{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators, TypeFamilies, RankNTypes #-} {-| Module : Action Copyright : (c) Kai Lindholm, 2014 License : MIT Maintainer : megantti@gmail.com Stability : experimental @Action@ is a command acting on various kinds of objects: * torrents ('Network.RTorrent.Torrent.TorrentAction') * files ('Network.RTorrent.File.FileAction') * peers ('Network.RTorrent.Peer.PeerAction') * trackers ('Network.RTorrent.Tracker.TrackerAction'). They all have the property that they can be executed on a single object or on a group of objects. For example, @ callRTorrent "localhost" 5000 $ some_action (some_id :: SomeId) @ is a valid thing to write when @some@ is one of the previous objects. To call an action on all torrents, you can use 'Network.RTorrent.Torrent.allTorrents', so that @ callRTorrent "localhost" 5000 $ allTorrents getTorrentId @ will return a list of torrent ids. To call a action on other types of objects, you can use 'Network.RTorrent.Peer.allPeers', 'Network.RTorrent.File.allFiles', or 'Network.RTorrent.Tracker.allTrackers', which will act on all peers, files, or trackers that are associated to a torrent. They will also return ids for each object. Then for example > allFiles getFileSizeBytes :: TorrentId -> TorrentAction [FileId :*: Int] is an action that will return a list of ids and file sizes when run on a torrent. These can further be used with 'Network.RTorrent.Torrent.allTorrents'. To combine actions, you can use '<+>' and 'sequenceActions' which correspond to ':*:' and @[]@ for commands. In order to write new actions, 'simpleAction' can be used. -} module Network.RTorrent.Action ( Action , simpleAction , sequenceActions , (<+>) , Param (..) , ActionB (..) ) where import Network.RTorrent.Action.Internals