{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface, OverloadedStrings,
    RecordWildCards, NamedFieldPuns #-}

-- |Scrypt is a sequential memory-hard key derivation function. This module
--  provides low-level bindings to the 'scrypt' key derivation function as
--  well as a higher-level password-storage API. It is based on a fast C
--  implementation of scrypt, written by Colin Percival. For further
--  information see <http://www.tarsnap.com/scrypt.html>.
module Crypto.Scrypt (
    -- * Parameters to the @scrypt@ function
    -- $params
     ScryptParams, scryptParams, scryptParamsLen, defaultParams
    -- * Password Storage
    -- $password-storage
    , EncryptedPass(..), encryptPassIO, encryptPassIO'
    , newSalt, encryptPass, encryptPass'
    , verifyPass, verifyPass'
    -- * Low-level bindings to the @scrypt@ key derivation function
    -- $low-level
    , Pass(..), Salt(..), PassHash(..), scrypt, scrypt'
    ) where

import Control.Applicative
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64 as Base64
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import Data.Maybe
import Foreign (Ptr, Word8, Word32, Word64, allocaBytes, castPtr)
import Foreign.C
import System.Entropy (getEntropy)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)

newtype Pass          = Pass     { getPass :: B.ByteString } deriving (Show, Eq)
newtype Salt          = Salt     { getSalt :: B.ByteString } deriving (Show, Eq)
newtype PassHash      = PassHash { getHash :: B.ByteString } deriving (Show, Eq)
newtype EncryptedPass =
    EncryptedPass { getEncryptedPass  :: B.ByteString } deriving (Show, Eq)

-- $params
-- Scrypt takes three tuning parameters: @N@, @r@ and @p@. They affect running
-- time and memory usage:
-- /Memory usage/ is approximately @128*r*N@ bytes. Note that the
-- 'scryptParams' function takes @log_2(N)@ as a parameter. As an example,
-- the 'defaultParams'
-- >   log_2(N) = 14, r = 8 and p = 1
-- lead to 'scrypt' using @128 * 8 * 2^14 = 16M@ bytes of memory.
-- /Running time/ is proportional to all of @N@, @r@ and @p@. Since it's
-- influence on memory usage is small, @p@ can be used to independently tune
-- the running time.

-- |Encapsulates the three tuning parameters to the 'scrypt' function: @N@,
-- @r@ and @p@ (see above) as well es the length of the derived key.
data ScryptParams = Params { logN, r, p, bufLen :: Integer} deriving (Eq, Show)

-- |Constructor function for 'ScryptParams' with default derived-key-length of
--  64 bytes.
    :: Integer
    -- ^ @log_2(N)@. Scrypt's @N@ parameter must be a power of two greater
    --   than one, thus it's logarithm to base two must be greater than zero.
    --   @128*r*N@ must be smaller than the available memory address space.
    -> Integer
    -- ^ @r@, must be greater than zero.
    -> Integer
    -- ^ @p@, must be greater than zero. @r@ and @p@
    --   must satisfy @r*p < 2^30@.
    -> Maybe ScryptParams
    -- ^ Returns 'Just' the parameter object for valid arguments,
    --   otherwise 'Nothing'.
scryptParams logN r p = scryptParamsLen logN r p 64

-- |Constructor function for 'ScryptParams' with an additional parameter to
--  control the length of the derived key. Only use this function if you are
--  sure you need control over the length of the derived key. Use 'scryptParams'
--  instead.
    :: Integer -- ^ @log_2(N)@,
    -> Integer -- ^ @r@,
    -> Integer -- ^ @p@,
    -> Integer
    -- ^ Length of the derived key (the output of 'scrypt') in bytes.
    --   Must be greater than zero and less than or equal to @(2^32-1)*32@.
    -> Maybe ScryptParams
scryptParamsLen logN r p bufLen
    | valid     = Just Params { logN, r, p, bufLen }
    | otherwise = Nothing
    valid = and [ logN > 0, r > 0, p > 0
                , r*p < 2^(30 :: Int)
                , bufLen > 0, bufLen <= (2^(32 :: Int)-1) * 32
                -- allocation fits into (virtual) memory
                , 128*r*2^logN <= fromIntegral (maxBound :: CSize)

-- |Default parameters as recommended in the scrypt paper:
--  >   N = 2^14, r = 8, p = 1
--  Equivalent to @'fromJust' ('scryptParams' 14 8 1)@.
defaultParams :: ScryptParams
defaultParams = fromJust (scryptParams 14 8 1)

-- $password-storage
-- To allow storing encrypted passwords conveniently in a single database
-- column, the password storage API provides the data type 'EncryptedPass'. It
-- combines a 'Pass' as well as the 'Salt' and 'ScryptParams' used to compute
-- it into a single 'ByteString', separated by pipe (\"|\") characters. The
-- 'Salt' and 'PassHash' are base64-encoded. Storing the 'ScryptParams' with 
-- the password allows to gradually strengthen password encryption in case of
-- changing security requirements.
-- A usage example is given below, showing encryption, verification and
-- changing 'ScryptParams':
-- > >>> encrypted <- encryptPassIO defaultParams (Pass "secret")
-- > >>> print encrypted
-- > EncryptedPass {getEncryptedPass = "14|8|1|Wn5x[SNIP]nM=|Zl+p[SNIP]g=="}
-- > >>> print $ verifyPass defaultParams (Pass "secret") encrypted
-- > (True,Nothing)
-- > >>> print $ verifyPass defaultParams (Pass "wrong") encrypted
-- > (False,Nothing)
-- > >>> let newParams = fromJust $ scryptParams 16 8 1
-- > >>> print $ verifyPass newParams (Pass "secret") encrypted
-- > (True,Just (EncryptedPass {getEncryptedPass = "16|8|1|Wn5x[SNIP]nM=|ZmWw[SNIP]Q=="}))

