 Vector where liftShowsPrec sp sl p v = showsUnaryWith (liftShowsPrec sp sl) "fromList" p (toList v) instance (Show a) => Show (Vector a) where showsPrec = showsPrec1 instance Read1 Vector where liftReadPrec rp rl = readData $ readUnaryWith (liftReadPrec rp rl) "fromList" fromList liftReadListPrec = liftReadListPrecDefault instance (Read a) => Read (Vector a) where readPrec = readPrec1 readListPrec = readListPrecDefault instance Eq1 Vector where liftEq _ Empty Empty = True liftEq _ Empty _ = False liftEq _ _ Empty = False liftEq f v1 v2 = length v1 == length v2 && liftEq f (toList v1) (toList v2) instance (Eq a) => Eq (Vector a) where (==) = eq1 instance Ord1 Vector where liftCompare f v1 v2 = liftCompare f (toList v1) (toList v2) instance (Ord a) => Ord (Vector a) where compare = compare1 instance Semigroup (Vector a) where (<>) = (><) sconcat (v :| vs) = v >< mconcat vs stimes = stimesMonoid instance Monoid (Vector a) where mempty = empty mconcat = foldl' (><) empty instance Foldable Vector where foldr f acc = go where go Empty = acc go (Root _ _ tree) = foldrTree tree acc foldrTree (Balanced arr) acc' = foldr foldrTree acc' arr foldrTree (Unbalanced arr _) acc' = foldr foldrTree acc' arr foldrTree (Leaf arr) acc' = foldr f acc' arr {-# INLINE foldr #-} foldl f acc = go where go Empty = acc go (Root _ _ tree) = foldlTree acc tree foldlTree acc' (Balanced arr) = foldl foldlTree acc' arr foldlTree acc' (Unbalanced arr _) = foldl foldlTree acc' arr foldlTree acc' (Leaf arr) = foldl f acc' arr {-# INLINE foldl #-} foldr' f acc = go where go Empty = acc go (Root _ _ tree) = foldrTree' tree acc foldrTree' (Balanced arr) acc' = foldr' foldrTree' acc' arr foldrTree' (Unbalanced arr _) acc' = foldr' foldrTree' acc' arr foldrTree' (Leaf arr) acc' = foldr' f acc' arr {-# INLINE foldr' #-} foldl' f acc = go where go Empty = acc go (Root _ _ tree) = foldlTree' acc tree foldlTree' acc' (Balanced arr) = foldl' foldlTree' acc' arr foldlTree' acc' (Unbalanced arr _) = foldl' foldlTree' acc' arr foldlTree' acc' (Leaf arr) = foldl' f acc' arr {-# INLINE foldl' #-} null Empty = True null Root{} = False length Empty = 0 length (Root s _ _) = s instance FoldableWithIndex Int Vector where ifoldMap f = ifoldr (\i x acc -> f i x <> acc) mempty {-# INLINE ifoldMap #-} ifoldr f acc = go where go Empty = acc go (Root _ sh tree) = ifoldrTree 0 sh tree acc ifoldrTree !i !sh (Balanced arr) acc' = A.ifoldrStep i (treeSize (down sh)) (flip ifoldrTree (down sh)) acc' arr ifoldrTree i sh (Unbalanced arr _) acc' = A.ifoldrStep i (treeSize (down sh)) (flip ifoldrTree (down sh)) acc' arr ifoldrTree i _ (Leaf arr) acc' = A.ifoldrStep i (\_ -> 1) f acc' arr {-# INLINE ifoldr #-} ifoldl f acc = go where go Empty = acc go (Root size sh tree) = ifoldlTree (size - 1) sh acc tree ifoldlTree !i !sh acc' (Balanced arr) = A.ifoldlStep i (treeSize (down sh)) (flip ifoldlTree (down sh)) acc' arr ifoldlTree i sh acc' (Unbalanced arr _) = A.ifoldlStep i (treeSize (down sh)) (flip ifoldlTree (down sh)) acc' arr ifoldlTree i _ acc' (Leaf arr) = A.ifoldlStep i (\_ -> 1) f acc' arr {-# INLINE ifoldl #-} ifoldr' f acc = go where go Empty = acc go (Root size sh tree) = ifoldrTree' (size - 1) sh tree acc ifoldrTree' !i !sh (Balanced arr) acc' = A.ifoldrStep' i (treeSize (down sh)) (flip ifoldrTree' (down sh)) acc' arr ifoldrTree' i sh (Unbalanced arr _) acc' = A.ifoldrStep' i (treeSize (down sh)) (flip ifoldrTree' (down sh)) acc' arr ifoldrTree' i _ (Leaf arr) acc' = A.ifoldrStep' i (\_ -> 