module Database.Seakale.FromRow
( RowParser
, pmap, ppure, preturn, papply, pbind, pfail, pempty, por
, pbackend, pconsume
, FromRow(..)
, parseRows
, parseRow
, maybeParser
) where
import GHC.Generics
import GHC.Int
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import Database.Seakale.Types
data RowParser backend :: Nat -> * -> * where
GetBackend :: RowParser backend Zero backend
Consume :: RowParser backend One (ColumnInfo backend, Field backend)
Pure :: a -> RowParser backend Zero a
Bind :: RowParser backend n a -> (a -> RowParser backend m b)
-> RowParser backend (n :+ m) b
Or :: RowParser backend n a -> RowParser backend n a
-> RowParser backend n a
Fail :: String -> RowParser backend n a
pmap :: (a -> b) -> RowParser backend n a -> RowParser backend n b
pmap f = \case
GetBackend -> Bind GetBackend $ \x -> Pure $ f x
Consume -> Bind Consume $ \x -> Pure $ f x
Pure x -> Pure $ f x
Bind parser g -> Bind parser $ \x -> pmap f $ g x
Or par1 par2 -> Or (fmap f par1) (fmap f par2)
Fail msg -> Fail msg
instance Functor (RowParser backend n) where
fmap = pmap
ppure, preturn :: a -> RowParser backend Zero a
ppure = Pure
preturn = ppure
papply :: RowParser backend n (a -> b) -> RowParser backend m a
-> RowParser backend (n :+ m) b
papply pf px = Bind pf $ \f -> pmap (\x -> f x) px
pbind :: RowParser backend n a -> (a -> RowParser backend m b)
-> RowParser backend (n :+ m) b
pbind = Bind
pfail :: String -> RowParser backend n a
pfail = Fail
pempty :: RowParser backend n a
pempty = pfail "pempty"
por :: RowParser backend n a -> RowParser backend n a -> RowParser backend n a
por = Or
pbackend :: RowParser backend Zero backend
pbackend = GetBackend
pconsume :: RowParser backend One (ColumnInfo backend, Field backend)
pconsume = Consume
execParser :: RowParser backend n a -> backend
-> [(ColumnInfo backend, Field backend)]
-> Either String ([(ColumnInfo backend, Field backend)], a)
execParser parser backend pairs = case parser of
Pure x -> return (pairs, x)
GetBackend -> return (pairs, backend)
Consume -> case pairs of
pair : pairs' -> return (pairs', pair)
[] -> Left "not enough columns"
Bind parser' f -> do
(pairs', x) <- execParser parser' backend pairs
execParser (f x) backend pairs'
Or parser1 parser2 ->
let eRes1 = execParser parser1 backend pairs
eRes2 = execParser parser2 backend pairs
in case eRes1 of
Right _ -> eRes1
_ -> eRes2
Fail msg -> Left msg
class FromRow backend n a | a -> n where
fromRow :: RowParser backend n a
default fromRow :: ( Generic a, GFromRow backend ReadCon n (Rep a)
, n ~ (n :+ Zero) )
=> RowParser backend n a
fromRow =
gfromRow ReadCon Nothing `pbind` \case
Nothing -> pfail "GFromRow backend ?: error while parsing"
Just x -> ppure (to x)
data ReadCon = ReadCon
newtype DontReadCon = DontReadCon BS.ByteString
class GFromRow backend con n f | f -> n where
gfromRow :: con -> Maybe BS.ByteString -> RowParser backend n (Maybe (f a))
instance GFromRow backend con Zero V1 where
gfromRow _ _ = pfail "GFromRow backend V1: no value for GHC.Generic.V1"
instance GFromRow backend con Zero U1 where
gfromRow _ _ = ppure $ Just U1
instance (GFromRow backend con k a, GFromRow backend con l b, (k :+ l) ~ i)
=> GFromRow backend con i (a :*: b) where
gfromRow dbCon brCon =
gfromRow dbCon brCon `pbind` \ma ->
flip pmap (gfromRow dbCon brCon) (\mb -> ((:*:) <$> ma <*> mb))
instance (GFromRow backend DontReadCon k (a :+: b), 'S k ~ i)
=> GFromRow backend ReadCon i (a :+: b) where
gfromRow ReadCon brCon =
pconsume `pbind` \(_, f) -> case fieldValue f of
Nothing ->
pfail "GFromRow backend (a :+: b): found NULL in place of constructor"
Just con -> gfromRow (DontReadCon con) brCon
instance ( GFromRow backend DontReadCon k a, GFromRow backend DontReadCon l b
, (k :+ l) ~ i )
=> GFromRow backend DontReadCon i (a :+: b) where
gfromRow dbCon brCon =
gfromRow dbCon brCon `pbind` \ml ->
flip pmap (gfromRow dbCon brCon) $ \mr -> case (ml, mr) of
(Just l, _) -> Just $ L1 l
(_, Just r) -> Just $ R1 r
_ -> Nothing
instance (FromRow backend n a, SkipColumns backend n)
=> GFromRow backend DontReadCon n (K1 i a) where
gfromRow (DontReadCon con) = \case
Just con' | con == con' -> pmap (Just. K1) fromRow
_ -> pmap (const Nothing) skipColumns
