name: scan-vector-machine version: 0.2.1 Cabal-Version: >= 1.8 build-type: Simple synopsis: An implementation of the Scan Vector Machine instruction set in Haskell license: BSD3 category: Parallelism maintainer: Adam Megacz description: An implementation of the Scan Vector Machine instruction set in Haskell license-file: LICENSE library exposed-modules: Control.Parallel.ScanVectorMachine , Control.Parallel.SerialScanVectorMachine , Control.Parallel.SegmentedScanVectorMachine , Control.Parallel.NestedVectors , Control.Parallel.DataParallelHaskellSVM , Control.Parallel.AccelerateSVM build-depends: haskell2010, HUnit >=1.0, array, dph-par, accelerate Test-Suite Test type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 main-is: Control/Parallel/Tests.hs build-depends: haskell2010, HUnit >=1.0, array