{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts #-}

-- | RSAGL.Material handles properties of surfaces such as color, shininess, and transparency
-- including procedural textures but not including anything touching the normal vector, such
-- as bumpiness.  Materials are handled using layers.
module RSAGL.Modeling.Material

import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid
import Control.Applicative
import RSAGL.Color
import RSAGL.Math.Curve
import RSAGL.Auxiliary.ApplicativeWrapper
import Control.DeepSeq
import Control.Parallel.Strategies
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL hiding (RGB,RGBA,Alpha)
import RSAGL.Math.Types
import RSAGL.Math.AbstractVector

-- | A 'MaterialSurface' is parameterized either on RGB or RGBA, depending
-- on whether or not the 'MaterialLayer' is capable of transparency.
-- 'MaterialSurface's that are only one color (as opposed to procedural textures)
-- can be described using 'pure', for example "pure red".
type MaterialSurface a = ApplicativeWrapper Surface a

-- | A 'MaterialLayer' is a layer of material some material quality (diffuse, transparent, emissive, or specular highlight).  
-- 'MaterialLayers' are rendered one on top of another to create layered effects.
data MaterialLayer =
    -- | A simple colored material.
    DiffuseLayer (MaterialSurface RGB)
    -- | A transparent colored material.
  | TransparentLayer (MaterialSurface RGBA)
    -- | A glowing material.
  | EmissiveLayer (MaterialSurface RGB)
    -- | A shiny material with specular highlight.  Includes the specular exponent.
  | SpecularLayer (MaterialSurface RGB) GLfloat
    -- | A compound layer of diffuse, pure specular, and pure emissive layers.  This is a common use case, and therefore optimized into one layer.
  | CompoundLayer (MaterialSurface RGB) RGB RGB GLfloat
    -- | A layer that filters (multiplies) light from behind, but doesn't reflect or glow at all.
  | FilterLayer (MaterialSurface RGB)

instance NFData MaterialLayer where
    rnf (DiffuseLayer msrgb) = rnf msrgb
    rnf (TransparentLayer msrgba) = rnf msrgba
    rnf (EmissiveLayer msrgb) = rnf msrgb
    rnf (SpecularLayer msrgb shininess) = shininess `seq` rnf msrgb
    rnf (CompoundLayer msrgb spec emis shininess) = shininess `seq` rnf (msrgb,spec,emis)
    rnf (FilterLayer msrgb) = rnf msrgb

-- | A stack of 'MaterialLayer's.  'Material' is smart about compressing multiple layers into the least of number of equivalent layers.
data Material = Material [MaterialLayer]

-- | Split open a Material into its component layers.
toLayers :: Material -> [MaterialLayer]
toLayers (Material layers) = layers

-- | Wherever possible, combine material layers into one material layer.
-- For example, two emissive layers can be directly added together.
-- See 'combine2Layers'.
combineLayers :: [MaterialLayer] -> [MaterialLayer]
combineLayers (x1:x2:xs) | Just x <- combine2Layers x1 x2 = 
    let combine_here = combineLayers $ x : xs
        combine_rest = combineLayers $ x2 : xs
	in case length combine_rest < length combine_here of
              True  -> combineLayers $ x1 : combine_rest
	      False -> combine_here
combineLayers (x:xs) = x : combineLayers xs
combineLayers xs = xs

-- | Tries to combine exactly two layers, or answers Nothing if the layers can't be combined.
combine2Layers :: MaterialLayer -> MaterialLayer -> Maybe MaterialLayer
-- diffuse + pure specular
combine2Layers (DiffuseLayer msrgb) (SpecularLayer specular_rgb shininess) | isPure specular_rgb =
    Just $ CompoundLayer msrgb (fromJust $ fromPure $ specular_rgb) (RGB 0 0 0) shininess
-- diffuse + pure emissive
combine2Layers (DiffuseLayer msrgb) (EmissiveLayer emissive_rgb) | isPure emissive_rgb =
    Just $ CompoundLayer msrgb (RGB 0 0 0) (fromJust $ fromPure $ emissive_rgb) 0
-- emissive + emissive
combine2Layers (EmissiveLayer x) (EmissiveLayer y) = Just $ EmissiveLayer $ add <$> x <*> y
-- compound + pure emissive
combine2Layers (CompoundLayer msrgb specular_rgb emissive_rgb1 shininess) (EmissiveLayer emissive_rgb2) | isPure emissive_rgb2 =
    Just $ CompoundLayer msrgb specular_rgb (add emissive_rgb1 (fromJust $ fromPure $ emissive_rgb2)) shininess
-- compound + pure specular
combine2Layers (CompoundLayer msrgb (RGB 0 0 0) emissive_rgb 0) (SpecularLayer specular_rgb shininess) | isPure specular_rgb =
    Just $ CompoundLayer msrgb (fromJust $ fromPure $ specular_rgb) emissive_rgb shininess
-- filter + filter
combine2Layers (FilterLayer x) (FilterLayer y) =
    Just $ FilterLayer $ filterRGB <$> x <*> y
combine2Layers _ _ = Nothing

