{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, RankNTypes #-} module Web.Scotty.Action ( addHeader , body , file , files , header , headers , html , json , jsonData , next , param , params , raise , raw , readEither , redirect , request , rescue , setHeader , status , stream , source -- Deprecated , text , Param , Parsable(..) -- private to Scotty , runAction ) where import Blaze.ByteString.Builder (Builder, fromLazyByteString) import Control.Monad.Error import Control.Monad.Reader import qualified Control.Monad.State as MS import qualified Data.Aeson as A import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BL import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI import Data.Conduit import qualified Data.Conduit.List as CL import Data.Default (def) import Data.Monoid (mconcat) import qualified Data.Text as ST import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as T import Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding (encodeUtf8) import Network.HTTP.Types import Network.Wai import Web.Scotty.Types import Web.Scotty.Util -- Nothing indicates route failed (due to Next) and pattern matching should continue. -- Just indicates a successful response. runAction :: (ScottyError e, Monad m) => ErrorHandler e m -> ActionEnv -> ActionT e m () -> m (Maybe Response) runAction h env action = do (e,r) <- flip MS.runStateT def $ flip runReaderT env $ runErrorT $ runAM $ action `catchError` (defH h) return $ either (const Nothing) (const $ Just $ mkResponse r) e -- | Default error handler for all actions. defH :: (ScottyError e, Monad m) => ErrorHandler e m -> ActionError e -> ActionT e m () defH _ (Redirect url) = do status status302 setHeader "Location" url defH Nothing (ActionError e) = do status status500 html $ mconcat ["

500 Internal Server Error

", showError e] defH h@(Just f) (ActionError e) = f e `catchError` (defH h) -- so handlers can throw exceptions themselves defH _ Next = next -- | Throw an exception, which can be caught with 'rescue'. Uncaught exceptions -- turn into HTTP 500 responses. raise :: (ScottyError e, Monad m) => e -> ActionT e m a raise = throwError . ActionError -- | Abort execution of this action and continue pattern matching routes. -- Like an exception, any code after 'next' is not executed. -- -- As an example, these two routes overlap. The only way the second one will -- ever run is if the first one calls 'next'. -- -- > get "/foo/:bar" $ do -- > w :: Text <- param "bar" -- > unless (w == "special") next -- > text "You made a request to /foo/special" -- > -- > get "/foo/:baz" $ do -- > w <- param "baz" -- > text $ "You made a request to: " <> w next :: (ScottyError e, Monad m) => ActionT e m a next = throwError Next -- | Catch an exception thrown by 'raise'. -- -- > raise "just kidding" `rescue` (\msg -> text msg) rescue :: (ScottyError e, Monad m) => ActionT e m a -> (e -> ActionT e m a) -> ActionT e m a rescue action h = catchError action $ \e -> case e of ActionError err -> h err -- handle errors other -> throwError other -- rethrow internal error types -- | Redirect to given URL. Like throwing an uncatchable exception. Any code after the call to redirect -- will not be run. -- -- > redirect "http://www.google.com" -- -- OR -- -- > redirect "/foo/bar" redirect :: (ScottyError e, Monad m) => T.Text -> ActionT e m a redirect = throwError . Redirect -- | Get the 'Request' object. request :: (ScottyError e, Monad m) => ActionT e m Request request = ActionT $ liftM getReq ask -- | Get list of uploaded files. files :: (ScottyError e, Monad m) => ActionT e m [File] files = ActionT $ liftM getFiles ask -- | Get a request header. Header name is case-insensitive. header :: (ScottyError e, Monad m) => T.Text -> ActionT e m (Maybe T.Text) header k = do hs <- liftM requestHeaders request return $ fmap strictByteStringToLazyText $ lookup (CI.mk (lazyTextToStrictByteString k)) hs -- | Get all the request headers. Header names are case-insensitive. headers :: (ScottyError e, Monad m) => ActionT e m [(T.Text, T.Text)] headers = do hs <- liftM requestHeaders request return [ ( strictByteStringToLazyText (CI.original k) , strictByteStringToLazyText v) | (k,v) <- hs ] -- | Get the request body. body :: (ScottyError e, Monad m) => ActionT e m BL.ByteString body = ActionT $ liftM getBody ask -- | Parse the request body as a JSON object and return it. Raises an exception if parse is unsuccessful. jsonData :: (A.FromJSON a, ScottyError e, Monad m) => ActionT e m a jsonData = do b <- body maybe (raise $ stringError $ "jsonData - no parse: " ++ BL.unpack b) return $ A.decode b -- | Get a parameter. First looks in captures, then form data, then query parameters. -- -- * Raises an exception which can be caught by 'rescue' if parameter is not found. -- -- * If parameter is found, but 'read' fails to parse to the correct type, 'next' is called. -- This means captures are somewhat typed, in that a route won't match if a correctly typed -- capture cannot be parsed. param :: (Parsable a, ScottyError e, Monad m) => T.Text -> ActionT e m a param k = do val <- ActionT $ liftM (lookup k . getParams) ask case