-- GENERATED by C->Haskell Compiler, version 0.23.1 Snowbounder, 31 Oct 2014 (Haskell)
-- Edit the ORIGNAL .chs file instead!

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{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls #-}


This library is a straightforward wrapper around the C library functions. See the C library documentation: <https://github.com/steve-m/librtlsdr/blob/master/include/rtl-sdr.h>

Example usage:

> import Data.List
> import Foreign.Marshal.Array
> import RTLSDR
> bufSize    = 16384
> sampleRate = 1280000
> frequency  = 90200000
> main = do
>     dev <- open 0
>     case dev of
>         Nothing -> putStrLn "Error opening device"
>         Just dev -> do
>             setSampleRate    dev sampleRate
>             setCenterFreq    dev frequency
>             setTunerGainMode dev False
>             resetBuffer      dev
>             allocaArray bufSize $ \ptr -> do
>                 res <- readSync dev ptr bufSize
>                 case res of 
>                     False -> putStrLn "Error reading from device"
>                     True  -> do
>                         res <- peekArray bufSize ptr
>                         putStrLn $ intercalate " " $ map show res

module RTLSDR (
    ) where

import Foreign.C.Types
import Foreign.C.String
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc
import Foreign.Marshal.Array
import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.Storable

import Data.Word
import Data.Int
import Control.Monad

justWhenM :: Monad m => Bool -> m a -> m (Maybe a)
justWhenM cond act = if cond then liftM Just act else return Nothing

b2int :: Num i => Bool -> i
b2int False = 0
b2int True  = 1

foreign import ccall unsafe "rtlsdr_get_device_count"
    c_getDeviceCount :: IO CUInt

getDeviceCount :: IO Word32
getDeviceCount = liftM fromIntegral c_getDeviceCount

foreign import ccall unsafe "rtlsdr_get_device_name"
    c_rtlsdrGetDeviceName :: CUInt -> IO CString

getDeviceName :: Word32 -> IO String
getDeviceName index = c_rtlsdrGetDeviceName (fromIntegral index) >>= peekCString 

foreign import ccall unsafe "rtlsdr_get_device_usb_strings"
    c_getDeviceUSBStrings :: CUInt -> Ptr CChar -> Ptr CChar -> Ptr CChar -> IO CInt

getDeviceUSBString :: Word32 -> IO (Maybe (String, String, String))
getDeviceUSBString index = 
    allocaArray 256 $ \mp -> 
    allocaArray 256 $ \pp -> 
    allocaArray 256 $ \sp -> do
        res <- c_getDeviceUSBStrings (fromIntegral index) mp pp sp 
        justWhenM (res==0) $ do
            m <- peekCString mp
            p <- peekCString pp
            s <- peekCString sp
            return (m, p, s)
foreign import ccall unsafe "rtlsdr_get_index_by_serial"
    c_getIndexBySerial :: CString -> IO CInt

-- Get Index By Serial Error
data GIBSError = NameNull
               | NoDevices
               | NoMatching
               deriving (Show)

toGIBSError :: Int -> GIBSError
toGIBSError (-1) = NameNull
toGIBSError (-2) = NoDevices
toGIBSError (-3) = NoMatching
toGIBSError _    = error "rtlsdr_get_index_by_serial returned invalid error code"

getIndexBySerial :: String -> IO (Either GIBSError Int)
getIndexBySerial serial = liftM (func . fromIntegral) $ withCString serial c_getIndexBySerial 
    where func res 
            | res < 0   = Left (toGIBSError res)
            | otherwise = Right res


foreign import ccall unsafe "rtlsdr_open"
    c_open :: Ptr (Ptr CRTLSDR) -> CInt -> IO CInt

open :: Word32 -> IO (Maybe RTLSDR)
open index = alloca $ \ptr -> do
    res <- c_open ptr (fromIntegral index)
    justWhenM (res >= 0) $ do
        res <- peek ptr
        return $ RTLSDR res

foreign import ccall unsafe "rtlsdr_close"
    c_close :: Ptr CRTLSDR -> IO CInt

close :: RTLSDR -> IO ()
close (RTLSDR ptr) = void $ c_close ptr

foreign import ccall unsafe "rtlsdr_set_xtal_freq"
    c_setXtalFreq :: Ptr CRTLSDR -> CUInt -> CUInt -> IO CInt

setXtalFreq :: RTLSDR -> Word32 -> Word32 -> IO Bool
setXtalFreq (RTLSDR ptr) rtlFreq tunerFreq = liftM (==0) $ c_setXtalFreq ptr (fromIntegral rtlFreq) (fromIntegral tunerFreq)

foreign import ccall unsafe "rtlsdr_get_xtal_freq"
    c_getXtalFreq :: Ptr CRTLSDR -> Ptr CUInt -> Ptr CUInt -> IO CInt

