{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, CPP #-}

-- Hack for bug in older Cabal versions
#ifndef MIN_VERSION_template_haskell
#define MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(x,y,z) 1

module Data.SafeCopy.Store.Derive where

import Data.Store
import Data.SafeCopy.Store.Encode
import Data.SafeCopy.Store.SafeCopy

#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,8,0)
import Language.Haskell.TH hiding (Kind)
import Language.Haskell.TH hiding (Kind(..))
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
#ifdef __HADDOCK__
import Data.Word (Word8) -- Haddock

-- | Derive an instance of 'SafeCopy'.
--   When serializing, we put a 'Word8' describing the
--   constructor (if the data type has more than one
--   constructor).  For each type used in the constructor, we
--   call 'getSafePut' (which immediately serializes the version
--   of the type).  Then, for each field in the constructor, we
--   use one of the put functions obtained in the last step.
--   For example, given the data type and the declaration below
--   @
--data T0 b = T0 b Int
--deriveSafeCopy 1 'base ''T0
--   @
--   we generate
--   @
--instance (SafeCopy a, SafeCopy b) =>
--         SafeCopy (T0 b) where
--    putCopy a@(T0 arg1 arg2) = contain $ do put_b   <- getSafePut
--                                            put_Int <- getSafePut
--                                            put_b   arg1
--                                            put_Int arg2
--                                            return a
--    getCopy = contain $ do get_b   <- getSafeGet
--                           get_Int <- getSafeGet
--                           return T0 \<*\> get_b \<*\> get_Int
--    version = 1
--    kind = base
--   @
--   And, should we create another data type as a newer version of @T0@, such as
--   @
--data T a b = C a a | D b Int
--deriveSafeCopy 2 'extension ''T
--instance SafeCopy b => Migrate (T a b) where
--  type MigrateFrom (T a b) = T0 b
--  migrate (T0 b i) = D b i
--   @
--   we generate
--   @
--instance (SafeCopy a, SafeCopy b) =>
--         SafeCopy (T a b) where
--    putCopy a@(C arg1 arg2) = contain $ do putWord8 0
--                                           put_a <- getSafePut
--                                           put_a arg1
--                                           put_a arg2
--                                           return a
--    putCopy a@(D arg1 arg2) = contain $ do putWord8 1
--                                           put_b   <- getSafePut
--                                           put_Int <- getSafePut
--                                           put_b   arg1
--                                           put_Int arg2
--                                           return a
--    getCopy = contain $ do tag <- getWord8
--                           case tag of
--                             0 -> do get_a <- getSafeGet
--                                     return C \<*\> get_a \<*\> get_a
--                             1 -> do get_b   <- getSafeGet
--                                     get_Int <- getSafeGet
--                                     return D \<*\> get_b \<*\> get_Int
--                             _ -> fail $ \"Could not identify tag \\\"\" ++
--                                         show tag ++ \"\\\" for type Main.T \" ++
--                                         \"that has only 2 constructors.  \" ++
--                                         \"Maybe your data is corrupted?\"
--    version = 2
--    kind = extension
--   @
--   Note that by using getSafePut, we saved 4 bytes in the case
--   of the @C@ constructor.  For @D@ and @T0@, we didn't save
--   anything.  The instance derived by this function always use
--   at most the same space as those generated by
--   'deriveSafeCopySimple', but never more (as we don't call
--   'getSafePut'/'getSafeGet' for types that aren't needed).
--   Note that you may use 'deriveSafeCopySimple' with one
--   version of your data type and 'deriveSafeCopy' in another
--   version without any problems.
deriveSafeCopy :: Version a -> Name -> Name -> Q [Dec]
deriveSafeCopy = internalDeriveSafeCopy Normal

deriveSafeCopyIndexedType :: Version a -> Name -> Name -> [Name] -> Q [Dec]
deriveSafeCopyIndexedType = internalDeriveSafeCopyIndexedType Normal

