module Web.Scotty.Action
( addHeader
, body
, file
, files
, header
, headers
, html
, json
, jsonData
, next
, param
, params
, raise
, raw
, readEither
, redirect
, reqHeader
, request
, rescue
, setHeader
, source
, status
, text
, Param
, Parsable(..)
, runAction
) where
import Blaze.ByteString.Builder (Builder, fromLazyByteString)
import Control.Monad.Error
import Control.Monad.Reader
import qualified Control.Monad.State as MS
import qualified Data.Aeson as A
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BL
import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI
import Data.Conduit (Flush, Source)
import Data.Default (def)
import Data.Monoid (mconcat)
import qualified Data.Text as ST
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as T
import Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding (encodeUtf8)
import Network.HTTP.Types
import Network.Wai
import Web.Scotty.Types
import Web.Scotty.Util
runAction :: (ScottyError e, Monad m) => ErrorHandler e m -> ActionEnv -> ActionT e m () -> m (Maybe Response)
runAction h env action = do
(e,r) <- flip MS.runStateT def
$ flip runReaderT env
$ runErrorT
$ runAM
$ action `catchError` (defH h)
return $ either (const Nothing) (const $ Just $ mkResponse r) e
defH :: (ScottyError e, Monad m) => ErrorHandler e m -> ActionError e -> ActionT e m ()
defH _ (Redirect url) = do
status status302
setHeader "Location" url
defH Nothing (ActionError e) = do
status status500
html $ mconcat ["<h1>500 Internal Server Error</h1>", showError e]
defH h@(Just f) (ActionError e) = f e `catchError` (defH h)
defH _ Next = next
raise :: (ScottyError e, Monad m) => e -> ActionT e m a
raise = throwError . ActionError
next :: (ScottyError e, Monad m) => ActionT e m a
next = throwError Next
rescue :: (ScottyError e, Monad m) => ActionT e m a -> (e -> ActionT e m a) -> ActionT e m a
rescue action h = catchError action $ \e -> case e of
ActionError err -> h err
other -> throwError other
redirect :: (ScottyError e, Monad m) => T.Text -> ActionT e m a
redirect = throwError . Redirect
request :: (ScottyError e, Monad m) => ActionT e m Request
request = ActionT $ liftM getReq ask
files :: (ScottyError e, Monad m) => ActionT e m [File]
files = ActionT $ liftM getFiles ask
reqHeader :: (ScottyError e, Monad m) => T.Text -> ActionT e m (Maybe T.Text)
reqHeader = header
header :: (ScottyError e, Monad m) => T.Text -> ActionT e m (Maybe T.Text)
header k = do
hs <- liftM requestHeaders request
return $ fmap strictByteStringToLazyText $ lookup ( (lazyTextToStrictByteString k)) hs
headers :: (ScottyError e, Monad m) => ActionT e m [(T.Text, T.Text)]
headers = do
hs <- liftM requestHeaders request
return [ ( strictByteStringToLazyText (CI.original k)
, strictByteStringToLazyText v)
| (k,v) <- hs ]
body :: (ScottyError e, Monad m) => ActionT e m BL.ByteString
body = ActionT $ liftM getBody ask
jsonData :: (A.FromJSON a, ScottyError e, Monad m) => ActionT e m a
jsonData = do
b <- body
maybe (raise $ stringError $ "jsonData - no parse: " ++ BL.unpack b) return $ A.decode b
param :: (Parsable a, ScottyError e, Monad m) => T.Text -> ActionT e m a
param k = do
val <- ActionT $ liftM (lookup k . getParams) ask
case val of
Nothing -> raise $ stringError $ "Param: " ++ T.unpack k ++ " not found!"
Just v -> either (const next) return $ parseParam v
params :: (ScottyError e, Monad m) => ActionT e m [Param]
params = ActionT $ liftM getParams ask
class Parsable a where
parseParam :: T.Text -> Either T.Text a
parseParamList :: T.Text -> Either T.Text [a]
parseParamList t = mapM parseParam (T.split (== ',') t)
instance Parsable T.Text where parseParam = Right
instance Parsable ST.Text where parseParam = Right . T.toStrict
instance Parsable B.ByteString where parseParam = Right . lazyTextToStrictByteString
instance Parsable Char where
parseParam t = case T.unpack t of
[c] -> Right c
_ -> Left "parseParam Char: no parse"
parseParamList = Right . T.unpack
instance Parsable () where
parseParam t = if T.null t then Right () else Left "parseParam Unit: no parse"
instance (Parsable a) => Parsable [a] where parseParam = parseParamList
instance Parsable Bool where
parseParam t = if t' == T.toCaseFold "true"
then Right True
else if t' == T.toCaseFold "false"
then Right False
else Left "parseParam Bool: no parse"
where t' = T.toCaseFold t
instance Parsable Double where parseParam = readEither
instance Parsable Float where parseParam = readEither
instance Parsable Int where parseParam = readEither
instance Parsable Integer where parseParam = readEither
readEither :: (Read a) => T.Text -> Either T.Text a
readEither t = case [ x | (x,"") <- reads (T.unpack t) ] of
[x] -> Right x
[] -> Left "readEither: no parse"
_ -> Left "readEither: ambiguous parse"
status :: (ScottyError e, Monad m) => Status -> ActionT e m ()
status = ActionT . MS.modify . setStatus
addHeader :: (ScottyError e, Monad m) => T.Text -> T.Text -> ActionT e m ()
addHeader k v = ActionT . MS.modify $ setHeaderWith $ add ( $ lazyTextToStrictByteString k) (lazyTextToStrictByteString v)
setHeader :: (ScottyError e, Monad m) => T.Text -> T.Text -> ActionT e m ()
setHeader k v = ActionT . MS.modify $ setHeaderWith $ replace ( $ lazyTextToStrictByteString k) (lazyTextToStrictByteString v)
text :: (ScottyError e, Monad m) => T.Text -> ActionT e m ()
text t = do
setHeader "Content-Type" "text/plain"
raw $ encodeUtf8 t
html :: (ScottyError e, Monad m) => T.Text -> ActionT e m ()
html t = do
setHeader "Content-Type" "text/html"
raw $ encodeUtf8 t
file :: (ScottyError e, Monad m) => FilePath -> ActionT e m ()
file = ActionT . MS.modify . setContent . ContentFile
json :: (A.ToJSON a, ScottyError e, Monad m) => a -> ActionT e m ()
json v = do
setHeader "Content-Type" "application/json"
raw $ A.encode v
source :: (ScottyError e, Monad m) => Source IO (Flush Builder) -> ActionT e m ()
source = ActionT . MS.modify . setContent . ContentSource
raw :: (ScottyError e, Monad m) => BL.ByteString -> ActionT e m ()
raw = ActionT . MS.modify . setContent . ContentBuilder . fromLazyByteString