getXtalFreq :: RTLSDR -> IO (Maybe (Word32, Word32))
getXtalFreq (RTLSDR ptr) = 
    alloca $ \rp -> 
    alloca $ \tp -> do
        res <- c_getXtalFreq ptr rp tp
        justWhenM (res /= 0) $ do
            r <- peek rp
            t <- peek tp
            return (fromIntegral r, fromIntegral t)

foreign import ccall unsafe "rtlsdr_get_usb_strings"
    c_getUSBStrings :: Ptr CRTLSDR -> Ptr CChar -> Ptr CChar -> Ptr CChar -> IO CInt

getUSBStrings :: RTLSDR -> IO (Maybe (String, String, String))
getUSBStrings (RTLSDR ptr) = 
    allocaArray 256 $ \mp -> 
    allocaArray 256 $ \pp -> 
    allocaArray 256 $ \sp -> do
        res <- c_getUSBStrings ptr mp pp sp 
        justWhenM (res == 0) $ do
            m <- peekCString mp
            p <- peekCString pp
            s <- peekCString sp
            return (m, p, s)

data EEPROMError = InvalidHandle
                 | SizeExceeded
                 | NoEEPROM

toEEPROMError :: Int -> EEPROMError
toEEPROMError (-1) = InvalidHandle
toEEPROMError (-2) = SizeExceeded
toEEPROMError (-3) = NoEEPROM
toEEPROMError _    = error "librtlsdr returned invalid EEPROM error code"

foreign import ccall unsafe "rtlsdr_write_eeprom"
    c_writeEEPROM :: Ptr CRTLSDR -> Ptr CUChar -> CUChar -> CUShort -> IO CInt

writeEEPROM :: RTLSDR -> [Word8] -> Int -> IO (Maybe EEPROMError)
writeEEPROM (RTLSDR ptr) dataa offset = 
    liftM (func . fromIntegral) $ withArrayLen (map fromIntegral dataa) $ \size ptrd -> c_writeEEPROM ptr ptrd (fromIntegral offset) (fromIntegral size)
    where func x
            | x < 0     = Just $ toEEPROMError x
            | otherwise = Nothing

foreign import ccall unsafe "rtlsdr_read_eeprom"
    c_readEEPROM :: Ptr CRTLSDR -> Ptr CUChar -> CUChar -> CUShort -> IO CInt

readEEPROM :: RTLSDR -> Int -> Int -> IO (Either EEPROMError [Word8])
readEEPROM (RTLSDR ptr) offset len = allocaArray len $ \ptrd -> do
    res <- c_readEEPROM ptr ptrd (fromIntegral offset) (fromIntegral len)
    case res < 0 of
        True  -> return $ Left $ toEEPROMError $ fromIntegral res
        False -> do
            res <- peekArray len ptrd
            return $ Right $ map fromIntegral res

foreign import ccall unsafe "rtlsdr_set_center_freq"
    c_setCenterFreq :: Ptr CRTLSDR -> CUInt -> IO CInt

setCenterFreq :: RTLSDR -> Word32 -> IO Bool
setCenterFreq (RTLSDR ptr) freq = liftM (==0) $ c_setCenterFreq ptr (fromIntegral freq)

foreign import ccall unsafe "rtlsdr_get_center_freq"
    c_getCenterFreq :: Ptr CRTLSDR -> IO CUInt

getCenterFreq :: RTLSDR -> IO (Maybe Word32)
getCenterFreq (RTLSDR ptr) = liftM func $ c_getCenterFreq ptr
    where func 0 = Nothing
          func x = Just $ fromIntegral x

foreign import ccall unsafe "rtlsdr_set_freq_correction"
    c_setFreqCorrection :: Ptr CRTLSDR -> CInt -> IO CInt

setFreqCorrection :: RTLSDR -> Int32 -> IO Bool
setFreqCorrection (RTLSDR ptr) ppm = liftM (==0) $ c_setFreqCorrection ptr (fromIntegral ppm)

foreign import ccall unsafe "rtlsdr_get_freq_correction"
    c_getFreqCorrection :: Ptr CRTLSDR -> IO CInt

getFreqCorrection :: RTLSDR -> IO Int32 
getFreqCorrection (RTLSDR ptr) = liftM fromIntegral $ c_getFreqCorrection ptr

data Tuner = RtlsdrTunerUnknown
           | RtlsdrTunerE4000
           | RtlsdrTunerFc0012
           | RtlsdrTunerFc0013
           | RtlsdrTunerFc2580
           | RtlsdrTunerR820t
           | RtlsdrTunerR828d
  deriving (Show,Eq)
instance Enum Tuner where
  succ RtlsdrTunerUnknown = RtlsdrTunerE4000
  succ RtlsdrTunerE4000 = RtlsdrTunerFc0012
  succ RtlsdrTunerFc0012 = RtlsdrTunerFc0013
  succ RtlsdrTunerFc0013 = RtlsdrTunerFc2580
  succ RtlsdrTunerFc2580 = RtlsdrTunerR820t
  succ RtlsdrTunerR820t = RtlsdrTunerR828d
  succ RtlsdrTunerR828d = error "Tuner.succ: RtlsdrTunerR828d has no successor"