-- | Derive an instance of 'SafeCopy'.  The instance derived by
--   this function is simpler than the one derived by
--   'deriveSafeCopy' in that we always use 'safePut' and
--   'safeGet' (instead of 'getSafePut' and 'getSafeGet').
--   When serializing, we put a 'Word8' describing the
--   constructor (if the data type has more than one constructor)
--   and, for each field of the constructor, we use 'safePut'.
--   For example, given the data type and the declaration below
--   @
--data T a b = C a a | D b Int
--deriveSafeCopySimple 1 'base ''T
--   @
--   we generate
--   @
--instance (SafeCopy a, SafeCopy b) =>
--         SafeCopy (T a b) where
--    putCopy a@(C arg1 arg2) = contain $ do putWord8 0
--                                           safePut arg1
--                                           safePut arg2
--                                           return a
--    putCopy a@(D arg1 arg2) = contain $ do putWord8 1
--                                           safePut arg1
--                                           safePut arg2
--                                           return a
--    getCopy = contain $ do tag <- getWord8
--                           case tag of
--                             0 -> do return C \<*\> safeGet \<*\> safeGet
--                             1 -> do return D \<*\> safeGet \<*\> safeGet
--                             _ -> fail $ \"Could not identify tag \\\"\" ++
--                                         show tag ++ \"\\\" for type Main.T \" ++
--                                         \"that has only 2 constructors.  \" ++
--                                         \"Maybe your data is corrupted?\"
--    version = 1
--    kind = base
--   @
--   Using this simpler instance means that you may spend more
--   bytes when serializing data.  On the other hand, it is more
--   straightforward and may match any other format you used in
--   the past.
--   Note that you may use 'deriveSafeCopy' with one version of
--   your data type and 'deriveSafeCopySimple' in another version
--   without any problems.
deriveSafeCopySimple :: Version a -> Name -> Name -> Q [Dec]
deriveSafeCopySimple = internalDeriveSafeCopy Simple

deriveSafeCopySimpleIndexedType :: Version a -> Name -> Name -> [Name] -> Q [Dec]
deriveSafeCopySimpleIndexedType = internalDeriveSafeCopyIndexedType Simple

-- | Derive an instance of 'SafeCopy'.  The instance derived by
--   this function should be compatible with the instance derived
--   by the module @Happstack.Data.SerializeTH@ of the
--   @happstack-data@ package.  The instances use only 'safePut'
--   and 'safeGet' (as do the instances created by
--   'deriveSafeCopySimple'), but we also always write a 'Word8'
--   tag, even if the data type isn't a sum type.
--   For example, given the data type and the declaration below
--   @
--data T0 b = T0 b Int
--deriveSafeCopy 1 'base ''T0
--   @
--   we generate
--   @
--instance (SafeCopy a, SafeCopy b) =>
--         SafeCopy (T0 b) where
--    putCopy a@(T0 arg1 arg2) = contain $ do putWord8 0
--                                            safePut arg1
--                                            safePut arg2
--                                            return a
--    getCopy = contain $ do tag <- getWord8
--                           case tag of
--                             0 -> do return T0 \<*\> safeGet \<*\> safeGet
--                             _ -> fail $ \"Could not identify tag \\\"\" ++
--                                         show tag ++ \"\\\" for type Main.T0 \" ++
--                                         \"that has only 1 constructors.  \" ++
--                                         \"Maybe your data is corrupted?\"
--    version = 1
--    kind = base
--   @
--   This instance always consumes at least the same space as
--   'deriveSafeCopy' or 'deriveSafeCopySimple', but may use more
--   because of the useless tag.  So we recomend using it only if
--   you really need to read a previous version in this format,
--   and not for newer versions.
--   Note that you may use 'deriveSafeCopy' with one version of
--   your data type and 'deriveSafeCopyHappstackData' in another version
--   without any problems.
deriveSafeCopyHappstackData :: Version a -> Name -> Name -> Q [Dec]
deriveSafeCopyHappstackData = internalDeriveSafeCopy HappstackData