val of Nothing -> raise $ stringError $ "Param: " ++ T.unpack k ++ " not found!" Just v -> either (const next) return $ parseParam v -- | Get all parameters from capture, form and query (in that order). params :: (ScottyError e, Monad m) => ActionT e m [Param] params = ActionT $ liftM getParams ask -- | Minimum implemention: 'parseParam' class Parsable a where -- | Take a 'T.Text' value and parse it as 'a', or fail with a message. parseParam :: T.Text -> Either T.Text a -- | Default implementation parses comma-delimited lists. -- -- > parseParamList t = mapM parseParam (T.split (== ',') t) parseParamList :: T.Text -> Either T.Text [a] parseParamList t = mapM parseParam (T.split (== ',') t) -- No point using 'read' for Text, ByteString, Char, and String. instance Parsable T.Text where parseParam = Right instance Parsable ST.Text where parseParam = Right . T.toStrict instance Parsable B.ByteString where parseParam = Right . lazyTextToStrictByteString -- | Overrides default 'parseParamList' to parse String. instance Parsable Char where parseParam t = case T.unpack t of [c] -> Right c _ -> Left "parseParam Char: no parse" parseParamList = Right . T.unpack -- String -- | Checks if parameter is present and is null-valued, not a literal '()'. -- If the URI requested is: '/foo?bar=()&baz' then 'baz' will parse as (), where 'bar' will not. instance Parsable () where parseParam t = if T.null t then Right () else Left "parseParam Unit: no parse" instance (Parsable a) => Parsable [a] where parseParam = parseParamList instance Parsable Bool where parseParam t = if t' == T.toCaseFold "true" then Right True else if t' == T.toCaseFold "false" then Right False else Left "parseParam Bool: no parse" where t' = T.toCaseFold t instance Parsable Double where parseParam = readEither instance Parsable Float where parseParam = readEither instance Parsable Int where parseParam = readEither instance Parsable Integer where parseParam = readEither -- | Useful for creating 'Parsable' instances for things that already implement 'Read'. Ex: -- -- > instance Parsable Int where parseParam = readEither readEither :: (Read a) => T.Text -> Either T.Text a readEither t = case [ x | (x,"") <- reads (T.unpack t) ] of [x] -> Right x [] -> Left "readEither: no parse" _ -> Left "readEither: ambiguous parse" -- | Set the HTTP response status. Default is 200. status :: (ScottyError e, Monad m) => Status -> ActionT e m () status = ActionT . MS.modify . setStatus -- | Add to the response headers. Header names are case-insensitive. addHeader :: (ScottyError e, Monad m) => T.Text -> T.Text -> ActionT e m () addHeader k v = ActionT . MS.modify $ setHeaderWith $ add (CI.mk $ lazyTextToStrictByteString k) (lazyTextToStrictByteString v) -- | Set one of the response headers. Will override any previously set value for that header. -- Header names are case-insensitive. setHeader :: (ScottyError e, Monad m) => T.Text -> T.Text -> ActionT e m () setHeader k v = ActionT . MS.modify $ setHeaderWith $ replace (CI.mk $ lazyTextToStrictByteString k) (lazyTextToStrictByteString v) -- | Set the body of the response to the given 'T.Text' value. Also sets \"Content-Type\" -- header to \"text/plain\". text :: (ScottyError e, Monad m) => T.Text -> ActionT e m () text t = do setHeader "Content-Type" "text/plain" raw $ encodeUtf8 t -- | Set the body of the response to the given 'T.Text' value. Also sets \"Content-Type\" -- header to \"text/html\". html :: (ScottyError e, Monad m) => T.Text -> ActionT e m () html t = do setHeader "Content-Type" "text/html" raw $ encodeUtf8 t -- | Send a file as the response. Doesn't set the \"Content-Type\" header, so you probably -- want to do that on your own with 'setHeader'. file :: (ScottyError e, Monad m) => FilePath -> ActionT e m () file = ActionT . MS.modify . setContent . ContentFile -- | Set the body of the response to the JSON encoding of the given value. Also sets \"Content-Type\" -- header to \"application/json\". json :: (A.ToJSON a, ScottyError e, Monad m) => a -> ActionT e m () json v = do setHeader "Content-Type" "application/json" raw $ A.encode v -- | Set the body of the response to a Source. Doesn't set the -- \"Content-Type\" header, so you probably want to do that on your -- own with 'setHeader'. stream :: (ScottyError e, Monad m) => StreamingBody -> ActionT e m () stream = ActionT . MS.modify . setContent . ContentStream -- | Set the body of the response to a Source. Doesn't set the -- \"Content-Type\" header, so you probably want to do that on your -- own with 'setHeader'. source :: (ScottyError e, Monad m) => Source IO (Flush Builder) -> ActionT e m () source src = stream $ \send flush -> src $$ CL.mapM_ (\mbuilder -> case mbuilder of Chunk b -> send b Flush -> flush) -- Deprecated, but pragma is in Web.Scotty and Web.Scotty.Trans -- | Set the body of the response to the given 'BL.ByteString' value. Doesn't set the -- \"Content-Type\" header, so you probably want to do that on your -- own with 'setHeader'. raw :: (ScottyError e, Monad m) => BL.ByteString -> ActionT e m () raw = ActionT . MS.modify . setContent . ContentBuilder . fromLazyByteString