{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, TypeOperators #-}
module Network.Salvia.Handler.File
( hFile
, hFileResource
, fileMime
, hFileFilter
, hFileResourceFilter
, hResource
, hUri

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Category
import Control.Monad.State hiding (get)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8 (fromString)
import Data.Digest.Pure.MD5
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Record.Label
import Data.Time
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import Network.Protocol.Http
import Network.Protocol.Mime
import Network.Protocol.Uri
import Network.Salvia.Handler.Error
import Network.Salvia.Handler.Range
import Network.Salvia.Interface
import Prelude hiding ((.), id)
import System.IO
import System.Locale
import System.Posix.Files
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B

{- |
Serve a file from the filesystem indicated by the specified filepath. When
there is some kind of `IOError` the `hSafeIO` function will be used to produce a
corresponding error response. The `contentType` will be the mime-type based on
the filename extension using the `mimetype` function. The `contentLength` will
be set the file's size.

hFileResource :: (MonadIO m, HttpM' m, SendM m) => FilePath -> m ()
hFileResource file =
  hSafeIO (openBinaryFile file ReadMode) $ \fd ->
    do fs <- liftIO (hFileSize fd)
       rng <- request (getM range)
       mt <- liftIO $
         formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z"
           . posixSecondsToUTCTime
           . realToFrac
           . modificationTime <$> getFileStatus file

       let etag = show . md5 $ fromString mt
       response $
         do contentType   =: Just (fileMime file, Nothing)
            contentLength =: Just fs
            lastModified  =: Just mt
            eTag          =: Just etag
            acceptRanges  =: Just "bytes"
            status        =: OK

       case rng of
         -- todo: use peek and cleanup this range code.
         Just (Range (Just from) to _) ->
           do let t = fromMaybe (fs - 1) to
                  r = Range (Just from) (Just t) (Just fs)
              response $
                do status        =: PartialContent
                   contentRange  =: Just r
                   contentLength =: Just (t - from + 1)
              let chop = maybe id (B.take . fromIntegral . (subtract from)) to
              spoolWithBs (chop . B.drop (fromIntegral from)) fd
              return ()

         _ -> spoolWithBs id fd

fileMime :: FilePath -> Mime
fileMime file =
    maybe defaultMime id
  $ (either (const Nothing) Just (parseUri file)
  >>= mimetype . get path)

{- |
Like the `hFileResource` handler, but with a custom filter over the content.
This function will assume the content is an UTF-8 encoded text file. Because of
the possibly unpredictable behavior of the filter, no `contentLength` header
will be set using this handler.

hFileResourceFilter :: (MonadIO m, HttpM Response m, SendM m) => (String -> String) -> FilePath -> m ()
hFileResourceFilter f file =
  hSafeIO (openFile file ReadMode) $ \fd ->
    do response $
         do contentType =: Just (fileMime file, Just "utf-8")
            status      =: OK
       spoolWith f fd

{- |
Turn a handler that is parametrized by a file resources into a regular handler
that utilizes the path part of the request URI as the resource identifier.

hResource :: HttpM Request m => (FilePath -> m a) -> m a
hResource rh = request (getM (path . asUri)) >>= rh

{- |
Turn a handler that is parametrized by a URI into a regular handler that
utilizes the request URI as the resource identifier.

hUri :: HttpM Request m => (Uri -> m a) -> m a
hUri rh = request (getM asUri) >>= rh

-- | Like `hFileResource` but uses the path of the current request URI.

hFile :: (MonadIO m, HttpM' m, SendM m) => m ()
hFile = hResource hFileResource

-- | Like `hFileResourceFilter` but uses the path of the current request URI.

hFileFilter :: (MonadIO m, HttpM' m, SendM m) => (String -> String) -> m ()
hFileFilter = hResource . hFileResourceFilter