deriveSafeCopyHappstackDataIndexedType :: Version a -> Name -> Name -> [Name] -> Q [Dec]
deriveSafeCopyHappstackDataIndexedType = internalDeriveSafeCopyIndexedType HappstackData

data DeriveType = Normal | Simple | HappstackData

forceTag :: DeriveType -> Bool
forceTag HappstackData = True
forceTag _             = False

tyVarName :: TyVarBndr -> Name
tyVarName (PlainTV n) = n
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,10,0)
tyVarName (KindedTV n _) = n

internalDeriveSafeCopy :: DeriveType -> Version a -> Name -> Name -> Q [Dec]
internalDeriveSafeCopy deriveType versionId kindName tyName = do
  info <- reify tyName
  internalDeriveSafeCopy' deriveType versionId kindName tyName info

internalDeriveSafeCopy' :: DeriveType -> Version a -> Name -> Name -> Info -> Q [Dec]
internalDeriveSafeCopy' deriveType versionId kindName tyName info = do
  case info of
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
    TyConI (DataD context _name tyvars _kind cons _derivs)
    TyConI (DataD context _name tyvars cons _derivs)
      | length cons > 255 -> fail $ "Can't derive SafeCopy instance for: " ++ show tyName ++
                                    ". The datatype must have less than 256 constructors."
      | otherwise         -> worker context tyvars (zip [0..] cons)

#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
    TyConI (NewtypeD context _name tyvars _kind con _derivs) ->
    TyConI (NewtypeD context _name tyvars con _derivs) ->
      worker context tyvars [(0, con)]

    FamilyI _ insts -> do
      decs <- forM insts $ \inst ->
        case inst of
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
          DataInstD context _name ty _kind cons _derivs ->
          DataInstD context _name ty cons _derivs ->
              worker' (foldl appT (conT tyName) (map return ty)) context [] (zip [0..] cons)

#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
          NewtypeInstD context _name ty _kind con _derivs ->
          NewtypeInstD context _name ty con _derivs ->
              worker' (foldl appT (conT tyName) (map return ty)) context [] [(0, con)]
          _ -> fail $ "Can't derive SafeCopy instance for: " ++ show (tyName, inst)
      return $ concat decs
    _ -> fail $ "Can't derive SafeCopy instance for: " ++ show (tyName, info)
    worker = worker' (conT tyName)
    worker' tyBase context tyvars cons =
      let ty = foldl appT tyBase [ varT $ tyVarName var | var <- tyvars ]
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,10,0)
          safeCopyClass args = foldl appT (conT ''SafeCopy) args
          safeCopyClass args = classP ''SafeCopy args
      in (:[]) <$> instanceD (cxt $ [safeCopyClass [varT $ tyVarName var] | var <- tyvars] ++ map return context)
                                       (conT ''SafeCopy `appT` ty)
                                       [ mkPutCopy deriveType cons
                                       , mkGetCopy deriveType (show tyName) cons
                                       , valD (varP 'version) (normalB $ litE $ integerL $ fromIntegral $ unVersion versionId) []
                                       , valD (varP 'kind) (normalB (varE kindName)) []
                                       , funD 'errorTypeName [clause [wildP] (normalB $ litE $ StringL (show tyName)) []]

internalDeriveSafeCopyIndexedType :: DeriveType -> Version a -> Name -> Name -> [Name] -> Q [Dec]
internalDeriveSafeCopyIndexedType deriveType versionId kindName tyName tyIndex' = do
  info <- reify tyName
  internalDeriveSafeCopyIndexedType' deriveType versionId kindName tyName tyIndex' info

internalDeriveSafeCopyIndexedType' :: DeriveType -> Version a -> Name -> Name -> [Name] -> Info -> Q [Dec]
internalDeriveSafeCopyIndexedType' deriveType versionId kindName tyName tyIndex' info = do
  tyIndex <- mapM conT tyIndex'
  case info of
    FamilyI _ insts -> do
      decs <- forM insts $ \inst ->
        case inst of
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
          DataInstD context _name ty _kind cons _derivs
          DataInstD context _name ty cons _derivs
            | ty == tyIndex ->
              worker' (foldl appT (conT tyName) (map return ty)) context [] (zip [0..] cons)
            | otherwise ->
              return []

