{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances, FunctionalDependencies, FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards, FlexibleInstances, CPP #-}
-- |
-- Module      : Scion.Inspect.Search
-- Copyright   : (c) Thomas Schilling 2008
-- License     : BSD-style
-- Maintainer  : nominolo@gmail.com
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : portable
-- Find things in a syntax tree.
module Scion.Inspect.Find 
  ( findHsThing, SearchResult(..), SearchResults
  , PosTree(..), PosForest, deepestLeaf, pathToDeepest
  , surrounds, overlaps
#ifdef DEBUG
  , prop_invCmpOverlap

import Scion.Utils()

import GHC
import BasicTypes ( IPName(..) )
import Bag
import Var ( varName )
import Outputable

import Data.Monoid ( mempty, mappend, mconcat )
import Data.Foldable as F ( toList, maximumBy )
import Data.Ord    ( comparing )
import qualified Data.Set as S


data PosTree a = Node { val :: a, children :: PosForest a }
               deriving (Eq, Ord)
type PosForest a = S.Set (PosTree a)

-- | Lookup all the things in a certain region.
findHsThing :: Search id a => (SrcSpan -> Bool) -> a -> SearchResults id
findHsThing p a = search p noSrcSpan a

deepestLeaf :: Ord a => PosTree a -> a
deepestLeaf t = snd $ go (0::Int) t
    go n (Node x xs)
      | S.null xs = (n,x)
      | otherwise = maximumBy (comparing fst) (S.map (go (n+1)) xs)

-- | Returns the deepest leaf, together with the path to this leaf.  For
-- example, for the following tree with root @A@:
-- @
--     A -+- B --- C
--        '- D --- E --- F
-- @
-- this function will return:
-- @
--    (F, [E, D, A])
-- @
-- If @F@ were missing the result is either @(C, [B,A])@ or @(E, [D,A])@.
pathToDeepest :: Ord a => PosForest a -> Maybe (a, [a])
pathToDeepest forest 
  | S.null forest = Nothing
  | otherwise = Just $ ptl3 $ go_many (0::Int) [] forest
    go n path (Node x xs)
      | S.null xs = (n, x, path)
      | otherwise = go_many (n+1) (x:path) xs
    go_many n path xs = 
      maximumBy (comparing fst3) (S.map (go n path) xs)
    fst3 (x,_,_) = x
    ptl3 (_,x,y) = (x,y)

data SearchResult id
  = FoundBind SrcSpan (HsBind id)
  | FoundPat  SrcSpan (Pat id)
  | FoundType SrcSpan (HsType id)
  | FoundExpr SrcSpan (HsExpr id)
  | FoundStmt SrcSpan (Stmt id)
  | FoundId   Id
  | FoundName Name
  | FoundCon  SrcSpan DataCon
  | FoundLit  SrcSpan HsLit

resLoc :: SearchResult id -> SrcSpan
resLoc (FoundId i) = nameSrcSpan (varName i)
resLoc (FoundName n) = nameSrcSpan n
resLoc (FoundBind s _) = s
resLoc (FoundPat s _)  = s
resLoc (FoundType s _) = s
resLoc (FoundExpr s _) = s
resLoc (FoundStmt s _) = s
resLoc (FoundCon s _)  = s
resLoc (FoundLit s _)  = s

instance Eq (SearchResult id) where
  a == b = resLoc a == resLoc b   -- TODO: sufficient?

instance Ord (SearchResult id) where
  compare a b = compare (resLoc a) (resLoc b)

type SearchResults id = PosForest (SearchResult id)

