{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- | It should be noted that most of the code snippets below depend on the
-- OverloadedStrings language pragma.
module Web.Scotty
    ( -- * scotty-to-WAI
      scotty, scottyApp
      -- * Defining Middleware and Routes
      -- | 'Middleware' and routes are run in the order in which they
      -- are defined. All middleware is run first, followed by the first
      -- route that matches. If no route matches, a 404 response is given.
    , middleware, get, post, put, delete, addroute, matchAny, notFound
      -- ** Route Patterns
    , capture, regex, function, literal
      -- * Defining Actions
      -- ** Accessing the Request, Captures, and Query Parameters
    , request, body, param, jsonData
      -- ** Modifying the Response and Redirecting
    , status, header, redirect
      -- ** Setting Response Body
      -- | Note: only one of these should be present in any given route
      -- definition, as they completely replace the current 'Response' body.
    , text, html, file, json
      -- ** Exceptions
    , raise, rescue, next
      -- * Types
    , ScottyM, ActionM, Param, Parsable, RoutePattern
    ) where

import Web.Scotty.Action
import Web.Scotty.Route
import Web.Scotty.Types

import Blaze.ByteString.Builder (fromByteString)

import Control.Monad.State (execStateT, modify)

import Data.Default (def)

import Network.HTTP.Types (status404)
import Network.Wai
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp (Port, run)

-- | Run a scotty application using the warp server.
scotty :: Port -> ScottyM () -> IO ()
scotty p s = putStrLn ("Setting phasers to stun... (ctrl-c to quit) (port " ++ show p ++ ")") >> (run p =<< scottyApp s)

-- | Turn a scotty application into a WAI 'Application', which can be
-- run with any WAI handler.
scottyApp :: ScottyM () -> IO Application
scottyApp defs = do
    s <- execStateT (runS defs) def
    return $ foldl (flip ($)) notFoundApp $ routes s ++ middlewares s

notFoundApp :: Application
notFoundApp _ = return $ ResponseBuilder status404 [("Content-Type","text/html")]
                       $ fromByteString "<h1>404: File Not Found!</h1>"

-- | Use given middleware. Middleware is nested such that the first declared
-- is the outermost middleware (it has first dibs on the request and last action
-- on the response). Every middleware is run on each request.
middleware :: Middleware -> ScottyM ()
middleware m = modify (addMiddleware m)