-- |
-- Module      :  Data.SBV.BitVectors.Model
-- Copyright   :  (c) Levent Erkok
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  erkokl@gmail.com
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  portable
-- Instance declarations for our symbolic world

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}

module Data.SBV.BitVectors.Model (
    Mergeable(..), EqSymbolic(..), OrdSymbolic(..), BVDivisible(..), Uninterpreted(..)
  , bitValue, setBitTo, allEqual, allDifferent, oneIf, blastBE, blastLE
  , lsb, msb, SBVUF, sbvUFName, genFree, genFree_

import Data.Array      (Array, Ix, listArray, elems, bounds, rangeSize)
import Data.Bits       (Bits(..))
import Data.Int        (Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64)
import Data.List       (genericLength, genericIndex, genericSplitAt, unzip4, unzip5, unzip6, unzip7)
import Data.Word       (Word8, Word16, Word32, Word64)
import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary(..))

import Data.SBV.BitVectors.Data
import Data.SBV.Utils.Boolean

liftSym1 :: (State -> (Bool, Size) -> SW -> IO SW) ->
            (Integer -> Integer) -> SBV b -> SBV b
liftSym1 _   opC (SBV sgnsz (Left a))  = SBV sgnsz $ Left  $ mapCW opC a
liftSym1 opS _   a@(SBV sgnsz _)       = SBV sgnsz $ Right $ cache c
   where c st = do swa <- sbvToSW st a
                   opS st sgnsz swa

liftSym2 :: (State -> (Bool, Size) -> SW -> SW -> IO SW) ->
            (Integer -> Integer -> Integer) -> SBV b -> SBV b -> SBV b
liftSym2 _   opC (SBV sgnsz (Left a)) (SBV _ (Left b)) = SBV sgnsz $ Left  $ mapCW2 opC a b
liftSym2 opS _   a@(SBV sgnsz _)      b                = SBV sgnsz $ Right $ cache c
  where c st = do sw1 <- sbvToSW st a
                  sw2 <- sbvToSW st b
                  opS st sgnsz sw1 sw2

liftSym2B :: (State -> (Bool, Size) -> SW -> SW -> IO SW)
          -> (Integer -> Integer -> Bool)
          -> SBV b -> SBV b -> SBool
liftSym2B _   opC (SBV _ (Left a)) (SBV _ (Left b)) = literal (liftCW2 opC a b)
liftSym2B opS _   a                b                = SBV (False, 1) $ Right $ cache c
  where c st = do sw1 <- sbvToSW st a
                  sw2 <- sbvToSW st b
                  opS st (False, 1) sw1 sw2

liftSym1Bool :: (State -> (Bool, Size) -> SW -> IO SW)
             -> (Bool -> Bool)
             -> SBool -> SBool
liftSym1Bool _   opC (SBV _ (Left a)) = literal $ opC $ cwToBool a
liftSym1Bool opS _   a                = SBV (False, 1) $ Right $ cache c
  where c st = do sw <- sbvToSW st a
                  opS st (False, 1) sw

liftSym2Bool :: (State -> (Bool, Size) -> SW -> SW -> IO SW)
             -> (Bool -> Bool -> Bool)
             -> SBool -> SBool -> SBool
liftSym2Bool _   opC (SBV _ (Left a)) (SBV _ (Left b)) = literal (cwToBool a `opC` cwToBool b)
liftSym2Bool opS _   a                b                = SBV (False, 1) $ Right $ cache c
  where c st = do sw1 <- sbvToSW st a
                  sw2 <- sbvToSW st b
                  opS st (False, 1) sw1 sw2

mkSymOpSC :: (SW -> SW -> Maybe SW) -> Op -> State -> (Bool, Size) -> SW -> SW -> IO SW
mkSymOpSC shortCut op st sgnsz a b = maybe (newExpr st sgnsz (SBVApp op [a, b])) return (shortCut a b)

mkSymOp :: Op -> State -> (Bool, Size) -> SW -> SW -> IO SW
mkSymOp = mkSymOpSC (const (const Nothing))

mkSymOp1SC :: (SW -> Maybe SW) -> Op -> State -> (Bool, Size) -> SW -> IO SW
mkSymOp1SC shortCut op st sgnsz a = maybe (newExpr st sgnsz (SBVApp op [a])) return (shortCut a)

mkSymOp1 :: Op -> State -> (Bool, Size) -> SW -> IO SW
mkSymOp1 = mkSymOp1SC (const Nothing)

-- Symbolic-Word class instances

genFree :: (Bool, Size) -> String -> Symbolic (SBV a)
genFree s = mkSymSBV s . Just

genFree_ :: (Bool, Size) -> Symbolic (SBV a)
genFree_ s = mkSymSBV s Nothing

genLiteral :: Integral a => (Bool,Size) -> a -> SBV b
genLiteral s  = SBV s . Left . mkConstCW s

genFromCW :: Integral a => CW -> a
genFromCW x = fromInteger (cwVal x)

instance SymWord Bool where
  free      = genFree    (False, 1)
  free_     = genFree_   (False, 1)
  literal x = genLiteral (False, 1) (if x then (1::Integer) else 0)
  fromCW    = cwToBool

instance SymWord Word8 where
  free    = genFree    (False, 8)
  free_   = genFree_   (False, 8)
  literal = genLiteral (False, 8)
  fromCW  = genFromCW

instance SymWord Int8 where
  free    = genFree    (True, 8)
  free_   = genFree_   (True, 8)
  literal = genLiteral (True, 8)
  fromCW  = genFromCW

instance SymWord Word16 where
  free    = genFree    (False, 16)
  free_   = genFree_   (False, 16)
  literal = genLiteral (False, 16)
  fromCW  = genFromCW

instance SymWord Int16 where
  free    = genFree    (True, 16)
  free_   = genFree_   (True, 16)
  literal = genLiteral (True, 16)
  fromCW  = genFromCW

instance SymWord Word32 where
  free    = genFree    (False, 32)
  free_   = genFree_   (False, 32)
  literal = genLiteral (False, 32)
  fromCW  = genFromCW

instance SymWord Int32 where
  free    = genFree    (True, 32)
  free_   = genFree_   (True, 32)
  literal = genLiteral (True, 32)
  fromCW  = genFromCW

instance SymWord Word64 where
  free    = genFree    (False, 64)
  free_   = genFree_   (False, 64)
  literal = genLiteral (False, 64)
  fromCW  = genFromCW

instance SymWord Int64 where
  free    = genFree    (True, 64)
  free_   = genFree_   (True, 64)
  literal = genLiteral (True, 64)
  fromCW  = genFromCW

