Module      : Crypto.Secp256k1
Description : Public SECP256K1 cryptographic functions
License     : PublicDomain
Maintainer  : root@haskoin.com
Stability   : experimental
Portability : POSIX

This module exposes crytpographic functions from Bitcoin’s secp256k1 library.
Depends on <https://github.com/bitcoin/secp256k1 secp256k1>.
module Crypto.Secp256k1
( -- * Messages
  Msg, msg, getMsg
  -- * Secret Keys
, SecKey, secKey, getSecKey, importSecKey, exportSecKey, pubKey
  -- * Public Keys
, PubKey, importPubKey, exportPubKey
  -- * Signatures
, Sig, importSig, exportSig
, signMsg, verifySig
  -- * Addition & Multiplication
, Tweak, tweak, getTweak
, tweakAddSecKey, tweakMulSecKey
, tweakAddPubKey, tweakMulPubKey
, combinePubKeys
) where

import           Control.Monad.Reader
import           Crypto.Secp256k1.Internal
import           Data.ByteString           (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString           as BS
import           Foreign
import           System.IO.Unsafe

-- | Internal public key data type.
newtype PubKey = PubKey (ForeignPtr PubKey64)

-- | Internal message data type.
newtype Msg = Msg (ForeignPtr Msg32)

-- | Internal signature data type.
newtype Sig = Sig (ForeignPtr Sig64)

-- | Internal secret key data type.
newtype SecKey = SecKey (ForeignPtr SecKey32)

-- | Internal tweak data type for addition and multiplication.
newtype Tweak = Tweak (ForeignPtr Tweak32)

instance Show PubKey where
    show = show . exportPubKey True

instance Show Msg where
    show = show . getMsg

instance Show Sig where
    show = show . exportSig

instance Show SecKey where
    show = show . getSecKey

instance Show Tweak where
    show = show . getTweak

instance Eq PubKey where
    fp1 == fp2 = getPubKey fp1 == getPubKey fp2

instance Eq Msg where
    fm1 == fm2 = getMsg fm1 == getMsg fm2

instance Eq Sig where
    fg1 == fg2 = getSig fg1 == getSig fg2

instance Eq SecKey where
    fk1 == fk2 = getSecKey fk1 == getSecKey fk2

instance Eq Tweak where
    ft1 == ft2 = getTweak ft1 == getTweak ft2

-- | Create internal message data from 32-byte 'ByteString'.
msg :: ByteString -> Maybe Msg
msg bs
    | BS.length bs == 32 = unsafePerformIO $ do
        fp <- mallocForeignPtr
        withForeignPtr fp $ flip poke (Msg32 bs)
        return $ Just $ Msg fp
    | otherwise = Nothing

-- | Create internal secret key data from 32-byte 'ByteString'.
secKey :: ByteString -> Maybe SecKey
secKey bs
    | BS.length bs == 32 = unsafePerformIO $ do
        fp <- mallocForeignPtr
        ret <- withForeignPtr fp $ \p -> do
            poke p (SecKey32 bs)
            ec_seckey_verify ctx p
        if isSuccess ret
            then return $ Just $ SecKey fp
            else return $ Nothing
    | otherwise = Nothing

-- | Create internal tweak data from 32-byte 'ByteString'.
tweak :: ByteString -> Maybe Tweak
tweak bs
    | BS.length bs == 32 = unsafePerformIO $ do
        fp <- mallocForeignPtr
        withForeignPtr fp $ flip poke (Tweak32 bs)
        return $ Just $ Tweak fp
    | otherwise = Nothing

-- | Get 32-byte secret key.
getSecKey :: SecKey -> ByteString
getSecKey (SecKey fk) = getSecKey32 $ unsafePerformIO $ withForeignPtr fk peek

getPubKey :: PubKey -> ByteString
getPubKey (PubKey fp) = getPubKey64 $ unsafePerformIO $ withForeignPtr fp peek

getSig :: Sig -> ByteString
getSig (Sig fg) = getSig64 $ unsafePerformIO $ withForeignPtr fg peek

-- | Get 32-byte message.
getMsg :: Msg -> ByteString
getMsg (Msg fm) = getMsg32 $ unsafePerformIO $ withForeignPtr fm $ peek

-- | Get 32-byte tweak.
getTweak :: Tweak -> ByteString
getTweak (Tweak ft) = getTweak32 $ unsafePerformIO $ withForeignPtr ft $ peek

-- | Read DER-encoded public key.
importPubKey :: ByteString -> Maybe PubKey
importPubKey bs = unsafePerformIO $ do
    useByteString bs $ \(b, l) -> do
        fp <- mallocForeignPtr
        ret <- withForeignPtr fp $ \p -> ec_pubkey_parse ctx p b l
        if isSuccess ret then return $ Just $ PubKey fp else return Nothing

-- | Encode public key as DER.  First argument 'True' for compressed output.
exportPubKey :: Bool -> PubKey -> ByteString
exportPubKey compress (PubKey pub) = unsafePerformIO $
    withForeignPtr pub $ \p -> alloca $ \l -> allocaBytes 65 $ \o -> do
        poke l 65
        ret <- ec_pubkey_serialize ctx o l p c
        unless (isSuccess ret) $ error "could not serialize public key"
        n <- peek l
        packByteString (o, n)
    c = if compress then compressed else uncompressed

-- | Read DER-encoded signature.
importSig :: ByteString -> Maybe Sig
importSig bs = unsafePerformIO $
    useByteString bs $ \(b, l) -> do
        fg <- mallocForeignPtr
        ret <- withForeignPtr fg $ \g -> ecdsa_signature_parse_der ctx g b l
        if isSuccess ret then return $ Just $ Sig fg else return Nothing