#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
          NewtypeInstD context _name ty _kind con _derivs
          NewtypeInstD context _name ty con _derivs
            | ty == tyIndex ->
              worker' (foldl appT (conT tyName) (map return ty)) context [] [(0, con)]
            | otherwise ->
              return []
          _ -> fail $ "Can't derive SafeCopy instance for: " ++ show (tyName, inst)
      return $ concat decs
    _ -> fail $ "Can't derive SafeCopy instance for: " ++ show (tyName, info)
    typeNameStr = unwords $ map show (tyName:tyIndex')
    worker' tyBase context tyvars cons =
      let ty = foldl appT tyBase [ varT $ tyVarName var | var <- tyvars ]
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,10,0)
          safeCopyClass args = foldl appT (conT ''SafeCopy) args
          safeCopyClass args = classP ''SafeCopy args
      in (:[]) <$> instanceD (cxt $ [safeCopyClass [varT $ tyVarName var] | var <- tyvars] ++ map return context)
                                       (conT ''SafeCopy `appT` ty)
                                       [ mkPutCopy deriveType cons
                                       , mkGetCopy deriveType typeNameStr cons
                                       , valD (varP 'version) (normalB $ litE $ integerL $ fromIntegral $ unVersion versionId) []
                                       , valD (varP 'kind) (normalB (varE kindName)) []
                                       , funD 'errorTypeName [clause [wildP] (normalB $ litE $ StringL typeNameStr) []]

mkPutCopy :: DeriveType -> [(Integer, Con)] -> DecQ
mkPutCopy deriveType cons = funD 'putCopy $ map mkPutClause cons
      manyConstructors = length cons > 1 || forceTag deriveType
      mkPutClause (conNumber, con)
          = do putVars <- replicateM (conSize con) (newName "arg")
               (putFunsDecs, putFuns) <- case deriveType of
                                           Normal -> mkSafeFunctions "safePut_" 'getSafePut con
                                           _      -> return ([], const 'safePut)
               asName <- newName "a"
               let putClause   = asP asName $ conP (conName con) (map varP putVars)
                   putCopyBody = varE 'contain `appE` doE (
                                   [ bindS wildP $ varE 'pokeE `appE` litE (IntegerL conNumber) | manyConstructors ] ++
                                   putFunsDecs ++
                                   [ bindS wildP $ varE (putFuns typ) `appE` varE var | (typ, var) <- zip (conTypes con) putVars ] ++
                                   [ noBindS $ varE 'return `appE` varE asName ])
               clause [putClause] (normalB putCopyBody) []

mkGetCopy :: DeriveType -> String -> [(Integer, Con)] -> DecQ
mkGetCopy deriveType tyName cons = valD (varP 'getCopy) (normalB $ varE 'contain `appE` mkLabel) []
      mkLabel = getCopyBody
          = case cons of
              [(_, con)] | not (forceTag deriveType) -> mkGetBody con
              _ -> do
                tagVar <- newName "tag"
                doE [ bindS (varP tagVar) (varE 'poke)
                    , noBindS $ caseE (varE tagVar) (
                        [ match (litP $ IntegerL i) (normalB $ mkGetBody con) [] | (i, con) <- cons ] ++
                        [ match wildP (normalB $ varE 'fail `appE` errorMsg tagVar) [] ]) ]
      mkGetBody con
          = do (getFunsDecs, getFuns) <- case deriveType of
                                           Normal -> mkSafeFunctions "safeGet_" 'getSafeGet con
                                           _      -> return ([], const 'safeGet)
               let getBase = appE (varE 'return) (conE (conName con))
                   getArgs = foldl (\a t -> infixE (Just a) (varE '(<*>)) (Just (varE (getFuns t)))) getBase (conTypes con)
               doE (getFunsDecs ++ [noBindS getArgs])
      errorMsg tagVar = infixE (Just $ strE str1) (varE '(++)) $ Just $
                        infixE (Just tagStr) (varE '(++)) (Just $ strE str2)
            strE = litE . StringL
            tagStr = varE 'show `appE` varE tagVar
            str1 = "Could not identify tag \""
            str2 = concat [ "\" for type "
                          , show tyName
                          , " that has only "
                          , show (length cons)
                          , " constructors.  Maybe your data is corrupted?" ]