-- | Symbolic Equality. Note that we can't use Haskell's 'Eq' class since Haskell insists on returning Bool
-- Comparing symbolic values will necessarily return a symbolic value.
-- Minimal complete definition: '.=='
infix 4 .==, ./=
class EqSymbolic a where
  (.==), (./=) :: a -> a -> SBool
  -- minimal complete definition: .==
  x ./= y = bnot (x .== y)

-- | Symbolic Comparisons. Similar to 'Eq', we cannot implement Haskell's 'Ord' class
-- since there is no way to return an 'Ordering' value from a symbolic comparison.
-- Furthermore, 'OrdSymbolic' requires 'Mergeable' to implement if-then-else, for the
-- benefit of implementing symbolic versions of 'max' and 'min' functions.
-- Minimal complete definition: '.<'
infix 4 .<, .<=, .>, .>=
class (Mergeable a, EqSymbolic a) => OrdSymbolic a where
  (.<), (.<=), (.>), (.>=) :: a -> a -> SBool
  smin, smax :: a -> a -> a
  -- minimal complete definition: .<
  a .<= b    = a .< b ||| a .== b
  a .>  b    = b .<  a
  a .>= b    = b .<= a
  a `smin` b = ite (a .<= b) a b
  a `smax` b = ite (a .<= b) b a

{- We can't have a generic instance of the form:

instance Eq a => EqSymbolic a where
  x .== y = if x == y then true else false

even if we're willing to allow Flexible/undecidable instances..
This is because if we allow this it would imply EqSymbolic (SBV a);
since (SBV a) has to be Eq as it must be a Num. But this wouldn't be
the right choice obviously; as the Eq instance is bogus for SBV
for natural reasons..

instance EqSymbolic (SBV a) where
  (.==) = liftSym2B (mkSymOpSC opt Equal)    (==)
             where opt x y = if x == y then Just trueSW else Nothing
  (./=) = liftSym2B (mkSymOpSC opt NotEqual) (/=)
             where -- N.B. we can't say 
                   --   opt x y = if x /= y then Just trueSW else Nothing
                   -- here as it would be unsound.. There's no guarantee
                   -- that the SW value corresponding to x and y won't equal
                   -- the following is a more conservative optimization
                   -- that says Nothing if it can't deduce otherwise
                   opt x y = if x == y then Just falseSW else Nothing

instance SymWord a => OrdSymbolic (SBV a) where
  (.<)  = liftSym2B (mkSymOp LessThan)    (<)
  (.<=) = liftSym2B (mkSymOp LessEq)      (<=)
  (.>)  = liftSym2B (mkSymOp GreaterThan) (>)
  (.>=) = liftSym2B (mkSymOp GreaterEq)   (>=)

-- Bool
instance EqSymbolic Bool where
  x .== y = if x == y then true else false

-- Lists
instance EqSymbolic a => EqSymbolic [a] where
  []     .== []     = true
  (x:xs) .== (y:ys) = x .== y &&& xs .== ys
  _      .== _      = false

instance OrdSymbolic a => OrdSymbolic [a] where
  []     .< []     = false
  []     .< _      = true
  _      .< []     = false
  (x:xs) .< (y:ys) = x .< y ||| (x .== y &&& xs .< ys)

-- Maybe
instance EqSymbolic a => EqSymbolic (Maybe a) where
  Nothing .== Nothing = true
  Just a  .== Just b  = a .== b
  _       .== _       = false

instance (OrdSymbolic a) => OrdSymbolic (Maybe a) where
  Nothing .<  Nothing = false
  Nothing .<  _       = true
  Just _  .<  Nothing = false
  Just a  .<  Just b  = a .< b

-- Either
instance (EqSymbolic a, EqSymbolic b) => EqSymbolic (Either a b) where
  Left a  .== Left b  = a .== b
  Right a .== Right b = a .== b
  _       .== _       = false

instance (OrdSymbolic a, OrdSymbolic b) => OrdSymbolic (Either a b) where
  Left a  .< Left b  = a .< b
  Left _  .< Right _ = true
  Right _ .< Left _  = false
  Right a .< Right b = a .< b

-- 2-Tuple
instance (EqSymbolic a, EqSymbolic b) => EqSymbolic (a, b) where
  (a0, b0) .== (a1, b1) = a0 .== a1 &&& b0 .== b1

instance (OrdSymbolic a, OrdSymbolic b) => OrdSymbolic (a, b) where
  (a0, b0) .< (a1, b1) = a0 .< a1 ||| (a0 .== a1 &&& b0 .< b1)

-- 3-Tuple
instance (EqSymbolic a, EqSymbolic b, EqSymbolic c) => EqSymbolic (a, b, c) where
  (a0, b0, c0) .== (a1, b1, c1) = (a0, b0) .== (a1, b1) &&& c0 .== c1

instance (OrdSymbolic a, OrdSymbolic b, OrdSymbolic c) => OrdSymbolic (a, b, c) where
  (a0, b0, c0) .< (a1, b1, c1) = (a0, b0) .< (a1, b1) ||| ((a0, b0) .== (a1, b1) &&& c0 .< c1)

-- 4-Tuple
instance (EqSymbolic a, EqSymbolic b, EqSymbolic c, EqSymbolic d) => EqSymbolic (a, b, c, d) where
  (a0, b0, c0, d0) .== (a1, b1, c1, d1) = (a0, b0, c0) .== (a1, b1, c1) &&& d0 .== d1

instance (OrdSymbolic a, OrdSymbolic b, OrdSymbolic c, OrdSymbolic d) => OrdSymbolic (a, b, c, d) where
  (a0, b0, c0, d0) .< (a1, b1, c1, d1) = (a0, b0, c0) .< (a1, b1, c1) ||| ((a0, b0, c0) .== (a1, b1, c1) &&& d0 .< d1)

-- 5-Tuple
instance (EqSymbolic a, EqSymbolic b, EqSymbolic c, EqSymbolic d, EqSymbolic e) => EqSymbolic (a, b, c, d, e) where
  (a0, b0, c0, d0, e0) .== (a1, b1, c1, d1, e1) = (a0, b0, c0, d0) .== (a1, b1, c1, d1) &&& e0 .== e1

instance (OrdSymbolic a, OrdSymbolic b, OrdSymbolic c, OrdSymbolic d, OrdSymbolic e) => OrdSymbolic (a, b, c, d, e) where
  (a0, b0, c0, d0, e0) .< (a1, b1, c1, d1, e1) = (a0, b0, c0, d0) .< (a1, b1, c1, d1) ||| ((a0, b0, c0, d0) .== (a1, b1, c1, d1) &&& e0 .< e1)

