{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} -- | The print formatter prints all results from the test tree from top to bottom, as they become available. -- -- Documentation can be found . module Test.Sandwich.Formatters.Print ( defaultPrintFormatter -- * Options , printFormatterUseColor , printFormatterLogLevel , printFormatterIncludeCallStacks , printFormatterIndentSize , printFormatterVisibilityThreshold ) where import Control.Concurrent.STM import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.IO.Class import Control.Monad.Reader import Data.String.Interpolate import Data.Time.Clock import System.IO import Test.Sandwich.Formatters.Common.Count import Test.Sandwich.Formatters.Common.Util import Test.Sandwich.Formatters.Print.Common import Test.Sandwich.Formatters.Print.FailureReason import Test.Sandwich.Formatters.Print.Printing as Printing import Test.Sandwich.Formatters.Print.Types import Test.Sandwich.Formatters.Print.Util import Test.Sandwich.Interpreters.RunTree.Util import Test.Sandwich.RunTree import Test.Sandwich.Types.ArgParsing import Test.Sandwich.Types.RunTree import Test.Sandwich.Types.Spec import Test.Sandwich.Util instance Formatter PrintFormatter where formatterName _ = "print-formatter" runFormatter = runApp finalizeFormatter _ _ _ = return () runApp :: (MonadIO m) => PrintFormatter -> [RunNode BaseContext] -> Maybe (CommandLineOptions ()) -> BaseContext -> m () runApp pf rts _maybeCommandLineOptions bc = liftIO $ do let total = countWhere isItBlock rts startTime <- getCurrentTime putStrLn "\n" putStrLn [i|Beginning suite of #{total} tests\n|] whenJust (baseContextRunRoot bc) $ \runRoot -> putStrLn [i|Run root: #{runRoot}\n|] runReaderT (mapM_ runWithIndentation rts) (pf, 2, stdout) putStrLn "\n" fixedTree <- atomically $ mapM fixRunTree rts let failed = countWhere isFailedItBlock fixedTree let pending = countWhere isPendingItBlock fixedTree endTime <- getCurrentTime let timeDiff = formatNominalDiffTime $ diffUTCTime endTime startTime if | failed == 0 -> putStr [i|All tests passed in #{timeDiff}.|] | otherwise -> putStr [i|#{failed} failed of #{total} in #{timeDiff}.|] case pending of 0 -> putStrLn "" _ -> putStrLn [i| (#{pending} pending)|] runWithIndentation :: RunNode context -> ReaderT (PrintFormatter, Int, Handle) IO () runWithIndentation node@(RunNodeIt {..}) = do let common@(RunNodeCommonWithStatus {..}) = runNodeCommon (PrintFormatter {..}, _, _) <- ask result <- liftIO $ waitForTree node let printTiming = liftIO (readTVarIO runTreeStatus) >>= \case Done {..} -> p [i| (#{diffUTCTime statusEndTime statusStartTime})|] _ -> return () -- Shouldn't happen -- Print the main header case result of Success -> do pGreen runTreeLabel when (printFormatterIncludeTimestamps == IncludeTimestampsAlways) printTiming p "\n" DryRun -> do Printing.pi runTreeLabel when (printFormatterIncludeTimestamps == IncludeTimestampsAlways) printTiming p "\n" Cancelled -> do Printing.pi runTreeLabel when (printFormatterIncludeTimestamps == IncludeTimestampsAlways) printTiming p "\n" (Failure (Pending _ _)) -> pYellowLn runTreeLabel (Failure reason) -> do pRed runTreeLabel when (printFormatterIncludeTimestamps /= IncludeTimestampsNever) printTiming p "\n" withBumpIndent $ printFailureReason reason finishPrinting common result runWithIndentation node = do let common@(RunNodeCommonWithStatus {..}) = runNodeCommon node (PrintFormatter {..}, _, _) <- ask childPrintFn <- case runTreeVisibilityLevel <= printFormatterVisibilityThreshold of True -> do pin runTreeLabel return withBumpIndent False -> return id case node of RunNodeIntroduce {..} -> childPrintFn $ forM_ runNodeChildrenAugmented runWithIndentation RunNodeIntroduceWith {..} -> childPrintFn $ forM_ runNodeChildrenAugmented runWithIndentation _ -> childPrintFn $ forM_ (runNodeChildren node) runWithIndentation result <- liftIO $ waitForTree node -- Print the failure reason case runTreeVisibilityLevel <= printFormatterVisibilityThreshold of True -> do case result of Failure r -> withBumpIndent $ printFailureReason r Cancelled -> return () Success -> return () DryRun -> return () finishPrinting common result False -> case result of Failure r -> do pRedLn ("^ " <> runTreeLabel) printFailureReason r finishPrinting common result _ -> return ()