1) f acc' arr {-# INLINE ifoldr' #-} ifoldl' f acc = go where go Empty = acc go (Root _ sh tree) = ifoldlTree' 0 sh acc tree ifoldlTree' !i !sh acc' (Balanced arr) = A.ifoldlStep' i (treeSize (down sh)) (flip ifoldlTree' (down sh)) acc' arr ifoldlTree' i sh acc' (Unbalanced arr _) = A.ifoldlStep' i (treeSize (down sh)) (flip ifoldlTree' (down sh)) acc' arr ifoldlTree' i _ acc' (Leaf arr) = A.ifoldlStep' i (\_ -> 1) f acc' arr {-# INLINE ifoldl' #-} instance Functor Vector where fmap = map x <$ v = replicate (length v) x instance FunctorWithIndex Int Vector where imap _ Empty = Empty imap f (Root size sh tree) = Root size sh (imapTree 0 sh tree) where imapTree !i !sh (Balanced arr) = Balanced (A.imapStep' i (treeSize (down sh)) (\i -> imapTree i (down sh)) arr) imapTree i sh (Unbalanced arr sizes) = Unbalanced (A.imapStep' i (treeSize (down sh)) (\i -> imapTree i (down sh)) arr) sizes imapTree i _ (Leaf arr) = Leaf (A.imapStep i (\_ -> 1) f arr) instance Traversable Vector where traverse _ Empty = pure Empty traverse f (Root size sh tree) = Root size sh <$> traverseTree tree where traverseTree (Balanced arr) = Balanced <$> A.traverse' traverseTree arr traverseTree (Unbalanced arr sizes) = flip Unbalanced sizes <$> A.traverse' traverseTree arr traverseTree (Leaf arr) = Leaf <$> A.traverse f arr {-# INLINE traverse #-} instance TraversableWithIndex Int Vector where itraverse _ Empty = pure Empty itraverse f (Root size sh tree) = Root size sh <$> itraverseTree 0 sh tree where itraverseTree !i !sh (Balanced arr) = Balanced <$> A.itraverseStep' i (treeSize (down sh)) (\i -> itraverseTree i (down sh)) arr itraverseTree i sh (Unbalanced arr sizes) = flip Unbalanced sizes <$> A.itraverseStep' i (treeSize (down sh)) (\i -> itraverseTree i (down sh)) arr itraverseTree i _ (Leaf arr) = Leaf <$> A.itraverseStep i (\_ -> 1) f arr {-# INLINE itraverse #-} instance Applicative Vector where pure = singleton fs <*> xs = foldl' (\acc f -> acc >< map f xs) empty fs liftA2 f xs ys = foldl' (\acc x -> acc >< map (f x) ys) empty xs xs *> ys = foldl' (\acc _ -> acc >< ys) empty xs xs <* ys = foldl' (\acc x -> acc >< replicate (length ys) x) empty xs instance Monad Vector where xs >>= f = foldl' (\acc x -> acc >< f x) empty xs (>>) = (*>) #if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,13,0)) fail = Fail.fail #endif instance Alternative Vector where empty = empty (<|>) = (><) instance MonadPlus Vector instance Fail.MonadFail Vector where fail _ = empty instance MonadFix Vector where mfix f = case f err of Empty -> Empty Root size _ _ -> fromList $ fmap (\i -> let x = f x ! i in x) [0..size - 1] where err = error "mfix for Data.RRBVector.Vector applied to strict function" instance MonadZip Vector where mzipWith = zipWith mzip = zip munzip = unzip instance Exts.IsList (Vector a) where type Item (Vector a) = a fromList = fromList toList = toList instance (a ~ Char) => Exts.IsString (Vector a) where fromString = fromList instance (NFData a) => NFData (Vector a) where rnf = rnf1 instance NFData1 Vector where liftRnf f = foldl' (\_ x -> f x) () -- | \(O(1)\). The empty vector. -- -- > empty = fromList [] empty :: Vector a empty = Empty -- | \(O(1)\). A vector with a single element. -- -- > singleton x = fromList [x] singleton :: a -> Vector a singleton x = Root 1 0 (Leaf $ A.singleton x) -- | \(O(n)\). Create a new vector from a list. fromList :: [a] -> Vector a fromList [] = Empty fromList [x] = singleton x fromList ls = case nodes Leaf ls of [tree] -> Root (treeSize 0 tree) 0 tree -- tree is a single leaf ls' -> iterateNodes blockShift ls' where nodes f trees = runST $ do buffer <- Buffer.new blockSize let loop [] = do result <- Buffer.get buffer pure [f result] loop (t : ts) = do size <- Buffer.size buffer if size == blockSize then do result <- Buffer.get buffer Buffer.push buffer t rest <- loop ts pure (f result : rest) else do Buffer.push buffer t loop ts loop trees {-# INLINE nodes #-} iterateNodes sh trees = case nodes Balanced trees of [tree] -> Root (treeSize sh tree) sh tree trees' -> iterateNodes (up sh) trees' -- | \(O(\log n)\). @replicate n x@ creates a vector of length @n@ with every element set to @x@. -- -- >>> replicate 5 42 -- fromList [42,42,42,42,42] -- -- @since replicate :: Int -> a -> Vector a replicate n x | n <= 0 = Empty | n <= blockSize = Root n 0 (Leaf $ A.replicate n x) | otherwise = iterateNodes blockShift (Leaf $ A.replicate blockSize x) (Leaf $ A.replicate (lastIdx .&. blockMask + 1) x) where lastIdx = n - 1 -- @full@ is a full subtree, @rest@ is the last subtree iterateNodes !sh !full !rest = let subtreesM1 = lastIdx `unsafeShiftR` sh -- the number of subtrees minus 1 full' = Balanced $ A.replicate blockSize full rest' = Balanced $ A.replicateSnoc (subtreesM1 .&. blockMask) full rest in if subtreesM1 < blockSize then Root n sh rest' else iterateNodes (up sh) full' rest' -- | \(O(\log n)\). The element at the index or 'Nothing' if the index is out of range. lookup :: Int -> Vector a -> Maybe a lookup !_ Empty = Nothing lookup i (Root size sh tree) | i < 0 || i >= size = Nothing -- index out of range | otherwise = Just $ lookupTree i sh tree where lookupTree i sh (Balanced arr) = lookupTree i (down sh) (A.index arr (radixIndex i sh)) lookupTree i sh (Unbalanced arr sizes) = let (idx, subIdx) = relaxedRadixIndex sizes i sh in lookupTree subIdx (down sh) (A.index arr idx) lookupTree i _ (Leaf arr) = A.index arr (i .&. blockMask) {-# INLINE lookup #-} -- | \(O(\log n)\). The element at the index. Calls 'error' if the index is out of range. index :: HasCallStack => Int -> Vector a -> a index i = fromMaybe (error "index out of range") . lookup i {-# INLINE index #-} -- | \(O(\log n)\). A flipped version of 'lookup'. (!?) :: Vector a -> Int -> Maybe a (!?) = flip lookup {-# INLINE (!?) #-} -- | \(O(\log n)\). A flipped version of 'index'. (!) :: HasCallStack => Vector a -> Int -> a (!) = flip index {-# INLINE (!) #-} -- | \(O(\log n)\). Update the element at the index with a new element. -- If the index is out of range, the original vector is returned. update :: Int -> a -> Vector a -> Vector a update !_ _ Empty = Empty update i x v@(Root size sh tree) | i < 0 || i >= size = v -- index out of range | otherwise = Root size sh (updateTree i sh tree) where updateTree i sh (Balanced arr) = Balanced (A.adjust' arr (radixIndex i sh) (updateTree i (down sh))) updateTree i sh (Unbalanced arr sizes) = let (idx, subIdx) = relaxedRadixIndex sizes i sh in Unbalanced (A.adjust' arr idx (updateTree subIdx (down sh))) sizes updateTree i _ (Leaf arr) = Leaf (A.update arr (i .&. blockMask) x) -- | \(O(\log n)\). Adjust the element at the index by applying the function to it. -- If the index is out of range, the original vector is returned. adjust :: Int -> (a -> a) -> Vector a -> Vector a adjust !