-- 6-Tuple
instance (EqSymbolic a, EqSymbolic b, EqSymbolic c, EqSymbolic d, EqSymbolic e, EqSymbolic f) => EqSymbolic (a, b, c, d, e, f) where
  (a0, b0, c0, d0, e0, f0) .== (a1, b1, c1, d1, e1, f1) = (a0, b0, c0, d0, e0) .== (a1, b1, c1, d1, e1) &&& f0 .== f1

instance (OrdSymbolic a, OrdSymbolic b, OrdSymbolic c, OrdSymbolic d, OrdSymbolic e, OrdSymbolic f) => OrdSymbolic (a, b, c, d, e, f) where
  (a0, b0, c0, d0, e0, f0) .< (a1, b1, c1, d1, e1, f1) =    (a0, b0, c0, d0, e0) .<  (a1, b1, c1, d1, e1)
                                                       ||| ((a0, b0, c0, d0, e0) .== (a1, b1, c1, d1, e1) &&& f0 .< f1)

-- 7-Tuple
instance (EqSymbolic a, EqSymbolic b, EqSymbolic c, EqSymbolic d, EqSymbolic e, EqSymbolic f, EqSymbolic g) => EqSymbolic (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) where
  (a0, b0, c0, d0, e0, f0, g0) .== (a1, b1, c1, d1, e1, f1, g1) = (a0, b0, c0, d0, e0, f0) .== (a1, b1, c1, d1, e1, f1) &&& g0 .== g1

instance (OrdSymbolic a, OrdSymbolic b, OrdSymbolic c, OrdSymbolic d, OrdSymbolic e, OrdSymbolic f, OrdSymbolic g) => OrdSymbolic (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) where
  (a0, b0, c0, d0, e0, f0, g0) .< (a1, b1, c1, d1, e1, f1, g1) =    (a0, b0, c0, d0, e0, f0) .<  (a1, b1, c1, d1, e1, f1)
                                                               ||| ((a0, b0, c0, d0, e0, f0) .== (a1, b1, c1, d1, e1, f1) &&& g0 .< g1)

-- Boolean combinators
instance Boolean SBool where
  true  = literal True
  false = literal False
  bnot  b | b `isConcretely` (== False) = true
          | b `isConcretely` (== True)  = false
          | True                        = liftSym1Bool (mkSymOp1 Not) not b
  a &&& b | a `isConcretely` (== False) || b `isConcretely` (== False) = false
          | a `isConcretely` (== True)                                 = b
          | b `isConcretely` (== True)                                 = a
          | True                                                       = liftSym2Bool (mkSymOpSC opt And) (&&) a b
          where opt x y
                 | x == falseSW || y == falseSW = Just falseSW
                 | x == trueSW                  = Just y
                 | y == trueSW                  = Just x
                 | True                         = Nothing
  a ||| b | a `isConcretely` (== True)  || b `isConcretely` (== True) = true
          | a `isConcretely` (== False)                               = b
          | b `isConcretely` (== False)                               = a
          | True                                                      = liftSym2Bool (mkSymOpSC opt Or)  (||) a b
          where opt x y
                 | x == trueSW || y == trueSW = Just trueSW
                 | x == falseSW               = Just y
                 | y == falseSW               = Just x
                 | True                       = Nothing
  a <+> b | a `isConcretely` (== False) = b
          | b `isConcretely` (== False) = a
          | a `isConcretely` (== True)  = bnot b
          | b `isConcretely` (== True)  = bnot a
          | True                        = liftSym2Bool (mkSymOpSC opt XOr) (<+>) a b
          where opt x y
                 | x == y       = Just falseSW
                 | x == falseSW = Just y
                 | y == falseSW = Just x
                 | True         = Nothing

-- | Returns (symbolic) true if all the elements of the given list are different
allDifferent :: (Eq a, SymWord a) => [SBV a] -> SBool
allDifferent (x:xs@(_:_)) = bAll ((./=) x) xs &&& allDifferent xs
allDifferent _            = true

-- | Returns (symbolic) true if all the elements of the given list are the same
allEqual :: (Eq a, SymWord a) => [SBV a] -> SBool
allEqual (x:xs@(_:_))     = bAll ((.==) x) xs
allEqual _                = true

-- | Returns 1 if the boolean is true, otherwise 0
oneIf :: (Num a, SymWord a) => SBool -> SBV a
oneIf t = ite t 1 0

-- Num instance for symbolic words
instance (Ord a, Num a, SymWord a) => Num (SBV a) where
  fromInteger = literal . fromIntegral
  x + y
    | x `isConcretely` (== 0) = y
    | y `isConcretely` (== 0) = x
    | True                    = liftSym2 (mkSymOp Plus)  (+) x y
  x * y
    | x `isConcretely` (== 0) = 0
    | y `isConcretely` (== 0) = 0
    | x `isConcretely` (== 1) = y
    | y `isConcretely` (== 1) = x
    | True                    = liftSym2 (mkSymOp Times) (*) x y
  x - y
    | y `isConcretely` (== 0) = x
    | True                    = liftSym2 (mkSymOp Minus) (-) x y
  abs a
   | hasSign a = ite (a .< 0) (-a) a
   | True      = a
  signum a
   | hasSign a = ite (a .< 0) (-1) (ite (a .== 0) 0 1)
   | True      = oneIf (a ./= 0)

-- NB. The default definition of "testBit" relies on equality,
-- which is not available for symbolic SBV's. There is no
-- way to implement testBit to return Bool, obviously; instead use bitValue
instance (Bits a, SymWord a) => Bits (SBV a) where
  (.&.)                    = liftSym2 (mkSymOp  And) (.&.)
  (.|.)                    = liftSym2 (mkSymOp  Or)  (.|.)
  xor                      = liftSym2 (mkSymOp  XOr) xor
  complement               = liftSym1 (mkSymOp1 Not) complement
  bitSize  (SBV (_ ,s) _)  = s
  isSigned (SBV (b, _) _)  = b
  shiftL x y
    | y < 0                = shiftR x (-y)
    | y == 0               = x
    | True                 = liftSym1 (mkSymOp1 (Shl y)) (`shiftL` y) x
  shiftR x y
    | y < 0                = shiftL x (-y)
    | y == 0               = x
    | True                 = liftSym1 (mkSymOp1 (Shr y)) (`shiftR` y) x
  rotateL x y
    | y < 0                = rotateR x (-y)
    | y == 0               = x
    | True                 = liftSym1 (mkSymOp1 (Rol y)) (`rotateL` y) x
  rotateR x y
    | y < 0                = rotateL x (-y)
    | y == 0               = x
    | True                 = liftSym1 (mkSymOp1 (Ror y)) (`rotateR` y) x