instance Monoid Material where
    mempty = Material []
    mappend (Material xs) (Material ys) = Material $ combineLayers $ (\zs -> if null (snd zs) then fst zs else snd zs) $
                                                     span (not . isOpaqueLayer) $ xs ++ ys

materialIsEmpty :: Material -> Bool
materialIsEmpty (Material xs) = null xs

-- | A measure of how much color variation should be expected between vertices of a model rendered with this material.
-- Materials using procedural textures are weighted more heavily than others, and specular textures are weighted very
-- heavily.  Materials with constant properties, such as pure emissive and black diffuse layers, have a complexity of zero.
-- This is a heuristic used to assign more vertices to more complex materials.
materialLayerComplexity :: MaterialLayer -> Integer
materialLayerComplexity layer | fromPure (materialLayerRelevant layer) == Just False = 0
materialLayerComplexity (DiffuseLayer ms) | fromPure ms == Just (RGB 0 0 0) = 0
materialLayerComplexity (DiffuseLayer ms) | isPure ms = 1
materialLayerComplexity (DiffuseLayer {}) = 2
materialLayerComplexity (TransparentLayer ms) | isPure ms = 1
materialLayerComplexity (TransparentLayer {}) = 2
materialLayerComplexity (EmissiveLayer ms) | isPure ms = 0
materialLayerComplexity (EmissiveLayer {}) = 2
materialLayerComplexity (SpecularLayer ms _) | isPure ms = 3
materialLayerComplexity (SpecularLayer {}) = 4
materialLayerComplexity (CompoundLayer {}) = 3
materialLayerComplexity (FilterLayer ms) | isPure ms = 0
materialLayerComplexity (FilterLayer {}) = 2

-- | Answers a complexity heuristic for a 'Material'.  Result is a small integer greater than or equal to zero.
materialComplexity :: Material -> Integer
materialComplexity (Material []) = 0
materialComplexity (Material layers) = maximum $ map materialLayerComplexity layers

-- | True if the 'MaterialLayer' is completely opaque.  A layer under an opaque layer is not visible.
isOpaqueLayer :: MaterialLayer -> Bool
isOpaqueLayer (DiffuseLayer _) = True
isOpaqueLayer (TransparentLayer ms) | fmap alpha_alpha (fromPure ms) == Just 1.0 = True
isOpaqueLayer (CompoundLayer _ _ _ _) = True
isOpaqueLayer _ = False

-- | True if the color is not black.  Black emissive materials contribue nothing to the color of a model,
-- and can therefore be eleminated from a model.
isEmissiveRelevant :: RGB -> Bool
isEmissiveRelevant (RGB r g b) | r <= 0 && g <= 0 && b <= 0 = False
isEmissiveRelevant _ = True

-- | True is the color is not white.  White filter materials don't filter any light, and can therefore be
-- eleminated from a model.
isFilterRelevant :: RGB -> Bool
isFilterRelevant (RGB r g b) | r >= 1 && g >= 1 && b >= 1 = False
isFilterRelevant _ = True

-- | True if the color is not perfectly transparent.  Perfectly transparent materials are invisible, and can therefore
-- be eleminated from a model.
isTransparentRelevant :: RGBA -> Bool
isTransparentRelevant (Alpha x _) | x < 0.01 = False
isTransparentRelevant _ = True

-- | Get the color information for a 'MaterialLayer'.
materialLayerSurface :: MaterialLayer -> MaterialSurface RGBA
materialLayerSurface (DiffuseLayer msrgb) = fmap transformColor msrgb
materialLayerSurface (TransparentLayer msrgba) = msrgba
materialLayerSurface (EmissiveLayer msrgb) = fmap transformColor msrgb
materialLayerSurface (SpecularLayer msrgb _) = fmap transformColor msrgb
materialLayerSurface (CompoundLayer msrgb _ _ _) = fmap transformColor msrgb
materialLayerSurface (FilterLayer msrgb) = fmap transformColor msrgb

-- | Get a relevance layer for a surface.  Purely irrelevant materials can be removed without changing the
-- appearance of a model.  Irrelevant triangles can also be selectively culled from a model.
materialLayerRelevant :: MaterialLayer -> MaterialSurface Bool
materialLayerRelevant (DiffuseLayer {}) = pure True
materialLayerRelevant (TransparentLayer msrgba) = fmap isTransparentRelevant msrgba
materialLayerRelevant (EmissiveLayer msrgb) = fmap isEmissiveRelevant msrgb
materialLayerRelevant (SpecularLayer msrgb _) = fmap isEmissiveRelevant msrgb
materialLayerRelevant (CompoundLayer {}) = pure True
materialLayerRelevant (FilterLayer msrgb) = fmap isFilterRelevant msrgb