_ _ Empty = Empty adjust i f v@(Root size sh tree) | i < 0 || i >= size = v -- index out of range | otherwise = Root size sh (adjustTree i sh tree) where adjustTree i sh (Balanced arr) = Balanced (A.adjust' arr (radixIndex i sh) (adjustTree i (down sh))) adjustTree i sh (Unbalanced arr sizes) = let (idx, subIdx) = relaxedRadixIndex sizes i sh in Unbalanced (A.adjust' arr idx (adjustTree subIdx (down sh))) sizes adjustTree i _ (Leaf arr) = Leaf (A.adjust arr (i .&. blockMask) f) -- | \(O(\log n)\). Like 'adjust', but the result of the function is forced. adjust' :: Int -> (a -> a) -> Vector a -> Vector a adjust' !_ _ Empty = Empty adjust' i f v@(Root size sh tree) | i < 0 || i >= size = v -- index out of range | otherwise = Root size sh (adjustTree i sh tree) where adjustTree i sh (Balanced arr) = Balanced (A.adjust' arr (radixIndex i sh) (adjustTree i (down sh))) adjustTree i sh (Unbalanced arr sizes) = let (idx, subIdx) = relaxedRadixIndex sizes i sh in Unbalanced (A.adjust' arr idx (adjustTree subIdx (down sh))) sizes adjustTree i _ (Leaf arr) = Leaf (A.adjust' arr (i .&. blockMask) f) -- | \(O(n)\). Apply the function to every element. -- -- >>> map (+ 1) (fromList [1, 2, 3]) -- fromList [2,3,4] map :: (a -> b) -> Vector a -> Vector b map _ Empty = Empty map f (Root size sh tree) = Root size sh (mapTree tree) where mapTree (Balanced arr) = Balanced (A.map' mapTree arr) mapTree (Unbalanced arr sizes) = Unbalanced (A.map' mapTree arr) sizes mapTree (Leaf arr) = Leaf (A.map f arr) -- | \(O(n)\). Like 'map', but the results of the function are forced. -- -- @since map' :: (a -> b) -> Vector a -> Vector b map' _ Empty = Empty map' f (Root size sh tree) = Root size sh (mapTree tree) where mapTree (Balanced arr) = Balanced (A.map' mapTree arr) mapTree (Unbalanced arr sizes) = Unbalanced (A.map' mapTree arr) sizes mapTree (Leaf arr) = Leaf (A.map' f arr) -- | \(O(n)\). Reverse the vector. -- -- >>> reverse (fromList [1, 2, 3]) -- fromList [3,2,1] reverse :: Vector a -> Vector a reverse v | length v <= 1 = v | otherwise = fromList (foldl' (flip (:)) [] v) -- convert the vector to a reverse list and then rebuild -- | \(O(\min(n_1, n_2))\). Take two vectors and return a vector of corresponding pairs. -- If one input is longer, excess elements are discarded from the right end. zip :: Vector a -> Vector b -> Vector (a, b) zip v1 v2 = fromList $ List.zip (toList v1) (toList v2) -- | \(O(\min(n_1, n_2))\). 'zipWith' generalizes 'zip' by zipping with the function. zipWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> Vector a -> Vector b -> Vector c zipWith f v1 v2 = fromList $ List.zipWith f (toList v1) (toList v2) -- TODO: unzip = unzipWith id -- | \(O(n)\). Unzip a vector of pairs. -- -- >>> unzip (fromList [(1, "a"), (2, "b"), (3, "c")]) -- (fromList [1,2,3],fromList ["a","b","c"]) unzip :: Vector (a, b) -> (Vector a, Vector b) unzip Empty = (Empty, Empty) unzip (Root size sh tree) = case unzipTree tree of (!left, !right) -> (Root size sh left, Root size sh right) where unzipTree (Balanced arr) = case A.unzipWith unzipTree arr of (!left, !right) -> (Balanced left, Balanced right) unzipTree (Unbalanced arr sizes) = case A.unzipWith unzipTree arr of (!left, !right) -> (Unbalanced left sizes, Unbalanced right sizes) unzipTree (Leaf arr) = case A.unzipWith id arr of (!left, !right) -> (Leaf left, Leaf right) -- | \(O(n)\). Unzip a vector with a function. -- -- > unzipWith f = unzip . map f -- -- @since unzipWith :: (a -> (b, c)) -> Vector a -> (Vector b, Vector c) unzipWith _ Empty = (Empty, Empty) unzipWith f (Root size sh tree) = case unzipTree tree of (!left, !right) -> (Root size sh left, Root size sh right) where