Name: sbv Version: 0.9.23 Category: Formal Methods, Theorem Provers, Bit vectors, Symbolic Computation, Math Synopsis: Symbolic bit vectors: Bit-precise verification and automatic C-code generation. Description: Express properties about bit-precise Haskell programs and automatically prove them using SMT solvers. Automatically generate C programs from Haskell functions. The SBV library adds support for symbolic bit vectors, allowing formal models of bit-precise programs to be created. . > $ ghci -XScopedTypeVariables > Prelude> :m Data.SBV > Prelude Data.SBV> prove $ \(x::SWord8) -> x `shiftL` 2 .== 4*x > Q.E.D. > Prelude Data.SBV> prove $ forAll ["x"] $ \(x::SWord8) -> x `shiftL` 2 .== x > Falsifiable. Counter-example: > x = 128 :: SWord8 . The library introduces the following types and concepts: . * 'SBool': Symbolic Booleans (bits) . * 'SWord8', 'SWord16', 'SWord32', 'SWord64': Symbolic Words (unsigned) . * 'SInt8', 'SInt16', 'SInt32', 'SInt64': Symbolic Ints (signed) . * 'SInteger': Symbolic unbounded integers (signed) . * 'SArray', 'SFunArray': Flat arrays of symbolic values . * 'STree': Full binary trees of symbolic values (for fast symbolic access) . * Symbolic polynomials over GF(2^n), and polynomial arithmetic . * Uninterpreted constants and functions over symbolic values, with user defined SMT-Lib axioms . Functions built out of these types can be: . * proven correct via an external SMT solver (the 'prove' function) . * checked for satisfiability (the 'sat', and 'allSat' functions) . * used in synthesis (the 'sat' function with existential variables) . * optimized with respect to cost functions (the 'optimize', 'maximize', and 'minimize' functions) . * quick-checked . Predicates can have both existential and universal variables. Use of alternating quantifiers provides considerable expressive power. Furthermore, existential variables allow synthesis via model generation. . The SBV library can also compile Haskell functions that manipulate symbolic values directly to C, rendering them as straight-line C programs. . In addition to the library, the installation will create the executable @SBVUnitTests@. You should run it once the installation is complete, to make sure the unit tests are run and all is well. . SBV is hosted at GitHub: . Comments, bug reports, and patches are always welcome. . The following people reported bugs, provided comments/feedback, or contributed to the development of SBV in various ways: Ian Blumenfeld, Ian Calvert, Iavor Diatchki, Tom Hawkins, Lee Pike, Austin Seipp, Don Stewart, Josef Svenningsson, and Nis Wegmann. Copyright: Levent Erkok, 2010-2011 License: BSD3 License-file: LICENSE Stability: Experimental Author: Levent Erkok Homepage: Bug-reports: Maintainer: Levent Erkok ( Build-Type: Custom Cabal-Version: >= 1.6 Data-Files: SBVUnitTest/GoldFiles/*.gold Extra-Source-Files: INSTALL, README, COPYRIGHT source-repository head type: git location: git:// Library ghc-options : -Wall ghc-prof-options: -auto-all -caf-all Build-Depends : base >= 3 && < 5 , deepseq >= , process >= , containers >= , QuickCheck >= , strict-concurrency >= , old-time >= , mtl >= , array >= , HUnit >= , directory >= , filepath >= , pretty >= , random >= Exposed-modules : Data.SBV , Data.SBV.Internals , Data.SBV.Examples.BitPrecise.BitTricks , Data.SBV.Examples.BitPrecise.Legato , Data.SBV.Examples.BitPrecise.PrefixSum , Data.SBV.Examples.CodeGeneration.AddSub , Data.SBV.Examples.CodeGeneration.CRC_USB5 , Data.SBV.Examples.CodeGeneration.Fibonacci , Data.SBV.Examples.CodeGeneration.GCD , Data.SBV.Examples.CodeGeneration.PopulationCount , Data.SBV.Examples.CodeGeneration.Uninterpreted , Data.SBV.Examples.Crypto.AES , Data.SBV.Examples.Crypto.RC4 , Data.SBV.Examples.Existentials.CRCPolynomial , Data.SBV.Examples.Polynomials.Polynomials , Data.SBV.Examples.Puzzles.Counts , Data.SBV.Examples.Puzzles.DogCatMouse , Data.SBV.Examples.Puzzles.Euler185 , Data.SBV.Examples.Puzzles.MagicSquare , Data.SBV.Examples.Puzzles.NQueens , Data.SBV.Examples.Puzzles.Sudoku , Data.SBV.Examples.Puzzles.U2Bridge , Data.SBV.Examples.Uninterpreted.AUF , Data.SBV.Examples.Uninterpreted.Function Other-modules : Data.SBV.BitVectors.Data , Data.SBV.BitVectors.Model , Data.SBV.BitVectors.Optimize , Data.SBV.BitVectors.Polynomial , Data.SBV.BitVectors.PrettyNum , Data.SBV.BitVectors.SignCast , Data.SBV.BitVectors.Splittable , Data.SBV.BitVectors.STree , Data.SBV.Compilers.C , Data.SBV.Compilers.CodeGen , Data.SBV.SMT.SMT , Data.SBV.SMT.SMTLib , Data.SBV.SMT.SMTLib1 , Data.SBV.SMT.SMTLib2 , Data.SBV.Provers.Prover , Data.SBV.Provers.SExpr , Data.SBV.Provers.Yices , Data.SBV.Provers.Z3 , Data.SBV.Utils.Boolean , Data.SBV.Utils.TDiff , Data.SBV.Utils.SBVTest , Data.SBV.Utils.Lib , Data.SBV.Examples.Arrays.Memory , Data.SBV.Examples.Basics.BasicTests , Data.SBV.Examples.Basics.Higher , Data.SBV.Examples.Basics.Index , Data.SBV.Examples.Basics.ProofTests , Data.SBV.Examples.Basics.QRem , Data.SBV.Examples.CRC.CCITT , Data.SBV.Examples.CRC.CCITT_Unidir , Data.SBV.Examples.CRC.GenPoly , Data.SBV.Examples.CRC.Parity , Data.SBV.Examples.CRC.USB5 , Data.SBV.Examples.Puzzles.PowerSet , Data.SBV.Examples.Puzzles.Temperature , Data.SBV.Examples.Uninterpreted.Uninterpreted , Data.SBV.TestSuite.Arrays.Memory , Data.SBV.TestSuite.Basics.Arithmetic , Data.SBV.TestSuite.Basics.BasicTests , Data.SBV.TestSuite.Basics.Higher , Data.SBV.TestSuite.Basics.Index , Data.SBV.TestSuite.Basics.ProofTests , Data.SBV.TestSuite.Basics.QRem , Data.SBV.TestSuite.BitPrecise.BitTricks , Data.SBV.TestSuite.BitPrecise.Legato , Data.SBV.TestSuite.BitPrecise.PrefixSum , Data.SBV.TestSuite.CodeGeneration.AddSub , Data.SBV.TestSuite.CodeGeneration.CgTests , Data.SBV.TestSuite.CodeGeneration.CRC_USB5 , Data.SBV.TestSuite.CodeGeneration.Fibonacci , Data.SBV.TestSuite.CodeGeneration.GCD , Data.SBV.TestSuite.CodeGeneration.PopulationCount , Data.SBV.TestSuite.CodeGeneration.Uninterpreted , Data.SBV.TestSuite.Crypto.AES , Data.SBV.TestSuite.Crypto.RC4 , Data.SBV.TestSuite.Existentials.CRCPolynomial , Data.SBV.TestSuite.CRC.CCITT , Data.SBV.TestSuite.CRC.CCITT_Unidir , Data.SBV.TestSuite.CRC.GenPoly , Data.SBV.TestSuite.CRC.Parity , Data.SBV.TestSuite.CRC.USB5 , Data.SBV.TestSuite.Polynomials.Polynomials , Data.SBV.TestSuite.Puzzles.Counts , Data.SBV.TestSuite.Puzzles.DogCatMouse , Data.SBV.TestSuite.Puzzles.Euler185 , Data.SBV.TestSuite.Puzzles.MagicSquare , Data.SBV.TestSuite.Puzzles.NQueens , Data.SBV.TestSuite.Puzzles.PowerSet , Data.SBV.TestSuite.Puzzles.Sudoku , Data.SBV.TestSuite.Puzzles.U2Bridge , Data.SBV.TestSuite.Puzzles.Temperature , Data.SBV.TestSuite.Uninterpreted.AUF , Data.SBV.TestSuite.Uninterpreted.Uninterpreted , Data.SBV.TestSuite.Uninterpreted.Function Executable SBVUnitTests main-is : SBVUnitTest/SBVUnitTest.hs Other-modules : SBVUnitTest.SBVUnitTestBuildTime