module DepAnalysis (analyze) where import Common import Data.Graph import Data.Tree import Data.Maybe import Control.Monad.State.Strict import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Map(Map) import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap import Data.IntMap(IntMap) import qualified Data.Set as Set import Data.Set(Set) import qualified Data.IntSet as IntSet import Data.IntSet(IntSet) import Data.List(partition, nub,sortBy,groupBy) import Data.Array import Data.Tree import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive as G -- computes additional dependencies related to "late-as-possible" scheduling and avoidance of -- cyclic visits analyze :: [DepItem] -> [DepItem] -> [DepItem] -> Set DepItem -> [(Reason, DepItem, [DepItem])] -> [SCC DepItem] analyze oSemStarts oStartVisits oEndVisits avoidVisits deps = map compToItem comps where comps = stronglyConnCompR $ total $ deps' compToItem (AcyclicSCC d) = AcyclicSCC (toItem d) compToItem (CyclicSCC ds) = CyclicSCC (map toItem ds) toItem (_,d,_) = d (gIn, vertexToKey, keyToVertex) = graphFromEdges (merge deps) gInRev = transposeG gIn deps' = merge (map (\(d,(b,_)) -> (ReasonAlloc, d, [b])) extraConstrs ++ deps) merge ds = map (\(d,(r,ds)) -> (r,d,ds)) $ Map.assocs $ Map.fromListWith (\(_,as) (r,bs) -> (r,nub (as ++ bs))) $ map (\(r,d,ds) -> (d, (r,ds))) ds sequenceMap = let pairs = zip oStartVisits oEndVisits seqs [] = [] seqs l@((x,_) : zs) = (x, l) : seqs zs in Map.fromList (seqs pairs) -- given an beginVisit: gives the end visits starting at this visit visitAllocMap = Map.mapWithKey allocStmt $ Map.filterWithKey (\k _ -> isStmt k) pairRanges extraConstrs = [ (k,p) | (k,Just p) <- Map.assocs visitAllocMap ] allocStmt :: DepItem -> (DepItem, DepItem) -> Maybe (DepItem, DepItem) allocStmt dep (begin,end) | begin == end = Nothing | otherwise = if null ok then if null bad then Nothing else Just (last bad) else Just (last ok) where s = Map.findWithDefault [] begin sequenceMap s' = untilVisit end s (bad, ok) = partition (\(b,e) -> e `Set.member` avoidVisits) s' untilVisit x [] = [] untilVisit x (p@(_,e):ys) | x == e = [p] | otherwise = p : untilVisit x ys isStmt (DepMatch _) = True isStmt (DepAssert _) = True isStmt (DepDefault _) = True isStmt (DepAttach _) = True isStmt (DepInvoke _) = True isStmt _ = False endRanges = markNodes gIn oEndVisits -- lastest visits beginRanges = markNodes gInRev (reverse oStartVisits) -- earliest visits pairRanges = Map.mapWithKey (\k v -> (Map.findWithDefault k k beginRanges, v)) endRanges rootItem = DepVisStart [ident "_root"] markNodes :: Graph -> [DepItem] -> Map DepItem DepItem markNodes g sources = snd $ execState (travForest forest) (Nothing, Map.empty) where sources' = Set.fromList sources forest = dfs g (catMaybes $ map keyToVertex sources) travForest trees = mapM_ travTree trees travTree (Node v sub) = do let (_, d, _) = vertexToKey v encounter d travForest sub encounter d = do (mbD, mp) <- get if d `Set.member` sources' then put (Just d, mp) else case mbD of Nothing -> return () Just d' -> put (mbD, Map.insertWith (flip const) d d' mp) -- Creates a total order total :: [(Reason, DepItem, [DepItem])] -> [(Reason, DepItem, [DepItem])] total deps = result where result = map (\(a,(r,bs)) -> (r,a,bs)) $ Map.assocs merged merged = Map.unionWith merge (Map.fromListWith merge [ (a, (ReasonOrder, [b])) | (b,a) <- pairs ]) (Map.fromList [ (a,(r,bs)) | (r,a,bs) <- deps ]) merge (_,as) (r,bs) = (r,nub (as ++ bs)) toVal x = case G.lab g0 x of Nothing -> error ("has disapeared from graph: " ++ show x) Just v -> v pairs = zip nodes3 (tail nodes3) nodes3 = map toVal nodes2 items = nub ([ s | (_,s,_) <- deps ] ++ [ d | (_,_,ds) <- deps, d <- ds ]) (nodes, mp) = G.mkNodes items (Just edges) = G.mkEdges mp [ (s,d,r) | (r, s, ds) <- deps, d <- ds ] g0 :: G.Gr DepItem Reason g0 = G.mkGraph nodes edges -- orig graph g1 = G.trc $ removeCycles g0 -- search graph nodes1 = sortBy compare' (G.nodes g0) -- totally ordered compare' a b = let (Just av) = G.lab g0 a (Just bv) = G.lab g0 b in compare av bv dmap = list2DMap nodes1 nodes2 = toListDMap $ fixSolve (assocsDMap dmap) dmap fixSolve todo dmap = case Map.maxViewWithKey todo of Nothing -> dmap Just ((a,v), todo1) -> let preds = G.pre g1 v -- a must be before the preds troubles = filter (\b -> b < a) $ map (\v -> lookupDMapVal v dmap) preds in if null troubles then fixSolve todo1 dmap else let b = minimum troubles succs = G.suc g1 v in case insertDMap b v (removeDMap a dmap) of Left dmap' -> -- reindexed, rebuild todo let a' = lookupDMapVal v dmap' todo2 = Map.fromList [ (lookupDMapVal v dmap', v) | v <- Map.elems todo1 ] todo3 = Map.fromList [ (k,v) | v <- succs, let k = lookupDMapVal v dmap', k > a'] `Map.union` todo2 in fixSolve todo3 dmap' Right dmap' -> let todo2 = Map.fromList [ (b,v) | v <- succs, let k = lookupDMapVal v dmap', b > a] `Map.union` todo1 in fixSolve todo2 dmap' -- eliminates those edges E from the graph that make it cyclic. -- for an edge e `elem` E, it holds that not removing it from -- the graph: -- (a) makes it cylic, or -- (b) does not increase the connected-ness of nodes -- the idea: -- (1) compute strongly connected components -- (2) arbitrarily totally-order the nodes in such component -- (3) filter out those edges between nodes in such component -- that are going in a different direction than imposed -- by the order. removeCycles :: G.Gr DepItem Reason -> G.Gr DepItem Reason removeCycles g = G.efilter keep g where cmps = G.scc g mp = IntMap.unions (map createMp cmps) createMp comp = let items = IntSet.fromList comp in IntMap.fromList [ (i, items) | i <- comp ] keep (a, b, _) = case IntMap.lookup a mp of Nothing -> error "removeCycles: missing node" Just comp -> not (IntSet.member b comp) || b > a -- A sparse array with elements indexed by doubles instead of integers, -- offering fast insertion. newtype DMap = DMap (Map Double Int, IntMap Double) emptyDMap = DMap (Map.empty, IntMap.empty) lookupDMapKey k (DMap (m,_)) = Map.findWithDefault undefined k m lookupDMapVal v (DMap (_,m)) = IntMap.findWithDefault undefined v m assocsDMap (DMap (m,_)) = Map.deleteMin $ Map.deleteMax m -- remove sentinels list2DMap xs = DMap (m, r) where pairs = zip [1.0, 2.0..] xs m = Map.fromAscList ([(0.0,0)] ++ pairs ++ [(fromIntegral (length xs + 1),maxBound)]) r = IntMap.fromList [ (k,d) | (d,k) <- pairs ] -- insert just before b (potentially reassigns the elements in the map) insertDMap b v (DMap (m,r)) | c == a = let mp1' = Map.deleteMin mp1 mp2' = Map.deleteMax mp2 in Left $ list2DMap (Map.elems mp1' ++ [v, v'] ++ Map.elems mp2') | otherwise = Right $ DMap (Map.insert c v m, IntMap.insert v c r) where (mp1,Just v',mp2) = Map.splitLookup b m (a,_) = Map.findMax mp1 c = (a + b) / 2.0 removeDMap a (DMap (m,r)) = DMap (Map.delete a m, r) toListDMap (DMap (m,_)) = tail $ init $ Map.elems m