unzipTree (Balanced arr) = case A.unzipWith unzipTree arr of (!left, !right) -> (Balanced left, Balanced right) unzipTree (Unbalanced arr sizes) = case A.unzipWith unzipTree arr of (!left, !right) -> (Unbalanced left sizes, Unbalanced right sizes) unzipTree (Leaf arr) = case A.unzipWith f arr of (!left, !right) -> (Leaf left, Leaf right) -- | \(O(\log n)\). The first element and the vector without the first element, or 'Nothing' if the vector is empty. -- -- >>> viewl (fromList [1, 2, 3]) -- Just (1,fromList [2,3]) viewl :: Vector a -> Maybe (a, Vector a) viewl Empty = Nothing viewl v@(Root _ _ tree) = let !tail = drop 1 v in Just (headTree tree, tail) where headTree (Balanced arr) = headTree (A.head arr) headTree (Unbalanced arr _) = headTree (A.head arr) headTree (Leaf arr) = A.head arr -- | \(O(\log n)\). The vector without the last element and the last element, or 'Nothing' if the vector is empty. -- -- >>> viewr (fromList [1, 2, 3]) -- Just (fromList [1,2],3) viewr :: Vector a -> Maybe (Vector a, a) viewr Empty = Nothing viewr v@(Root size _ tree) = let !init = take (size - 1) v in Just (init, lastTree tree) where lastTree (Balanced arr) = lastTree (A.last arr) lastTree (Unbalanced arr _) = lastTree (A.last arr) lastTree (Leaf arr) = A.last arr -- | \(O(\log n)\). The first @i@ elements of the vector. -- If @i@ is negative, the empty vector is returned. If the vector contains less than @i@ elements, the whole vector is returned. take :: Int -> Vector a -> Vector a take !_ Empty = Empty take n v@(Root size sh tree) | n <= 0 = empty | n >= size = v | otherwise = normalize $ Root n sh (takeTree (n - 1) sh tree) -- | \(O(\log n)\). The vector without the first @i@ elements -- If @i@ is negative, the whole vector is returned. If the vector contains less than @i@ elements, the empty vector is returned. drop :: Int -> Vector a -> Vector a drop !_ Empty = Empty drop n v@(Root size sh tree) | n <= 0 = v | n >= size = empty | otherwise = normalize $ Root (size - n) sh (dropTree n sh tree) -- | \(O(\log n)\). Split the vector at the given index. -- -- > splitAt n v = (take n v, drop n v) splitAt :: Int -> Vector a -> (Vector a, Vector a) splitAt !_ Empty = (Empty, Empty) splitAt n v@(Root size sh tree) | n <= 0 = (empty, v) | n >= size = (v, empty) | otherwise = let !left = normalize $ Root n sh (takeTree (n - 1) sh tree) !right = normalize $ Root (size - n) sh (dropTree n sh tree) in (left, right) -- | \(O(\log n)\). Insert an element at the given index. insertAt :: Int -> a -> Vector a -> Vector a insertAt i x v = let (left, right) = splitAt i v in (left |> x) >< right -- | \(O(\log n)\). Delete the element at the given index. deleteAt :: Int -> Vector a -> Vector a deleteAt i v = let (left, right) = splitAt (i + 1) v in take i left >< right -- concatenation -- | \(O(\log \max(n_1, n_2))\). Concatenates two vectors. -- -- >>> fromList [1, 2, 3] >< fromList [4, 5] -- fromList [1,2,3,4,5] (><) :: Vector a -> Vector a -> Vector a Empty >< v = v v >< Empty = v Root size1 sh1 tree1 >< Root size2 sh2 tree2 = let maxShift = max sh1 sh2 upMaxShift = up maxShift newArr = mergeTrees tree1 sh1 tree2 sh2 in if length newArr == 1 then Root (size1 + size2) maxShift (A.head newArr) else Root (size1 + size2) upMaxShift (computeSizes upMaxShift newArr) where mergeTrees tree1@(Leaf arr1) !_ tree2@(Leaf arr2) !_ | length arr1 == blockSize = A.from2 tree1 tree2 | length arr1 + length arr2 <= blockSize = A.singleton $! Leaf (arr1 A.