-- | Given two good SrcSpans (see 'SrcLoc.isGoodSrcSpan'), returns 'EQ' if the
-- spans overlap or, if not, the relative ordering of both.
cmpOverlap :: SrcSpan -> SrcSpan -> Ordering
cmpOverlap sp1 sp2
  | not (isGoodSrcSpan sp1) = LT
  | not (isGoodSrcSpan sp2) = GT
  | end1 < start2 = LT
  | end2 < start1 = GT
  | otherwise     = EQ
   -- At this point we assume that both spans are good.  We also ignore the
   -- file names since faststrings seem to be rather unreliable.
   start1 = (srcSpanStartLine sp1, srcSpanStartCol sp1)
   end1   = (srcSpanEndLine sp1, srcSpanEndCol sp1)
   start2 = (srcSpanStartLine sp2, srcSpanStartCol sp2)
   end2   = (srcSpanEndLine sp2, srcSpanEndCol sp2)

surrounds :: SrcSpan -> SrcSpan -> Bool
surrounds outer inner = start1 <= start2 && end2 <= end1
   start1 = srcSpanStart outer
   end1   = srcSpanEnd outer
   start2 = srcSpanStart inner
   end2   = srcSpanEnd inner

overlaps :: SrcSpan -> SrcSpan -> Bool
overlaps sp1 sp2 = cmpOverlap sp1 sp2 == EQ

#ifdef DEBUG

prop_invCmpOverlap :: SrcSpan -> SrcSpan -> Bool
prop_invCmpOverlap s1 s2 =
  case cmpOverlap s1 s2 of
    LT -> cmpOverlap s2 s1 == GT
    EQ -> cmpOverlap s2 s1 == EQ
    GT -> cmpOverlap s2 s1 == LT

-- prop_sane : if overlap -> there is some point which is in both spans



instance (OutputableBndr id, Outputable id)
    => Outputable (SearchResult id) where
  ppr (FoundBind s b) = text "bind:" <+> ppr s $$ nest 4 (ppr b)
  ppr (FoundPat s b)  = text "pat: " <+> ppr s $$ nest 4 (ppr b)
  ppr (FoundType s t) = text "type:" <+> ppr s $$ nest 4 (ppr t)
  ppr (FoundExpr s e) = text "expr:" <+> ppr s $$ nest 4 (ppr e)
  ppr (FoundStmt s t) = text "stmt:" <+> ppr s $$ nest 4 (ppr t)
  ppr (FoundId i)     = text "id:  " <+> ppr i
  ppr (FoundName n)   = text "name:" <+> ppr n
  ppr (FoundCon s c)  = text "con: " <+> ppr s $$ nest 4 (ppr c)
  ppr (FoundLit s l)  = text "lit: " <+> ppr s $$ nest 4 (ppr l)

instance Outputable a => Outputable (PosTree a) where
  ppr (Node v cs) = ppr v $$ nest 2 (vcat (map ppr (S.toList cs)))

class Search id a | a -> id where
  search :: (SrcSpan -> Bool) -> SrcSpan -> a -> SearchResults id

only :: SearchResult id -> SearchResults id
only r = S.singleton (Node r S.empty)

above :: SearchResult id -> SearchResults id -> SearchResults id
above r rest = S.singleton (Node r rest)

instance Search Id Id where
  search _ _ i = only (FoundId i)

instance Search Name Name where
  search _ _ i = only (FoundName i)

instance Search id DataCon where
  search _ s d = only (FoundCon s d)

instance Search id HsLit where
  search _ s l = only (FoundLit s l)

instance Search id id => Search id (IPName id) where
  search p s (IPName i) = search p s i

instance Search id a => Search id (Located a) where
  search p _ (L s a)
    | p s   = search p s a
    | otherwise = mempty

instance Search id a => Search id (Bag a) where
  search p s bs = mconcat $ fmap (search p s) (F.toList bs)

instance Search id a => Search id [a] where
  search p s bs = mconcat $ fmap (search p s) bs

instance Search id a => Search id (Maybe a) where
  search _ _ Nothing = mempty
  search p s (Just a) = search p s a

instance (Search id id) => Search id (HsGroup id) where
  search p s grp =
      search p s (hs_valds grp)
      -- TODO