combine :: ScryptParams -> Salt -> PassHash -> EncryptedPass
combine Params{..} (Salt salt) (PassHash passHash) =
    EncryptedPass $ B.intercalate "|"
        [ showBS logN, showBS r, showBS p
        , Base64.encode salt, Base64.encode passHash]
    showBS = B.pack . show

separate :: EncryptedPass -> Maybe (ScryptParams, Salt, PassHash)
separate = go . B.split '|' . getEncryptedPass
    go [logN', r', p', salt', hash'] = do
        [salt, hash] <- mapM decodeBase64 [salt', hash']
        [logN, r, p] <- mapM (fmap fst . B.readInteger) [logN', r', p']
        let bufLen = fromIntegral (B.length hash)
        params       <- scryptParamsLen logN r p bufLen
        return (params, Salt salt, PassHash hash)
    go _         = Nothing
    decodeBase64 = either (const Nothing) Just . Base64.decode

-- |Generate a random 32-byte salt.
newSalt :: IO Salt
newSalt = Salt <$> getEntropy 32

-- |Encrypt the password with the given parameters and a random 32-byte salt.
-- The salt is read from @\/dev\/urandom@ on Unix systems or @CryptoAPI@ on
-- Windows.
encryptPassIO :: ScryptParams -> Pass -> IO EncryptedPass
encryptPassIO params pass = do
    salt <- newSalt
    return $ encryptPass params salt pass

-- |Equivalent to @encryptPassIO defaultParams@.
encryptPassIO' :: Pass -> IO EncryptedPass
encryptPassIO' = encryptPassIO defaultParams

-- |Encrypt the password with the given parameters and salt.
encryptPass :: ScryptParams -> Salt -> Pass -> EncryptedPass
encryptPass params salt pass = combine params salt (scrypt params salt pass)

-- |Equivalent to @encryptPass defaultParams@.
encryptPass' :: Salt -> Pass -> EncryptedPass
encryptPass' = encryptPass defaultParams

-- |Verify a 'Pass' against an 'EncryptedPass'. The function also takes
--  'ScryptParams' meeting your current security requirements. In case the
--  'EncryptedPass' was generated with different parameters, the function
--  returns an updated 'EncryptedPass', generated with the given 
--  'ScryptParams'. The 'Salt' is kept from the given 'EncryptedPass'.
    :: ScryptParams
    -- ^ Parameters to use for updating the 'EncryptedPass'.
    -> Pass
    -- ^ The candidate 'Pass'.
    -> EncryptedPass
    -- ^ The 'EncryptedPass' to check against.
    -> (Bool, Maybe EncryptedPass)
    -- ^ Returns a pair of
    --     * 'Bool' indicating verification success or failure.
    --     * 'Just' a /new/ 'EncryptedPass' if the given 'ScryptParams' are
    --      different from those encapsulated in the /given/ 'EncryptedPass',
    --      otherwise 'Nothing'.
verifyPass newParams candidate encrypted =
    maybe (False, Nothing) verify (separate encrypted)
    verify (params,salt,hash) =
        let valid   = scrypt params salt candidate == hash
            newHash = scrypt newParams salt candidate
            newEncr = if not valid || params == newParams
                        then Nothing
                        else Just (combine newParams salt newHash)
        in (valid, newEncr)

-- |Check the 'Pass' against the 'EncryptedPass', using the 'ScryptParams'
--  encapsulated in the 'EncryptedPass'.
verifyPass' :: Pass -> EncryptedPass -> Bool
-- We never evaluate an eventual new 'EncryptedPass' from 'verifyPass', so it is
-- safe to pass 'undefined' to verifyPass.
verifyPass' pass encrypted = fst $ verifyPass undefined pass encrypted

-- $low-level
-- Bindings to a fast C implementation of 'scrypt'. For password storage,
-- consider using the more convenient higher-level API above.

-- |Calculates a hash from the given password, salt and parameters.
scrypt :: ScryptParams -> Salt -> Pass -> PassHash
scrypt Params{..} (Salt salt) (Pass pass) =
    PassHash <$> unsafePerformIO $
        B.useAsCStringLen salt $ \(saltPtr, saltLen) ->
        B.useAsCStringLen pass $ \(passPtr, passLen) ->
        allocaBytes (fromIntegral bufLen) $ \bufPtr -> do
            throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "crypto_scrypt" $ crypto_scrypt
                (castPtr passPtr) (fromIntegral passLen)
                (castPtr saltPtr) (fromIntegral saltLen)
                (2^logN) (fromIntegral r) (fromIntegral p)
                bufPtr (fromIntegral bufLen)
            B.packCStringLen (castPtr bufPtr, fromIntegral bufLen)

foreign import ccall unsafe crypto_scrypt
    :: Ptr Word8 -> CSize         -- password
    -> Ptr Word8 -> CSize         -- salt
    -> Word64 -> Word32 -> Word32 -- N, r, p
    -> Ptr Word8 -> CSize         -- result buffer
    -> IO CInt

-- |Note the prime symbol (\'). Calls 'scrypt' with 'defaultParams'.
scrypt' :: Salt -> Pass -> PassHash
scrypt' = scrypt defaultParams