  pred RtlsdrTunerE4000 = RtlsdrTunerUnknown
  pred RtlsdrTunerFc0012 = RtlsdrTunerE4000
  pred RtlsdrTunerFc0013 = RtlsdrTunerFc0012
  pred RtlsdrTunerFc2580 = RtlsdrTunerFc0013
  pred RtlsdrTunerR820t = RtlsdrTunerFc2580
  pred RtlsdrTunerR828d = RtlsdrTunerR820t
  pred RtlsdrTunerUnknown = error "Tuner.pred: RtlsdrTunerUnknown has no predecessor"

  enumFromTo from to = go from
      end = fromEnum to
      go v = case compare (fromEnum v) end of
                 LT -> v : go (succ v)
                 EQ -> [v]
                 GT -> []

  enumFrom from = enumFromTo from RtlsdrTunerR828d

  fromEnum RtlsdrTunerUnknown = 0
  fromEnum RtlsdrTunerE4000 = 1
  fromEnum RtlsdrTunerFc0012 = 2
  fromEnum RtlsdrTunerFc0013 = 3
  fromEnum RtlsdrTunerFc2580 = 4
  fromEnum RtlsdrTunerR820t = 5
  fromEnum RtlsdrTunerR828d = 6

  toEnum 0 = RtlsdrTunerUnknown
  toEnum 1 = RtlsdrTunerE4000
  toEnum 2 = RtlsdrTunerFc0012
  toEnum 3 = RtlsdrTunerFc0013
  toEnum 4 = RtlsdrTunerFc2580
  toEnum 5 = RtlsdrTunerR820t
  toEnum 6 = RtlsdrTunerR828d
  toEnum unmatched = error ("Tuner.toEnum: Cannot match " ++ show unmatched)

{-# LINE 257 "./RTLSDR.chs" #-}

foreign import ccall unsafe "rtlsdr_get_tuner_type"
    c_getTunerType :: Ptr CRTLSDR -> IO CInt

getTunerType :: RTLSDR -> IO Tuner
getTunerType (RTLSDR ptr) = liftM (toEnum . fromIntegral) $ c_getTunerType ptr

foreign import ccall unsafe "rtlsdr_get_tuner_gains"
    c_getTunerGains :: Ptr CRTLSDR -> Ptr CInt -> IO CInt

getTunerGains :: RTLSDR -> IO (Maybe [Int])
getTunerGains (RTLSDR ptr) = do
    num <- c_getTunerGains ptr nullPtr 
    justWhenM (num >= 0) $ 
        allocaArray (fromIntegral num) $ \ptrg -> do
            c_getTunerGains ptr ptrg
            res <- peekArray (fromIntegral num) ptrg
            return $ map fromIntegral res

foreign import ccall unsafe "rtlsdr_set_tuner_gain"
    c_setTunerGain :: Ptr CRTLSDR -> CInt -> IO CInt

setTunerGain :: RTLSDR -> Int32 -> IO Bool
setTunerGain (RTLSDR ptr) gain = liftM (==0) $ c_setTunerGain ptr (fromIntegral gain)

foreign import ccall unsafe "rtlsdr_get_tuner_gain"
    c_getTunerGain :: Ptr CRTLSDR -> IO CInt

getTunerGain :: RTLSDR -> IO (Maybe Int32)
getTunerGain (RTLSDR ptr) = liftM func $ c_getTunerGain ptr
    where func 0 = Nothing
          func x = Just $ fromIntegral x

foreign import ccall unsafe "rtlsdr_set_tuner_if_gain"
    c_setTunerIFGain :: Ptr CRTLSDR -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt

setTunerIFGain :: RTLSDR -> Int -> Int -> IO Bool
setTunerIFGain (RTLSDR ptr) stage gain = liftM (==0) $ c_setTunerIFGain ptr (fromIntegral stage) (fromIntegral gain)

foreign import ccall unsafe "rtlsdr_set_tuner_gain_mode"
    c_setTunerGainMode :: Ptr CRTLSDR -> CInt -> IO CInt

setTunerGainMode :: RTLSDR -> Bool -> IO Bool
setTunerGainMode (RTLSDR ptr) mode = liftM (==0) $ c_setTunerGainMode ptr (b2int mode)

foreign import ccall unsafe "rtlsdr_set_sample_rate"
    c_setSampleRate :: Ptr CRTLSDR -> CUInt -> IO CInt