instance (Search id id) => Search id (HsBindLR id id) where
  search p s b = FoundBind s b `above` search_inside
      search_inside = 
        case b of
          FunBind { fun_id = i, fun_matches = ms } -> 
              search p s i `mappend` search p s ms
          AbsBinds { abs_binds = bs }  -> search p s bs
          PatBind { pat_lhs = lhs, pat_rhs = rhs } ->
              search p s lhs `mappend` search p s rhs
          _ -> mempty

instance (Search id id) => Search id (MatchGroup id) where
  search p s (MatchGroup ms _) = search p s ms

instance (Search id id) => Search id (Match id) where
  search p s (Match pats tysig rhss) =
    search p s pats `mappend` search p s tysig `mappend` search p s rhss
instance (Search id id) => Search id (Pat id) where
  search p s pat0 = FoundPat s pat0 `above` search_inside
      search_inside = 
        case pat0 of
          VarPat i              -> search p s i
          VarPatOut i _         -> search p s i
          LazyPat pat           -> search p s pat
          AsPat i pat           -> search p s i `mappend` search p s pat
          ParPat pat            -> search p s pat
          BangPat pat           -> search p s pat
          ListPat ps _          -> search p s ps
          TuplePat ps _ _       -> search p s ps
          PArrPat ps _          -> search p s ps
          ConPatIn i d          -> search p s i `mappend` search p s d
          ConPatOut c _ _ _ d _ -> search p s c `mappend` search p s d
          ViewPat e pt _        -> search p s e `mappend` search p s pt
          TypePat t             -> search p s t
          SigPatIn pt t         -> search p s pt `mappend` search p s t
          SigPatOut pt _        -> search p s pt
          NPlusKPat n _ _ _     -> search p s n
          _ -> mempty

-- type HsConPatDetails id = HsConDetails (LPat id) (HsRecFields id (LPat id))
instance (Search id arg, Search id rec) => Search id (HsConDetails arg rec) where
  search p s (PrefixCon args) = search p s args
  search p s (RecCon rec)     = search p s rec
  search p s (InfixCon a1 a2) = search p s a1 `mappend` search p s a2

instance (Search id id) => Search id (HsType id) where
  search _ s t = only (FoundType s t)

instance (Search id id) => Search id (GRHSs id) where
  search p s (GRHSs rhss local_binds) =
    search p s rhss `mappend` search p s local_binds

instance (Search id id) => Search id (GRHS id) where
  search p s (GRHS _guards rhs) =
    -- guards look like statements, but we should probably treat them
    -- differently
    search p s rhs

instance (Search id id) => Search id (HsExpr id) where
  search p s e0 = FoundExpr s e0 `above` search_inside
      search_inside = 
        case e0 of
          HsVar i -> search p s i
          HsIPVar i -> search p s i
          HsLit l -> search p s l
          ExprWithTySigOut e _t -> search p s e --`mappend` search p s t
          HsBracketOut _b _ -> mempty -- search p s b
          HsLam mg -> search p s mg
          HsApp l r -> search p s l `mappend` search p s r
          OpApp l o _ r -> search p s l `mappend` search p s o 
                                        `mappend` search p s r
          NegApp e n    -> search p s e `mappend` search p s n
          HsPar e       -> search p s e
          SectionL e o  -> search p s e `mappend` search p s o
          SectionR o e  -> search p s o `mappend` search p s e
          HsCase e mg   -> search p s e `mappend` search p s mg
          HsIf c t e    -> search p s c `mappend` search p s t 
                                        `mappend` search p s e
          HsLet bs e    -> search p s bs `mappend` search p s e
          HsDo _ ss e _ -> search p s ss `mappend` search p s e
          ExplicitList _ es     -> search p s es
          ExplicitPArr _ es     -> search p s es
          ExplicitTuple es _    -> search p s es
          RecordCon _ _ bs      -> search p s bs
          RecordUpd es bs _ _ _ -> search p s es `mappend` search p s bs
          ExprWithTySig e t     -> search p s e `mappend` search p s t
          --ExprWithTySigOut e t  -> mempty
          ArithSeq _ i          -> search p s i
          PArrSeq _ i           -> search p s i
          HsSCC _ e             -> search p s e
          HsCoreAnn _ e         -> search p s e
          HsBracket b      -> search p s b
          --HsBracketOut b _ -> search p s b --
          HsSpliceE sp     -> search p s sp
          HsQuasiQuoteE _  -> mempty
          HsProc pat ct        -> search p s pat `mappend` search p s ct
          HsArrApp f arg _ _ _ -> search p s f `mappend` search p s arg
          HsArrForm e _ cmds   -> search p s e `mappend` search p s cmds
          HsTick _ _ e     -> search p s e
          HsBinTick _ _ e  -> search p s e
          HsTickPragma _ e -> search p s e 
          HsWrap _ e       -> search p s e
          _ -> mempty