-- | Replacement for 'testBit'. Since 'testBit' requires a 'Bool' to be returned,
-- we cannot implement it for symbolic words. Index 0 is the least-significant bit.
bitValue :: (Bits a, SymWord a) => SBV a -> Int -> SBool
bitValue x i = (x .&. bit i) ./= 0

-- | Generalization of 'setBit' based on a symbolic boolean. Note that 'setBit' and
-- 'clearBit' are still available on Symbolic words, this operation comes handy when
-- the condition to set/clear happens to be symbolic
setBitTo :: (Bits a, SymWord a) => SBV a -> Int -> SBool -> SBV a
setBitTo x i b = ite b (setBit x i) (clearBit x i)

-- | Little-endian blasting of a word into its bits. Also see the 'FromBits' class
blastLE :: (Bits a, SymWord a) => SBV a -> [SBool]
blastLE x = map (bitValue x) [0 .. (sizeOf x)-1]

-- | Big-endian blasting of a word into its bits. Also see the 'FromBits' class
blastBE :: (Bits a, SymWord a) => SBV a -> [SBool]
blastBE = reverse . blastLE

-- | Least significant bit of a word, always stored at index 0
lsb :: (Bits a, SymWord a) => SBV a -> SBool
lsb x = bitValue x 0

-- | Most significant bit of a word, always stored at the last position
msb :: (Bits a, SymWord a) => SBV a -> SBool
msb x = bitValue x ((sizeOf x) - 1)

-- | Enum instance. These instances are suitable for use with concrete values,
-- and will be less useful for symbolic values around. Note that `fromEnum` requires
-- a concrete argument for obvious reasons. Other variants (succ, pred, [x..]) etc are similarly
-- limited. While symbolic variants can be defined for many of these, but they will just diverge
-- as final sizes cannot be determined statically.
instance (Bounded a, Integral a, Num a, SymWord a) => Enum (SBV a) where
  succ x
    | v == (maxBound :: a) = error $ "Enum.succ{" ++ showType x ++ "}: tried to take `succ' of maxBound"
    | True                 = fromIntegral $ v + 1
    where v = enumCvt "succ" x
  pred x
    | v == (minBound :: a) = error $ "Enum.pred{" ++ showType x ++ "}: tried to take `pred' of minBound"
    | True                 = fromIntegral $ v - 1
    where v = enumCvt "pred" x
  toEnum x
    | xi < fromIntegral (minBound :: a) || xi > fromIntegral (maxBound :: a)
    = error $ "Enum.toEnum{" ++ showType r ++ "}: " ++ show x ++ " is out-of-bounds " ++ show (minBound :: a, maxBound :: a)
    | True
    = r
    where xi :: Integer
          xi = fromIntegral x
          r  :: SBV a
          r  = fromIntegral x
  fromEnum x
     | r < fromIntegral (minBound :: Int) || r > fromIntegral (maxBound :: Int)
     = error $ "Enum.fromEnum{" ++ showType x ++ "}:  value " ++ show r ++ " is outside of Int's bounds " ++ show (minBound :: Int, maxBound :: Int)
     | True
     = fromIntegral r
    where r :: Integer
          r = enumCvt "fromEnum" x
  enumFrom x = map fromIntegral [xi .. fromIntegral (maxBound :: a)]
     where xi :: Integer
           xi = enumCvt "enumFrom" x
  enumFromThen x y
     | yi >= xi  = map fromIntegral [xi, yi .. fromIntegral (maxBound :: a)]
     | True      = map fromIntegral [xi, yi .. fromIntegral (minBound :: a)]
       where xi, yi :: Integer
             xi = enumCvt "enumFromThen.x" x
             yi = enumCvt "enumFromThen.y" y
  enumFromThenTo x y z = map fromIntegral [xi, yi .. zi]
       where xi, yi, zi :: Integer
             xi = enumCvt "enumFromThenTo.x" x
             yi = enumCvt "enumFromThenTo.y" y
             zi = enumCvt "enumFromThenTo.z" z

-- | Helper function for use in enum operations
enumCvt :: (SymWord a, Integral a, Num b) => String -> SBV a -> b
enumCvt w x = case unliteral x of
                Nothing -> error $ "Enum." ++ w ++ "{" ++ showType x ++ "}: Called on symbolic value " ++ show x
                Just v  -> fromIntegral v

-- | The 'BVDivisible' class captures the essence of division of words.
-- Unfortunately we cannot use Haskell's 'Integral' class since the 'Real'
-- and 'Enum' superclasses are not implementable for symbolic bit-vectors.
-- However, 'quotRem' makes perfect sense, and the 'BVDivisible' class captures
-- this operation. One issue is how division by 0 behaves. The verification
-- technology requires total functions, and there are several design choices
-- here. We follow Isabelle/HOL approach of assigning the value 0 for division
-- by 0. Therefore, we impose the following law:
--     @ x `bvQuotRem` 0 = (0, x) @
-- Note that our instances implement this law even when @x@ is @0@ itself.
-- Minimal complete definition: 'bvQuotRem'
class BVDivisible a where
  bvQuotRem :: a -> a -> (a, a)

instance BVDivisible Word64 where
  bvQuotRem x 0 = (0, x)
  bvQuotRem x y = x `quotRem` y

instance BVDivisible Word32 where
  bvQuotRem x 0 = (0, x)
  bvQuotRem x y = x `quotRem` y

instance BVDivisible Word16 where
  bvQuotRem x 0 = (0, x)
  bvQuotRem x y = x `quotRem` y

instance BVDivisible Word8 where
  bvQuotRem x 0 = (0, x)
  bvQuotRem x y = x `quotRem` y

instance BVDivisible Integer where
  bvQuotRem x 0 = (0, x)
  bvQuotRem x y = x `quotRem` y

instance BVDivisible CW where
  bvQuotRem x y
    | cwSameType x y = let (r1, r2) = bvQuotRem (cwVal x) (cwVal y)
                       in (x { cwVal = r1 }, y { cwVal = r2 })
  bvQuotRem x y = error $ "SBV.liftQRem: impossible, unexpected args received: " ++ show (x, y)