mkSafeFunctions :: String -> Name -> Con -> Q ([StmtQ], Type -> Name)
mkSafeFunctions name baseFun con = do let origTypes = conTypes con
                                      realTypes <- mapM followSynonyms origTypes
                                      finish (zip origTypes realTypes) <$> foldM go ([], []) realTypes
    where go (ds, fs) t
              | found     = return (ds, fs)
              | otherwise = do funVar <- newName (name ++ typeName t)
                               return ( bindS (varP funVar) (varE baseFun) : ds
                                      , (t, funVar) : fs )
              where found = any ((== t) . fst) fs
            :: [(Type, Type)]            -- "dictionary" from synonyms(or not) to real types
            -> ([StmtQ], [(Type, Name)]) -- statements
            -> ([StmtQ], Type -> Name)   -- function body and name-generator
          finish typeList (ds, fs) = (reverse ds, getName)
              where getName typ = fromMaybe err $ lookup typ typeList >>= flip lookup fs
                    err = error "mkSafeFunctions: never here"

-- | Follow type synonyms.  This allows us to see, for example,
-- that @[Char]@ and @String@ are the same type and we just need
-- to call 'getSafePut' or 'getSafeGet' once for both.
followSynonyms :: Type -> Q Type
followSynonyms t@(ConT name)
    = maybe (return t) followSynonyms =<<
      recover (return Nothing) (do info <- reify name
                                   return $ case info of
                                              TyVarI _ ty            -> Just ty
                                              TyConI (TySynD _ _ ty) -> Just ty
                                              _                      -> Nothing)
followSynonyms (AppT ty1 ty2) = liftM2 AppT (followSynonyms ty1) (followSynonyms ty2)
followSynonyms (SigT ty k)    = liftM (flip SigT k) (followSynonyms ty)
followSynonyms t              = return t

conSize :: Con -> Int
conSize (NormalC _name args) = length args
conSize (RecC _name recs)    = length recs
conSize InfixC{}             = 2
conSize ForallC{}            = error "Found constructor with existentially quantified binder. Cannot derive SafeCopy for it."
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
conSize GadtC{}              = error "Found GADT constructor. Cannot derive SafeCopy for it."
conSize RecGadtC{}           = error "Found GADT constructor. Cannot derive SafeCopy for it."

conName :: Con -> Name
conName (NormalC name _args) = name
conName (RecC name _recs)    = name
conName (InfixC _ name _)    = name
conName _                    = error "conName: never here"

conTypes :: Con -> [Type]
conTypes (NormalC _name args)       = [t | (_, t)    <- args]
conTypes (RecC _name args)          = [t | (_, _, t) <- args]
conTypes (InfixC (_, t1) _ (_, t2)) = [t1, t2]
conTypes _                          = error "conName: never here"

typeName :: Type -> String
typeName (VarT name) = nameBase name
typeName (ConT name) = nameBase name
typeName (TupleT n)  = "Tuple" ++ show n
typeName ArrowT      = "Arrow"
typeName ListT       = "List"
typeName (AppT t u)  = typeName t ++ typeName u
typeName (SigT t _k) = typeName t
typeName _           = "_"