Cabal-Version: 2.2 Name: sample-frame-np Version: 0.0.5 License: BSD-3-Clause License-File: LICENSE Author: Henning Thielemann Maintainer: Henning Thielemann Homepage: Category: Sound Synopsis: Orphan instances for types from sample-frame and numericprelude Description: Orphan instances for types from @sample-frame@ package and type classes from @numeric-prelude@. Using this package instead defining custom orphan instances saves you from conflicting instances. . This is used by packages @synthesizer@, @synthesizer-alsa@, @synthesizer-llvm@. Tested-With: GHC==7.4.2 Build-Type: Simple Source-Repository this Tag: 0.0.5 Type: darcs Location: Source-Repository head Type: darcs Location: Flag splitBase description: Choose the new smaller, split-up base package. Library Build-Depends: sample-frame >=0.0.4 && <0.1, numeric-prelude >= 0.2 && <0.5 If flag(splitBase) Build-Depends: base >= 2 && <5 Else Build-Depends: special-functors >= 1.0 && <1.1, base >= 1.0 && < 2 Hs-Source-Dirs: src GHC-Options: -Wall Default-Language: Haskell98 Exposed-Modules: Sound.Frame.NumericPrelude.Stereo Other-Modules: Sound.Frame.NumericPrelude.StereoApplicative