setSampleRate :: RTLSDR -> Word32 -> IO Bool
setSampleRate (RTLSDR ptr) rate = liftM (==0) $ c_setSampleRate ptr (fromIntegral rate)

foreign import ccall unsafe "rtlsdr_get_sample_rate"
    c_getSampleRate :: Ptr CRTLSDR -> IO CUInt

getSampleRate :: RTLSDR -> IO (Maybe Word32)
getSampleRate (RTLSDR ptr) = liftM func $ c_getSampleRate ptr
    where func 0 = Nothing
          func x = Just $ fromIntegral x

foreign import ccall unsafe "rtlsdr_set_testmode"
    c_setTestmode :: Ptr CRTLSDR -> CInt -> IO CInt

setTestMode :: RTLSDR -> Bool -> IO Bool
setTestMode (RTLSDR ptr) on = liftM (==0) $ c_setTestmode ptr (b2int on)

foreign import ccall unsafe "rtlsdr_set_agc_mode"
    c_setAGCMode :: Ptr CRTLSDR -> CInt -> IO CInt

setAGCMode :: RTLSDR -> Bool -> IO Bool
setAGCMode (RTLSDR ptr) on = liftM (==0) $ c_setAGCMode ptr (b2int on)

data DirectSamplingMode = DSDisabled
                        | DSI
                        | DSQ
                        deriving (Enum, Show, Eq)

foreign import ccall unsafe "rtlsdr_set_direct_sampling"
    c_setDirectSampling :: Ptr CRTLSDR -> CInt -> IO CInt

setDirectSampling :: RTLSDR -> DirectSamplingMode -> IO Bool
setDirectSampling (RTLSDR ptr) mode = liftM (==0) $ c_setDirectSampling ptr (fromIntegral $ fromEnum mode)

foreign import ccall unsafe "rtlsdr_get_direct_sampling"
    c_getDirectSampling :: Ptr CRTLSDR -> IO CInt

getDirectSampling :: RTLSDR -> IO (Maybe DirectSamplingMode)
getDirectSampling (RTLSDR ptr) = do
    res <- c_getDirectSampling ptr
    justWhenM (res >= 0) $ 
        return $ toEnum $ fromIntegral res

foreign import ccall unsafe "rtlsdr_set_offset_tuning"
    c_setOffsetTuning :: Ptr CRTLSDR -> CInt -> IO CInt

setOffsetTuning :: RTLSDR -> Bool -> IO Bool
setOffsetTuning (RTLSDR ptr) on = liftM (==0) $ c_setOffsetTuning ptr (b2int on)

foreign import ccall unsafe "rtlsdr_get_offset_tuning"
    c_getOffsetTuning :: Ptr CRTLSDR -> IO CInt

getOffsetTuning :: RTLSDR -> IO (Maybe Bool)
getOffsetTuning (RTLSDR ptr) = do
    res <- c_getOffsetTuning ptr
    justWhenM (res >= 0) $ 
        return $ res == 1

foreign import ccall unsafe "rtlsdr_reset_buffer"
    c_resetBuffer :: Ptr CRTLSDR -> IO CInt

resetBuffer :: RTLSDR -> IO Int
resetBuffer (RTLSDR ptr) = liftM fromIntegral $ c_resetBuffer ptr

foreign import ccall unsafe "rtlsdr_read_sync"
    c_readSync :: Ptr CRTLSDR -> Ptr CUChar -> CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO CInt

readSync :: RTLSDR -> Ptr CUChar -> Int -> IO Bool
readSync (RTLSDR ptr) aptr len = do
    res <- alloca $ c_readSync ptr aptr (fromIntegral len) 
    return $ res >= 0 

type ReadCallback = Ptr CUChar -> Word32 -> Ptr CInt -> IO ()

foreign import ccall "wrapper"
    wrap :: ReadCallback -> IO (FunPtr ReadCallback)

foreign import ccall safe "rtlsdr_read_async"
    c_readAsync :: Ptr CRTLSDR -> FunPtr ReadCallback -> Ptr () -> CUInt -> CUInt -> IO CInt

readAsync :: RTLSDR -> Word32 -> Word32 -> (Ptr CUChar -> Int -> IO ()) -> IO Bool
readAsync (RTLSDR ptr) bufNum bufLen callback = do
    cb <- wrap f
    res <- c_readAsync ptr cb nullPtr (fromIntegral bufNum) (fromIntegral bufLen)
    return $ res == 0
    f buf len ctx = callback buf (fromIntegral len)

foreign import ccall unsafe "rtlsdr_cancel_async"
    c_cancelAsync :: Ptr CRTLSDR -> IO CInt

cancelAsync :: RTLSDR -> IO Bool
cancelAsync (RTLSDR ptr) = liftM (==0) $ c_cancelAsync ptr