module Properties ( properties ) where import Control.Applicative (liftA2) import Data.Foldable (Foldable(..)) import Data.List (uncons) import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..)) import Prelude hiding ((==)) -- use @===@ instead import qualified Data.RRBVector as V import Test.QuickCheck.Classes.Base import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck import Arbitrary () default (Int) type V = V.Vector -- List equivalents of @Data.RRBVector@ functions lookupList :: Int -> [a] -> Maybe a lookupList i ls | i < length ls = Just (ls !! i) | otherwise = Nothing updateList :: Int -> a -> [a] -> [a] updateList i x ls | i < length ls = let (left, _ : right) = splitAt i ls in left ++ (x : right) | otherwise = ls adjustList :: Int -> (a -> a) -> [a] -> [a] adjustList i f ls | i < length ls = let (left, x : right) = splitAt i ls in left ++ (f x : right) | otherwise = ls insertAtList :: Int -> a -> [a] -> [a] insertAtList i x ls = let (left, right) = splitAt i ls in left ++ (x : right) deleteAtList :: Int -> [a] -> [a] deleteAtList i ls | i < length ls = let (left, _ : right) = splitAt i ls in left ++ right | otherwise = ls unsnoc :: [a] -> Maybe ([a], a) unsnoc [] = Nothing unsnoc ls = Just (init ls, last ls) testLaws :: Laws -> TestTree testLaws (Laws name pairs) = testGroup name (map (uncurry testProperty) pairs) proxyVInt :: Proxy (V Int) proxyVInt = Proxy proxyV :: Proxy V proxyV = Proxy properties :: TestTree properties = testGroup "properties" [ testGroup "fromList" [ testProperty "satisfies `fromList . toList = id`" $ \v -> V.fromList (toList v) === v , testProperty "satisfies `toList . fromList = id`" $ \ls -> toList (V.fromList ls) === ls , testProperty "satisfies `fromList [] = empty`" $ V.fromList [] === V.empty , testProperty "satisfies `fromList [x] = singleton x`" $ \x -> V.fromList [x] === V.singleton x ] , testGroup "replicate" [ testProperty "satisifes `replicate n == fromList . replicate n`" $ \(Positive n) x -> V.replicate n x === V.fromList (replicate n x) , testProperty "returns the empty vector for non-positive n" $ \(NonPositive n) x -> V.replicate n x === V.empty ] , testGroup "<|" [ testProperty "prepends an element" $ \x v -> toList (x V.<| v) === x : toList v , testProperty "works for the empty vector" $ \x -> x V.<| V.empty === V.singleton x ] , testGroup "|>" [ testProperty "appends an element" $ \v x -> toList (v V.|> x) === toList v ++ [x] , testProperty "works for the empty vector" $ \x -> V.empty V.|> x === V.singleton x ] , testGroup "><" [ testProperty "concatenates two vectors" $ \v1 v2 -> toList (v1 V.>< v2) === toList v1 ++ toList v2 , testProperty "works for the empty vector" $ \v -> (V.empty V.>< v === v) .&&. (v V.>< V.empty === v) ] , testGroup "lookup" [ testProperty "gets the element at the index" $ \v (NonNegative i) -> V.lookup i v === lookupList i (toList v) , testProperty "returns Nothing for negative indices" $ \v (Negative i) -> V.lookup i v === Nothing ] , testGroup "update" [ testProperty "updates the element at the index" $ \v (NonNegative i) x -> toList (V.update i x v) === updateList i x (toList v) , testProperty "returns the vector for negative indices" $ \v (Negative i) x -> V.update i x v === v ] , testGroup "adjust" [ testProperty "adjusts the element at the index" $ \v (NonNegative