instance (Search id id) => Search id (HsLocalBindsLR id id) where
  search p s (HsValBinds val_binds) = search p s val_binds
  search _ _ _ = mempty

instance (Search id id) => Search id (HsValBindsLR id id) where
  search p s (ValBindsOut rec_binds _) =
      mconcat $ fmap (search p s . snd) rec_binds
  search _ _ _ = mempty

instance (Search id id) => Search id (HsCmdTop id) where
  search p s (HsCmdTop c _ _ _) = search p s c

instance (Search id id) => Search id (StmtLR id id) where
  search p s st 
    | RecStmt _ _ _ _ _ <- st = search_inside -- see Note [SearchRecStmt]
    | otherwise               = FoundStmt s st `above` search_inside
      search_inside =
        case st of
          BindStmt pat e _ _ -> search p s pat `mappend` search p s e
          ExprStmt e _ _     -> search p s e
          LetStmt bs         -> search p s bs
          ParStmt ss         -> search p s (concatMap fst ss)
          TransformStmt (ss,_) f e -> search p s ss `mappend` search p s f
                                                    `mappend` search p s e
          GroupStmt (ss, _) g -> search p s ss `mappend` search p s g
          RecStmt ss _ _ _ _ -> search p s ss

-- Note [SearchRecStmt]
-- --------------------
-- We only return children of a RecStmt but not the RecStmt itself, even
-- though a RecStmt may occur in the source code (under very rare
-- circumstances).  The reasons are:
--  * We have no way of knowing whether the RecStmt actually occured in the
--    source code.  We could add a flag in GHC, but its probably not
--    worthwhile due to the other reason.
--  * GHC may move things out of the recursive group if it detects that these
--    things are in fact not recursive at all.  Source locations are
--    preserved, so this is fine.

instance (Search id id) => Search id (GroupByClause id) where
  search p s (GroupByNothing f) = search p s f
  search p s (GroupBySomething using_f e) =
      either (search p s) (const mempty) using_f `mappend` search p s e

instance (Search id id) => Search id (ArithSeqInfo id) where
  search p s (From e)         = search p s e
  search p s (FromThen e1 e2) = search p s e1 `mappend` search p s e2
  search p s (FromTo e1 e2)   = search p s e1 `mappend` search p s e2
  search p s (FromThenTo e1 e2 e3) = 
      search p s e1 `mappend` search p s e2 `mappend` search p s e3

-- type HsRecordBinds id = HsRecFields id (LHsExpr id)
instance Search id e => Search id (HsRecFields id e) where
  search p s (HsRecFields flds _) = search p s flds

instance Search id e => Search id (HsRecField id e) where
  search p s (HsRecField _lid a _) = search p s a

instance (Search id id) => Search id (HsBracket id) where
  search p s (ExpBr e) = search p s e
  search p s (PatBr q) = search p s q
  search p s (DecBr g) = search p s g
  search p s (TypBr t) = search p s t
  search _ _ (VarBr _) = mempty

instance (Search id id) => Search id (HsSplice id) where
  search p s (HsSplice _ e) = search p s e