instance BVDivisible SWord64 where
  bvQuotRem = liftQRem

instance BVDivisible SWord32 where
  bvQuotRem = liftQRem

instance BVDivisible SWord16 where
  bvQuotRem = liftQRem

instance BVDivisible SWord8 where
  bvQuotRem = liftQRem

liftQRem :: (SymWord a, Num a, BVDivisible a) => SBV a -> SBV a -> (SBV a, SBV a)
liftQRem x y = ite (y .== 0) (0, x) (qr x y)
  where qr (SBV sgnsz (Left a)) (SBV _ (Left b)) = let (q, r) = bvQuotRem a b in (SBV sgnsz (Left q), SBV sgnsz (Left r))
        qr a@(SBV sgnsz _)      b                = (SBV sgnsz (Right (cache (mk Quot))), SBV sgnsz (Right (cache (mk Rem))))
                where mk o st = do sw1 <- sbvToSW st a
                                   sw2 <- sbvToSW st b
                                   mkSymOp o st sgnsz sw1 sw2

-- Quickcheck interface

-- The Arbitrary instance for SFunArray returns an array initialized
-- to an arbitrary element
instance (SymWord b, Arbitrary b) => Arbitrary (SFunArray a b) where
  arbitrary = arbitrary >>= \r -> return $ SFunArray (const r)

instance (SymWord a, Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (SBV a) where
  arbitrary = arbitrary >>= return . literal

-- |  Symbolic choice operator, parameterized via a class
-- 'select' is a total-indexing function, with the default.
-- Minimal complete definition: 'symbolicMerge'
class Mergeable a where
   -- | Merge two values based on the condition
   symbolicMerge :: SBool -> a -> a -> a
   -- | Choose one or the other element, based on the condition.
   -- This is similar to 'symbolicMerge', but it has a default
   -- implementation that makes sure it's short-cut if the condition is concrete
   ite           :: SBool -> a -> a -> a
   -- | Total indexing operation. @select xs default index@ is intuitively
   -- the same as @xs !! index@, except it evaluates to @default@ if @index@
   -- overflows
   select        :: (Bits b, SymWord b, Integral b) => [a] -> a -> SBV b -> a
   -- default definitions
   ite s a b
    | Just t <- unliteral s = if t then a else b
    | True                  = symbolicMerge s a b
   select [] err _   = err
   select xs err ind
    | hasSign ind    = ite (ind .< 0) err $ result
    | True           = result
    where result = go xs $ reverse (zip [(0::Integer)..] bits)
          bits   = map (ind `bitValue`) [0 .. bitSize ind - 1]
          go []    _            = err
          go (x:_) []           = x
          go elts  ((n, b):nbs) = let (ys, zs) = genericSplitAt ((2::Integer) ^ n) elts
                                  in ite b (go zs nbs) (go ys nbs)

-- SBV
instance SymWord a => Mergeable (SBV a) where
  symbolicMerge t a b
   | Just c1 <- unliteral a, Just c2 <- unliteral b, c1 == c2
   = a
   | True
   = SBV sgnsz $ Right $ cache c
    where sgnsz = (hasSign a, sizeOf a)
          c st = do swt <- sbvToSW st t
                    case () of
                      () | swt == trueSW  -> sbvToSW st a
                      () | swt == falseSW -> sbvToSW st b
                      () -> do swa <- sbvToSW st a
                               swb <- sbvToSW st b
                               if swa == swb
                                  then return swa
                                  else newExpr st sgnsz (SBVApp Ite [swt, swa, swb])
  -- Custom version of select that translates to SMT-Lib tables at the base type of words
  select xs err ind
    | Just i <- unliteral ind
    = let i' :: Integer
          i' = fromIntegral i
      in if i' < 0 || i' >= genericLength xs then err else genericIndex xs i'
  select [] err _   = err
  select xs err ind = SBV sgnszElt $ Right $ cache r
     where sgnszInd = (hasSign ind, sizeOf ind)
           sgnszElt = (hasSign err, sizeOf err)
           r st  = do sws <- mapM (sbvToSW st) xs
                      swe <- sbvToSW st err
                      if all (== swe) sws  -- off-chance that all elts are the same
                         then return swe
                         else do idx <- getTableIndex st sgnszInd sgnszElt sws
                                 swi <- sbvToSW st ind
                                 let len = length xs
                                 newExpr st sgnszElt (SBVApp (LkUp (idx, sgnszInd, sgnszElt, len) swi swe) [])

-- Unit
instance Mergeable () where
   symbolicMerge _ _ _ = ()
   select _ _ _ = ()

-- Mergeable instances for List/Maybe/Either/Array are useful, but can
-- throw exceptions if there is no structural matching of the results
-- It's a question whether we should really keep them..

-- Lists
instance Mergeable a => Mergeable [a] where
  symbolicMerge t xs ys
    | lxs == lys = zipWith (symbolicMerge t) xs ys
    | True       = error $ "SBV.Mergeable.List: No least-upper-bound for lists of differing size " ++ show (lxs, lys)
    where (lxs, lys) = (length xs, length ys)

-- Maybe
instance Mergeable a => Mergeable (Maybe a) where
  symbolicMerge _ Nothing  Nothing  = Nothing
  symbolicMerge t (Just a) (Just b) = Just $ symbolicMerge t a b
  symbolicMerge _ a b = error $ "SBV.Mergeable.Maybe: No least-upper-bound for " ++ show (k a, k b)
      where k Nothing = "Nothing"
            k _       = "Just"

-- Either
instance (Mergeable a, Mergeable b) => Mergeable (Either a b) where
  symbolicMerge t (Left a)  (Left b)  = Left  $ symbolicMerge t a b
  symbolicMerge t (Right a) (Right b) = Right $ symbolicMerge t a b
  symbolicMerge _ a b = error $ "SBV.Mergeable.Either: No least-upper-bound for " ++ show (k a, k b)
     where k (Left _)  = "Left"
           k (Right _) = "Right"

-- Arrays
instance (Ix a, Mergeable b) => Mergeable (Array a b) where
  symbolicMerge t a b
    | ba == bb = listArray ba (zipWith (symbolicMerge t) (elems a) (elems b))
    | True     = error $ "SBV.Mergeable.Array: No least-upper-bound for rangeSizes" ++ show (k ba, k bb)
    where [ba, bb] = map bounds [a, b]
          k = rangeSize

-- Functions
instance Mergeable b => Mergeable (a -> b) where
  symbolicMerge t f g = \x -> symbolicMerge t (f x) (g x)
  select xs err ind   = \x -> select (map ($ x) xs) (err x) ind