++ arr2) | otherwise = let (left, right) = A.splitAt (arr1 A.++ arr2) blockSize -- 'A.splitAt' doesn't copy anything !leftTree = Leaf left !rightTree = Leaf right in A.from2 leftTree rightTree mergeTrees tree1 sh1 tree2 sh2 = case compare sh1 sh2 of LT -> let !right = treeToArray tree2 (rightHead, rightTail) = viewlArr right merged = mergeTrees tree1 sh1 rightHead (down sh2) in mergeRebalance sh2 A.empty merged rightTail GT -> let !left = treeToArray tree1 (leftInit, leftLast) = viewrArr left merged = mergeTrees leftLast (down sh1) tree2 sh2 in mergeRebalance sh1 leftInit merged A.empty EQ -> let !left = treeToArray tree1 !right = treeToArray tree2 (leftInit, leftLast) = viewrArr left (rightHead, rightTail) = viewlArr right merged = mergeTrees leftLast (down sh1) rightHead (down sh2) in mergeRebalance sh1 leftInit merged rightTail where viewlArr arr = (A.head arr, A.drop arr 1) viewrArr arr = (A.take arr (length arr - 1), A.last arr) -- the type signature is necessary to compile mergeRebalance :: forall a. Shift -> A.Array (Tree a) -> A.Array (Tree a) -> A.Array (Tree a) -> A.Array (Tree a) mergeRebalance !sh !left !center !right | sh == blockShift = mergeRebalance' (\(Leaf arr) -> arr) Leaf | otherwise = mergeRebalance' treeToArray (computeSizes (down sh)) where mergeRebalance' :: (Tree a -> A.Array t) -> (A.Array t -> Tree a) -> A.Array (Tree a) mergeRebalance' extract construct = runST $ do newRoot <- Buffer.new blockSize newSubtree <- Buffer.new blockSize newNode <- Buffer.new blockSize for_ (toList left ++ toList center ++ toList right) $ \subtree -> for_ (extract subtree) $ \x -> do lenNode <- Buffer.size newNode when (lenNode == blockSize) $ do pushTo construct newNode newSubtree lenSubtree <- Buffer.size newSubtree when (lenSubtree == blockSize) $ pushTo (computeSizes sh) newSubtree newRoot Buffer.push newNode x pushTo construct newNode newSubtree pushTo (computeSizes sh) newSubtree newRoot Buffer.get newRoot {-# INLINE mergeRebalance' #-} pushTo f from to = do result <- Buffer.get from Buffer.push to $! f result {-# INLINE pushTo #-} -- | \(O(\log n)\). Add an element to the left end of the vector. -- -- >>> 1 <| fromList [2, 3, 4] -- fromList [1,2,3,4] (<|) :: a -> Vector a -> Vector a x <| Empty = singleton x x <| Root size sh tree | insertShift > sh = Root (size + 1) insertShift (computeSizes insertShift (let !new = newBranch x sh in A.from2 new tree)) | otherwise = Root (size + 1) sh (consTree sh tree) where consTree sh (Balanced arr) | sh == insertShift = computeSizes sh (A.cons arr $! newBranch x (down sh)) | otherwise = computeSizes sh (A.adjust' arr 0 (consTree (down sh))) consTree sh (Unbalanced arr _) | sh == insertShift = computeSizes sh (A.cons arr $! newBranch x (down sh)) | otherwise = computeSizes sh (A.adjust' arr 0 (consTree (down sh))) consTree _ (Leaf arr) = Leaf $ A.cons arr x insertShift = computeShift size sh (up sh) tree -- compute the shift at which the new branch needs to be inserted (0 means there is space in the leaf) -- the size is computed for efficient calculation of the shift in a balanced subtree computeShift !sz !sh !min (Balanced _) = let newShift = (log2 sz `div` blockShift) * blockShift in if newShift > sh then min else newShift computeShift _ sh min (Unbalanced arr sizes) = let sz' = indexPrimArray sizes 0 -- the size of the first subtree newMin = if length arr < blockSize then sh else min in computeShift sz' (down sh) newMin (A.head arr) computeShift _ _ min (Leaf arr) = if length arr < blockSize then 0 else min -- | \(O(\log n)\). Add an element to the right end of the vector. -- -- >>> fromList [1, 2, 3] |> 4 -- fromList [1,2,3,4] (|>) :: Vector a -> a -> Vector a Empty |> x = singleton x Root size sh tree |> x | insertShift > sh = Root (size + 1) insertShift (computeSizes insertShift (A.from2 tree $! newBranch x sh)) | otherwise = Root (size + 1) sh (snocTree sh tree) where snocTree sh (Balanced arr) | sh == insertShift = Balanced (A.snoc arr $! newBranch x (down sh)) -- the current subtree is fully balanced | otherwise = Balanced $ A.adjust' arr (length arr - 1) (snocTree (down sh)) snocTree sh (Unbalanced arr sizes) | sh == insertShift = Unbalanced (A.snoc arr $! newBranch x (down sh)) newSizesSnoc | otherwise = Unbalanced (A.adjust' arr (length arr - 1) (snocTree (down sh))) newSizesAdjust where len = length arr -- snoc the last size + 1 newSizesSnoc = runST $ do newArr <- newPrimArray (len + 1) copyPrimArray newArr 0 sizes 0 len let lastSize = indexPrimArray sizes (len - 1) writePrimArray newArr len (lastSize + 1) unsafeFreezePrimArray newArr -- adjust the last size with (+ 1) newSizesAdjust = runST $ do newArr <- newPrimArray len copyPrimArray newArr 0 sizes 0 len let lastSize = indexPrimArray sizes (len - 1) writePrimArray newArr (len - 1) (lastSize + 1) unsafeFreezePrimArray newArr snocTree _ (Leaf arr) = Leaf $ A.snoc arr x insertShift = computeShift size sh (up sh) tree -- compute the shift at which the new branch needs to be inserted (0 means there is space in the leaf) -- the size is computed for efficient calculation of the shift in a balanced subtree computeShift !sz !sh !min (Balanced _) = let newShift = (countTrailingZeros sz `div` blockShift) * blockShift in if newShift > sh then min else newShift computeShift _ sh min (Unbalanced arr sizes) = let lastIdx = length arr - 1 sz' = indexPrimArray sizes lastIdx - indexPrimArray sizes (lastIdx - 1) -- the size of the last subtree newMin = if length arr < blockSize then sh else min in computeShift sz' (down sh) newMin (A.last arr) computeShift _ _ min (Leaf arr) = if length arr < blockSize then 0 else min -- create a new tree with shift @sh@ newBranch :: a -> Shift -> Tree a newBranch x = go where go 0 = Leaf (A.singleton x) go sh = Balanced (A.singleton $! go (down sh)) -- splitting -- the initial @i@ is @n - 1@ -- the index of the last element in the new tree takeTree :: Int -> Shift -> Tree a -> Tree a takeTree i sh (Balanced arr) = let idx = radixIndex i sh newArr = A.take arr (idx + 1) in Balanced (A.adjust' newArr idx (takeTree i (down sh))) takeTree i sh (Unbalanced arr sizes) = let (idx, subIdx) = relaxedRadixIndex sizes i sh newArr = A.take arr (idx + 1) in computeSizes sh (A.adjust' newArr idx (takeTree subIdx (down sh))) takeTree i _ (Leaf arr) = Leaf (A.take arr ((i .&. blockMask) + 1)) dropTree :: Int -> Shift -> Tree a -> Tree a dropTree n sh (Balanced arr) = let idx = radixIndex n sh newArr = A.drop arr idx in computeSizes sh (A.adjust' newArr 0 (dropTree n (down sh))) dropTree n sh (Unbalanced arr sizes) = let (idx, subIdx) = relaxedRadixIndex sizes n sh newArr = A.drop arr idx in computeSizes sh (A.adjust' newArr 0 (dropTree subIdx (down sh))) dropTree n _ (Leaf arr) = Leaf (A.drop arr (n .&. blockMask)) normalize :: Vector a -> Vector a normalize (Root size sh (Balanced arr)) | length arr == 1 = normalize $ Root size (down sh) (A.head arr) normalize (Root size sh (Unbalanced arr _)) | length arr == 1 = normalize $ Root size (down sh) (A.head arr) normalize v = v