module RSAGL.Scene.LightSource

import RSAGL.Math.Vector
import RSAGL.Color as Color
import RSAGL.Math.Affine
import RSAGL.Math.AbstractVector
import RSAGL.Scene.CoordinateSystems
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL as GL
import RSAGL.Math.Types
import Data.List as List
import Data.Monoid

-- | A light source.  In addition to position information, each type of 
-- light source (except 'NoLight') has a "color" term, indicating the color of direct lighting,
-- and an "ambient" term, indicating the color of indirect lighting.
data LightSource =
    -- | A directional or infinite light source, which always appears to be comming from the specified vector
      DirectionalLight { lightsource_direction :: Vector3D,
                         lightsource_color :: Color.RGB,
                         lightsource_ambient :: Color.RGB }
    -- | A point light, which has a specific position.  The intensity of point light radiation falls off with the
    -- inverse square of distance, normalized to one at the specified radius.  This means that point lights will
    -- be overbright inside that radius.
    | PointLight { lightsource_position :: Point3D,
                   lightsource_radius :: Distance,
                   lightsource_color :: Color.RGB,
                   lightsource_ambient :: Color.RGB }
    -- | An inactive light source, equivalent to any light source with a color and ambient term of "rgb 0 0 0".
    | NoLight

-- | A DirectionalLight approximation of ambient sky radiation.  Normally, set the vector to straight up, since that is the direction of the sky.
skylight :: Vector3D -> Color.RGB -> LightSource
skylight v c = DirectionalLight {
    lightsource_direction = v,
    lightsource_color = scalarMultiply 0.7208681020859709 c,
    lightsource_ambient = scalarMultiply 0.27913189791402915 c }

-- | 'True' if a light is 'NoLight'.
isNoLight :: LightSource -> Bool
isNoLight NoLight = True
isNoLight _ = False

-- | Encodes a transformation of a light source, including the light color and ambient color terms, and any affine transformation.
-- The 'Monoid' instance supports 'MapLightSource' as a specialized endomorphism (see 'Endo').
data MapLightSource = MapLightSource { map_light, map_ambient :: (RGB -> RGB), map_affine :: AffineTransformation }

instance Monoid MapLightSource where
    mempty = MapLightSource { map_light = id, map_ambient = id, map_affine = id }
    mappend x y = MapLightSource {
        map_light = map_light x . map_light y,
	map_ambient = map_ambient x . map_ambient y,
	map_affine = map_affine x . map_affine y }

instance AffineTransformable MapLightSource where
    transform m f = f { map_affine = transform m . map_affine f }

-- | Transformation of the direct illumination color of a light source.
mapLight :: (RGB -> RGB) -> MapLightSource
mapLight f = mempty { map_light = f }

-- | Transformation of the ambient color of a light source.
mapAmbient :: (RGB -> RGB) -> MapLightSource
mapAmbient f = mempty { map_ambient = f }

-- | Transformation of both the direct illumination and the ambient color terms of a light source.
mapBoth :: (RGB -> RGB) -> MapLightSource
mapBoth f = mapLight f `mappend` mapAmbient f

-- | Apply a 'MapLightSource' to a 'LightSource'.
mapLightSource :: MapLightSource  -> LightSource -> LightSource
mapLightSource f (DirectionalLight source_direction source_color source_ambient) = 
    transformation (map_affine f) $ DirectionalLight source_direction (map_light f source_color) (map_ambient f source_ambient)
mapLightSource f (PointLight source_position source_radius source_color source_ambient) = 
    transformation (map_affine f) $ PointLight source_position source_radius (map_light f source_color) (map_ambient f source_ambient)
mapLightSource _ NoLight = NoLight

-- | Converts a 'PointLight' to a 'DirectionalLight', assuming that the camera is at the origin.
infiniteLightSourceOf :: LightSource -> LightSource
infiniteLightSourceOf NoLight = NoLight
infiniteLightSourceOf (d@(DirectionalLight {})) = d
infiniteLightSourceOf (p@PointLight {}) = DirectionalLight {
    lightsource_direction = vectorToFrom (lightsource_position p) origin_point_3d,
    lightsource_color = scalarMultiply scale_factor $ lightsource_color p,
    lightsource_ambient = scalarMultiply scale_factor $ lightsource_ambient p }
        where scale_factor = f2f $ (distanceSquared $ lightsource_radius p) / (distanceBetweenSquared origin_point_3d (lightsource_position p))

instance AffineTransformable LightSource where
    transform _ NoLight = NoLight
    transform m (dl@(DirectionalLight {})) = dl { lightsource_direction = transform m $ lightsource_direction dl }
    transform m (pl@(PointLight {})) = pl {
        lightsource_position = transform m $ lightsource_position pl,
        lightsource_radius = transform m $ lightsource_radius pl }

-- | Set OpenGL light sources starting from 0.
setLightSourcesToOpenGL :: [LightSource] -> IO ()
setLightSourcesToOpenGL lss =
    do max_lights <- GL.get maxLights
       mapM_ setLightSourceToOpenGL $ genericTake max_lights $ zip (map Light [0..]) (lss ++ repeat NoLight)

-- | Set one specific OpenGL light source.
setLightSourceToOpenGL :: (Light,LightSource) -> IO ()
setLightSourceToOpenGL (l,NoLight) = light l $= Disabled
setLightSourceToOpenGL (l,dl@DirectionalLight { lightsource_color = Color.RGB cr cg cb,
                                        lightsource_ambient = Color.RGB ar ag ab }) =
    do let Vector3D vx vy vz = vectorNormalize $ lightsource_direction dl
       light l $= Enabled
       ambient l $= Color4 (f2f ar) (f2f ag) (f2f ab) 1.0
       GL.specular l $= Color4 (f2f cr) (f2f cg) (f2f cb) 1.0
       diffuse l $= Color4 (f2f cr) (f2f cg) (f2f cb) 1.0
       position l $= Vertex4 (f2f vx) (f2f vy) (f2f vz) 0
       attenuation l $= (1,0,0)
setLightSourceToOpenGL (l,pl@(PointLight { lightsource_position = (Point3D px py pz),
                                           lightsource_color = Color.RGB cr cg cb,
                                           lightsource_ambient = Color.RGB ar ag ab })) =
    do light l $= Enabled
       ambient l $= Color4 (f2f ar) (f2f ag) (f2f ab) 1.0
       GL.specular l $= Color4 (f2f cr) (f2f cg) (f2f cb) 1.0
       diffuse l $= Color4 (f2f cr) (f2f cg) (f2f cb) 1.0
       position l $= Vertex4 (f2f px) (f2f py) (f2f pz) 1
       attenuation l $= (0.01,0,f2f $ recip $ distanceSquared $ lightsource_radius pl)