-- 2-Tuple
instance (Mergeable a, Mergeable b) => Mergeable (a, b) where
  symbolicMerge t (i0, i1) (j0, j1) = (i i0 j0, i i1 j1)
    where i a b = symbolicMerge t a b
  select xs (err1, err2) ind = (select as err1 ind, select bs err2 ind)
    where (as, bs) = unzip xs

-- 3-Tuple
instance (Mergeable a, Mergeable b, Mergeable c) => Mergeable (a, b, c) where
  symbolicMerge t (i0, i1, i2) (j0, j1, j2) = (i i0 j0, i i1 j1, i i2 j2)
    where i a b = symbolicMerge t a b
  select xs (err1, err2, err3) ind = (select as err1 ind, select bs err2 ind, select cs err3 ind)
    where (as, bs, cs) = unzip3 xs

-- 4-Tuple
instance (Mergeable a, Mergeable b, Mergeable c, Mergeable d) => Mergeable (a, b, c, d) where
  symbolicMerge t (i0, i1, i2, i3) (j0, j1, j2, j3) = (i i0 j0, i i1 j1, i i2 j2, i i3 j3)
    where i a b = symbolicMerge t a b
  select xs (err1, err2, err3, err4) ind = (select as err1 ind, select bs err2 ind, select cs err3 ind, select ds err4 ind)
    where (as, bs, cs, ds) = unzip4 xs

-- 5-Tuple
instance (Mergeable a, Mergeable b, Mergeable c, Mergeable d, Mergeable e) => Mergeable (a, b, c, d, e) where
  symbolicMerge t (i0, i1, i2, i3, i4) (j0, j1, j2, j3, j4) = (i i0 j0, i i1 j1, i i2 j2, i i3 j3, i i4 j4)
    where i a b = symbolicMerge t a b
  select xs (err1, err2, err3, err4, err5) ind = (select as err1 ind, select bs err2 ind, select cs err3 ind, select ds err4 ind, select es err5 ind)
    where (as, bs, cs, ds, es) = unzip5 xs

-- 6-Tuple
instance (Mergeable a, Mergeable b, Mergeable c, Mergeable d, Mergeable e, Mergeable f) => Mergeable (a, b, c, d, e, f) where
  symbolicMerge t (i0, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5) (j0, j1, j2, j3, j4, j5) = (i i0 j0, i i1 j1, i i2 j2, i i3 j3, i i4 j4, i i5 j5)
    where i a b = symbolicMerge t a b
  select xs (err1, err2, err3, err4, err5, err6) ind = (select as err1 ind, select bs err2 ind, select cs err3 ind, select ds err4 ind, select es err5 ind, select fs err6 ind)
    where (as, bs, cs, ds, es, fs) = unzip6 xs

-- 7-Tuple
instance (Mergeable a, Mergeable b, Mergeable c, Mergeable d, Mergeable e, Mergeable f, Mergeable g) => Mergeable (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) where
  symbolicMerge t (i0, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6) (j0, j1, j2, j3, j4, j5, j6) = (i i0 j0, i i1 j1, i i2 j2, i i3 j3, i i4 j4, i i5 j5, i i6 j6)
    where i a b = symbolicMerge t a b
  select xs (err1, err2, err3, err4, err5, err6, err7) ind = (select as err1 ind, select bs err2 ind, select cs err3 ind, select ds err4 ind, select es err5 ind, select fs err6 ind, select gs err7 ind)
    where (as, bs, cs, ds, es, fs, gs) = unzip7 xs

-- Bounded instances
instance (SymWord a, Bounded a) => Bounded (SBV a) where
  minBound = literal minBound
  maxBound = literal maxBound

-- Arrays

-- SArrays are both "EqSymbolic" and "Mergeable"
instance EqSymbolic (SArray a b) where
  (SArray _ a) .== (SArray _ b) = SBV (False, 1) $ Right $ cache c
    where c st = do ai <- uncache a st
                    bi <- uncache b st
                    newExpr st (False, 1) (SBVApp (ArrEq ai bi) [])

instance SymWord b => Mergeable (SArray a b) where
  symbolicMerge = mergeArrays

-- SFunArrays are only "Mergeable". Although a brute
-- force equality can be defined, any non-toy instance
-- will suffer from efficiency issues; so we don't define it
instance SymArray SFunArray where
  newArray _        = newArray_ -- the name is irrelevant in this case
  newArray_  mbiVal = return $ SFunArray $ const $ maybe (error "Reading from an uninitialized array entry") id mbiVal
  readArray  (SFunArray f) a   = f a
  resetArray (SFunArray _) a   = SFunArray $ const a
  writeArray (SFunArray f) a b = SFunArray (\a' -> ite (a .== a') b (f a'))
  mergeArrays t (SFunArray f) (SFunArray g) = SFunArray (\x -> ite t (f x) (g x))

instance SymWord b => Mergeable (SFunArray a b) where
  symbolicMerge = mergeArrays

-- | An uninterpreted function handle. This is the handle to be used for
-- adding axioms about uninterpreted constants/functions. Note that
-- we will leave this abstract for safety purposes
newtype SBVUF = SBVUF String

-- | Get the name associated with the uninterpreted-value; useful when
-- constructing axioms about this UI.
sbvUFName :: SBVUF -> String
sbvUFName (SBVUF s) = s

-- The name we use for translating the UF constants to SMT-Lib..
mkUFName :: String -> SBVUF
mkUFName nm = SBVUF $ "uninterpreted_" ++ nm

-- | Uninterpreted constants and functions. An uninterpreted constant is
-- a value that is indexed by its name. The only property the prover assumes
-- about these values are that they are equivalent to themselves; i.e., (for
-- functions) they return the same results when applied to same arguments.
-- We support uninterpreted-functions as a general means of black-box'ing
-- operations that are /irrelevant/ for the purposes of the proof; i.e., when
-- the proofs can be performed without any knowledge about the function itself.
-- Minimal complete definition: 'uninterpretWithHandle'. However, most instances in
-- practice are already provided by SBV, so end-users should not need to define their
-- own instances.
class Uninterpreted a where
  -- | Uninterpret a value, receiving an object that can be used instead. Use this version
  -- when you do not need to add an axiom about this value.
  uninterpret :: String -> a
  -- | Uninterpret a value, but also get a handle to the resulting object. This handle
  -- can be used to add axioms for this object. (See 'addAxiom'.)
  uninterpretWithHandle :: String -> (SBVUF, a)

