Name: scc Version: 0.1 Cabal-Version: >= 1.2 Build-Type: Simple Synopsis: Streaming component combinators Category: Control, Combinators Description: SCC is a layered library of Streaming Component Combinators. The lowest layer defines a Pipe monad transformer that enables building of producer-consumer coroutine pairs. The next layer adds streaming component types, a number of primitive streaming components and a set of component combinators. Finally, there is an executable that exposes all functionality in a command-line shell. . The library design is based on paper . Mario Blažević, Streaming component combinators, Extreme Markup Languages, 2006. License: GPL License-file: LICENSE.txt Copyright: (c) 2008 Mario Blazevic Author: Mario Blazevic Maintainer: Extra-source-files: grammar.bnf Makefile LICENSE.txt Test.hs Executable shsh Main-is: Shell.hs Other-Modules: Control.Concurrent.SCC.Foundation, Control.Concurrent.SCC.ComponentTypes, Control.Concurrent.SCC.Components, Control.Concurrent.SCC.Combinators Build-Depends: base, containers, process, readline, parsec Library Exposed-Modules: Control.Concurrent.SCC.Foundation, Control.Concurrent.SCC.ComponentTypes, Control.Concurrent.SCC.Components, Control.Concurrent.SCC.Combinators Build-Depends: base, containers