instance FromRow backend n a => GFromRow backend ReadCon n (K1 i a) where
gfromRow ReadCon _ = pmap (Just. K1) fromRow
instance (Constructor c, GFromRow backend ReadCon n a)
=> GFromRow backend ReadCon n (M1 C c a) where
gfromRow dbCon _ = go undefined
go :: (Constructor c, GFromRow backend ReadCon n a)
=> M1 C c a b -> RowParser backend n (Maybe (M1 C c a b))
go m1 = pmap (fmap M1) $ gfromRow dbCon $ Just $ BS.pack $ conName m1
instance (Constructor c, GFromRow backend DontReadCon n a)
=> GFromRow backend DontReadCon n (M1 C c a) where
gfromRow dbCon _ = go undefined
go :: (Constructor c, GFromRow backend DontReadCon n a)
=> M1 C c a b -> RowParser backend n (Maybe (M1 C c a b))
go m1 = pmap (fmap M1) $ gfromRow dbCon $ Just $ BS.pack $ conName m1
instance GFromRow backend con n a => GFromRow backend con n (M1 D c a) where
gfromRow dbCon brCon = pmap (fmap M1) (gfromRow dbCon brCon)
instance GFromRow backend con n a => GFromRow backend con n (M1 S c a) where
gfromRow dbCon brCon = pmap (fmap M1) (gfromRow dbCon brCon)
class SkipColumns backend n where
skipColumns :: RowParser backend n ()
instance SkipColumns backend Zero where
skipColumns = ppure ()
instance (SkipColumns backend n, 'S n ~ m) => SkipColumns backend m where
skipColumns = pconsume `pbind` \_ -> skipColumns
parseRows :: RowParser backend n a -> backend -> [ColumnInfo backend]
-> [Row backend] -> Either String [a]
parseRows parser backend cols = mapM (parseRow parser backend cols)
parseRow :: RowParser backend n a -> backend -> [ColumnInfo backend]
-> Row backend -> Either String a
parseRow parser backend cols row = do
let pairs = zip cols row
snd <$> execParser parser backend pairs
instance FromRow backend One Null where
fromRow = pconsume `pbind` \(_, f) -> case fieldValue f of
Nothing -> preturn Null
Just _ -> pfail "expected NULL"
instance FromRow backend Zero (Vector Zero a) where
fromRow = preturn Nil
instance (FromRow backend One a, FromRow backend n (Vector n a))
=> FromRow backend ('S n) (Vector ('S n) a) where
fromRow = fromRow `pbind` \x -> pmap (\xs -> x `cons` xs) fromRow
instance Backend backend => FromRow backend Zero ()
bytestringParser :: RowParser backend One BS.ByteString
bytestringParser = pconsume `pbind` \(_, f) -> case fieldValue f of
Nothing -> pfail "unexpected NULL"
Just bs -> preturn bs
readerParser :: Read a => RowParser backend One a
readerParser = pconsume `pbind` \(_, f) -> case fieldValue f of
Nothing -> pfail "unexpected NULL"
Just bs ->
let str = BS.unpack bs
in case reads str of
(x,""):_ -> preturn x
_ -> pfail $ "unreadable value: " ++ str
instance FromRow backend One BS.ByteString where
fromRow = bytestringParser
instance FromRow backend One BSL.ByteString where
fromRow = pmap BSL.fromStrict bytestringParser
instance FromRow backend One T.Text where
fromRow = pmap TE.decodeUtf8 bytestringParser
instance FromRow backend One TL.Text where
fromRow = pmap (TL.fromStrict . TE.decodeUtf8) bytestringParser
instance FromRow backend One Int where
fromRow = readerParser
instance FromRow backend One Int8 where
fromRow = readerParser
instance FromRow backend One Int16 where
fromRow = readerParser
instance FromRow backend One Int32 where
fromRow = readerParser
instance FromRow backend One Int64 where
fromRow = readerParser
instance FromRow backend One Integer where
fromRow = readerParser
instance FromRow backend One Double where
fromRow = readerParser
instance FromRow backend One Float where
fromRow = readerParser
maybeParser :: forall backend k a. FromRow backend k (Vector k Null)
=> RowParser backend k a -> RowParser backend k (Maybe a)
maybeParser parser =
pmap Just parser
(pmap (\_ -> Nothing) (fromRow :: RowParser backend k (Vector k Null)))
instance (FromRow backend k a, FromRow backend k (Vector k Null))
=> FromRow backend k (Maybe a) where
fromRow = maybeParser fromRow
instance (FromRow backend k a, FromRow backend l b, (k :+ l) ~ i)
=> FromRow backend i (a, b) where
fromRow = (,) `pmap` fromRow `papply` fromRow
instance ( FromRow backend k a, FromRow backend l b, FromRow backend i c
, (k :+ l :+ i) ~ j )
=> FromRow backend j (a, b, c) where
fromRow = (,,) `pmap` fromRow `papply` fromRow `papply` fromRow