  -- minimal complete definition: 'uninterpretWithHandle'
  uninterpret = snd . uninterpretWithHandle

-- Plain constants
instance HasSignAndSize a => Uninterpreted (SBV a) where
  uninterpretWithHandle nm = (mkUFName nm, SBV sgnsza $ Right $ cache result)
    where sgnsza = (hasSign (undefined :: a), sizeOf (undefined :: a))
          result st = do newUninterpreted st nm (SBVType [sgnsza])
                         newExpr st sgnsza $ SBVApp (Uninterpreted nm) []

-- Forcing an argument; this is a necessary evil to make sure all the arguments
-- to an uninterpreted function are evaluated before called; the semantics of
-- such functions is necessarily strict; deviating from Haskell's
forceArg :: SW -> IO ()
forceArg (SW (b, s) n) = b `seq` s `seq` n `seq` return ()

-- Functions of one argument
instance (HasSignAndSize b, HasSignAndSize a) => Uninterpreted (SBV b -> SBV a) where
  uninterpretWithHandle nm = (mkUFName nm, f)
    where f arg0 = SBV sgnsza $ Right $ cache result
           where sgnsza = (hasSign (undefined :: a), sizeOf (undefined :: a))
                 sgnszb = (hasSign (undefined :: b), sizeOf (undefined :: b))
                 result st = do newUninterpreted st nm (SBVType [sgnszb, sgnsza])
                                sw0 <- sbvToSW st arg0
                                mapM_ forceArg [sw0]
                                newExpr st sgnsza $ SBVApp (Uninterpreted nm) [sw0]

-- Functions of two arguments
instance (HasSignAndSize c, HasSignAndSize b, HasSignAndSize a) => Uninterpreted (SBV c -> SBV b -> SBV a) where
  uninterpretWithHandle nm = (mkUFName nm, f)
    where f arg0 arg1 = SBV sgnsza $ Right $ cache result
           where sgnsza = (hasSign (undefined :: a), sizeOf (undefined :: a))
                 sgnszb = (hasSign (undefined :: b), sizeOf (undefined :: b))
                 sgnszc = (hasSign (undefined :: c), sizeOf (undefined :: c))
                 result st = do newUninterpreted st nm (SBVType [sgnszc, sgnszb, sgnsza])
                                sw0 <- sbvToSW st arg0
                                sw1 <- sbvToSW st arg1
                                mapM_ forceArg [sw0, sw1]
                                newExpr st sgnsza $ SBVApp (Uninterpreted nm) [sw0, sw1]

-- Functions of three arguments
instance (HasSignAndSize d, HasSignAndSize c, HasSignAndSize b, HasSignAndSize a) => Uninterpreted (SBV d -> SBV c -> SBV b -> SBV a) where
  uninterpretWithHandle nm = (mkUFName nm, f)
    where f arg0 arg1 arg2 = SBV sgnsza $ Right $ cache result
           where sgnsza = (hasSign (undefined :: a), sizeOf (undefined :: a))
                 sgnszb = (hasSign (undefined :: b), sizeOf (undefined :: b))
                 sgnszc = (hasSign (undefined :: c), sizeOf (undefined :: c))
                 sgnszd = (hasSign (undefined :: d), sizeOf (undefined :: d))
                 result st = do newUninterpreted st nm (SBVType [sgnszd, sgnszc, sgnszb, sgnsza])
                                sw0 <- sbvToSW st arg0
                                sw1 <- sbvToSW st arg1
                                sw2 <- sbvToSW st arg2
                                mapM_ forceArg [sw0, sw1, sw2]
                                newExpr st sgnsza $ SBVApp (Uninterpreted nm) [sw0, sw1, sw2]

-- Functions of four arguments
instance (HasSignAndSize e, HasSignAndSize d, HasSignAndSize c, HasSignAndSize b, HasSignAndSize a)
            => Uninterpreted (SBV e -> SBV d -> SBV c -> SBV b -> SBV a) where
  uninterpretWithHandle nm = (mkUFName nm, f)
    where f arg0 arg1 arg2 arg3 = SBV sgnsza $ Right $ cache result
           where sgnsza = (hasSign (undefined :: a), sizeOf (undefined :: a))
                 sgnszb = (hasSign (undefined :: b), sizeOf (undefined :: b))
                 sgnszc = (hasSign (undefined :: c), sizeOf (undefined :: c))
                 sgnszd = (hasSign (undefined :: d), sizeOf (undefined :: d))
                 sgnsze = (hasSign (undefined :: e), sizeOf (undefined :: e))
                 result st = do newUninterpreted st nm (SBVType [sgnsze, sgnszd, sgnszc, sgnszb, sgnsza])
                                sw0 <- sbvToSW st arg0
                                sw1 <- sbvToSW st arg1
                                sw2 <- sbvToSW st arg2
                                sw3 <- sbvToSW st arg3
                                mapM_ forceArg [sw0, sw1, sw2, sw3]
                                newExpr st sgnsza $ SBVApp (Uninterpreted nm) [sw0, sw1, sw2, sw3]

-- Functions of five arguments
instance (HasSignAndSize f, HasSignAndSize e, HasSignAndSize d, HasSignAndSize c, HasSignAndSize b, HasSignAndSize a)
            => Uninterpreted (SBV f -> SBV e -> SBV d -> SBV c -> SBV b -> SBV a) where
  uninterpretWithHandle nm = (mkUFName nm, f)
    where f arg0 arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4 = SBV sgnsza $ Right $ cache result
           where sgnsza = (hasSign (undefined :: a), sizeOf (undefined :: a))
                 sgnszb = (hasSign (undefined :: b), sizeOf (undefined :: b))
                 sgnszc = (hasSign (undefined :: c), sizeOf (undefined :: c))
                 sgnszd = (hasSign (undefined :: d), sizeOf (undefined :: d))
                 sgnsze = (hasSign (undefined :: e), sizeOf (undefined :: e))
                 sgnszf = (hasSign (undefined :: f), sizeOf (undefined :: f))
                 result st = do newUninterpreted st nm (SBVType [sgnszf, sgnsze, sgnszd, sgnszc, sgnszb, sgnsza])
                                sw0 <- sbvToSW st arg0
                                sw1 <- sbvToSW st arg1
                                sw2 <- sbvToSW st arg2
                                sw3 <- sbvToSW st arg3
                                sw4 <- sbvToSW st arg4
                                mapM_ forceArg [sw0, sw1, sw2, sw3, sw4]
                                newExpr st sgnsza $ SBVApp (Uninterpreted nm) [sw0, sw1, sw2, sw3, sw4]