-- | Run an IO action wrapped in OpenGL state appropriate for the layer in question.
materialLayerToOpenGLWrapper :: MaterialLayer -> IO () -> IO ()
materialLayerToOpenGLWrapper (DiffuseLayer ms) io = 
    do cm <- get colorMaterial
       materialEmission FrontAndBack $= Color4 0 0 0 1
       materialSpecular FrontAndBack $= Color4 0 0 0 1
       colorMaterial $= Just (FrontAndBack,AmbientAndDiffuse)
       maybe (return ()) (color . colorToOpenGL) $ fromPure ms
       colorMaterial $= cm
materialLayerToOpenGLWrapper (TransparentLayer ms) io = 
    do cm <- get colorMaterial
       materialEmission FrontAndBack $= Color4 0 0 0 1
       materialSpecular FrontAndBack $= Color4 0 0 0 1
       colorMaterial $= Just (FrontAndBack,AmbientAndDiffuse)
       maybe (return ()) (color . colorToOpenGL) $ fromPure ms
       alphaBlendWrapper io
       colorMaterial $= cm
materialLayerToOpenGLWrapper (EmissiveLayer ms) io = 
    do l <- get lighting
       lighting $= Disabled
       maybe (return ()) (color . colorToOpenGL) $ fromPure ms
       additiveBlendWrapper io
       lighting $= l
materialLayerToOpenGLWrapper (SpecularLayer ms shininess) io = 
    do cm <- get colorMaterial
       lmlv <- get lightModelLocalViewer
       materialShininess FrontAndBack $= shininess
       materialAmbientAndDiffuse FrontAndBack $= Color4 0 0 0 1
       materialEmission FrontAndBack $= Color4 0 0 0 1
       colorMaterial $= Just (FrontAndBack,Specular)
       lightModelLocalViewer $= Enabled
       maybe (return ()) (color . colorToOpenGL) $ fromPure ms
       additiveBlendWrapper io
       colorMaterial $= cm
       lightModelLocalViewer $= lmlv
materialLayerToOpenGLWrapper (CompoundLayer ms specular_rgb emissive_rgb shininess) io =
    do cm <- get colorMaterial
       lmlv <- get lightModelLocalViewer
       materialSpecular FrontAndBack $= (\(RGB r g b) -> Color4 (f2f r) (f2f g) (f2f b) 1) specular_rgb
       materialShininess FrontAndBack $= shininess
       materialEmission FrontAndBack $= (\(RGB r g b) -> Color4 (f2f r) (f2f g) (f2f b) 1) emissive_rgb
       colorMaterial $= Just (FrontAndBack,AmbientAndDiffuse)
       lightModelLocalViewer $= Enabled
       maybe (return ()) (color . colorToOpenGL) $ fromPure ms
       colorMaterial $= cm
       lightModelLocalViewer $= lmlv
materialLayerToOpenGLWrapper (FilterLayer ms) io =
    do l <- get lighting
       lighting $= Disabled
       maybe (return ()) (color . colorToOpenGL) $ fromPure ms
       filterBlendWrapper io
       lighting $= l

-- | Run an IO action with OpenGL blending state.  Used for transparent surfaces.
alphaBlendWrapper :: IO () -> IO ()
alphaBlendWrapper io =
    do bf <- get blendFunc
       b <- get blend
       blendFunc $= (SrcAlpha,OneMinusSrcAlpha)
       blend $= Enabled
       blendFunc $= bf
       blend $= b

-- | Run an IO action with additive blending OpenGL state.  Used for emissive surfaces.
additiveBlendWrapper :: IO () -> IO ()
additiveBlendWrapper io =
    do bf <- get blendFunc
       b <- get blend
       blendFunc $= (One,One)
       blend $= Enabled
       blendFunc $= bf
       blend $= b

-- | Rune an IO action with multiplicative blending OpenGL state.  Used for filter surfaces.
filterBlendWrapper :: IO () -> IO ()
filterBlendWrapper io =
    do bf <- get blendFunc
       b <- get blend
       blendFunc $= (DstColor,Zero)
       blend $= Enabled
       blendFunc $= bf
       blend $= b

-- | A simple colored material.
diffuseLayer :: MaterialSurface RGB -> Material
diffuseLayer msrgb = Material [DiffuseLayer msrgb]

-- | A shiny material with specular highlight, including a specular exponent parameter.
-- Larger exponents give tighter specular highlights, but should be less than 128 (larger than
-- that wouldn't have very much effect anyway).  Typical values are 1-10 or so.
specularLayer :: MaterialSurface RGB -> GLfloat -> Material
specularLayer msrgb x = Material [SpecularLayer msrgb x]

-- | A transparent colored material.
transparentLayer :: MaterialSurface RGBA -> Material
transparentLayer msrgba = Material [TransparentLayer msrgba]

-- | A material that seems to glow.
emissiveLayer :: MaterialSurface RGB -> Material
emissiveLayer msrgb = Material [EmissiveLayer msrgb]

-- | A material that doesn't reflect or emit life, but simply performs a multiplicative filter on whatever is behind it.
filteringLayer :: MaterialSurface RGB -> Material
filteringLayer msrgb = Material [FilterLayer msrgb]