Name: seclib Version: 0.5 build-type: Simple License: BSD3 License-File: LICENSE Copyright: (c) 2008 ~ 2011 Alejandro Russo, Koen Claessen, John Hughes Author: Alejandro Russo, Koen Claessen, John Hughes Maintainer: Alejandro Russo < russo at chalmers dot se > Stability: experimental Synopsis: A lightweight library for Information-flow security in Haskell Category: Security Cabal-Version: >=1.6 Extra-source-files: Examples/SafeExample.hs, Examples/Example.hs, Examples/Downgrade.hs, GNUmakefile Description: The library is based on the paper /A Library for Light-weight Information-Flow Security in Haskell/ by Alejandro Russo, Koen Claessen and John Hughes. In Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN 2008 Haskell Symposium, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, September 2008. Source-repository head Type: git Location: Library Build-depends: base >= 4 && < 5, network >= 2.2 ghc-options: Exposed-modules: SecLib.Untrustworthy, SecLib.Trustworthy, SecLib.LatticeLH Other-modules: SecLib.Lattice, SecLib.Sec, SecLib.SecIO, SecLib.Declassification Extensions: MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances, FunctionalDependencies, TypeSynonymInstances