-- Functions of six arguments
instance (HasSignAndSize g, HasSignAndSize f, HasSignAndSize e, HasSignAndSize d, HasSignAndSize c, HasSignAndSize b, HasSignAndSize a)
            => Uninterpreted (SBV g -> SBV f -> SBV e -> SBV d -> SBV c -> SBV b -> SBV a) where
  uninterpretWithHandle nm = (mkUFName nm, f)
    where f arg0 arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4 arg5 = SBV sgnsza $ Right $ cache result
           where sgnsza = (hasSign (undefined :: a), sizeOf (undefined :: a))
                 sgnszb = (hasSign (undefined :: b), sizeOf (undefined :: b))
                 sgnszc = (hasSign (undefined :: c), sizeOf (undefined :: c))
                 sgnszd = (hasSign (undefined :: d), sizeOf (undefined :: d))
                 sgnsze = (hasSign (undefined :: e), sizeOf (undefined :: e))
                 sgnszf = (hasSign (undefined :: f), sizeOf (undefined :: f))
                 sgnszg = (hasSign (undefined :: g), sizeOf (undefined :: g))
                 result st = do newUninterpreted st nm (SBVType [sgnszg, sgnszf, sgnsze, sgnszd, sgnszc, sgnszb, sgnsza])
                                sw0 <- sbvToSW st arg0
                                sw1 <- sbvToSW st arg1
                                sw2 <- sbvToSW st arg2
                                sw3 <- sbvToSW st arg3
                                sw4 <- sbvToSW st arg4
                                sw5 <- sbvToSW st arg5
                                mapM_ forceArg [sw0, sw1, sw2, sw3, sw4, sw5]
                                newExpr st sgnsza $ SBVApp (Uninterpreted nm) [sw0, sw1, sw2, sw3, sw4, sw5]

-- Functions of seven arguments
instance (HasSignAndSize h, HasSignAndSize g, HasSignAndSize f, HasSignAndSize e, HasSignAndSize d, HasSignAndSize c, HasSignAndSize b, HasSignAndSize a)
            => Uninterpreted (SBV h -> SBV g -> SBV f -> SBV e -> SBV d -> SBV c -> SBV b -> SBV a) where
  uninterpretWithHandle nm = (mkUFName nm, f)
    where f arg0 arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4 arg5 arg6 = SBV sgnsza $ Right $ cache result
           where sgnsza = (hasSign (undefined :: a), sizeOf (undefined :: a))
                 sgnszb = (hasSign (undefined :: b), sizeOf (undefined :: b))
                 sgnszc = (hasSign (undefined :: c), sizeOf (undefined :: c))
                 sgnszd = (hasSign (undefined :: d), sizeOf (undefined :: d))
                 sgnsze = (hasSign (undefined :: e), sizeOf (undefined :: e))
                 sgnszf = (hasSign (undefined :: f), sizeOf (undefined :: f))
                 sgnszg = (hasSign (undefined :: g), sizeOf (undefined :: g))
                 sgnszh = (hasSign (undefined :: h), sizeOf (undefined :: h))
                 result st = do newUninterpreted st nm (SBVType [sgnszh, sgnszg, sgnszf, sgnsze, sgnszd, sgnszc, sgnszb, sgnsza])
                                sw0 <- sbvToSW st arg0
                                sw1 <- sbvToSW st arg1
                                sw2 <- sbvToSW st arg2
                                sw3 <- sbvToSW st arg3
                                sw4 <- sbvToSW st arg4
                                sw5 <- sbvToSW st arg5
                                sw6 <- sbvToSW st arg6
                                mapM_ forceArg [sw0, sw1, sw2, sw3, sw4, sw5, sw6]
                                newExpr st sgnsza $ SBVApp (Uninterpreted nm) [sw0, sw1, sw2, sw3, sw4, sw5, sw6]

-- Uncurried functions of two arguments
instance (HasSignAndSize c, HasSignAndSize b, HasSignAndSize a) => Uninterpreted ((SBV c, SBV b) -> SBV a) where
  uninterpretWithHandle nm = let (h, f) = uninterpretWithHandle nm in (h, \(arg0, arg1) -> f arg0 arg1)

-- Uncurried functions of three arguments
instance (HasSignAndSize d, HasSignAndSize c, HasSignAndSize b, HasSignAndSize a) => Uninterpreted ((SBV d, SBV c, SBV b) -> SBV a) where
  uninterpretWithHandle nm = let (h, f) = uninterpretWithHandle nm in (h, \(arg0, arg1, arg2) -> f arg0 arg1 arg2)

-- Uncurried functions of four arguments
instance (HasSignAndSize e, HasSignAndSize d, HasSignAndSize c, HasSignAndSize b, HasSignAndSize a)
            => Uninterpreted ((SBV e, SBV d, SBV c, SBV b) -> SBV a) where
  uninterpretWithHandle nm = let (h, f) = uninterpretWithHandle nm in (h, \(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3) -> f arg0 arg1 arg2 arg3)

-- Uncurried functions of five arguments
instance (HasSignAndSize f, HasSignAndSize e, HasSignAndSize d, HasSignAndSize c, HasSignAndSize b, HasSignAndSize a)
            => Uninterpreted ((SBV f, SBV e, SBV d, SBV c, SBV b) -> SBV a) where
  uninterpretWithHandle nm = let (h, f) = uninterpretWithHandle nm in (h, \(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) -> f arg0 arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4)

-- Uncurried functions of six arguments
instance (HasSignAndSize g, HasSignAndSize f, HasSignAndSize e, HasSignAndSize d, HasSignAndSize c, HasSignAndSize b, HasSignAndSize a)
            => Uninterpreted ((SBV g, SBV f, SBV e, SBV d, SBV c, SBV b) -> SBV a) where
  uninterpretWithHandle nm = let (h, f) = uninterpretWithHandle nm in (h, \(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5) -> f arg0 arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4 arg5)

-- Uncurried functions of seven arguments
instance (HasSignAndSize h, HasSignAndSize g, HasSignAndSize f, HasSignAndSize e, HasSignAndSize d, HasSignAndSize c, HasSignAndSize b, HasSignAndSize a)
            => Uninterpreted ((SBV h, SBV g, SBV f, SBV e, SBV d, SBV c, SBV b) -> SBV a) where
  uninterpretWithHandle nm = let (h, f) = uninterpretWithHandle nm in (h, \(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6) -> f arg0 arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4 arg5 arg6)