i) (Fn f) -> toList (V.adjust i f v) === adjustList i f (toList v) , testProperty "returns the vector for negative indices" $ \v (Negative i) (Fn f) -> V.adjust i f v === v ] , testGroup "adjust'" [ testProperty "adjusts the element at the index" $ \v (NonNegative i) (Fn f) -> toList (V.adjust' i f v) === adjustList i f (toList v) , testProperty "returns the vector for negative indices" $ \v (Negative i) (Fn f) -> V.adjust' i f v === v ] , testGroup "viewl" [ testProperty "works like uncons" $ \v -> fmap (\(x, xs) -> (x, toList xs)) (V.viewl v) === uncons (toList v) , testProperty "works for the empty vector" $ V.viewl V.empty === Nothing ] , testGroup "viewr" [ testProperty "works like unsnoc" $ \v -> fmap (\(xs, x) -> (toList xs, x)) (V.viewr v) === unsnoc (toList v) , testProperty "works for the empty vector" $ V.viewr V.empty === Nothing ] , testGroup "take" [ testProperty "takes n elements" $ \v (Positive n) -> toList (V.take n v) === take n (toList v) , testProperty "returns the empty vector for non-positive n" $ \v (NonPositive n) -> V.take n v === V.empty ] , testGroup "drop" [ testProperty "drops n elements" $ \v (Positive n) -> toList (V.drop n v) === drop n (toList v) , testProperty "returns the vector for non-positive n" $ \v (NonPositive n) -> V.drop n v === v ] , testGroup "splitAt" [ testProperty "splits the vector" $ \v n -> let (v1, v2) = V.splitAt n v in (toList v1, toList v2) === splitAt n (toList v) ] , testGroup "insertAt" [ testProperty "inserts an element" $ \v i x -> toList (V.insertAt i x v) === insertAtList i x (toList v) , testProperty "satisfies `insertAt 0 x v = x <| v`" $ \v x -> V.insertAt 0 x v === x V.<| v , testProperty "satisfies `insertAt (length v) x v = v |> x`" $ \v x -> V.insertAt (length v) x v === v V.|> x ] , testGroup "deleteAt" [ testProperty "deletes an element" $ \v (NonNegative i) -> toList (V.deleteAt i v) === deleteAtList i (toList v) , testProperty "returns the vector for negative indices" $ \v (Negative i) -> V.deleteAt i v === v , testProperty "satisfies `deleteAt 0 v = drop 1 v`" $ \v -> V.deleteAt 0 v === V.drop 1 v , testProperty "satisfies `deleteAt (length v - 1) v = take (length v - 1) v`" $ \v -> V.deleteAt (length v - 1) v === V.take (length v - 1) v ] , testGroup "reverse" [ testProperty "reverses the vector" $ \v -> toList (V.reverse v) === reverse (toList v) ] , testGroup "zip" [ testProperty "zips two vectors" $ \v1 v2 -> toList ( v1 v2) === zip (toList v1) (toList v2) ] , testGroup "zipWith" [ testProperty "zips two vectors with a function" $ \v1 v2 -> toList (V.zipWith (+) v1 v2) === zipWith (+) (toList v1) (toList v2) , testProperty "satisfies `zipWith (,) v1 v2 = zip v1 v2`" $ \v1 v2 -> V.zipWith (,) v1 v2 === v1 v2 ] , testGroup "unzip" [ testProperty "unzips the vector" $ \v -> (\(xs, ys) -> (toList xs, toList ys)) (V.unzip v) === unzip (toList v) ] , instances , laws ] instances :: TestTree instances = testGroup "instances" [ testGroup "Foldable" [ testProperty "foldr" $ \(v :: V Int) -> foldr (:) [] v === foldr (:) [] (toList v) , testProperty "foldl" $ \(v :: V Int) -> foldl (flip (:)) [] v === foldl (flip (:)) [] (toList v) , testProperty "foldr'" $ \(v :: V Int) -> foldr' (:) [] v === foldr' (:) [] (toList v) , testProperty "foldl'" $ \(v :: V Int) -> foldl' (flip (:)) [] v === foldl' (flip (:)) [] (toList v) ] , testGroup "FoldableWithIndex" [ testProperty "ifoldr" $ \(v :: V Int) -> V.ifoldr (\i x acc -> (i, x) : acc) [] v === V.ifoldr (\i x acc -> (i, x) : acc) [] (toList v) , testProperty "ifoldl" $ \(v :: V Int) -> V.ifoldl (\i acc x -> (i, x) : acc) [] v === V.ifoldl (\i acc x -> (i, x) : acc) [] (toList v) , testProperty "ifoldr'" $ \(v :: V Int) -> V.ifoldr' (\i x acc -> (i, x) : acc) [] v === V.ifoldr' (\i x acc -> (i, x) : acc) [] (toList v) , testProperty "ifoldl'" $ \(v :: V Int) -> V.ifoldl' (\i acc x -> (i, x) : acc) [] v === V.ifoldl' (\i acc x -> (i, x) : acc) [] (toList v) , testProperty "satisfies `ifoldr (const f) x v = foldr f x v`" $ \(v :: V Int) -> V.ifoldr (const (:)) [] v === foldr (:) [] v , testProperty "satisfies `ifoldl (const f) x v = foldl f x v`" $ \(v :: V Int) -> V.ifoldl (const (flip (:))) [] v === foldl (flip (:)) [] v ] , testGroup "Functor" [ testProperty "fmap" $ \v -> toList ( (+ 1) v) === map (+ 1) (toList v) ] , testGroup "FunctorWithIndex" [ testProperty "imap" $ \(v :: V Int) -> toList (V.imap (,) v) === V.imap (,) (toList v) , testProperty "satisfies `imap (const f) v = map f v`" $ \v -> V.imap (const (+ 1)) v === (+ 1) v ] , testGroup "Traversable" [ testProperty "traverse" $ \(v :: V Int) -> fmap toList (traverse (Just . (+ 1)) v) === traverse (Just . (+ 1)) (toList v) ] , testGroup "TraversableWithIndex" [ testProperty "itraverse" $ \(v :: V Int) -> fmap toList (V.itraverse (\i x -> Just (i + x)) v) === V.itraverse (\i x -> Just (i + x)) (toList v) , testProperty "satisfies `itraverse (const f) v = traverse f v`" $ \(v :: V Int) -> V.itraverse (const (Just . (+ 1))) v === traverse (Just . (+ 1)) v , testProperty "satisfies `imapDefault f v = imap f v`" $ \(v :: V Int) -> V.imapDefault (,) v === V.imap (,) v ] , localOption (QuickCheckMaxSize 100) $ testGroup "Applicative" [ testProperty "liftA2" $ \(v1 :: V Int) (v2 :: V Int) -> toList (liftA2 (,) v1 v2) === liftA2 (,) (toList v1) (toList v2) , testProperty "<*>" $ \(v1 :: V Int) (v2 :: V Int) -> toList ((,) <$> v1 <*> v2) === ((,) <$> toList v1 <*> toList v2) , testProperty "*>" $ \(v1 :: V Int) (v2 :: V Int) -> toList (v1 *> v2) === (toList v1 *> toList v2) , testProperty "<*" $ \(v1 :: V Int) (v2 :: V Int) -> toList (v1 <* v2) === (toList v1 <* toList v2) ] ] laws :: TestTree laws = testGroup "typeclass laws" [ testLaws $ eqLaws proxyVInt , testLaws $ ordLaws proxyVInt , testLaws $ isListLaws proxyVInt , testLaws $ monoidLaws proxyVInt , localOption (QuickCheckTests 500) . localOption (QuickCheckMaxSize 1000) . testLaws $ semigroupLaws proxyVInt , localOption (QuickCheckMaxSize 500) . testLaws $ showLaws proxyVInt , localOption (QuickCheckMaxSize 1000) . testLaws $ showReadLaws proxyVInt , testLaws $ alternativeLaws proxyV , localOption (QuickCheckTests 100) . localOption (QuickCheckMaxSize 100) . testLaws $ applicativeLaws proxyV , localOption (QuickCheckTests 100) . testLaws $ foldableLaws proxyV , testLaws $ functorLaws proxyV , localOption (QuickCheckTests 100) . localOption (QuickCheckMaxSize 100) . testLaws $ monadLaws proxyV , testLaws $ monadPlusLaws proxyV , localOption (QuickCheckTests 500) . localOption (QuickCheckMaxSize 5000) . testLaws $ monadZipLaws proxyV , localOption (QuickCheckMaxSize 100) . testLaws $ traversableLaws proxyV ]