-- | Encode signature as DER.
exportSig :: Sig -> ByteString
exportSig (Sig fg) = unsafePerformIO $
    withForeignPtr fg $ \g -> alloca $ \l -> allocaBytes 72 $ \o -> do
        poke l 72
        ret <- ecdsa_signature_serialize_der ctx o l g
        unless (isSuccess ret) $ error "could not serialize signature"
        n <- peek l
        packByteString (o, n)

-- | Verify message signature. 'True' means that the signature is correct.
verifySig :: PubKey -> Sig -> Msg -> Bool
verifySig (PubKey fp) (Sig fg) (Msg fm) = unsafePerformIO $
    withForeignPtr fp $ \p -> withForeignPtr fg $ \g ->
        withForeignPtr fm $ \m -> isSuccess <$> ecdsa_verify ctx g m p

-- | Sign message using secret key.
signMsg :: SecKey -> Msg -> Sig
signMsg (SecKey fk) (Msg fm) = unsafePerformIO $
    withForeignPtr fk $ \k -> withForeignPtr fm $ \m -> do
        fg <- mallocForeignPtr
        ret <- withForeignPtr fg $ \g -> ecdsa_sign ctx g m k nullFunPtr nullPtr
        unless (isSuccess ret) $ error "could not sign message"
        return $ Sig fg

-- | Obtain public key from secret key.
pubKey :: SecKey -> PubKey
pubKey (SecKey fk) = unsafePerformIO $
    withForeignPtr fk $ \k -> do
        fp <- mallocForeignPtr
        ret <- withForeignPtr fp $ \p -> ec_pubkey_create ctx p k
        unless (isSuccess ret) $ error "could not compute public key"
        return $ PubKey fp

-- | Read BER-encoded secret key.
importSecKey :: ByteString -> Maybe SecKey
importSecKey bs = unsafePerformIO $
    useByteString bs $ \(b, l) -> do
        fk <- mallocForeignPtr
        ret <- withForeignPtr fk $ \k -> ec_privkey_import ctx k b l
        if isSuccess ret then return $ Just $ SecKey fk else return Nothing

-- | Encode secret key as BER.  First argument 'True' for compressed output.
exportSecKey :: Bool -> SecKey -> ByteString
exportSecKey compress (SecKey fk) = unsafePerformIO $
    withForeignPtr fk $ \k -> alloca $ \l -> allocaBytes 279 $ \o -> do
        poke l 279
        ret <- ec_privkey_export ctx o l k c
        unless (isSuccess ret) $ error "could not export secret key"
        n <- peek l
        packByteString (o, n)
    c = if compress then compressed else uncompressed

-- | Add tweak to secret key using ECDSA addition.
tweakAddSecKey :: SecKey -> Tweak -> Maybe SecKey
tweakAddSecKey (SecKey fk) (Tweak ft) = unsafePerformIO $
    withForeignPtr fk $ \k -> withForeignPtr ft $ \t -> do
        fk' <- mallocForeignPtr
        ret <- withForeignPtr fk' $ \k' ->  do
            key <- peek k
            poke k' key
            ec_privkey_tweak_add ctx k' t
        if isSuccess ret then return $ Just $ SecKey fk' else return Nothing

-- | Multiply secret key by tweak using ECDSA multiplication.
tweakMulSecKey :: SecKey -> Tweak -> Maybe SecKey
tweakMulSecKey (SecKey fk) (Tweak ft) = unsafePerformIO $
    withForeignPtr fk $ \k -> withForeignPtr ft $ \t -> do
        fk' <- mallocForeignPtr
        ret <- withForeignPtr fk' $ \k' ->  do
            key <- peek k
            poke k' key
            ec_privkey_tweak_mul ctx k' t
        if isSuccess ret then return $ Just $ SecKey fk' else return Nothing

-- | Perform ECDSA addition between the public key point and the point obtained
-- by multiplying the tweak scalar by the curve generator.
tweakAddPubKey :: PubKey -> Tweak -> Maybe PubKey
tweakAddPubKey (PubKey fp) (Tweak ft) = unsafePerformIO $
    withForeignPtr fp $ \p -> withForeignPtr ft $ \t -> do
        fp' <- mallocForeignPtr
        ret <- withForeignPtr fp' $ \p' ->  do
            pub <- peek p
            poke p' pub
            ec_pubkey_tweak_add ctx p' t
        if isSuccess ret then return $ Just $ PubKey fp' else return Nothing

-- | Perform ECDSA multiplication between the public key point and the point
-- obtained by multiplying the tweak scalar by the curve generator.
tweakMulPubKey :: PubKey -> Tweak -> Maybe PubKey
tweakMulPubKey (PubKey fp) (Tweak ft) = unsafePerformIO $
    withForeignPtr fp $ \p -> withForeignPtr ft $ \t -> do
        fp' <- mallocForeignPtr
        ret <- withForeignPtr fp' $ \p' ->  do
            pub <- peek p
            poke p' pub
            ec_pubkey_tweak_mul ctx p' t
        if isSuccess ret then return $ Just $ PubKey fp' else return Nothing

-- | Add multiple public keys together using ECDSA addition.
combinePubKeys :: [PubKey] -> Maybe PubKey
combinePubKeys pubs = unsafePerformIO $ pointers [] pubs $ \ps ->
    allocaArray (length ps) $ \a -> do
        pokeArray a ps
        fp <- mallocForeignPtr
        ret <- withForeignPtr fp $ \p ->
            ec_pubkey_combine ctx p a (fromIntegral $ length ps)
        if isSuccess ret
            then return $ Just $ PubKey fp
            else return Nothing
    pointers ps [] f = f ps
    pointers ps (PubKey fp : pubs') f =
        withForeignPtr fp $ \p -> pointers (p:ps) pubs' f